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    KEVIN00Sea Shepherd
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    The John Paul DeJoria has arrived in Freeport, Bahamas. Relief supplies will be unloaded after which the process of evacuating people from the most distressed areas will begin.

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    FB událost Sea Shepherd Czech Republic:
    Jako již tradičně budeme ukončovat sezónu stánkaření na Veggie Náplavce! Stavte se za námi na infostánku a vybavte se na přicházející podzim a zimu naším merchem a podpořte tak naše aktivity na ochranu Oceánů. Budeme se na Vás těšit!

    Sea Shepherd na Veggie Náplavce

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    Sea Shepherd's Recommendations Taken Seriously at CITES CoP 18
    Sea Shepherd's legal team took part in the world's most important conference on endangered wildlife trade to make recommendations to protect the vaquita porpoise from extinction, based on the NGO's extensive experience in the field.

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    You may have heard of the epic, record-shattering, 110-day chase of the infamous fishing vessel 'Thunder'. But what you may not have heard as much of, is the ship that stayed behind - The MV Sam Simon.
    Fighting Antarctic weather, the ship and her crew spent three weeks pulling up an illegal gill-net, set by the Thunder, from the icy depths of the Southern ocean, releasing 1400 fish and countless crabs in the process. The ship ended up recovering 72 kilometers of netting, most of which ended up being recycled into sneakers.

    LEARN more about Operation Icefish: http://bit.ly/2kj2wWv
    #SeaTheFacts as celebrities, conservationists and the facts themselves speak out against ocean atrocities.

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    Sea Shepherd boat crew gets ready to help in Bahamas
    Kevin Morales
    The M/V John Paul DeJoria is in George Town harbour aiming to soon begin assisting those in the Bahamas in the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian.
    “We’re running from Dorian at the moment,” said ship manager Tawd Bell, a crewmember on the former US Coast Guard Cutter now part of the marine conservation organisation Sea Shepherd. “But we’re also in the Caribbean on standby for Operation Good Pirate, which is our humanitarian aid campaign we do here during hurricane season, if there’s ever any hurricanes.”

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