Solidni overview :))
Climate Denier: "There's no relationship between CO2 and temperature whatsoever!
Anyone Who Considers the Scientific Evidence (AWCSE): "Except... we can see in the geological record the two are very closely related🤷♂️"
Climate Denier: "OK... but temperature change precedes CO2 change, so it's temperature that influences CO2, not the other way around.
AWCSE: "Except... we can clearly see they are mutually-reinforcing feedbacks, and anyway, from laboratory experiments we know that CO2 absorbs heat. You can literally do a DIY experiment at home and see it for yourself with your own eyes🤷♂️"
Climate Denier: "OK... but that's just in a lab environment, we don't have proof that it works it in the real world... The real world isn't a greenhouse!
AWCSE: "Except... it has been observed in the real world for over 200 years. Moreover, Earth is presently warming at an unprecedented pace alongside rapid CO2 increases🤷♂️"
Climate Denier: "OK... but that's a good thing, higher average temperatures and higher CO2 is good for plants! I ♥️ plants and I ♥️CO2!
AWCSE: "Except... higher average temperatures are changing weather patterns, and increasing the vapour pressure deficit, which is not good for plants, as it's a key factor in plant stress, drought severity, and wildfire risk... In fact, it's long been predicted that the land sink growth will slow down alongside warming, just as we have observed 🤷♂️"
Climate Denier: "OK... but CO2's warming effect saturates... further increases in concentration will have a smaller warming influence
AWCSE: "Except... The absorption band widens at higher CO2 levels, allowing more heat to be trapped, especially in the upper atmosphere where saturation hasn’t occurred🤷♂️"
Climate Denier: "OK, but we're currently in a CO2 famine. Without CO2 Earth would be too cold for humans
AWCSE: "Except... you started by saying CO2 doesn't influence temperature! Now you're admitting it does increase temperature!🤷♂️"
Climate Denier: "OK... but it's been warmer before, like during the Medieval Warm Period. So warmer temperatures are fine for humans.
AWCSE: "Except... the most recent scientific assessments of Holocene *global* surface temperatures show that it was NOT this warm for at least 125,000 years, probably much longer. Human beings, and certainly modern civilization and agricultural societies, have likely never experienced global temperatures this high, and it's only getting hotter...🤷♂️"
Climate Denier: "OK... but warmer temperatures are good. People like warmer climates and there will be less Cold Deaths
AWCSE: "Except... our infrastructure is not built for a much warmer climate, and it's warming very quickly. Our systems of production and cultures have evolved along the climate boundaries we've seen for the last few hundreds of years or longer. And the risks of heat stress, productivity losses, and damages from extreme weather are getting worse. We're on track for nearly 3C of warming above the pre-Industrial era by end of this Century... more if we don't reduce emissions🤷♂️"
Climate Denier: "OK... but there's no way of knowing what the global temperature was before the Industrial era. There were no satellites and very few weather stations
AWCSE: "Except... you just said a minute ago that it was warmer during the Medieval Warm Period... so clearly you DO think it's possible to determine pre-Industrial Global Surface Temperatures...🤷♂️"
Climate Denier: "OK... but the data showing it's warmer today is manipulated by climate scientists to suit their agenda and so they can receive grant money. I've seen the original raw station data from earlier this Century; they adjusted it afterwards to fit their narrative
AWCSE: "Except... there are similar data points from numerous independent assessments and scientific agencies all over the world... including corroborating non-temperature readings like the long term Cherry Blossom records in Japan. It would be virtually impossible for all these distinct scientific efforts to be in cahoots, secretly manipulating the data in a synchronized way...🤷♂️"
Climate Denier: "OK... but a lot of this data is from ghost stations - there actually isn't real data coming from those stations
AWCSE: "Except... you *just* said you had seen the original raw data, which you claimed was real prior to manipulation! No matter how you slice it, the world is warming ..🤷♂️"
Climate Denier: "OK... but the warming is because of the Urban Heat Island effect, not GHGs.
AWCSE: "Except... we have temperature records from rural areas and remote areas like the Arctic and Antarctica - where there are no cities - that show warming too... so clearly UHI can't explain all the warming, and you've already admitted above that GHGs warm the planet..🤷♂️"
Climate Denier: "OK... but there's no such thing as "global average temperature" - that is a meaningless term
AWCSE: "Except... once again you're contradicting what you just said a moment ago! Besides, we have tens of thousands of weather stations around the world, including in the oceans on floating buoys, not to mention satellite data and other proxies... Computer modelling can give us a fairly precise sense of global average temperature, especially for recent decades..🤷♂️"
Climate Denier: "OK... but the models are unreliable - all the models have been wrong so far.
AWCSE: "Except... the models have actually been pretty solid. Check out this chart showing early modelling estimates of global temperature trends based on assumptions about CO2 emissions trends...pretty close to the mark!🤷♂️"
Climate Denier: "OK... but there's no relationship between CO2 and temperature whatsoever!
AWCSE: "Except... oh FFS, never mind."