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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHODezinformace o klimatu // Rage Against the Fossil Machine
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    Atlas Network a kriminalizace protestu

    Meet the Shadowy Global Network Vilifying Climate Protesters | The New Republic
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    British Gas advisers caught making false promises about ‘green’ boilers | openDemocracy
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    PANTARIL: tohle je vtipna “kauza”, tady je vic rozebrana na carbon brief

    Factcheck: Scientists pour cold water on claims of ‘journal bias’ by author of wildfires study - Carbon Brief
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    Uznávaný americký odborník na klima zaskočil vědeckou obec, když se pokusil ukázat, že jednostranný klimatický narativ podle něj ovládá odborné časopisy. Vědec úmyslně upravil svou studii tak, aby zdůrazňovala vliv globálního oteplování. Šéfredaktorka časopisu Nature odmítla toto jednání jako „nezodpovědné“ a ohradila se proti tomu, že by měli preferovaný narativ.


    Brown je členem klimaticko-energetického týmu soukromé neziskové organizace Breakthrough Institute, která se zabývá výzkumem technologických řešení environmentálních problémů, a to včetně posílení role jaderné energie. O svém postoji se rozepsal v sérii příspěvků na síti X.

    Nadsadil roli klimatu a dostal studii do žurnálu. Chtěl prý poukázat na předsudky ve vědě, časopis se ohradil — ČT24 — Česká televize
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    K praci Willieho Soona

    Willie Soon is a name that pops up every so often in climate ‘debate’. He was the lead author on the Soon and Baliunas (2003) paper (the only paper that has ever led to the resignation of 6 editors in protest at the failure of peer-review that led to its publication). He was a recent speaker (from 37.20) at the 2011 Heartland Institute conference, and can be counted on to produce a contrarian take on any particular issue that anyone might care about – ranging from climate, to mercury in fish and polar bear population dynamics.

    Recently, there has been a renewed focus on how much money Willie Soon has taken from fossil fuel companies for his ‘research’ (over a $1 million dollars). While that is impressive, the real issue is not how he gets paid, but the quality of his science. The discussion last week about his finances did lead people to notice his publically accessible website where he has posted papers, emails, calculations and reviews going back to 2003 (Update: since this piece was posted, many items have been blocked. We have switched the links to saved versions). There is quite a lot of interesting stuff there, including a few curious tidbits.

    RealClimate: How Soon is now?
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Studie GTK + debunk

    INFO.CZ | Green Deal není v současné podobě proveditelný, spočítala respektovaná agentura. Nemáme čas ani potřebné zdroje

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    WHO INVENTED CLIMATE DENIAL?: In this Origin Story podcast, i newspaper columnist Ian Dunt and journalist Dorian Lynskey explored the origins of climate change denial.

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    The internet is awash with misinformation about the climate crisis, even as its effects on the planet couldn’t be more clear. The summer of 2023 is officially the hottest on record, the World Meteorological Organization reported this week. That historic heat has fueled deadly extreme weather across large swaths of the world and pushed global sea temperatures to record highs, disrupting ocean ecosystems and putting countless marine species at risk.

    In fact, more than 3.8 billion people—or nearly half the world’s population—experienced extreme heat between June and August that was made more likely because of human-caused climate change, according to a new analysis by Climate Central. This week alone, Britain recorded its hottest day of the year so far and several regions in the United States are once again under heat advisories, as yet another series of brutal heat waves test struggling power grids, damage critical water systems and raise the cost of doing business in industries like farming.

    Experts Warn of ‘Denialism Comeback’ Ahead of November’s Global Climate Talks - Inside Climate News
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    Heat denial: influencers question validity of high temperatures | Climate crisis | The Guardian
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    "We cannot debunk our way out of an infodemic. One doesn’t fix a polluted information stream simply by diluting it with truth. You have to remove the source of the pollution."

    How Big Tech Helps Promote Disinformation—And How It Can Help Stop It ‹ Literary Hub
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    Po pandemických nastúpia zelené či klimatické lockdowny. Hoax scéna si opäť ide svoje (KOMENTÁR)
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    Free market fundamentalisti kolem Atlas Network jsou nejcastejsi lihni climate denial. 37 procent z nich take prijalo donations od tabakoveho prumyslu

    Amid growing academic and policy interest in the influence of think tanks in public policy processes, this article demonstrates the extent of tobacco industry partnerships with think tanks in the USA, and analyzes how collaborating with a network of think tanks facilitated tobacco industry influence in public health policy. Through analysis of documents from tobacco companies and think tanks, we demonstrate that the Atlas Economic Research Foundation, a network of 449 free market think tanks, acted as a strategic ally to the tobacco industry throughout the 1990s. Atlas headquarters, while receiving donations from the industry, also channeled funding from tobacco corporations to think tank actors to produce publications supportive of industry positions. Thirty‐seven per cent of Atlas partner think tanks in the USA received funding from the tobacco industry; the majority of which were also listed as collaborators on public relations strategies or as allies in countering tobacco control efforts. By funding multiple think tanks, within a shared network, the industry was able to generate a conversation among independent policy experts, which reflected its position in tobacco control debates. This demonstrates a coherent strategy by the tobacco industry to work with Atlas to influence public health policies from multiple directions. There is a need for critical analysis of the influence of think tanks in tobacco control and other health policy sectors, as well as greater transparency of their funding and other links to vested interests.

    The atlas network: a “strategic ally” of the tobacco industry - PMC
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    Odložím si tady jeste pana Radovan Kazda .)

    Som klimaskeptik - Radovan Kazda - (blog.sme.sk)
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    American Petroleum Institute po zprave, ktera varovala o problematice globalniho oteplovani pro Lyndona Johsnona v roce 1965:

    The warning is clear and dire — and the source unexpected. “This report unquestionably will fan emotions, raise fears, and bring demand for action,” the president of the American Petroleum Institute (API) told an oil industry conference, as he described research into climate change caused by fossil fuels.
    “The substance of the report is that there is still time to save the world’s peoples from the catastrophic consequence of pollution, but time is running out.”

    'Time is Running Out,' American Petroleum Institute Chief Said in 1965 Speech on Climate Change - DeSmog
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    Dalsi slusnosta

    Klimatická apokalypsa. Zamysli se | #tvorivaspolecnost
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    Dalsi pohodicka od Allatra. Po svete chodi pes proroka, klimaticky Kerberos!!! .))

    PROSÍM, SDÍLEJTE 💙 Přišel čas mluvit otevřeně... 🔥 Tímto videem se obracím ke všem, kdo slyší a cítí… A ostatní mě klidně nazývejte bláznem. Na... | By Markéta Vacková
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