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    TUHODezinformace o klimatu // Rage Against the Fossil Machine
    TUHO --- ---
    An influential thinktank that has led the backlash against the government’s net zero policy has received funding from groups with oil and gas interests, according to tax documents seen by the Guardian and OpenDemocracy.
    Though the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) has always said it is independent of the fossil fuel industry, the revelations about its funding will raise questions over its campaigning.
    The thinktank has always refused to disclose its donors, but tax documents filed with US authorities reveal that one of its donors has $30m (£24m) of shares in 22 companies working in coal, oil and gas

    Climate sceptic thinktank received funding from fossil fuel interests | Climate crisis | The Guardian
    TUHO --- ---
    muze se hodit ,)

    How to Talk to a Science Denier | The MIT Press
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Trosku jsem se doptaval .]

    Oto Hudec
    svojho casu som na nejakom inom fcb fore o tom viedol diskusiu, skusim zhrnut: je to proruska sekta, ktora zacala tusim na ukrajine. Velka cast ich diskurzu je postavena na bliziacej sa klimatickej katastrofe, ale podla nich nie je sposobena clovekom. Obcas sa tvaria vedecky, organizuju “konferencie”, dokonca si ziskali par renomovanych vedcov na prednasky. Nie je iste, ci ti vedci vedeli do coho idu.. ale zaroven tvrdia, tusim, ze su v kontakte s vyssimi mimozemskymi bytostami.. Ja ich evidujem v klimatickych skupinach, kde pravidelne postuju ich videa a prichadzaju stale nove profily. Inak maju bohate mnozstvo materialov na nete, da sa v tom celkom stratit..
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Jinak jak se tam odkazuji na ruske zdroje a Valeryie Malinina, tak mi pripomina, ze v celych tehle ignorance / denial kruzich je dost podzkoumany neUS a neevropsky kontext.

    Tady nejaky souhrny clanek k ruskemu verejnemu diskurzu. Ale zajimaly by me teda i dalsi kulturni / mocensky / nezapadni okruhy

    In this article we examine Russia’s recent public discourse on climate change, with a special focus on the arguments denying anthropogenic climate change. We scrutinise the ways in which denial arguments presented in the media are tied to the changing Russian political and economic context, especially the increasingly authoritarian turn in governance during President Vladimir Putin’s third term in office (Putin 2.0). We conclude that the Russian discourse on climate change emphasises Russia’s Great Power status, identifying its sovereignty and fossil energy as the basis of this status. This discourse refers to key categories, including Russia’s national identity and the spatial–material characteristics of the Russian state.

    TUHO --- ---
    A nejaka novinka, to bude labuzo .) Za tyden je konference. O ty Creative society nekdo slysel?

    Mýtus o CO₂ | Ľudia, bojujete s nesprávnym problémom...
    TUHO --- ---
    (PDF) Klimatické vězení - článek o specifickém envirokonspiračním metanarativu
    TUHO --- ---
    But it was intriguing when I saw that a print ad was proudly trumpeting a "new" book that promised to explain "why there is ZERO evidence linking carbon dioxide to climate change." The intrigue arose from the fact that the book's author has been dead for over two years.
    A quick search revealed that the supposedly new book was a not-quite-new edition of one originally published in 1997. Figuring out why it was being advertised now took me down a rabbit hole of domain registrations and paid newsletters that all led back to an unexpected source: Newsmax, best known for operating one of the Trumpier broadcasting outfits in the US.

    Newsmax using climate change outrage to lure paid newsletter subscribers | Ars Technica
    TUHO --- ---
    How high-profile scientists felt tricked by group denying climate change - BBC News
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: dal jsem prvni dil a je to slusnej prehled. dost rozhovoru s vedcema z ropnyho prumyslu, ktery delali na klimatickym vyzkumu, v osmdesatejch letech varovali management - a ten rozjel zastiraci kampan, ktera na verejnost tvrdila pravej opak… je to smutny videt 80lety stariky, ktery delali velky objevy, nejlepsi vedci ty doby a jejich praci totalne pohrbili zmrdi v kravatach
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Over three episodes – called Denial, Doubt, Delay – the series charts corporate manipulation of science, public opinion and politicians that mirrors conduct by other industries, from big tobacco to the pharmaceutical companies responsible for America’s opioid epidemic.

    Some of those interviewed shamefacedly admit their part in the decades-long campaign to hide the evidence of climate change, discredit scientists and delay action that threatened big oil’s profits. Others almost boast about how easy it was to dupe the American public and politicians, with consequences not just for the US but every country on the planet.

    What emerges is a picture of a political system so compromised by corporate money that even when it finally appears that truth will win out, reality is swiftly smothered.
    TUHO --- ---
    ‘What we now know … they lied’: how big oil companies betrayed us all | Documentary | The Guardian

    The Power of Big Oil Part One: Denial (full documentary) | FRONTLINE
    TUHO --- ---
    Dneska servirujem lahudky aneb Petr Pokorny u Dana Vavry

    Proti Větru s Danem Vávrou #7 Paleoekolog Petr Pokorný 2 ČÁST

    Proti Větru s Danem Vávrou #6 Paleoekolog Petr Pokorný 1.část
    TUHO --- ---
    This thought-provoking Handbook provides a theoretical overview of the wide variety of anti-environmentalisms and offers an integrative research agenda for future research on the topic. Probing the ways in which groups have organized to oppose environmental movements and pro-environmental policies in recent decades, it examines those involved in these countermovements and studies their motivations and support systems. This Handbook explores core topics in the field, including contestation over climate change, wind power, mining, forestry, food sovereignty, oil and gas pipelines and population issues.

    Handbook of Anti-Environmentalism
    TADEAS --- ---
    Oil majors are cooking their books on climate emissions

    New research teases apart the tricks Big Oil uses to fudge emissions accounting in their climate plans.
    TUHO --- ---
    Marek Stoniš
    17. 4.
    Jsou dezinformace, které se ve školách říkat nesmí: “Děti, v Kyjevě se nic neděje.” A jsou dezinformace, které se ve školách říkat naopak musí: “Děti, planeta kvůli člověku hoří a do pěti let shoříte s ní.”
    MATHEZ --- ---
    V Kyjevě se nic neděje, tvrdila učitelka. Děti ji tajně nahrály. Přijde o práci - Seznam Zprávy

    Hodinu slohu v 8. třídě na pražské Základní škole Na Dlouhém Lánu využila minulý týden učitelka Martina Bednářová k výkladu na téma válka na Ukrajině. Dětem ovšem místo pravdivých faktů předkládala lži šířené ruskou propagandu.

    Jakmile začali argumentovat, že viděli ve zprávách, že Kyjev hoří, zeptala se jich, zda myslí zprávy České televize a pak jim začala vysvětlovat, že si informace musejí hledat ve více zdrojích. „ČT 1 patří do skupiny médií, které jsou vázány na miliardáře Sorose. A o tom víme přesně, komu ten je poplatný,“ reagovala Bednářová.
    HRAFNAIN --- ---
    TADEAS: K tomuhle doporucuju serie Cosmos, jak tu puvodni (Carl Sagan), tak ty dve novejsi (Neil DeGrass Tyson).
    Me coby laikovi to dost otevrelo oci, nejen co se klimatu tyka.

    Cosmos (1980) | ČSFD.cz

    Kosmos - časoprostorová odysea (2014) | ČSFD.cz

    Kosmos: Možné světy (2020) | ČSFD.cz
    TUHO --- ---
    The past decade has seen a significant shift in the attitudes of UK newspapers towards climate change, according to new analysis undertaken by Carbon Brief.
    Drawing from a database of more than 1,300 editorials, which are the formal “voice” of a newspaper, this work examines how the language used to describe human-caused climate change, as well as renewables, fracking and nuclear power, has shifted since 2011.

    The analysis shows that the number of editorials calling for more action to tackle climate change has quadrupled in the space of three years, mirroring a wider increase in news coverage of the topic. Nowhere has this shift been more apparent than among the nation’s right-leaning newspapers.

    Analysis: How UK newspapers changed their minds about climate change
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO --- ---
    On February 22, 1989, Duane LeVine, Exxon’s manager of science and strategy, gave a presentation to the company’s board of directions. Governments around the world had banded together to save the ozone layer by phasing out chemicals used in aerosol sprays and refrigerators, LeVine said. And fossil fuels could be targeted next.
    It was a pivotal moment: Seven months before, during an unusually hot summer, James Hansen, then director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, had warned Congress that the signs of global warming were already upon us, making the issue front-page news across the country. By the end of the year, politicians had introduced 32 climate bills in Congress, and the United Nations had established the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a group of scientists and policymakers intended to put global climate policy in motion.
    In light of these developments, LeVine advised Exxon to temper the public’s growing concern for the planet with “rational responses” — not only arguing that the science wasn’t settled, but also emphasizing the “costs and political realities” of addressing rising emissions. In other words, the main problem wasn’t fossil fuel emissions, but that doing anything about them would cost too much.

    How the oil industry cast climate policy as an economic burden | Grist
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