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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 4 :: The War on Error
    MARSHUS --- ---
    FRED: proč ne? když může vypadnout pas z letadla co narazí do mrakodrapu...
    FRED --- ---
    Našli jsme Zarkávího poklad, tvrdí USA
    V tom dome rozsvihanym po naletu??
    JAXXE --- ---
    Terror suspects 'tortured,' lawyers say

    Jun. 12, 2006. 07:36 PM / CANADIAN PRESS

    Tiny solitary cells under constant illumination, a mere 20 minutes of fresh air daily, and beatings at the hands of guards are indicative of the "torture" endured by some of the 17 people accused of plotting terrorist attacks in Canada, lawyers for the group said Monday.

    The allegations of "cruel and unusual punishment" came as the court imposed a blanket publication ban on the legal proceedings, preventing the public from learning of any further evidence in a case of stunning allegations that has captured headlines around the world.

    The treatment of the suspects, accused of plotting a number of terrorist strikes in Ontario that allegedly included bombings and taking senior politicians hostage, "constitutes torture," lawyer Rocco Galati said outside the court.

    "That torture includes being kept in a room that's lit 24 hours a day, being woken up every half-hour, being beaten by the guards, on and on and on," said Galati, who represents Ahmad Mustafa Ghany, a 21-year-old health sciences graduate of McMaster University.


    BILLY_STYX --- ---
    29,06,06 20h30 , Wakata
    projection of the movie Road to Guatanamo
    potom, live set + dj
    dubtronics ambiant expe ,idm ,

    JAXXE --- ---
    Abu Musab al-Zarqawi: Dead Again

    JAXXE --- ---
    The fax that reveals the US is flying terror suspects to Europe’s secret jails

    SPECIAL REPORT: By Neil Mackay, Investigations Editor

    THE intercepted top-secret fax contained information that Amer ica never wanted the world to know – that the US was holding war-on-terror captives at clandestine “black site” prisons in eastern Europe.

    The fax, datelined November 10, 2005, 8.24pm, was sent by the Egyptian foreign minister, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, in Cairo, to his ambassador in London. It revealed that the US had detained at least 23 Iraqi and Afghani captives at a military base called Mihail Kogalniceanu in Romania, and added that similar secret prisons were also to be found in Poland, Ukraine, Kosovo, Macedonia and Bulgaria.

    The discovery of the fax seriously undermines the US’s denial that it has ever used secret detention facilities, breaching international law. It also adds to the pressure for the release of information on “extraordinary renditions”. These rendition flights see kidnapped terror suspects taken by the CIA to countries where torture is common, such as Uzbekistan. British intelligence has supported this practice and UK airports, particulary Prestwick, have given CIA jets logistical support.

    The Council of Europe last week published the results of its long-running investigation into rendition and found that 14 European countries, including Britain, had colluded with the CIA. It also suggested that secret prisons were operating in eastern Europe, but did not have conclusive proof.

    The fax, intercepted by Swiss intelligence, indicates that Egypt has such proof. It is headed: “The Egyptians have access to sources which confirm the existence of American secret prisons”.

    Its shocking contents would never have been uncovered if it hadn’t been for a conscientious surveillance officer with the Swiss secret service, stationed at an eavesdropping centre in Zimmerwald, south of Berne. On November 16, six days after the fax was first sent via satellite from Cairo to London, the officer intercepted it using the Onyx eavesdropping system. The officer marked their personal coded identifier, “wbm”, on the page and put the information down in a COMINT SAT report. The intercepted fax was given the reference number S160018TER00000115.

    The report noted: “The [Egyptian] embassy got the information from its own sources that 23 Iraqi and American citizens have actually been interrogated at the military base Mihail Kogalniceanu close to the [Romanian] city of Constanza at the Black Sea. Similar interrogation centres exist in Ukraine, Kosovo, Macedonia and Bulgaria.”

    The fax also referred to “prisoners being transported with American military planes from the base Salt Pit in Kabul to the Polish base Szymany and to the Romanian base on September 21 and 22, 2005.” It then went on to say: “In contradiction to all quoted facts, the Romanians deny the existence of the prisons that are used to interrogate members of al-Qaeda.”

    The activities of one secret CIA rendition jet do indicate that captives have been dropped off in Romania. The plane, N313P, a Boeing 737, landed in Timisoara on January 25, 2004 just before midnight after flying from Kabul. It stayed on the runway for just over an hour and then flew on to Palma, Mallorca, where a CIA rendition team stayed in a hotel under fake identities.

    Dick Marty, the Swiss senator who led the Council of Europe investigations into renditions, said in his report: “Having eliminated other explanations – including that of a simple logistics flight, as the trip is a part of a well-established renditions circuit – the most likely hypothesis is that the purpose of this flight was to transport one or several detainees from Kabul to Romania.”

    Rendition jet N313P also travelled from Tashkent, Uzbekistan, to Kabul on September 21, 2003. On September 22, it flew from Kabul to Szymany, a Polish defence ministry airfield. Close by is the Stare Kiejkuty base used by Polish intelligence. CIA jet N313P stayed only 64 minutes before flying to Romania.

    “It is possible,” says Marty, “that several detainees may have been transported together on the flight out of Kabul, with some being left in Poland and some being left in Romania.” After leaving Romania, the plane landed in Morocco, where “rendered” captives have been tortured with the knowledge of both British and American intelligence.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Ve věznici na Guantanamo zemřeli tři vězni

    V táboře Delta v zálivu Guantanamo na Kubě zemřeli v sobotu tři vězni. Byli nalezeni ve svých klecích oběšeni. Zdá se, že akce byla plánovaná, a že jde o sebevraždu.

    Bachaři přivolali zdravotní službu, ale už bylo pozdě.

    V táboře je dosud zadržováno 460 muklů bez obvinění, bez vynesení trestu, bez naděje na propuštění a bez právního statutu člověka.

    Na bráně tábora je nápis "Honour bound to defend freedom". Nevím, jestli jsem to správně pochopil, ale snad to znamená "Čest zavazuje bránit svobodu". Hm. To zní podobně jako "Arbeit macht frei". Ostatně, je to ze stejné dílny, od stejných autorů a na stejném typu zařízení.



    Guantanamo suicides a 'PR move'

    The US says the detainees had other means of protest

    A top US official has described the suicides of three detainees at the US base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, as a "good PR move to draw attention".

    Colleen Graffy told the BBC the deaths were part of a strategy and "a tactic to further the jihadi cause", but taking their own lives was unnecessary.




    Guantanamo suicides 'acts of war'

    A watchtower at the US base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
    These are the first suicides at the base, despite dozens of attempts
    The suicides of three detainees at the US base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, amount to acts of war, the US military says.

    The camp commander said the two Saudis and a Yemeni were "committed" and had killed themselves in "an act of asymmetric warfare waged against us".

    Lawyers said the men who hanged themselves had been driven by despair.


    JAXXE --- ---

    JAXXE --- ---

    Teroristická organizace al-Kajdá už má nástupce abú Músy Zarkávího, který byl zabit při středečním americkém náletu v Iráku. V irácké sekci al-Kajdy ho podle izraelské internetové služby DEBKAfile nahradí Abdalláh bin Rašíd Bagdádí, který je hlavou konzultativní rady (šúry) této organizace. Západní rozvědky o tomto muži zatím nic nevědí.

    TANTRAMAN --- ---
    GORG: židi ale neříkají holokaust, říkají šoa.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Canadian 'Terror Plot' Begins To Unravel

    Terrorists set up in sting operation, more on unfounded London raid



    Toronto Terrorist Ringleader Has Military Connections

    Media frenzy over terror plot distracts from Bilderberg Group conference



    Alex Jones and his team were detained by Canadian immigration on orders of the Bilderberg Group for a 15 hour nightmare of interrogation, accusations and threats of arrests in anticipation of the conference in Ottawa which starts today.

    The group were detained at 11:45pm last night and only released after 2pm today.

    Customs openly told Alex as soon as they brought him into custody that the Bilderberg Group was aware of his arrival and that this was the reason for his detainment. All three members of the team were instantly detained despite going through different immigration desks.



    Toronto Star: 'Perhaps Toronto 17 Not Terrorists At All'

    GORG --- ---
    jinou otazkou je proc se holokaustu rika holokaust, kdyz to slovo nema implicitne nic spolecneho s genocidou ani koncentracnimi tabory. zajimalo by me teda, kdo to vlastne poprve vymyslel tomu rikat holokaust, protoze to slovo ma zjevne docela silny nabozensky podtext. jak poukazal pan Jordan Maxwell slovo holocaust znamena "obetovani Bohu upalenim". kazdopadne ten, kdo zavedl uziti slova holokaust v kontextu s tim co provadeli nacisti, za tim mel evidentne nejaky zamer.normalni clovek by to prece nazval jakkoliv ale urcite by ty vyhlazovaci tabory nenazval obetovanim bohu a nenutil tim vsechny ostatni lidi spojovat tyhle dva vyznamy dohromady.

    ale k historii uziti toho slova jsem nasel jen nekonkretni zminku tady

    The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 2000.

    WORD HISTORY: Totality of destruction has been central to the meaning of holocaust since it first appeared in Middle English in the 14th century, used in reference to the biblical sacrifice in which a male animal was wholly burnt on the altar in worship of God. Holocaust comes from Greek holokauston (“that which is completely burnt”), which was a translation of Hebrew ‘lâ (literally “that which goes up,” that is, in smoke). In this sense of “burnt sacrifice,” holocaust is still used in some versions of the Bible. In the 17th century the meaning of holocaust broadened to “something totally consumed by fire,” and the word eventually was applied to fires of extreme destructiveness. In the 20th century holocaust has taken on a variety of figurative meanings, summarizing the effects of war, rioting, storms, epidemic diseases, and even economic failures. Most of these usages arose after World War II, but it is unclear whether they permitted or resulted from the use of holocaust in reference to the mass murder of European Jews and others by the Nazis. This application of the word occurred as early as 1942, but the phrase the Holocaust did not become established until the late 1950s.

    As suggested by its Greek origin (holos "whole", and kaustos "burnt") the word designates an offering entirely consumed by fire, in use among the Jews and some pagan nations of antiquity. As employed in the Vulgate, it corresponds to two Hebrew terms: (1) to holah, literally: "that which goes up", either to the altar to be sacrificed, or to heaven in the sacrificial flame; (2) Kalil, literally: "entire", "perfect", which, as a sacrificial term, is usually a descriptive synonym of holah, and denotes an offering consumed wholly on the altar. At whatever time and by whomsoever offered, holocausts were naturally regarded as the highest, because the most complete, outward expression of man's reverence to God.
    JAXXE --- ---
    This past weekend, a thought provoking e-mail circulated through Internet news groups, bringing attention to the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorist web page for Usama Bin Laden.[1] (See bottom of this web page for Most Wanted page) In the e-mail, the question is asked, “Why doesn’t Usama Bin Laden’s Most Wanted poster make any direct connection with the events of September 11, 2001?” The FBI says on its Bin Laden web page that Usama Bin Laden is wanted in connection with the August 7, 1998 bombings of the United States Embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya. According to the FBI, these attacks killed over 200 people. The FBI concludes its reason for “wanting” Bin Laden by saying, “In addition, Bin Laden is a suspect in other terrorists attacks throughout the world.”

    On June 5, 2006, the Muckraker Report contacted the FBI Headquarters, (202) 324-3000, to learn why Bin Laden’s Most Wanted poster did not indicate that Usama was also wanted in connection with 9/11. The Muckraker Report spoke with Rex Tomb, Chief of Investigative Publicity for the FBI. When asked why there is no mention of 9/11 on Bin Laden’s Most Wanted web page, Tomb said, “The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Usama Bin Laden’s Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.”

    Surprised by the ease in which this FBI spokesman made such an astonishing statement, I asked, “How this was possible?” Tomb continued, “Bin Laden has not been formally charged in connection to 9/11.” I asked, “How does that work?” Tomb continued, “The FBI gathers evidence. Once evidence is gathered, it is turned over to the Department of Justice. The Department of Justice than decides whether it has enough evidence to present to a federal grand jury. In the case of the 1998 United States Embassies being bombed, Bin Laden has been formally indicted and charged by a grand jury. He has not been formally indicted and charged in connection with 9/11 because the FBI has no hard evidence connected Bin Laden to 9/11.”

    It shouldn’t take long before the full meaning of these FBI statements start to prick your brain and raise your blood pressure. If you think the way I think, in quick order you will be wrestling with a barrage of very powerful questions that must be answered. First and foremost, if the U.S. government does not have enough hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11, how is it possible that it had enough evidence to invade Afghanistan to “smoke him out of his cave?” The federal government claims to have invaded Afghanistan to “root out” Bin Laden and the Taliban. Through the talking heads in the mainstream media, the Bush Administration told the American people that Usama Bin Laden was Public Enemy Number One and responsible for the deaths of nearly 3000 people on September 11, 2001. Yet nearly five years later, the FBI says that it has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.


    MARNEYY --- ---
    DAGO: Jde spis o to, ze krome zidu umrelo za valky nepomerne vic dalsich lidi, jinych narodnosti. Jenom zide ale maji pro to obdobi specialni nazev a podarilo se jim z toho udelat naprosto bezprecedentni marketingovej produkt se kterym ted doslova vysavaji zbytek sveta. Da se rict, ze si zidi po valce z holocaustu udelali i univerzalni obranou frazi kdy, jakmile se do nich nekdo opre kvuli svinstvum, ktery pachaji v Palestine, tak se okamzite zacnou holocaustem ohanet. V cloveku, ktery se zpracovanej od mladi ucelnou propagandou to pak nutne vyvola pocit viny, kdyz si reknes... No jo, ty chudaci zidi, tolik jich umrelo za druhy valky (pritom si na tech ostatnich 55 milionu ani nevzpomenes), maji to tezky... tak bychom je nemeli posuzovat tak prisne.

    A tomhle je presne to, proc se nekterym lidem pri slove holocaust dela vyrazka. Neni to neucta k tem mrtvym, je to znechuceni nad tim, jak je ti prezivsi zidi dokazali vlastne zneuzit.
    SWEDE --- ---
    DAGO: Slyšel jsem konspirační teorii, že tímto způsobem se čistokrevní organizovaní židé vypořádali se svým genetickým odpadem.
    takže vidíš, že konspirační teorie dokážou obsáhnout všechna témata.
    TANTRAMAN --- ---
    DAGO: nejde ani tak o to jestli holokaust byl nebo ne (samozřejmě, že ano), ale spíš o to, že třeba popírání holokaustu je trestné. což je problém. vyjádřív svůj názor a zavřou tě. protoz tolik humbuku kolem Zundela.

    v této souvislosti doporučuju rozhovor Der Spiegel s Ahmadínežádem
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