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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 4 :: The War on Error
    GORG --- ---
    Hijacked truth?

    "The Internet just feeds (conspiracy claims)," he said. "In a world of information overload, it's getting harder and harder to separate the wheat from the chaff."
    Farley predicted the explosion of misinformation would only get worse over time. Spencer Meredith, a political science professor at New York's Rochester Institute of Technology, was more optimistic.
    "The impact of this is negligible, and long-term it's marginal," Meredith said.
    People who believe the government is malicious and highly capable of wrongdoing are more inclined to buy into Sept. 11 conspiracy theories, Meredith said.
    "It starts with a mistrust of government," he said. "They don't like Bush."
    GORG --- ---
    Denise Richards Uses 9/11 Conspiracy Against Charlie Sheen
    In the papers filed with the court, Richards stated that Sheen had begun to obsess about "vaccines being poisonous." Richards also claims that Charlie was so obsessed with his 9/11 conspiracy theory that he bought gas masks on the Internet and began to put guns under our table in case so they would be in arms reach in case someone broke into the house.

    The theories put forth by these groups are backed by sliced and diced propaganda films that are ridiculous and are easy to see through as nothing more than a cry for attention, and extreme paranoia.

    Charlie Sheen has now attached his "credible" voice to this tiny little movement. And he complains he was slammed over his remarks?

    He's fortunate that most ignored him.
    GORG --- ---
    What is most interesting of all, though, is that people don't really seem to care about the implications of their fantasies: An increasing number of people are all too happy to muse on the subjects of the Bilderberg Group, the Skull and Bones Society or number of other stupid organisations, both real and imagined, yet they don't seem particularly incensed by the idea that the entire world is run for the benefit of these people (whomever they happen to be) and their chums.

    Have we become so disillusioned with politics that we are not only willing to swallow ridiculous conspiracy theories, but also don't even care about what they would mean, if true?

    GORG --- ---
    Conspiracy theorists down but not out

    It might well be that, as in the case of the Kennedy assassination, it will take many years for the theories about a US government conspiracy on 11 September 2001 to fade.
    GORG --- ---
    Labour MP Michael Meacher has arranged a special screening at the Houses of Parliament on 14th June. Loose Change, a 90-minute, $10,000 film by relative unkowns Korey Rowe and Dylan Avery, questions the official line about the cause of the collapse of the Twin Towers.

    GORG --- ---
    The Truth About 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
    Even if one doesn't subscribe to the "blame the Jews" angle of Sept. 11 conspiracy theories, any foray into such territory inevitably leads in that direction. That's the problem with dipping one's toes into the waters of conspiracy theories. One might just sink to its bottomless depths.
    I encounter this kind of thinking in the form of feverish e-mails from readers insisting that if I just "knew the truth" I too would understand what's behind it all. And no doubt I'll receive more than a few in response to this column. But I've looked into the abyss and I have yet to see or hear anything to validate such fantasies.

    Then again, I could be part of the conspiracy, too.
    TANTRAMAN --- ---
    dejte si film Syriana.
    JAXXE --- ---
    'Big Brother' plan to store every baby on computer

    JAXXE --- ---
    The 9/11 WTC Collapses: An Audio-Video Analysis

    The foundations for the "War on Terror" lie in the ruins of the World Trade Center. The official account of what occurred on 9/11 is full of inconsistencies, but the mainstream media does not seek explanations. This 9-14-2001 CNN explanation of the collapses demonstrates that absurdity is unquestioned - how can quarter mile high buildings be designed to collapse perfectly in the event of a disaster?

    This page goes through some of many inconsistencies in the official story. Grab a cup of coffee and have a read - there are numerous audio and video files in the sub-pages which illustrate the points made. When you've gone through everything ask yourself why the mainstream media avoids these issues.


    BULHI --- ---
    s tim Mesicem mi to prijde jako zpochybnovat treba projekt Manhattan (treba ve smyslu ze tu bombu dostali od ufonu nebo neco takovyho :-)) - stejne jako vyvoj kosmickejch lodi, i tohle bylo mimoradne tajny a navenek pronikaly jen oficialne posveceny informace, nicmene se toho zucastnilo tolik lidi, ze by takovejhle podvod proste utajit nesel
    DRAGON --- ---
    NAGASAWA: je patek, clovece, kliid;)
    DRAGON --- ---
    no 8mm kamery nejak nemely exif, tak nevim, cece ;))
    BRAINWASHER --- ---
    DRAGON: jo to bude asi vono no..) jako na prvni pohled to vypada celkem real, ale je to fejk prej no...) jestli je to na 8mm kameru tak to je ten co sem videl..)
    DRAGON --- ---
    TANTRAMAN: ja verim ze maj tri vaginy a 6 paru prsou :))
    to by bylo teprve adventure :))
    BRAINWASHER: bylo to cb, ale jako fejk to vubec nevypadalo, ja to schvalne zkusim doma najit, urcite to mam na nejakym archivnim cd s fotkama :)
    BRAINWASHER --- ---
    TANTRAMAN: jj, dyz sem byl malej) tak sem vod meiera(doufam ze nekecam) cet naky knizecky mno..))
    DRAGON: no a bylo to barevny bo CB ? ja videl tu CB a to je ten fake prej... koncilo to taky votevrenym torsem...)
    TANTRAMAN --- ---
    DRAGON: jo třeba taková plejeřanka Semjase vůbec není k zahození http://images.google.com/images?q=semjase&ndsp=24&svnum=10&hl=cs&lr=&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:cs:official_s&start=0&sa=N

    otázka je jak to maj se sexem. jestli dávaj na potkání nebo vůbec :-))) nebo jestli vůbec maj něco jako sex, ale snad jo... jinak se z týhle planety ani nehnu, to vám povídám !!!
    DRAGON --- ---
    BRAINWASHER: jasne, ja nemyslel primo takovy ty jak lezi zelenej ufounek na bily keramicky desce, okolo nej doktori v helmach a to cele v mistnosti bez oken a dveri;)) sem videl nejaky close up fotky otevrenyho torsa a tak, ale to taky muze bejt fake, to jo
    BRAINWASHER --- ---
    DRAGON: o)) no minimalne ta pitva uz je celkem vyvracena..)
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