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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHODezinformace o klimatu // Rage Against the Fossil Machine
    TUHO --- ---
    O ruskych klimatickych dezinformacich na serveru Protiproud dneska longread na Voxpotu

    Analyzovali jsme tisíce článků jednoho z neúspěšnějších konspiračních serverů v Čechách. Je plný hororových zpráv o vyvražďovacích plánech západních elit, kterým chrabře vzdorují představitelé Ruska. Hned vedle překladů propagandistů putinovského režimu jsou mezi nejčastějšími přispěvateli Václav Klaus a jeho spolupracovníci.

    Satan, Klaus a lidské maso. Proč brát vážně konspirace šířené Protiproudem - VOXPOT: reportáže, které spojují Česko se světem
    TUHO --- ---
    Prof. Katharine Hayhoe
    I’ve been on Twitter since 2009. Until Oct 2022, my account steadily grew.
    Since converting to X, my engagement tanked, trolls soared, and account started shrinking.
    Now, as of this week, X is no longer my biggest platform: and that gap will just continue to grow.
    See you there - or on Bluesky!
    TUHO --- ---
    The People against the Sun? Ideology and Strategy in Far-Right Parties' Climate Obstruction of Solar Energy
    Far-right parties increasingly mobilize against climate action. While scholarship has initially focused on explicit climate denialism, by now research analyzes the opposition against specific climate policies. This article studies far-right parties’ positions on solar energy, the fastest growing renewable energy source in Europe. First, we examine the crucial case of the Alternative for Germany (AfD), a prominent example of climate obstruction. Second, we explore ten additional far-right parties from eight western European countries as shadow cases. Methodologically, we analyze 61 manifestos (2014–2023). The article makes three key contributions: First, it shows how far-right parties frame solar power. Second, it underlines the heterogeneity of positions among far-right parties over space and time. Third, it argues that variation in opposition and support indicates that positions towards solar power are driven rather by strategic considerations than by a common coherent ideological stance – an important finding for understanding far-right climate obstruction more broadly.

    TUHO --- ---
    He is now the frontman for powerful people on the right attempting to take over the world. And I was at their self-described replacement for the World Economic Forum: the second annual conference of the Alliance for Responsible Citizenship (ARC).

    Surrounding me were close to 3,000 people, mostly men in suits, who had paid £1,500 (about CAD $2,750) to attend. Elite conservative politicians from Canada, the U.K. and Europe, the U.S., including Mike Johnson, Chris Wright, Kemi Badenoch, and Candice Bergen gave speeches. Some congregated at VIP tables in the centre of the conference hall along with representatives from fossil fuel, tech and arms-dealing corporations. In the bleachers behind them, thousands of conservatives from around the world applauded Peterson's attacks on climate efforts, the sexual revolution and progressive politics.

    At a time of escalating climate disaster, this group is crafting a battle plan to destroy essential climate action in the name of ideology.


    “The West," she said, is facing a "civilisational moment," and the survival of countries and regions like Canada, Europe and the U.S. is on the line. Immigration is eroding the identity of western countries. Sexual freedom and "hedonism" have made Western youth nihilistic. Diversity, equity and inclusion, and the programs and policies that support them, are harming the West's Christian cultural foundations. Climate change isn't a crisis.

    I saw in this area Leslyn Lewis, an ultra-conservative and former Conservative Party of Canada leadership hopeful who is on the ARC board. I noticed former Australian conservative prime minister Scott Morrison, and I spotted a vice-president of AI at Microsoft.

    I was emotionally drained as the conference drew to a close. In my regular life, the constant flow of headlines about how right-wing politicians and businesspeople are dismantling vital environmental laws, attacking human rights and gender rights, destroying basic social services and abetting genocide is depressing. But plunging into ARC, where those very policies are celebrated, left me with too many hard questions.

    What will Peterson and his ARC mean for the climate if they manage to transform their vision into reality?

    I spent 3 days at Jordan Peterson’s anti-climate ARC conference. Here’s what I saw | Canada's National Observer: Climate News
    TUHO --- ---
    Automated fact-checking of climate claims with large language models

    Accurate identification of true versus false climate information in the digital age is critical. Misinformation can significantly affect public understanding and policymaking. Automated fact-checking seeks to validate claims against trustworthy factual data. This study tackles the challenge of fact-checking climate claims by leveraging the currently most capable Large Language Models (LLMs). To this end, we introduce CLIMINATOR, an acronym for CLImate Mediator for INformed Analysis and Transparent Objective Reasoning. It significantly boosts the performance of automated fact-checking by integrating authoritative, up-to-date sources within a novel debating framework. This framework provides a trustworthy and context-aware analysis incorporating multiple scientific viewpoints. CLIMINATOR helps identify misinformation in real time and facilitates informed dialog on climate change, highlighting AI’s role in environmental discussions and policy with reliable data

    Automated fact-checking of climate claims with large language models | npj Climate Action
    TUHO --- ---
    Rozsáhlá zpráva polské komise ustanovené premiérem Donaldem Tuskem mapuje ruskou propagandu v Polsku za posledních dvacet let. Jedním z klíčových cílů ruských útoků byla klimatická věda a snahy o odchod od fosilních paliv, které by omezily evropskou závislost na Kremlu.

    Podle zprávy je v Rusku kognitivní válka oficiálně uznaným prvkem vojenských operací s rozpočtem dvou až čtyř miliardy dolarů ročně. Ruské ozbrojené a zpravodajské síly provádějí tyto operace systematicky a po mnoha osách skrze propojený „dezinformační konglomerát“.

    Nejde jen o šíření dezinformací, ale cílené ovlivňování veřejného mínění, postojů obyvatel a politických či ekonomických procesů. Hlavním cílem jsou NATO, Evropská unie a vše, co ruské vedení považuje za „západní civilizaci“. Tu se snaží vykreslit jako represivní, nepřátelskou, dekadentní a demoralizovanou.

    Kromě známých dezinformačních témat se Rusko snaží podkopat důvěru veřejnosti ve vědu o klimatu, dekarbonizaci nebo stěžejní plány na snížení emisí skleníkových plynů. Rusko tak podkopává ekologické aktivity včetně cíle Polska snížit do roku 2040 emise o devadesát procent.

    V Polsku řádí ruské dezinformace. Nejvíc zasáhly debatu o klimatu - VOXPOT: reportáže, které spojují Česko se světem
    TUHO --- ---
    Solidni overview :))

    Climate Denier: "There's no relationship between CO2 and temperature whatsoever! #ClimateHoax"

    Anyone Who Considers the Scientific Evidence (AWCSE): "Except... we can see in the geological record the two are very closely related🤷‍♂️"

    Climate Denier: "OK... but temperature change precedes CO2 change, so it's temperature that influences CO2, not the other way around. #ClimateHoax"

    AWCSE: "Except... we can clearly see they are mutually-reinforcing feedbacks, and anyway, from laboratory experiments we know that CO2 absorbs heat. You can literally do a DIY experiment at home and see it for yourself with your own eyes🤷‍♂️"

    Climate Denier: "OK... but that's just in a lab environment, we don't have proof that it works it in the real world... The real world isn't a greenhouse! #ClimateHoax"

    AWCSE: "Except... it has been observed in the real world for over 200 years. Moreover, Earth is presently warming at an unprecedented pace alongside rapid CO2 increases🤷‍♂️"

    Climate Denier: "OK... but that's a good thing, higher average temperatures and higher CO2 is good for plants! I ♥️ plants and I ♥️CO2! #ClimateHoax"

    AWCSE: "Except... higher average temperatures are changing weather patterns, and increasing the vapour pressure deficit, which is not good for plants, as it's a key factor in plant stress, drought severity, and wildfire risk... In fact, it's long been predicted that the land sink growth will slow down alongside warming, just as we have observed 🤷‍♂️"

    Climate Denier: "OK... but CO2's warming effect saturates... further increases in concentration will have a smaller warming influence #ClimateHoax"

    AWCSE: "Except... The absorption band widens at higher CO2 levels, allowing more heat to be trapped, especially in the upper atmosphere where saturation hasn’t occurred🤷‍♂️"

    Climate Denier: "OK, but we're currently in a CO2 famine. Without CO2 Earth would be too cold for humans #ClimateHoax"

    AWCSE: "Except... you started by saying CO2 doesn't influence temperature! Now you're admitting it does increase temperature!🤷‍♂️"

    Climate Denier: "OK... but it's been warmer before, like during the Medieval Warm Period. So warmer temperatures are fine for humans. #ClimateHoax"

    AWCSE: "Except... the most recent scientific assessments of Holocene *global* surface temperatures show that it was NOT this warm for at least 125,000 years, probably much longer. Human beings, and certainly modern civilization and agricultural societies, have likely never experienced global temperatures this high, and it's only getting hotter...🤷‍♂️"

    Climate Denier: "OK... but warmer temperatures are good. People like warmer climates and there will be less Cold Deaths #ClimateHoax"

    AWCSE: "Except... our infrastructure is not built for a much warmer climate, and it's warming very quickly. Our systems of production and cultures have evolved along the climate boundaries we've seen for the last few hundreds of years or longer. And the risks of heat stress, productivity losses, and damages from extreme weather are getting worse. We're on track for nearly 3C of warming above the pre-Industrial era by end of this Century... more if we don't reduce emissions🤷‍♂️"

    Climate Denier: "OK... but there's no way of knowing what the global temperature was before the Industrial era. There were no satellites and very few weather stations #ClimateHoax"

    AWCSE: "Except... you just said a minute ago that it was warmer during the Medieval Warm Period... so clearly you DO think it's possible to determine pre-Industrial Global Surface Temperatures...🤷‍♂️"

    Climate Denier: "OK... but the data showing it's warmer today is manipulated by climate scientists to suit their agenda and so they can receive grant money. I've seen the original raw station data from earlier this Century; they adjusted it afterwards to fit their narrative #ClimateHoax"

    AWCSE: "Except... there are similar data points from numerous independent assessments and scientific agencies all over the world... including corroborating non-temperature readings like the long term Cherry Blossom records in Japan. It would be virtually impossible for all these distinct scientific efforts to be in cahoots, secretly manipulating the data in a synchronized way...🤷‍♂️"

    Climate Denier: "OK... but a lot of this data is from ghost stations - there actually isn't real data coming from those stations #ClimateHoax"

    AWCSE: "Except... you *just* said you had seen the original raw data, which you claimed was real prior to manipulation! No matter how you slice it, the world is warming ..🤷‍♂️"

    Climate Denier: "OK... but the warming is because of the Urban Heat Island effect, not GHGs. #ClimateHoax"

    AWCSE: "Except... we have temperature records from rural areas and remote areas like the Arctic and Antarctica - where there are no cities - that show warming too... so clearly UHI can't explain all the warming, and you've already admitted above that GHGs warm the planet..🤷‍♂️"

    Climate Denier: "OK... but there's no such thing as "global average temperature" - that is a meaningless term #ClimateHoax"

    AWCSE: "Except... once again you're contradicting what you just said a moment ago! Besides, we have tens of thousands of weather stations around the world, including in the oceans on floating buoys, not to mention satellite data and other proxies... Computer modelling can give us a fairly precise sense of global average temperature, especially for recent decades..🤷‍♂️"

    Climate Denier: "OK... but the models are unreliable - all the models have been wrong so far. #ClimateHoax"

    AWCSE: "Except... the models have actually been pretty solid. Check out this chart showing early modelling estimates of global temperature trends based on assumptions about CO2 emissions trends...pretty close to the mark!🤷‍♂️"

    Climate Denier: "OK... but there's no relationship between CO2 and temperature whatsoever! #ClimateHoax"

    AWCSE: "Except... oh FFS, never mind."

    TUHO --- ---
    Tohle je husty overview

    Climate and environmental science denial: A review of the scientific literature published in 1990–2015

    Denial of scientific findings is neither a new nor an unexplored phenomenon. In the area of environmental science and policy though, the research on denial has not been systematically summarized and analyzed. This article reviews 161 scientific articles on environmental and climate science denial published in peer reviewed international journals in the last 25 years and aims to both identify research gaps and enable learning on the phenomenon. Such knowledge is needed for the increasingly important task to provide effective response to science denial, in order to put an end to its influence on environmental policy making. The review, which is based on articles found in the databases Web of Science, Scopus and Philosopher's Index, shows that denial by far is most studied in relation to climate change, with a focus on Anglo-American countries, where this form of denial is most common. Other environmental issues and other geographical areas have received much less scientific attention. While the actors behind climate science denial, their various motives and the characteristics of their operations have been thoroughly described, more comparative research between issues and countries is needed in order to draw reliable conclusions about the factors explaining the peculiarities of denial. This may in turn lay the ground for developing and actually testing the effectiveness and efficiency of strategies to counter environmental science denial. Irrespective of the ambitions of environmental goals, science-based policies are always preferable. The scientific community therefore needs to increase its efforts to dismantle false claims and to disclose the schemes of denialists.

    TUHO --- ---
    How Oil Propaganda Sneaks Into TV Shows | Climate Town
    BASIK --- ---
    TUHO: Ja myslim, ze staci posledni veta: "A politikům to vyhovuje, protože než aby řešili problémy dneška, raději řeší problémy budoucnosti. Je to escapismus." :D
    TUHO --- ---
    To si asi necham az na zitra ,))

    Macinka: Člověk nemá zásadní vliv na klima. To je podvod a lež, vědci létají na kaviárové konference první třídou — Deník N
    TUHO --- ---
    Neco z ceskeho parlamentu

    EMISE CO2 : Jaký je vliv člověka a hospodářských zvířat na klimatické změny?
    ČÁST 2
    Seminář pořádá Ing. Radim Fiala ( SPD )
    Prof. Ing. Ladislav Bocak, Ph D – Catrin-CRH, biodiverzita, studium evoluce, člen Clintel.org
    Mgr. Václav Procházka Ph D - geochemik, pracující na FJFI ČVUT, zabývající se mj. ukládáním sluneční energie v zemské kůře.
    Dr.-Ing. Milan Urban – mezinárodně uznávaný architekt a urbanista, (Dopady GreenDeal na výstavbu v EU, nově zaváděné normy „A kde budeme bydlet?“)
    Mgr. Jiří Kobza, poslanec PSP, geolog
    28.5.2024 Poslanecká sněmovna PČR, Praha 1
    Petr Bureš TV a RaptorTV.cz
    Je vliv člověka na klimatické změny menší než 1%, a klesají nebo stoupají emise CO2? Jsou emise CO2 škodlivé nebo prospěšné, a v čem? Je pravda, že by bez emisí CO2 nevyrostla ani tráva? Může mít ideologická honba za snížením emisí CO2 v Evropě zničující dopad na ekonomiku, energetiku a životní prostředí? K čemu potřebujeme skleníkové plyny? Jsou opravdu škodlivé? Proč má krajina pokrytá lesy dostatek vody a zamezuje klimatickým změnám? Není úbytek zemědělské půdy v ČR, výstavba montoven a skladů skutečnou příčinou nedostatku vody a klimatických změn

    EMISE CO2 : Jaký je vliv člověka a hospodářských zvířat na klimatické změny? ČÁST 2 Seminář pořádá Ing. Radim Fiala ( SPD ) Prof. Ing. Ladislav Bocak,... | By Raptor-TV.cz
    TUHO --- ---
    Kind of related

    Na stejné brněnské adrese jako Noční vlci až do roku 2023 oficiálně sídlila Radkovičova druhá firma Fasterito, která vlastní mikulovský nevěstinec Casanova. Na webu podniku ještě tehdy veřejně visely profily dívek s jejich nahými fotografiemi a výpisem toho, jaké praktiky poskytují. Hodina sexu stála téměř tři tisíce korun. Zároveň nevěstinec za pomoci inzerce k práci prostitutek lákal mladé dívky s tím, že si vydělají až 150 tisíc měsíčně.

    Reportéry zajímalo, jak se „rozvoj tradičních evropských hodnot, zejména vlastenectví, křesťanství a rodiny“, které vetkl Radkovič do stanov spolku Nočních vlků, slučují s nevěstincem.

    Byznys českých Nočních vlků: prostituce, lichva a státní dotace - Seznam Zprávy
    TUHO --- ---
    German authorities revealed that hundreds of cars in German were sabotaged by a group of three men who operated for the Russian state. After damaging the cars they left messages pointing at the Green Party.

    The aim has been to further divide Germany and propel the hyper-partisanship, which especially the Pro-Russian AfD picks up.

    It is similar to the migration debate which Russia fueled for decades, sometimes even bombing refugee tracks to the West in order to enable the rise of right-wing movements which overwhelmingly support Russian interests, especially the treasonous AfD, which has been caught numerous times to work together with the Russian enemy.

    TUHO --- ---
    Zatímco Bc. Filip Turek usilovně hledá svoji bakalářskou práci, na Facebooku exceluje jeho souputník Petr Macinka. Ten se rozhodl vyvrátit vědecké poznatky, že za současné oteplení může lidská aktivita. Přitom za pouhou jednu minutu zvládl říci sedm nepravd.
    Petr Macinka je od roku 2022 předsedou strany Motoristé sobě a jde o dlouholetého spolupracovníka bývalého prezidenta Václava Klause.
    Jaké mýty o klimatu a oteplování šíří?

    Nepravda 1: „Nemyslím si, že antropogenní emise mohou soutěžit třeba s měnící se intenzitou slunečního záření.“
    To s přehledem můžou, především proto, že intenzita slunečního záření poslední desetiletí klesá. Má tedy ochlazující vliv a za současné ohřívání nemůže.

    Sedm nepravd Petra Macinky za jednu minutu o oteplování planety
    ARAON --- ---
    TUHO: Pokazde kdyz nekde vidim nekoho mluvit o tom, ze si ve stredoveku (nebo notabene jeste mohem pozdeji) lide mysleli, ze je Zeme placata, vim ze je mluvi idiot, jehoz ostatni nazory pravdebodobne nasledkem toho budou tez idiotske.
    TUHO --- ---
    exEPH jak se na vec koukaj lidi, ktery investujou do fosilu. prklo (btw ani v tom 15. stoleti si lidi nemysleli, ze je placata, spor byl o to jestli je nebo neni stredem slunecni soustavy / vesmiru)

    Myslíte, že k oteplování klimatu nedochází?
    To určitě netvrdím, ale jsem přesvědčený o tom, že kdybychom se bavili o emisích skleníkových plynů obecně, tak je vliv CO2 vzniklého v důsledku lidské činnosti na skutečné oteplování klimatu velmi malý, a nebyl objektivně popsán.
    Když se na situaci podíváte dlouhodobější optikou, a ne optikou klimatického alarmismu posledních 20 let nebo 30 let, tak není vyloučeno, že jestliže dochází k oteplování planety jako k objektivnímu jevu, tak je primárně způsobeno něčím jiným než lidskou činností.

    Každopádně ale mohu říci, že strategie Evropské unie na snižování emisí CO2 je z mého pohledu zcela iracionální a reálně ekonomiku EU zásadně poškozuje.
    Dnes jsme se bohužel dostali spíše do úrovně náboženství. A nedej Bůh, že je někdo ochoten nahlas vyslovit jiný názor, než odpovídá všeobecně přijímanému narativu. Mně tady chybí skutečná vědecká diskuse nad objektivními fakty, nezkreslená zájmy vlivových skupin na všech stranách. A také schopnost formulovat přijatelné a dlouhodobě fungující řešení, bez nějakých líbivých zkratek, bez toho, že bychom současně ignorovali následky nevratných kroků, které činíme.

    V 15. století byla shoda na tom, že je Země placatá. Osobně bych uvítal skutečně vědeckou diskusi, nedeformovanou zájmy vlivových skupin, ale to nevím, zda je ještě reálné, už se z toho celosvětově stal obrovský byznys.
    Je ale myslím zřejmé, že na cestě, kterou jsme jako Evropa zvolili, zůstáváme zcela osamoceni. A přitom cena, kterou platíme a budou platit generace našich dětí, je nesmyslně vysoká a z hlediska skutečného přínosu obtížně obhajitelná. Ty prostředky by se daly využít globálně nepoměrně efektivněji a s dramaticky větším účinkem a mohly mít přesně opačný efekt pro evropskou ekonomiku.

    TUHO --- ---
    The Playbook
    How to Deny Science, Sell Lies, and Make a Killing in the Corporate World

    'This brilliantly subversive and witty book lays bare the techniques of manipulation and disinformation that keep the rich and powerful rich and powerful. . . A landmark book' Brian Eno

    'Very funny, as satire should be, until you realise it's deadly serious' Adam Rutherford, BBC Radio 4 Start the Week

    Knowledge is power. Which is why the rich and powerful don't want you to have it.

    The Playbook is an exposé of the extraordinary lengths that corporations will go to in order to spread disinformation and deny the scientific facts - around climate change, public health risks and worker safety - when they don't suit their agenda.

    Written in the form of a corporate handbook for tobacco, oil and pharmaceutical company executives, it is a litany of obfuscation techniques, denial, delays and outright lies, including: how to recruit an academic 'expert' who is willing to compromise their integrity (or is just short of cash), how to massage the statistics, how to use legal and even physical intimidation against reporters and activists, and how, just as in a casino, to keep your customers comfortable, unquestioning, unthinking and playing along for as long as possible.

    Part satire, part social history, part guide to resistance, The Playbook is a charge sheet against the powerful. It shows us how, by understanding the methods and motives of disinformation campaigns, we may be able to outwit them.

    Jennifer Jacquet
    TUHO --- ---
    Climate Denial in American Politics is a detailed examination of the rise within American politics of climate denialism, the counter movement which challenges the accepted science of climate change.

    Organized around the administrations of American presidents from Roosevelt to Biden, this book provides an unprecedented account of climate denial within both the White House and Congress, and the ‘climate brawls’ that followed. This volume is a rebuke to discredit the climate denier, their propaganda, and their sources. Gerald Kutney examines the evolution of American political thought on climate change and provides a comprehensive survey and analysis of the sordid history of the propaganda which has promoted climate denial and corrupted politicians in America. He uses direct quotes from primary sources, such as government records, to show the extreme and pervasive nature of anti-science opinions made by political climate deniers and limit any misinterpretation that might result from paraphrasing. Weaving the account of climate denialism in American politics with anecdotes from Kutney’s own decade-long experience of challenging climate deniers on Twitter using #ClimateBrawl, this book provides a valuable insight into the world of climate obstruction.

    Climate Denial in American Politics will be of great interest to students and scholars of climate change, environmental politics and American politics more broadly.

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