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    TUHODezinformace o klimatu // Rage Against the Fossil Machine
    Jedním ze zásadních důvodů, proč je klimatická změna tak obtížné téma je obrovské množství dezinformací, které ho obklopuje. Sociologové identifikovali široké dezinformační hnutí, které je z části organizované fosilním průmyslem. Množství empirických důkazů ukazuje, že fosilní průmysl ročně vynakládá obrovské množství prostředků za cílem oddálit nebo neutralizovat politiky směřující k regulaci spotřeby fosilních paliv. Jak se ale v takové debatě vyznat? Jaká je česká debata v kontextu světa? Ale hlavně jaké subjekty se do dezinformací zapojují, jaké techniky a jaké prostředky používají k neutralizaci veřejné diskuze.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    TUHO --- ---
    The Institute of Political Studies and the study program Geopolitical Studies invite you to a seminar on countering authoritarian disinformation campaigns in Africa. What are the strategic implications of Russia and China’s efforts to transform the geopolitical environment in key regions of the continent for African countries and the West will be discussed by experts from Africa, Europe, the US and Australia who are working to address Africa’s security challenges on the ground, in international organisations and academia. The event is sponsored by NATO. Please register here

    Countering disinformation in geopolitical hot spots across Africa | Science
    TUHO --- ---

    In China, when the party line cohered around the greener path in 2012, the space for that debate disappeared. The leadership in the state-run energy companies was largely purged during a recent anti-corruption campaign and now they would have very clear incentives not to promote denial, even if state-owned fossil fuel companies like Sinopec and China National Offshore Oil Corp. wanted to question the existence of climate change. “Top [oil and gas] executives have always been very much aware of the fact that their promotion depends on the Party,” a report from the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies stated.

    In the years leading up to the 2015 climate change negotiations in Paris, China’s government made low-carbon growth one of its top priorities. “It’s a totally different situation in China than the U.S.,” Wang said.

    Another reason China’s skepticism receded is that climate change stopped serving the same ideological purpose. In Copenhagen, China felt attacked and humiliated by the United States and Europe. But in Paris, China worked closely with the United States to negotiate the world’s first comprehensive climate agreement. Obama phoned Chinese President Xi Jinping shortly after the talks “to express appreciation for the important role China played,” the White House said in December 2015. Climate change no longer made China look weak. It was now a story of China’s strength. “
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    Low carbon plot: climate change skepticism with Chinese characteristics
    Current sociological literature on climate change skepticism almost exclusively focuses on the discourses in the Western World. This paper seeks to broaden the scholarship by examining the Chinese case, and to bridge this body of literature with nationalism. Through critical discourse analysis of Chinese publications, I demonstrate the existence of an undercurrent of climate change skepticism in China. The main discursive patterns follow a conspiracy theory that sees climate change as a western plot to constrain China’s development space and to create a new site for financial accumulation. The result suggests that Chinese climate change skepticism stems from identity politics and mistrust towards Western countries. In China’s climate skepticism discourse, science also becomes a subject of national identity politics. This paper calls for a sociology of climate change ‘knowledge’ to move forward the study of climate change skepticism and denialism.

    TUHO --- ---
    Proc v Cine chciplo klima-dezinformacni hnuti?

    On Jan. 17, 2010, a highly popular — and provocative — television host named Larry Hsien Ping Lang devoted an entire episode of his current affairs talk show, Larry’s Eyes on Finance, to the “great swindle” of global warming. Lang, a University of Pennsylvania-educated economist who was once described as China’s version of Larry King, told his millions of viewers that the goal of Europe and the United States at the Copenhagen negotiations was to prevent China from being a global leader.

    “The Western countries manufactured the climate myth without any scientific integrity,” and they have proceeded to “demonize and constrain China in the name of climate,” Lang said. Clips of the episode were viewed tens of millions of times on Youku, China’s YouTube.

    Lang’s worldview seemed to resonate. “[The weather] is obviously getting colder and colder, but they are still lying through their teeth. These disgusting Westerners never stop trying to topple China,” argued one online commenter in response to Lang’s show. “These foreign bastards are so worried that China will rise and surpass the United States. Because they are jealous of China, they even made up lies about China … the scientists are all puppets controlled by politics,” read another. The commenter continued: “Copenhagen liars! American liars!”

    Over the next year, more than a half-dozen books on the West’s climate conspiracy were published in China. Social media posts theorizing an American conspiracy proliferated.

    Then something strange happened. After 2011, no more climate skeptic books were published. China’s state leaders stopped their skeptical statements, and the intense online discussions diminished. Just as it was gaining steam, the conspiracy theory seemed to disappear. And along with it, any public mention of climate change denial. As climate skeptics were gaining a steady foothold in U.S. politics, why did China’s suddenly vanish?

    The Convenient Disappearance of Climate Change Denial in China – Foreign Policy
    TADEAS --- ---

    Možná by mohli dát na chvíli přednost praktické vědě před scientology.

    Martin Sedláček:
    V posledních dvou desetiletích přibyla na planetě zeleň v ploše stejně velké, jako je plocha všech Amazonských pralesů.
    CO2 je plyn, který otepluje a zúrodňuje.
    Chvilka přemýšlení o vlivu stoupajícího množství takového plynu a atmosféře vede k závěru, že musí mít alespoň nějaké významné pozitivní vlivy. Určité oteplení nebezpečně chladných podmínek a určitý pozitivní vliv na růst rostlin, včetně růstu zemědělských plodin, díky atmosféře poskytující více potravy pro rostliny.
    Je velmi dobře známo, že při zvýšení množství CO2 v atmosféře, což se děje, když spalujeme fosilní paliva, rostliny rostou více, protože CO2 je potravou pro rostliny.
    V roce 2021 máme množství CO2 420 molekul na milion (420ppm), neboli 0,042% atmosféry.
    Při 120 až 150ppm CO2 většina rostlin umírá. Protože v konečném důsledku všechna zvířata (masožravá a býložravá) žijí z rostlin, takové úrovně CO2 by způsobily apokalypsu. Dnešní úrovně CO2 jsou poměrně nízké z pohledu, jaký by vyhovoval rostlinám.
    Mnoho experimentů v kontrolovaných podmínkách (kde je stálé vše kromě CO2), přesvědčivě demonstrovalo, že více CO2 znamená větší růst rostlin.(1)
    Ve skutečnosti pěstitelé ve sklenících, kteří platí peníze za to, aby měli trojnásobné množství CO2 v atmosféře a zvýšili tak výnosy, dělají takový experiment neustále.
    Na obrázku níže dokumentují vědci Craig a Sherwood Idso, co se stane se stejnou rostlinou vystavenou rozdílným úrovním CO2, které ji obklopují. Jde o přesvědčivou ukázku toho, jak významnou pomocí pro růst rostlin je vyšší úroveň CO2.
    Zúrodňující efekt byl zdokumentován nejen v kontrolovaných experimentech, ale velmi jasně na „globálním ozelenění“ v průběhu nárůstu úrovní CO2 v atmosféře. V posledních dvou desetiletích přibyla na planetě zeleň v ploše stejně velké, jako je plocha všech Amazonských pralesů.(2)

    Epstein, Alex. Fossil Future (p. 452). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

    1 Craig D. Idso, The State of Earth’s Terrestrial Biosphere: How Is It Responding to Rising Atmospheric CO2 and Warmer Temperatures? (Tempe, AZ: Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change, 2012), co2science.org/education/reports/greening/TheStateofEarthsTerrestrialBiosphere.pdf.
    2 Abby Tabor, “Human Activity in China and India Dominates the Greening of Earth, NASA Study Shows,” NASA Ames, updated February 11, 2019, nasa.gov/feature/ames/human-activity-in-china-and-india-dominates-the-greening-of-earth-nasa-study-shows; and Ranga Myeni, “Carbon Dioxide Fertilization Greening Earth, Study Finds,” NASA Earth, updated April 26, 2016, nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2016/carbon-dioxide-fertilization-greening-earth.
    TUHO --- ---
    A new study by the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) is debunking that with “a global comparison of the life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions of combustion engine and electric passenger cars.”

    The ICCT looked at the entire life cycle from sourcing of the battery materials to the production of the vehicle, both BEVs and ICEs, and then compiled driving data in different markets to get an average life-cycle emission from the use of the vehicles.

    The group then used the electricity mix of each region (Europe, US, China, and India) to develop average lifetime emissions.

    Study dispels myth that electric cars pollute as much as gas-powered cars due to 'dirty' grid - Electrek
    TUHO --- ---
    None of this plastic will be turned into new plastic things. All of it is buried.

    "To me that felt like it was a betrayal of the public trust," she said. "I had been lying to people ... unwittingly."

    Rogue, like most recycling companies, had been sending plastic trash to China, but when China shut its doors two years ago, Leebrick scoured the U.S. for buyers. She could find only someone who wanted white milk jugs. She sends the soda bottles to the state.

    But when Leebrick tried to tell people the truth about burying all the other plastic, she says people didn't want to hear it.

    "I remember the first meeting where I actually told a city council that it was costing more to recycle than it was to dispose of the same material as garbage," she says, "and it was like heresy had been spoken in the room: You're lying. This is gold. We take the time to clean it, take the labels off, separate it and put it here. It's gold. This is valuable."


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