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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHODezinformace o klimatu // Rage Against the Fossil Machine
    HYNEK --- ---
    Koukam spravne, ze Novinky pisi, ze " je proto třeba se snažit zbrzdit klimatické změny a omezovat vypouštění skleníkových plynů" ?

    Jinak obvykly hnuj, postaveny na mylnem razeni dvou tweetu (cele vychazi ze screenshotu, ktery nekdo splacal na Twitteru)

    KOMENTÁŘ: Pokrytectví klimatických aktivistů – Alex Švamberk - Novinky
    TUHO --- ---
    Lol, jeste Allatra a nejakej jeji podvrh v open-access casaku

    Global climate change is one of the most important international problems of the 21st century. The overall rapid increase in the dynamics of cataclysms, which have been observed in recent decades, is particularly alarming. Howdo modern scientists predict the occurrence of certain events? In meteorology, unusually powerful cumulonimbus clouds are one of the main conditions for the emergence of a tornado. The former, in their turn, are formed during the invasion of cold air on the overheated land surface. The satellite captures the cloud front, and, based on these pictures, scientists make assumptions about the possibility of occurrence of the respective natural phenomena. In fact, mankind visually observes and draws conclusions about the consequences of the physical phenomena which have already taken place in the invisible world, so the conclusions of scientists are assumptions by their nature, rather than precise knowledge of the causes of theorigin of these phenomena in the physics of microcosm. The latest research in the field of the particle physics and neutrino astrophysics, which was conducted by a working team of scientists of ALLATRA International Public Movement (hereinafter ALLATRA SCIENCE group)[1], offers increased opportunities for advanced fundamental and applied research in climatic engineering.

    Climate Solutions based on advanced scientific discoveries of Allatra physics
    TUHO --- ---
    OMG, Allatra jede dobrej bullshit

    Renowned intelligence educator and national security expert, Egon Cholakian, who used to work with Reagan ‘s White House, has uncovered his groundbreaking and surprising revelations in regards to hideous covert designs disrupting and threatening the foundations of democratic systems globally. A recent video address on The Earth Save Science Collaborative platform features Dr. Cholakian’s discussion of his 30-year-long investigation into a secretive anti-democratic entity responsible for a complex and multidimensional subversive campaign. Dr. Cholakian discusses the shadowy operations that his investigation links to this enigmatic group, emphasizing its targeting and manipulation of the global media landscapes through spreading disinformation, false narratives, and coordinated attacks exacerbating tensions across social communities.

    Uncovering a Global Disinformation Tactics: Revelation by Intelligence Educator Egon Cholakian - Modern Diplomacy
    TUHO --- ---
    Krange, BP Kaltenborn, M Hultman (2021) “Don’t confuse me with facts”—how right wing populism affects trust in agencies advocating anthropogenic climate change as a reality” Humanities and Social Sciences Communications Vol. 8 Nr. DOI: 110.1057/s41599021-00930-7
    TUHO --- ---
    Ekberg, K & Hultman (2021) “A Question of Utter Importance: The Early History of Climate Change and Energy Policy in Sweden, 1974–1983”. Environment and History DOI: 10.3197/096734021X16245313030028
    TUHO --- ---
    Vowles, K & Hultman, M (2022) Dead White men vs. Greta Thunberg: Nationalism, Misogyny, and Climate Change Denial in Swedish far-right Digital Media, Australian Feminist Studies, 36:110, 414-431, DOI:10.1080/08164649.2022.2062669
    TUHO --- ---
    Populist far right discursive-institutional tactics in European regional decarbonization

    What rhetorical strategies are populist far-right parties using to delay regional decarbonization? This paper focuses on three populist far-right parties—the Conservative People's Party of Estonia (EKRE), Alternative for Germany (AfD), and Poland's Law and Justice (PiS)—and the discursive-institutional tactics each used from 2014 to 2021 to delay decarbonization of their carbon-intensive regions. We identify three discursive-institutional tactics used by populist far-right actors to delay decarbonization: (1) politicizing decarbonization, (2) reframing cultural values to form alliances with anti-decarbonization movements, and (3) dismantling key decarbonization institutions. We show that the populist far-right discursive-institutional tactics in European regional decarbonization are prevalent and vary widely. The politics of backlash against the EU-driven progressive public policies and anti-democratic rhetoric, including xenophobia and national sovereignty discourses are commonly used by these three populist far right parties to mobilize counternarratives against climate change and regional decarbonization. EKRE and PiS typically portray themselves as the protectors of social insurance and safety for vulnerable groups affected by regional decarbonization. PiS and AfD harness regional identity to mobilize civic engagement against decarbonization. All three parties work to empty and dismantle key decarbonization institutions. Overall, our findings suggest that carbon-intensive regions are particularly susceptible to the discursive tactics and institutional work of populist far-right parties, and may therefore provide opportunities for these parties to constrain decarbonization more broadly.

    TUHO --- ---
    Rising temperatures and the rise of the far right. What disasters happen when they meet?

    In recent years, the far right has done everything in its power to accelerate the heating: an American president who believes it is a hoax has removed limits on fossil fuel production. The Brazilian president has opened the Amazon and watched it burn. In Europe, parties denying the crisis and insisting on maximum combustion have stormed into office, from Sweden to Spain. On the brink of breakdown, the forces most aggressively promoting business-as-usual have surged – always in defense of white privilege, against supposed threats from non-white others. Where have they come from?

    The first study of the far right in the climate crisis, White Skin, Black Fuel: On the Danger of Fossil Fascism presents an eye-opening sweep of a novel political constellation, and reveals its deep historical roots. Fossil-fueled technologies were born steeped in racism. None loved them more passionately than the classical fascists. As such forces rise to the surface, some profess to have the solution – closing borders to save the climate. Epic and riveting, White Skin, Black Fuel traces a future of political fronts that can only heat up.

    White Skin, Black Fuel: On the Danger of Fossil Fascism | Verso Books
    TUHO --- ---
    ot, ale sponzorovana reklama na FB prave ted .))

    Allatra TV Bratislava
    🔍 Pozrite si 🔥dôležitú diskusiu!
    Nenechajte si ujsť exkluzívnu diskusiu o videu Dr. A. Egona Cholakiana, ktorý odhalil alarmujúce aktivity skrytého oddelenia bývalej KGB. V jeho videu z 12. apríla 2024 na platforme Earth Save Science Collaborative Dr. Cholakian rozoberá, ako táto tajná jednotka ovplyvňuje mysle ľudí bez konvenčných zbraní – vedúc nevyhlásenú vojnu proti demokratickému svetu.
    ⚫️KGB Hydra a jej tieňové metódy:
    ▶️ Využitie fasádnych organizácií.
    ▶️ Infiltrácia médií a politiky s cieľom manipulovať verejné vnímanie a implantovať negatívne obrazy.
    ▶️ Príklady z praxe, kde KGB Hydra používa svoje metódy.
    ▶️ Kľúčová úloha SLovenska v odhalení týchto praktík.
    ▶️ Prečo je dôležité rozpoznať tieto manipulatívne techniky, a ako môžeme ako spoločnosť chrániť naše demokratické hodnoty.
    🔗 Kliknite a zistite viac o tom, ako si táto organizácia buduje svoj vplyv, a aké dôsledky to môže mať pre nás všetkých. Je to diskusia, ktorú si nemôžete nechať ujsť!
    Slovensko a jeho skrytá hrozba

    #demokracia #manipulácia #diskusia #allatra
    TUHO --- ---
    Na jedné nahrávce Bystroň podle českého serveru údajně přebírá 20 000 eur (přes půl milionu korun) od propagandisty Arťoma Marčevského. Toho česká vláda ve zdůvodnění zařazení na sankční seznam spojila s činností proruské sítě usilující o ovlivnění voleb do Evropského parlamentu (EP).

    BIS pustila poslancům odposlechy o Voice of Europe | iROZHLAS - spolehlivé zprávy
    TUHO --- ---
    Filip Turek, motoriste a antiparazitika proti Covid19

    HYNEK --- ---
    Neni to "uplne dezinfo", ale zpusob, jakym se v animovanem serialu Novy pracuje s klimatickymi aktivisty, je... Miminalne zvlastni :)

    Tady dil o reklame na internetu, kam se z nejakeho neznameho duvodu podvedomy hejt na klima-aktivisty povedlo propasovat: https://tv.nova.cz/porad/kyber-tabu/epizoda/421415-reklama

    Cas 3:49-5:15.

    Plati to PPF.

    TUHO --- ---
    Boze, Kovanda zase zasahuje...

    „Vypočítal, že programy typu Green Deal budou stát každou osobu za rok až 5 tisíc eur. To znamená, že čtyřčlenná rodina ročně zaplatí navíc zhruba půl milionu korun – samozřejmě v dnešních cenách – oproti situaci, kdy by žádný Green Deal nebyl,“ poukazuje na sociální rozměr ekologických regulací.
    „A za to, že každá rodina bude dávat půl milionů korun navíc ročně, získáme to, že bude v roce 2100 průměrná globální teplota o 0,1 °C menší,“ komentuje Kovanda statistikovy výpočty.

    Ekonom Kovanda: Role státu je zajistit bezpečnost, ne bojovat s CO2. Vždyť nám za humny zuří válka | Plus
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    TUHO: OK, dik. I to je posun IMHO. Ja si myslim ze cesta v prolomeni dezinformacniho ledu vede pres lidi jako za

    a) Jako ty, ktery dela kvalitne podlozeny aktivismus, takovy jak relevantni aktivismus ma byt.

    b) Ja ~ miru problemu si uvedomuji a chteji radikalni regulacni ramec ktery ten prumysl (ale i spolecnost jako takovou) dotlaci do udrzitelne a v dusledku dekarbonujici podoby, ale nechteji ideologicky sracky (aka zakazme auta a veprove, ESG, apod.). Tim ze pusobime na lidi typu c) a v ramci sirsi diskuze se snazi na problem upozornovat, ale zaroven byt i kritiky reseni ktere razi narativ cca nemecke strany zelenych.

    c) Lidi jako Vondra, kteri uz chapou ze problem existuje, ale jeste si nejsou jisti jak moc je intenzivni a jak uzce je svazan s lidskou aktivitou - a v zasade jsou zatim na druhe lodi z ktere ale nemaji prestoupit na nasi, ale obratit ji. Tohle jsou lidi kteri maji nejvetsi sanci ovlivnit lidi kteri problem uplne popiraji.

    Ty veci maji ale vetsi presah nez ciste klimaticky/dekarbonizacni. A proto jsem velky skeptik. Zamerime li se jen na dekarbonizaci a ekologicka temata jako takova mame velkou sanci.
    TUHO --- ---
    PETER_PAN: Cetl jsem to, resp vybrany casti, myslim, ze ne uplne cely, uz je to nejaka doba. Je to sbornik, nektery veci jsou tam zajimavy (geopoliticky konotace dekarbonizace od Vaclava Bartusky), nektery kraviny, neco mlaceni prazdny slamy. Zajimavy je treba jak tam pise Radan Huth, jedinej klimatolog, kterej samozrejme vi (viz jeho dalsi verejny vyjadreni), ze otepleni je zpusobeny CO2, ale to jde proti tomu, co si mysli Petr Pokorny nebo Alexander Vondra, tak to tam mohl napsat jenom: "Pozorovane zmeny nelze v zadnem pripade vysvetlit jen vejsimmi vlivy nebo jen prirozenou promenlivosti kliamtu" -))
    Z dalsiho textu je proste zrejme, ze antropogenni co2 je hlavni faktor, ale v textu to nikde nezazni, coz je dost vtipny.
    Nevybavuju si zadnej oldschool "problem neexistuje" ci "otepli se a bude lip" denial, ale spis znacna ignorance zavaznosti klimaticky zmeny, vyzdvihovani jinejch problemu etc.
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    PETER_PAN: Co v ni je? Mysleno jako otazka. :-) Dik.
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    TUHO: V tom clanku zminujes "Musí být ekologie alarmistická?: Hledání realistických odpovědí; Alexandr Vondra (ed.)". Cetl jsi tu knihu? Co v ni je, hlavni shrnuti. Klasicke popirani typu Klaus, nebo konceptualni spis obecny odpor k regulacim nez big-oil linka?
    TUHO --- ---
    Ha, tenhle dokument jsem neznal

    Big Oil v the World 1 - Denial
    TUHO --- ---
    Climate-Science Deniers, Right-Wing Think Tanks, and Fossil Fuel Shills Are Plotting Against the Clean Energy Transition
    Inside the conspiracy to take down wind and solar power

    Climate-Science Deniers, Right-Wing Think Tanks, and Fossil Fuel Shills Are Plotting Against the Clean Energy Transition | Sierra Club
    TUHO --- ---
    On this edition of Your Call's Media Roundtable, award-winning investigative journalist Rebecca Burns joins us to discuss her investigation "Against the Wind.” Burns details how a well-financed network of climate science deniers, right-wing think tanks, and fossil energy shills have intensified their disinformation campaigns against wind and solar.

    Burns writes, "Now, from coastal hamlets in New York to rural farming towns in Ohio, residents supporting wind and solar in their communities are running up against the same barrier: a chorus of disinformation, much of it tied to, or even circulated directly by, fossil-fuel-backed groups waging an existential fight to preserve the status quo."

    Inside the conspiracy to take down wind and solar power | KALW
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