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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHODezinformace o klimatu // Rage Against the Fossil Machine
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: My sme les

    Už nás je 45 000! K tomu sa pod našu výzvu pripojilo 59 organizácií a vyše 170 vedcov a odborníkov zo SAV, Prif UK, TUZVO, národných parkov atď. Rudolf Huliak s jeho podporovateľmi sa síce z našej petície smejú, lebo on mal predsa až 58 000 krúžkov.
    Tak po prvé, za chvíľu ho pokojne prekrúžkujeme. Po druhé, Huliak na svojich krúžkoch pracoval mesiace (vlastne roky) počas predvolebnej kampane. My sme sa na toto číslo dostali za 5 dní! Naznačuje to, že ďaleko viac ľudí na Slovensku sa nestotožňuje s tým, čo Rudolf Huliak predstavuje.
    A ukazuje to ešte jednu vec: ľuďom téma ochrany prírody nie je vonkoncom ukradnutá! Dnes podpíšu petíciu, zajtra prídu na protest, a pozajtra... uvidíme, čo bude treba. Sme si istí, že ak nová vláda začne ničiť naše spoločné životné prostredie, títo ľudia už ticho nebudú! A my, keďže z ministerstva napriek Huliakovým konšpiráciám nemáme ani cent, rovnako.
    Ďakujeme, že petíciu šírite ďalej!

    Otvorený list NR SR a vláde SR k budúcemu ministrovi životného prostredia - Peticie.com
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Pro fajnsmekry tady pekny sestrih od Deniku N #Huliak

    Denník N on Instagram: "Zloženie vlády Roberta Fica ešte nie je uzavreté, v koalícii Smeru, Hlasu a SNS stále rokujú o finálnej zostave. U budúceho premiéra musia zohľadniť aj to, že všetky mená nemu...
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Rudolf Huliak, ktorý sa spomína ako kandidát na ministra životného prostredia za SNS, šíri na Facebooku nenávisť voči ochranárom, klimatickým aktivistom a LGBTI+ ľuďom. Hovorí aj o obesení, pohrabličkovaní a rozprášení mŕtvoly v mori.

    Navádzal na obesenie ochranára. Kto je možný minister životného prostredia Rudolf Huliak (+ video)
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: A k Huliakovi a byznys lobby

    Na slovenskom dreve bohatnú osoby z daňových rajov, bývalému patriotovi to však neprekáža. - Marián Hletko - (blog.sme.sk)
    TUHO --- ---
    Tohle bude la-ho-da! Huliak hardcore konspiracni antisemita, kterej veri, ze svet ovladaj zidovsti kanibalove. Bude super ministr zivotniho prostredi

    TUHO --- ---
    A major investigation published earlier this month by DeSmog and Politico revealed the high volume of meetings held by six key EPP parliamentarians. It found the farming industry had an average of two meetings a week with those politicians since 2020, as the EU negotiated flagship reforms to protect nature and climate.

    DeSmog has now gone deeper, mapping the extensive personal and professional ties between the group of six conservative MEPs and groups linked to the agriculture industry.

    We chose to highlight the parliamentarians’ connections to the most powerful EU actors that are hostile to plans to cut pesticides – a group that includes the biggest farming unions. In addition, we included agricultural groups to which MEPs had personal ties.

    Mapped: The Deep Ties Between Big Ag and Europe’s Right-Wing Politicians - DeSmog
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS: Na instituce to zatim moc nevypada, tam to ani nevypada(ale ty maj obecne nejakou setrvacnost). U jednotlivcu to melo celkem ohlas. Celkove ale tenhle debunk dela silnejsi nepratele nez pratele… Lidi, ktery makaj pro Kretinskyho si nas treba zacinaj vsimat a uz se nas snazej diskreditovat, verejne i vnitrne rozklizovat etc
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: dobrá práce

    zajímalo by mě, jestli s veřejností bude takhle komunikovat i něldo z těch CZ institucí a např tě podpoří :)
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: to tam lynnas cupuje, ale taky treba rict, ze:

    None of this should be read as undermining the case for acting against the climate emergency, and there are many pieces of science that could be cited in support of the urgency of our predicament. Tim Lenton and co-authors, for example, recently presented new figures quantifying the “human cost of global warming” in a May 2023 paper in the (very relevant) journal Nature Sustainability. Crucially, this paper does not attempt a projected death toll (which is likely an impossible task) but instead uses a climatologically meaningful concept of the ‘human climate niche’, and calculates how many humans will be exposed to “unprecedented heat” by the end of the century in different emissions scenarios. There are many more papers I could cite.

    Getting the science right will strengthen ratherp than weaken the case for climate activism, both in the public mind and in court. The problem is not that the science is insufficiently clear and urgent to make the moral case for activism, it is that governments and people refuse to recognise the implications of the science.
    TUHO --- ---
    Tentokrat neco z jine strany - debunk prepalenych claimu Rogera Hallama o 1 miliarde mrtvych pri 2C otepleni

    A billion deaths at two degrees? Why climate activists should make a special effort to get the science right - Mark Lynas
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Obsahly debunk chyb Petra Pokorneho zde.

    Vojtěch Pecka: Klimatické omyly Petra Pokorného - Ekolist.cz

    Ci pripadne v twitterovem vlakne
    TUHO --- ---
    Starsi Nafeez Ahmed na Le Monde Diplomatique

    New evidence reveals how a tightly concentrated global network of politicians and corporations with close ties to the Trump administration is working on behalf of powerful US fossil fuel interests in Britain and Europe.

    Several candidates who were in the running to become the next British Prime Minister — Boris Johnson, Jeremy Hunt, Dominic Raab, Michael Gove, Andrea Leadsom, and Steve Baker — are part of this pro-Trump network.

    The evidence comes thanks to a network map produced by independent investigative media outlet DeSmog UK, exposing for the first time the astonishing array of connections between President Donald Trump, right-wing lobbies in the US, and far-right parties in the UK and Europe.

    Published after a leaked recording showed US secretary of state Mike Pompeo threatening to interfere in British democracy to block opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn, the map unveils the extent to which US corporate lobbies with a direct line to senior Trump officials are backing both mainstream British politicians and European far-right extremists.

    How US climate deniers are working with far-right racists to hijack Brexit for Big Oil, by Nafeez Ahmed (Le Monde diplomatique - English edition, June 2019)
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: kdybyste nevedeli, tak:

    Moderní diesely už fungují tak, že pomalu čistí prach ze vzduchu, který požírají
    TUHO --- ---
    Dalsi dobrota od lokalnich paleoekologu (typek publikuje s pokornym btw)

    tady je to odemceny pro zajemce. neni to takova silenost jako pokorny, ale stale velmi vachrlaty.
    podle sidy bysme meli casem (horizonty tisicu ci spise desetitisicu let) vstoupit do dalsi doby ledove (obecne pravda, pokud bycjom tu nemeli antropogenni emise, ten cas je ale otazka).
    pak ale tvrdi, ze jsme na konci doby ledove (to asi tezko antropo emise ji odlozili zrejme min o desitky tisic let, nektery vyzkumy naznacujou, ze cela ta glacial-interglacial oscilace konci na neznamo dlouhou dobu)

    Petr Šída: Směřujeme do doby ledové - iDNES.cz
    TUHO --- ---
    The Cultural Production of Climate Disinformation
    A Social Network Analysis of the NIPCC

    This master thesis in media and communication studies examines the production and dissemination of disinformation regarding climate change. Utilizing a synthesis of social network analysis, cultural industries, and disinformation studies. It is a study of the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change and its production of texts. Arguing that this is a form of cultural production and should be studied as such. Conducting a social network analysis to illustrate the network structure behind the production and asking the question of how and why this is occurring. Exploring themes of post-truth, scientific realism, and conspiracy theories. The result of the study concludes that the NIPCC is producing and disseminating climate disinformation. Providing an outline of the process and chain of production. Further suggesting that it is financed by economic and political elites through a system of patronage as a means of protecting their interests. Lastly discussing the function production of disinformation serves as “corrupted infrastructures of meaning” supporting alternative epistemological realities.
    Disinformation, climate change, post-truth, social network analysis, The Cultural Industries, climate communication, NIPCC,

    TADEAS --- ---
    Spravedlivá zelená transformace českých uhelných regionů a nový klimaskepticismus – A2larm
    SEJDA --- ---
    TUHO: prezidentka by mu musela dat povereni a to se nestane
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: originalita lvl twitterbot
    TUHO --- ---
    hele tohle je pravdepodobnej novej ministr zivotniho prostredi na slovensku. si ho tedka posloucham a to bude velka legrace. co2 enviromafia je nasteoj na ovladnuti sveta skupinou 60 psychopatu a jejich rodint, jsou to uchylove a kanibalove, chtej nas ovladnout skrz gender ideologii a legalizovat kanibalismus… no mam za sebou tak pet minut

    Rudolf Huliak o životnom prostredí, klíme a neprispôsobivých
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Czech minister warns over attacks by newspaper co-owned by Daniel Křetínský

    Jozef Síkela accuses billionaire of using his media assets to criticise government’s acquisition of gas pipeline operator
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam