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    NAGASAWAYakuza | Kultovní herní série | Tipy, meme, spin-off a popkultura | Platinový masochismus
    rozbalit záhlaví
    NAGASAWA --- ---
    LEFTY: Kdosi to vystihl na HQ celkem presne:

    Kiryu = God
    Ichiban= Human
    LEFTY --- ---
    NAGASAWA: nooo.... musím říct, že Kiryuho neschopnost emocí pro mě byla zdrojem velké zábavy - to mi u Ichibana torchu chybí.
    BOBESH --- ---
    BOBESH: chaaa!
    All stats in Yakuza: Like a Dragon

    Here’s a breakdown of what all of the stats mean in the game.

    Attack: Your character’s attack shows how much damage they will deal every time they perform an attack.
    Defense: Your character’s defense shows how much straight damage they can withstand and prevent from lowering their health.
    Magic: Your character’s magic shows how much damage they can deal with their skill-based attacks.
    Healing: Your character’s healing shows how much healing power they provide other members of the party whenever they use a healing spell. They can do this on themselves or other party members.
    Agility: Your character’s agility stat shows how evasive they are, showing how quickly they can attack in the turn order.
    Dexterity: Your character’s dexterity shows how agile they are, increasing the chances that an attack against them might miss.
    Blunt Resistance: A character’s damage resistance to taking blunt attacks.
    Blade Resistance: A character’s damage resistance to taking blade attacks.
    Bullet Resistance: A character’s damage resistance to taking bullet attacks.
    Fire resistance: A character’s damage resistance to taking fire attacks.
    Ice Resistance: A character’s damage resistance to taking ice attacks.
    Electric Resistance: A character’s damage resistance to taking electric attacks.
    BOBESH --- ---
    LEFTY: to uz ses v paty kapitole? :O ono to pekne davkuje a vse je tak nak postupne vysvetleno imo.

    jen ty zakladni atributy este upe nevim.resp. attack, defense sou jasny, ale pak uz trochu tapu,domejslim
    LOPIK --- ---
    LEFTY: Jen trochu - jednu postavu jsem si prepnul hned, dalsi pak kolem 45. levelu.. Ty joby levelujou beztak trochu zvlastne, neboj se toho tolik - relativne rychle se dostanes celkem blizko zbytku party i s novym jobem.
    LEFTY --- ---
    Kyodai, resite nějak ty další "jobs" a skillovani v nich ? (E.g. ichiban hero nebo bodyguard?)
    NAGASAWA --- ---

    NAGASAWA --- ---
    BOBESH: Nani? Úplně slyším zvuk plechovek
    NAGASAWA --- ---
    BOBESH --- ---
    BOBESH --- ---
    BOBESH --- ---
    NAGASAWA --- ---
    NAGASAWA: Stern Stranger :))
    NAGASAWA --- ---
    LOPIK: no ja ji chtel videt znovu, ale dosly mi prachy na dalsi kvizy, tak musim jit zase na pracak pro dalsi questy...
    NAGASAWA --- ---
    BOBESH: to je ten Sujimon, co prisel do Japonska vydelat penize, ale nechal se zlakat podsvetim.
    LOPIK --- ---
    NAGASAWA: Ten vlevo nahoře je můj imaginární kámoš - tahle animace se neomrzí ani po dvacátý.
    BOBESH --- ---
    BOBESH --- ---
    NAGASAWA: tam by se hodil tenhle nesmrtelnak! :D "zrovna sem jedl vedle ve smile burgeru...

    NAGASAWA --- ---
    Všichni samozrejme víme, jak to v reálu vypadalo

    NAGASAWA --- ---
    Včera mě pobavil post na Majima posting Kiwami centrále. Kdosi tam hodil Le Reddit Moment, aby následovala serie “can confirm” komentářů ve stylu:

    “Can confirm, I was the bike parked next to the bar. Was thrown at a Goon about an hour later by the same Yakuza “
    “And then the entire Tojo Clan stood up and clapped”
    “Can confirm, I was there and I heard the substory guitars.”

    BOBESH --- ---
    NAGASAWA: mno k my osobe se spis hodi jedna z nedavna! :D
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