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    TUHODezinformace o klimatu // Rage Against the Fossil Machine
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    Nejaka twitterova inteligence

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    starsi clanek o fosilnim lobbingu

    The fossil fuel industry, political lobbyists, media moguls and individuals have spent the past 30 years sowing doubt about the reality of climate change - where none exists. The latest estimate is that the world’s five largest publicly-owned oil and gas companies spend about US$200 million a year on lobbying to control, delay or block binding climate policy.

    The five corrupt pillars of climate change denial
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    Spis nez dezinformace, tak artwashiing sice, ale presto...

    BP’s sponsorship of the British Museum has ended after 27 years, new disclosures make clear, bringing to a close one of the highest-profile and most controversial of such deals in recent years, and marking the almost complete retreat of the fossil fuel giant from the British arts world.

    British Museum ends BP sponsorship deal after 27 years | British Museum | The Guardian
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    He could decide the future of Royal Mail. And you’ve probably never heard of him
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    ehm, kind od related.

    „Pozitivní ovlivňování podoby legislativy tak, aby nepoškozovala zájmy klienta,“ nabízí na svých stránkách společnost Pemo Consulting. Její jediný majitel a jednatel Petr Břicháček má skutečně přístup ke špičkám nejsilnější vládní strany, dělá totiž asistenta šéfovi poslanců ODS Marku Bendovi. Ani jeden z nich v tom nevidí problém.

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    Polar bears and climate change: What does the science say?
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    An Esquire Essential Book on Climate Change

    From the founder of the Climate Outreach and Information Network, a groundbreaking take on the most urgent question of our time: Why, despite overwhelming scientific evidence, do we still ignore climate change?

    “Please read this book, and think about it.” --Bill Nye

    Most of us recognize that climate change is real yet we do nothing to stop it. What is the psychological mechanism that allows us to know something is true but act as if it is not? George Marshall’s search for the answers brings him face to face with Nobel Prize-winning psychologists and Texas Tea Party activists; the world’s leading climate scientists and those who denounce them; liberal environmentalists and conservative evangelicals. What he discovers is that our values, assumptions, and prejudices can take on lives of their own, gaining authority as they are shared, dividing people in their wake.

    With engaging stories and drawing on years of his own research, Marshall argues that the answers do not lie in the things that make us different, but rather in what we share: how our human brains are wired--our evolutionary origins, our perceptions of threats, our cognitive blind spots, our love of storytelling, our fear of death, and our deepest instincts to defend our family and tribe. Once we understand what excites, threatens, and motivates us, we can rethink climate change, for it is not an impossible problem. Rather, we can halt it if we make it our common purpose and common ground. In the end, Don’t Even Think About It is both about climate change and about the qualities that make us human and how we can deal with the greatest challenge we have ever faced.

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    related: vyuzivani AI k nojinproti dezinformacim

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    In this empirical study, we collected about 6.8 million tweets that mentioned “fake news”, and we extracted references to climate change and/or global warming to understand the public discourses around these two issues. Using a mixed method, the study’s findings show that there is a clear politically polarized discussion on climate change. We found that the majority of tweets focus on the United States context though references to other Western coutnries are often made. The anti-Liberal or anti-Democratic online community was more active on Twitter than the anti-conservative or anti-Republican community. Also, more than half the examined most retweeted posts contained claims about climate change being a natural cycle or even denying it exists, while about a third of these tweets stated that climate change was anthropogenic. The implications of the study are discussed, we argue that fake news as a term has a hollow meaning as it is used as a buzzword to discredit opponents and further the political agenda of different parties not only in the United States but also in other Western countries like Australia.

    Frontiers | Twitter’s Fake News Discourses Around Climate Change and Global Warming
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    What the new “Climate Declaration” doesn't tell us (nudge nudge, wink wink)
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    Poucna debata od Rahmstorfa s AfD. Vystupuje i oblibeny denier graf od Schonwieseho

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    rok zpatky a analyza pana tykace, co se stane kdyz se vypne rusky plyn?

    Tykač: Vypnout ruský plyn? Proti nepokojům by byl listopad 1989 jen drobným představením - YouTube
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    Továrna na lži - Alarm e-shop
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    Tady jeste dobry rozbor Smilovych tvrdych claimu:

    [PAN_SPRCHA @ Věci Veřejné - Fiala nelhal, jen říkal něco, co nemohl udělat.]

    + jeste treba zde
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    Diplomka z FHS o aktuální české klimaskepsi

    Diplomová práce

    Práce se věnuje tématu klimaskepse v současné české politice a klade si za cíl popsat, jakým způsobem je utvářen a produkován narativ popírání antropogenní příčiny změny klimatu. První část práce je zaměřena zejména na popis vzniku a pozadí klimaskepse v českém i mezinárodním kontextu se zvláštním důrazem na úlohu ideologií. Druhá část práce prostřednictvím kritické diskursivní analýzy rétoriky Alexandra Vondry, Jana Zahradníka, Václava Klause ml. a Tomia Okamury popisuje a interpretuje klíčové symptomy klimaskeptického diskursu vybraných politiků, dominantní způsoby rámování i diskursivní strategie, které jsou užívány k popírání antropogenní příčiny změny klimatu i odmítání klimatické politiky. Posledním cílem práce je popsat, v jakých aspektech se jazykové prostředky vybraných zástupců konzervativní pravice prolínají či liší s jazykem krajně pravicových populistů.

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    Historie popirani - od holocaustu, funkcnosti vakci po klimatickou zmenu...

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    Lol a tady si posloucham rozhovor se Smilem a ten tvrdi, ze nejlepsi zpusob dekarbonizace by bylo, kdybysme zacali dodavat Cine spoustu zemniho plynu, aby ho pouzivala misto uhli. Coz by postupne vedlo k absolutni dekarbonizaci (v 5:16). To by me zajimalo ja, asi Smil objevil zpusob spalovani bez spalovani.

    Profesor Smil: Evropa mě nezajímá, protože vymírá. Nechápu strach z migrantů - CNN Prima NEWS
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