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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHODezinformace o klimatu // Rage Against the Fossil Machine
    TUHO --- ---
    Haha, Kretinskeho info.cz obevilo fluorid sirovy, ktery ano je velmi ucinny sklenikovy plyn, ale jehoz prispevek k oteplovani je nekde kolem 0,002-0,004 w/m2 ... Kdezto u CO2 to je cca 1,5 w/m2

    Fluorid sírový je vůbec nejsilnějším skleníkovým plynem, který přispívá ke globálnímu oteplování. Emise tohoto syntetického plynu, který je pro klima mnohem nebezpečnější než oxid uhličitý, přitom v posledních letech prudce vzrostly.

    INFO.CZ | Skrytá cena energetického přechodu: používání skleníkového plynu horšího než oxid uhličitý
    TUHO --- ---
    Back in December 2019, two conspiratorial worldviews collided as, for the first time, QAnon’s Q suggested his followers should question anew a topic that, by now, has been considered, and reconsidered, for decades: climate change.

    “The Paris Agreement on Climate is Another Scam to Ripoff Taxpayers and Enrich the Politicians,” the Q-Drop (the term QAnon followers use to refer to messages they believe come from some sort of government insider who signs messages with the letter Q) claimed, labeling climate action a “con.”

    In May, a second Q-Drop riffed on climate change, with a link to a snarky tweet about science and the Swedish teen climate activist Greta Thunberg by a would-be House Republican who’d lost her primary race in March.

    Both of those Q-Drops were picked up by a report commissioned by a coalition of environmental groups and conducted by the research firm Graphika, which found that a group of vocal climate science deniers began using QAnon hashtags in May — and they haven’t stopped since.

    “The QAnon movement hasn’t traditionally covered climate change, but in May, when an influential QAnon account tweeted about climate denial, there was a notable and sustained increase of QAnon content shared within the climate denial group,” Michael Khoo, an advisor on disinformation for the environmental group Friends of the Earth, and Melissa Ryan, CEO of CARD Strategies and author of the Ctrl Alt-Right Delete weekly newsletters, wrote in an article published today on Medium.

    GOJATLA --- ---
    IPCC: the dirty tricks climate scientists faced in three decades since first report
    TUHO --- ---
    Mining company Adani secretly sought to raid the Brisbane home of an activist to seize evidence but failed twice, court documents have revealed.
    Adani and its Carmichael Rail Network applied for a search order, known as an Anton Piller order, against Benjamin Pennings in June this year.
    It claimed Mr Pennings had possession of "confidential information on a computer at his home" which was being used in a concerted campaign of "intimidation and conspiracy" against the Galilee Basin coal project.

    TUHO --- ---
    mate nekdo zkusenosti s touto appkou? resp jde vam vubec stahnou? ,))

    Home | Misinformation-Fighting, AI-powered News & Fact Checking

    TADEAS --- ---
    GOJATLA: je treba rozjet (self generated) biogas agitku

    The Most BEAUTIFUL Biogas Stove Ever
    GOJATLA --- ---
    Tohle už je starší, ale nemělo by to zapadnout. Oni opravdu neznají žádné meze :-P

    The Gas Industry Is Paying Instagram Influencers to Gush Over Gas Stoves – Mother Jones
    TUHO --- ---
    Nejaky starsi nonsense z ekoaktivistickych kruhu. Aneb Juraj Lukac z Lesoochranarskeho uskupeni VLK pred 13 lety...
    Skoda, ze tam nema zdroje konkretne u tvrzeni, zajimalo by me, kde prisel na to, ze prumerna teplota se zvysila o 7 °C za stoleti (imho porovnava lokalni mereni s globalni teplotou)

    Za posledných sto rokov sa priemerná teplota zvýšila o 0,7 °C. Pred asi
    dvanástisíc päťsto rokmi sa zvýšila priemerná teplota júla o 7 °C za storočie!
    Zmena teploty bola desaťnásobne rýchlejšia ako dnes. Januárové teploty za
    rovnakú dobu stúpli o neuveriteľných 20 stupňov! Toto otepľovanie bolo náhle
    prerušené dvestoročným veľmi výrazným ochladením. Potom, pred desaťtisíc rokmi,
    stúpla priemerná ročná teplota o 7 °C za 50 rokov. Dvadsaťkrát väčšia zmena ako
    dnes. O takýchto tepelných hojdačkách, vysoko prevyšujúcich súčasné otepľovanie,
    samozrejme veľmi dobre vie aj Jean Jouzel.

    Existuje vedecká zhoda, že takéto klimatické zmeny v minulosti boli a určite
    budú aj v budúcnosti. Nezávisle od človeka. Zmeny klímy vždy boli, ale na druhej
    strane nikdy neprekročili isté hranice. Napríklad produkcia tepla Slnkom stúpla
    o 25% od tej doby, čo na Zemi vznikol život. Teplota zemskej atmosféry, ale toto
    stúpanie nesleduje, zostáva v „mantineloch“ priaznivých pre život počas štyroch
    miliárd rokov.

    A tak by nás možno vôbec nemalo vzrušovať stúpanie alebo klesanie teploty o 0,7
    °C za sto rokov, ale mali by sme sa zaoberať mechanizmami ktoré toto kolísanie
    klímy udržujú miliardy rokov v medziach prijateľných pre život.
    Nedeje sa tak.
    Titulné stránky novín zaberá globálne otepľovanie, Kjoto a náš hrdinský minister
    životného prostredia bojujúci za zvýšené kvóty emisií.
    Prečo? Odpoveď možno nie je potrebné hľadať vo vede, ale v politike. Odpoveďou
    je možno jediné slovo.

    Páni sveta - Juraj Lukáč (blog.sme.sk)
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Lomborg doubles Nordhaus’s estimates of the costs of global action and concludes that the “optimal” level of global warming, balancing both damages and emissions cuts, would be 3.75C by 2100.

    This calculation made me laugh out loud because modern humans have no evolutionary experience of the climate that would be created by such a temperature rise. The last time the Earth was more than 2C warmer than pre-industrial times was during the Pliocene epoch, three million years ago, when the polar ice caps were much smaller and global sea level was 10 to 20 metres higher than today. Only lukewarmers would claim that modern humans are best suited to a prehistoric climate!

    In short, these new books truly deserve their place on the bookshelf among other classic examples of political propaganda.
    TUHO --- ---
    Recenze novyho Lomborga a Shellenbergera

    It is no longer credible to deny that the average temperature around the world is rising and that other phenomena, such as extreme weather events, are also shifting. People can now see with their own eyes that the climate is changing around them.

    Nor is it tenable to deny that the Earth’s warming is driven by increasing levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, resulting from human activities, such as the production and burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. Such denial is only now promoted by cranks and conspiracy theorists who also think, for instance, that the Covid-19 pandemic is linked to the development of the 5G network.

    So instead, a different form of climate change denial is emerging from the polemical columns of rightwing newspapers. They paint a Panglossian picture of manmade climate crisis that will never be catastrophic as long as the world grows rich by using fossil fuels. The “lukewarmers” are on the march and coming to a bookshop near you.

    False Alarm by Bjorn Lomborg; Apocalypse Never by Michael Shellenberger – review | Books | The Guardian
    TUHO --- ---
    The podcast Drilled investigates the propaganda campaign of the century — the creation of climate denial.

    Season 1 traced the corporate-funded creation and spread of climate denial, including interviews with former Exxon scientists, primary source documents, and an in-depth look at the history of fossil fuel-funded influence campaigns.
    Season 2: Hot Water follows a group of West Coast crab fisherman who are experiencing firsthand the devastating impacts of climate change. And this unlikely group of climate activists just became the first industry to sue Big Oil.
    Season 3: The Mad Men of Climate Denial digs into the history of fossil fuel propaganda and the few “Mad Men of climate denial” who shaped it.

    The podcast is independently reported by climate journalist Amy Westervelt, and is supported in part by a grant from the Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development.

    Drilled: A True Crime Podcast About Climate Change | DeSmog
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Paul Edwards je autor jedny z top studii o klimaticke vede nazvane "A Vast Machine"
    TUHO --- ---
    Truth Under Siege: Climate Knowledge in an Age of Transparency, Skepticism, and Science Denial
    GOJATLA --- ---
    Article by Michael Shellenberger mixes accurate and inaccurate claims in support of a misleading and overly simplistic argumentation about climate change
    Six scientists analysed the article and estimate its overall scientific credibility to be 'low'.
    A majority of reviewers tagged the article as: Cherry-picking, Misleading.
    TUHO --- ---
    In a letter of resignation filed on Friday afternoon, Murdoch wrote: “My resignation is due to disagreements over certain editorial content published by the company’s news outlets and certain other strategic decisions.”

    News Corp’s News UK division owns the Times, the Sunday Times and the Sun newspapers. Its other assets include Dow Jones, the owner of the Wall Street Journal, broadsheet newspaper the Australian, and the Australian tabloids the Daily Telegraph, the Herald Sun and the Courier-Mail.

    James Murdoch resigns from board of News Corp | Media | The Guardian
    TUHO --- ---
    The underlying reason people dismiss climate science, it turns out, has more to do with political identity than logic. In fact, the more intelligent people are, the more polarized they tend to be on climate change. When they’re challenged, Democrats and Republicans alike simply use their smarts to justify their beliefs. Confirmation bias is a powerful thing.

    It’s not just that Democrats and Republicans in Congress have different priorities when it comes to the climate crisis — they also use different styles of persuasion. A study published in the journal Environmental Politics earlier this month breaks down the differences along partisan lines. With the help of machine learning, Guber and her colleagues analyzed millions upon millions of words from Congressional floor speeches from 1996 until 2015.

    They found that Democrats tend to make arguments about climate change backed up by facts and evidence, while Republicans tend to tell stories, using imagery, emotional appeals, and humor to sway people to their side. According to Guber, Republicans are “communicating in ways that may ultimately be more effective.”

    One chilly day in February 2015, Senator James Inhofe, a Republican from Oklahoma, unwrapped a snowball on the Senate floor. After noting that he kept hearing the previous year was the hottest on record, he held it up, asking “You know what this is? It’s a snowball, just from outside here. So it’s very, very, cold out. Very unseasonable.” Then he threw it at the Senate president. “Catch this!”

    Inhofe’s speech was widely ridiculed. The Daily Show’s host Jon Stewart mocked Inhofe by saying, “Clearly if global warming was a problem, I would only be able to grab lava balls.”

    Sure, Inhofe was conflating weather with climate. But it’s hard to contradict the existence of a snowball, Guber said. It was ridiculous, but it got a lot of attention.

    “That’s a prime example of using that vivid imagery to communicate something about climate change that certainly isn’t true,” she said, “but the truth of it doesn’t really matter to the audience.”


    TUHO --- ---
    Networks of Opposition: A Structural Analysis of U.S.Climate Change Countermovement Coalitions 1989–2015*
    Robert J. Brulle, Brown University

    The climate change countermovement (CCCM) in the United States has exerted an important influence on delaying efforts to address climate change. Analyses of this countermovement have primarily focused on the role of conservative think tanks. Expanding this research, this article initiates an examination of the structure of key political coalitions that worked to oppose climate action. In conjunction with their allied trade associations, these coalitions have served as a central coordination mechanism in efforts opposed to mandatory limits on carbon emissions. These coalitions pool resources from a large number of corporations and execute sophisticated political and cultural campaigns designed to oppose efforts to address climate change. Through an analysis of twelve prominent CCCM coalitions from 1989 to 2015, I show that over 2,000 organizations were members of these coalitions and that a core of 179 organizations belonged to multiple coalitions. Organizations from the coal and electrical utility sectors were the most numerous and influential organizations in these coalitions. The article concludes with suggestions for further research to expand understanding of complex social movements and countermovements...

    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO --- ---
    Petr Hajek opet ohlasuje (uz pres deset let ostatne) prichod male doby ledove, tka si poridte kabaty :))

    „Sluneční aktivita letos klesne na nejnižší úroveň za posledních 200 let, což může vést k anomáliím v počasí či jeho projevů. Například až nečekaně silná ochlazení, místy též prudké větry. Předpovídají to vědci amerického Národního úřadu pro letectví a vesmír (NASA) i z jiných odborných pracovišť.“
    Přichází doba ledová?
    A tak, zatímco Greténi stávkují proti oteplování (a politici od OSN přes Brusel až po Prahu tančí podle jejich pubertálních not), stojíme dosti pravděpodobně před skutečným problémem, jenž může přinést skutečné nesnáze: nebude dost slunečního svitu, začne váznout produkce potravin a nebude dost energie (nemluvě o tom, že její cena raketově poroste). O ranách způsobených slunečními erupcemi ani nemluvě. Jenom jediná z nich „správně“ obrácená k Zemi, je s to způsobit skutečnou katastrofu: vyřazení satelitů a elektronických zařízení, respektive „blackout“ na celých kontinentech.
    Ještě jednou ocitujme část ze zprávy, která z médií zmizela právě tak záhadně, jak se v nich nečekaně objevila:
    „Pokud by nižší množství slunečního záření trvalo déle, projevilo by se to podle odborníků na klimatickém systému, ačkoli některé výpočty napovídají, že by ochlazení nebylo výrazné a globální oteplování by údajně nezastavilo.

    TUHO --- ---
    Riaditeľ komunikačného odboru Philip Morris Victor Han v memorande pre Ellen Merlo uviedol: " Bez významnej, koncentrovanej snahy odhaliť slabosti EPA, bez úsilia o vybudovanie podstatných a rozumných pochybností ... prakticky všetky ostatné snahy ... značne stratia na efektivite."
    V roku 1993 by nikto nepokladal EPA za dokonalú organizáciu, nikto by si nemyslel, že neexistujú zbytočné regulácie, ktoré treba zrušiť; tvrdili to aj jej obhajcovia. Tabakový priemysel však nechcel, aby EPA pracovala lepšie a rozumnejšie; chceli ju zlikvidovať. Han prišiel k záveru, že "dôveryhodnosť EPA je možné zničiť. No nie iba na základe samotného pasívneho fajčenia. To musí byť časťou mozaiky, ktorá sústredí úsilie všetkých nepriateľov EPA proti nej v jednej chvíli." Táto mozaika bola čoskoro vytvorená.
    "Vedecký odpad" sa stal hlavnou komunikačnou linkou Stevena J. Milloya (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Milloy ) a skupiny nazvanej TASSC - The Advancement of Sound Science Coalition - ktorej cieľom je, v protiklade s jej názvom, nie napredovanie vedy, ale jej diskreditácia. Milloy, ktorý sa neskôr stal komentátorom Fox News, bol spojený s Cato Institute a ešte predtým bol lobistom vo firme Multinational Business Service (MBS), ktorú začiatkom deväťdesiatych rokov najala Philip Morris aby jej pomohla pri obrane pasívneho fajčenia. Medzi hlavných vedeckých poradcov TASSC patrili Fred Singer a Fred Seitz. Milloy písal články pre Wall Street Journal a iné periodiká obhajújúce záujmy veľkého biznisu, vytvoril webovú stránku JunkScience.com (VedeckýOdpad.com) ktorá bez problémov útočila na akúkoľvek vedu, ktorá sa zaoberala zdravím a životným prostredím. Nezáležalo na tom, kto vedu robil, či EPA, WHO, Americká národná akadémia vied, alebo uznávaní vedci na univerzitách. Ak výsledky ohrozovali bezpečnosť nejakého biznisu. Milloy na nich zaútočil.
    Prístupom "analýzou k paralýze" sa snažili znefunkčniť normálne fungovanie vedeckých výskumov, požadovali stopercentné potvrdenia výsledkov, žiadali aby EPA stanovila hranicu pod ktorou fajčenie neškodí, obviňovali EPA a vedcov zo zadržiavania informácií, chceli od nich obrovské množstvá záznamov a analýz, zahlcovali ich nezmyselnými požiadavkami. Analýzou k paralýze.
    Ako sa v tom mal bežný človek vyznať?! Aj dnes... ako sa má v tom bežný človek vyznať?

    Veda či paveda? - Anton Kovalčík (blog.sme.sk)
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam