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    NAGASAWAYakuza | Kultovní herní série | Tipy, meme, spin-off a popkultura | Platinový masochismus
    NAGASAWA --- ---
    Success of Ghost of Tsushima May Help Yakuza Kenzan & Ishin come West Says Yakuza Producer - The Tojo Dojo

    Firstly a huge thank you to Romain Mahut for his interview with Daisuke Sato for GameBlog which you can read in full here. Romain is a French journalist and went out of his way to translate his interview into English as well so be sure to thank him. We highly suggest you check it out as it includes a lot of cool chat about Yakuza VR and RGG Studio’s cult game Binary Domain.

    It feels like with each tease that the possibility of Yakuza Kenzan and Ishin the reality of these games finally coming West gets a little bit closer. Ever since the release of Ghost of Tsushima fans have been using it as proof that a game set in Japan’s past can succeed here in the West, it seems Sato agrees with this sentiment:

    Gameblog: Ghost of Tsushima has shown that Western players are interested in games taking place in Medieval Japan. Do you regret not releasing Kenzan and Ishin in the West? Has your stance regarding those games changed since Ghost of Tsushima’s release?
    Sato: Even long before Ghost of Tsushima, I did want to release “samurai” games like Kenzan and Ishin in the West. Unfortunately, after Yakuza 0, we were very busy with remastering the numbering Yakuza titles for the PS4, so we missed the opportunity to work on some of these other games. However, if anything, Ghost of Tsushima has helped Western gamers become more interested in samurai, so I should think of it as now is a more opportune time to release these titles.
    NAGASAWA --- ---
    Btw v Onomichi v Y5 jezdi spousta bilych Nissanu a kdyz jsem tam byl poprve, uplne to se mnou cuklo, protoze stejny auto si v Cesku poridil Ladislav Zibura a ted hleda dalsi sprizneny duse, ktery tu s nim jezdi taky. Podarilo se mu vypatrat snad dalsi dva. Chvili jsem si rikal, ze mu poslu screenshot. Kazdopadne tak vybornou znacku jako ma on tam nikdo nemel.

    BOBESH --- ---
    GEE: Sodachiiii!
    NAGASAWA --- ---
    GEE: takze uz mas snovou sekvenci.... to byl vubec povedenej napad.
    GEE --- ---
    BOBESH: Jako co, ze je ostrihanej...ale on bali baby a u toho zpiva Baka Mitai! Zatim dobry!
    NAGASAWA --- ---
    Incredible Yakuza: Like A Dragon Cosplay Is Punching Me In The Face

    BOBESH --- ---
    NAGASAWA: slusnej boomer ze me promluvil. ja tlacitko "prelozit tweet" vubec neznal :D
    NAGASAWA --- ---
    BOBESH: jj ale automatickej translator si uz s tim umi celkem pekne poradit.
    BOBESH --- ---
    NAGASAWA: samej rozsypanej caj, ale ma tam peknou fotku ted z patyho dilu :))
    jinak Yakuzafan sleduju prave na twitteru
    NAGASAWA --- ---
    BOBESH: Prochazim si jeho Twitter a je to super. Tady je první storyboard pro Baka Mitai kult

    NAGASAWA --- ---
    BOBESH: jj :) jinak ten yakuza fan web je fajn. hodil jsem ho na nastenku.
    BOBESH --- ---
    NAGASAWA: ty ve ten Ryosuke je taky borec! Ten mel delat ty tetovani! :)
    NAGASAWA --- ---
    First concept art for Ono Michio - Yakuza Fan

    NAGASAWA --- ---
    New Japanese trademarks include potential Sega Judgment sequel | VGC
    BOBESH --- ---
    GEE: mel sem to stejne.za vsechno muze ta komedie, co ma na hlave! pockej, az to shodi prozres jako my! ;)))
    GEE --- ---
    První část pětky za mnou. Od dvojky jsem se tak nebavil. Tři dny jsem jezdil taxíkem a pak dal zapravdu Nagovi - najednou loupežnici na každým rohu. Uvidíme, co teď druhá - nemám toho kluka velkýho dlouhovlasýho rád, dokonce ani nezpívá karaoke...
    BOBESH --- ---
    Yakuza: Dead Souls :)
    BOBESH --- ---
    BOBESH --- ---
    BOBESH --- ---
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