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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHODezinformace o klimatu // Dont confuse me with the facts!
    TUHO --- ---
    Tak, asi to patri i sem .)

    V uvolněné atmosféře konce šedesátých let minulého století, éře hippies a našeho narození, začala nová levice svůj dlouhý „pochod institucemi“. V poslední dekádě sklízíme trpké plody tohoto jejich tažení.
    Strategii vymyslel komunistický politik a marxistický filozof Antonio Gramsci a jeho ideoví dědicové ji začali realizovat na západních univerzitách. Progresivní levice tehdy začala postupně ovládat univerzity od Německa po USA a jejich již indoktrinovaní absolventi se začali etablovat v médiích a ve státní sféře.
    Univerzitami to začalo a na nich je situace i nejkritičtější. Zvažujete, že pošlete dítě studovat na nějakou prestižní západní univerzitu, ale zároveň nechcete, aby se vám potomek vrátil domů silně ovlivněný levicově pokrokářským viděním světa? Tak to máte před sebou hodně složitou písemku.
    Pro vysvětlení bude stačit jeden konkrétní údaj. Všichni vědí, že politické rozložení v americké společnosti je dlouhodobě půl na půl mezi demokraty a republikány. Nicméně, na prestižních amerických univerzitách je mezi jejich zaměstnanci poměr demokratů k republikánům ne 1 : 1, ale 134 : 1. Studenty na Berkeley, Stanfordu či Harvardu tak formují stokrát častěji levicoví progresivisté než pravicoví konzervativci.

    Pavel Tykač: Proč jsem se rozhodl podpořit vysokou školu CEVRO | Hospodářské noviny (HN.cz)
    TUHO --- ---
    Neni to primo o klimtau, ale ty dezinformacni sceny se prolinaj. Tady databaze internich dokumentu o toxickych substancich a dukazy o manipulovani chemickym prumyslem - napr kolem PCB a azbestu.

    Columbia University and the City University of New York
    Millions of Pages of Previously Classified Documents on Industrial Poisons (and Counting)
    Free of Charge. Open to All.

    Blazingly fast searches of once-secret industry documents
    Columbia University's Center for the History and Ethics of Public Health, located at its Mailman School of Public Health, and the City University of New York's Graduate Center are proud to jointly present ToxicDocs. This dataset and website contain millions of pages of previously secret documents about toxic substances. They include secret internal memoranda, emails, slides, board minutes, unpublished scientific studies, and expert witness reports -- among other kinds of documents -- that emerged in recent toxic tort litigation.

    We’re constantly adding material from lawsuits involving lead, asbestos, silica, and PCBs, among other dangerous substances. Innovations in parallel and cloud computing have made conversion of these documents into machine-readable, searchable text a far faster process than would have been the case just a decade ago.

    Toxic Docs
    TUHO --- ---
    DARK PR: How Corporate Disinformation Harms Our Health and the Environment
    “Think global, act local!” “Be the change you want to see in the world!” “Every little bit counts!” We can all get on board with such sentiments, right? That, of course, is exactly what corporate spin-masters across the world are banking on. By weaponizing such seemingly innocuous yet powerful narratives, change becomes a matter of personal choice, something each of us must slave away at day by day: switching off lightbulbs to save the environment or exercising to shed the weight we’ve gained from consuming junk food. All the while, the corporate welfare tap continues to flow, with over $6 trillion worth of annual subsidies dished out to industries that directly contribute to the deaths of over 5.5 million people each year through diabetes, road deaths, global warming, and other crises. But such framing is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the corporate disinformation playbook. This playbook is the dark matter of activist work: the unseeable element shaping harmful spin across all issues. It has never been reverse engineered – until now. In Dark PR, Grant Ennis – drawing on his decades of experience working in the environmental, philanthropy, and public health sectors – reveals exactly how multinationals go about hoodwinking and manipulating us. In doing so, he lifts the lid on the nine devious frames contained within the cross-industry corporate disinformation playbook: through denialism, normalization, victim-blaming, multifactorialism, and a variety of other tried-and-tested tactics, corporations divert citizens’ attention away from the real causes of global problems, leading them into counter-productive blind-alley “solutions” like ethical consumerism and divestment. Sadly, though, buying Fair Trade chocolate has not and never will save the world. Only by collectively organizing to lobby our governments can we break this destructive cycle of lies and deadly incentives and reclaim control of our lives.

    TUHO --- ---
    Likewise, a working group at Shell warned that, if we waited for global warming to be easily detectable before we acted, “it could be too late.” In the 1990s, British Petroleum produced a series of documentaries that predicted “devastating consequences” from rising carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, including sea level rise that would render low-lying countries like Bangladesh defenseless against floods.

    Fossil fuel companies didn’t limit themselves to studying the mayhem that their products were poised to unleash. They also investigated potential solutions. A carbon tax and emissions trading scheme could be effective in helping to stabilize climate change, Imperial Oil (a subsidiary of Exxon) concluded in a 1991 report.

    The companies knew that “stopping climate change was not only possible, but economically feasible,” Dembicki concludes. Nevertheless, they did everything in their power to make sure that “this climate solution never happened.”

    TUHO --- ---
    Damning new leaked docs & whistleblowers show McKinsey is "best understood as possibly the most powerful oil & gas consulting firm on the planet posturing as a sustainability firm, advising polluting clients on any opportunity to preserve the status quo."

    McKinsey & Company pushes fossil fuel interests as advisor to UN climate talks, whistleblowers say
    TUHO --- ---
    Odhaleno: Křetínského EPH deklaruje méně než polovinu emisí C02, které vypouští
    Daniel Kotecký
    Investigace DR ukazuje, jak se největší česká korporace EPH pokouší „kreativním“ účetnictvím svých emisí skleníkových plynů zkreslit obraz o svém reálném dopadu na klima. Vyvracíme také tvrzení, že EPH je „evropským lídrem dekarbonizace“.

    Odhaleno: Křetínského EPH deklaruje méně než polovinu emisí C02, které vypouští
    TUHO --- ---
    Tri roky stary clanek o propojeni Ruperta Murdocha a fosilniho byznysu

    Behind the propaganda
    The Murdoch press has always been avidly in favour of fossil fuels and notorious for spreading doubt about the science of global warming. It is worth looking, therefore, at the formal links between Rupert Murdoch and the oil and gas sector.

    For a start, News Corp companies in Australia have extensive commercial arrangements with multinational oil and gas corporations. They take big advertising dollars, although how big remains a secret. Their newspapers stage “roundtables” or corporate conferences at which journalists and executives mingle with fossil fuel executives. Yet, rival media Nine Entertainment and its Australian Financial Review masthead does the same.

    Where News is different is in Murdoch’s direct financial interest in oil and gas exploration in the Middle East, investments which also compromise New Corp’s coverage of Middle East politics and Israeli expansionism.

    Murdoch has aligned himself with fossil fuel interests globally via the American Australian Association (AAA), and Genie Oil and Gas. Genie oil and gas is a division of Genie Energy and has been involved plans to frack in Israel. Its big project now, however, is exploring for oil in the Golan Heights, which is disputed territory once controlled by Syria.

    In November 2010, Genie Energy, as a division of IDT Corporation, announced Rupert Murdoch and Lord Jacob Rothschild had each purchased equity stakes in Genie Oil and Gas, and would join Dick Cheney on Genie Energy’s Strategic Advisory Board. The purchases were reportedly “equivalent to a cumulative 5.5% stake in Genie Oil and Gas Inc., which consists of IDT’s interests in American Shale Oil, LLC.. and Israel Energy Initiatives, Ltd… for a total of $11.0 million dollars.

    Compromised: Genie Energy and the Murdoch media's climate denial - Michael West
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO --- ---
    Co na to rict. Prohravame. Akorat cumim na Amazonu na nejaky knihy o dezinformacnich kampanich o klimatu a v recommended je kdo? Dezinformacni guru Marc Morano s number 1 bestsellerem v "Environmental Policy" s nazvem Green Fraud - Why the Green New Deal is Even Worse Than You Think

    TUHO --- ---
    No a sem se to hodi taky. Musim rict, ze jsem dlouho nemel takovou depku jako pri cteni tohodle textu.

    Sbornik o existencnich rizicich - vystup konference ze Stanfordu. Prispevek tam ma i kral historie klimatologie Paul N. Edwards (na strane 133), ale je to temnota.

    Is Climate Change Ungovernable?
    Abstract: This paper reviews the potential for catastrophic, civilization-threatening climate change
    within the next 2-3 centuries if climate sensitivity is on the high end of IPCC estimates and the
    thresholds of various tipping points are crossed. I argue that empirical evidence supports a
    substantial likelihood of future climate policy reversals by major emitters, resulting in continuing
    accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. On high-end sensitivity estimates, Paris
    Agreement pledges to date are insufficient even if fully implemented. Policy is always reversible,
    and major reversals have already occurred. Climate denialism and misdirection can, and probably
    will, be amplified by artificial intelligence and social media. Finally, the focus on international
    governance mechanisms obscures the many levels of jurisdiction that must be engaged for strong
    climate policy to take effect. The paper concludes that while renewable energy progress presents a
    hopeful note, chances are high that current structu

    Intersections, Reinforcements, Cascades
    Proceedings of the 2023 Stanford Existential Risks Conference

    TUHO --- ---
    The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has assumed Nordhaus is to be trusted. The integrated assessment models used at the IPCC are based on Nordhausian visions of adaptation to warming that only marginally reduces global gross domestic product. If future GDP is barely affected by rising temperatures, there’s less incentive for world governments to act now to reduce emissions.

    Nordhaus’s models tell us that at a temperature rise somewhere between 2.7 and 3.5 degrees Celsius, the global economy reaches “optimal” adaptation. What’s optimal in this scenario is that fossil fuels can continue to be burned late into the 21st century, powering economic growth, jobs, and innovation. Humanity, asserts Nordhaus, can adapt to such warming with modest infrastructure investments, gradual social change, and, in wealthy developed countries, little sacrifice. All the while, the world economy expands with the spewing of more carbon.

    When Idiot Savants Do Climate Economics
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: ještě pár úderů a máš je před barákem ,)
    TUHO --- ---
    Petr Macinka z Insitutu Václava Klause se rozhodl, že vstoupí do klimatické debaty. Veřejnou debatu o klimatu určitě potřebujeme, ale podrobnější pohled na jeho argumentaci ukazuje omyly v podstatě ve všech oblastech, o kterých se vyjadřuje včetně naprostých základů.

    Realita vypověděla Institutu Václava Klause spolupráci. Klimaskeptici žonglují s vědeckými fakty – A2larm
    SEJDA --- ---
    TUHO: tak mozna mel na pul pravdu, a ochlazeni letos skoncilo. Takze je to na pul ptesne naopak, navzdory ochlazeni lidi zvladni planetu ohrivat.
    TUHO --- ---
    A mozna je na rade pripomenout si Kremlikovi predikce z roku 2009 na vyvoj klimatu

    Pro nás klimaskeptiky to není žádné překvapení. My víme už půl století, že po roce 2000 má přijít ochlazení. Slyšeli jste o tzv. Suessově cyklu? Každých 150-200 let sluneční aktivita poklesne, což na Zemi způsobuje ochlazení teplot. Naposledy k tomu došlo kolem roku 1800 (tzv. Daltonovo minimum). Předchozí minima bylo Maunderovo (kolem 1650), Spoererovo (kolem 1500) atd.

    (Graf: Teploty v posledních 10 letech stagnují. V rozporu s předpovědí oteplovačů.)

    Jestli mám pravdu, na vlastní kůži všichni poznáte, že pozemské teploty jsou i dnes stále řízeny solárními cykly. Klesající sluneční činnost ochladí Zemi navzdory všemu CO2, které vypouštíme do atmosféry. Svým ekologickým kolegům musím říci jedno – doufám, že jste si užili svoje oblíbené globální oteplování z 90. let, protože už ho neuvidíte do konce života!!

    Zdroj: https://kremlik.blog.idnes.cz/blog.aspx?c=103593
    TUHO --- ---
    Starsi nadseneckej debunk Vitezslava Kremlika
    Klimaskeptik - b�t �i neb�t
    TUHO --- ---
    celkem brutal material k mytum o EV

    Here, Carbon Brief factchecks 21 of the most common – and persistent – myths about EVs.

    FALSE: ‘An EV has to travel 50,000+ miles to break even’
    FALSE: ‘VW’s e-Golf becomes more environmentally friendly only after 77,000 miles’
    FALSE: The ‘electric Volvo C40 needs to be driven around 68,400 miles to cut carbon’
    FALSE: ‘Electric vehicles have little or no CO2 advantage over the car you already drive’
    FALSE: ‘Climate change is accelerating because of the ban on combustion-engines’
    FALSE: ‘Old bangers are the green motorist’s choice’
    FALSE: ‘EVs simply displace carbon emissions from roads to distant power stations’
    MOSTLY FALSE: ‘Electric cars are not green machines’
    INCOMPLETE: ‘Electric vehicles alone can’t solve climate change’
    FALSE: ‘EVs are [low-mileage] runabouts…[that] take a long time to pay off their carbon debt’
    FALSE: ‘Synthetic petrol could displace electric vehicles’
    FALSE: ‘Hydrogen cars are more sustainable than EVs’
    FALSE: ‘Sales of electric vehicles appear to be slowing’
    FALSE: ‘Electric cars could soon be more expensive to drive than their petrol equivalents’
    FALSE: ‘There are insufficient raw materials…for all vehicles to be EVs’
    FALSE: The lifetime of EV batteries is ‘horribly uncertain’
    FALSE: ‘Electric vehicles can explode – petrol ones only do it in movies’
    FALSE: ‘Under Biden’s electric vehicle mandate, 40% of US auto jobs will disappear’
    FALSE: ‘Electric car revolution at crisis point’ due to ‘charging point shortage’
    FALSE: ‘Britain’s creaking power grid cannot cope with charging electric cars’
    FALSE: ‘How your super heavy EV produces MORE pollution than petrol and diesel cars’

    Factcheck: 21 misleading myths about electric vehicles - Carbon Brief
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