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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 4 :: The War on Error
    MATT --- ---
    ted jsem podkal neco o "spy blimp", a prijde mi, ze se ty stary tomu valecnymu nemecku podobaj cimdaltimvic..
    ATOMINATOR --- ---
    PETVAL --- ---
    PETVAL --- ---
    Diseases Don't Just Happen!
    Dr Lorraine Day, an internationally acclaimed orthopedic trauma surgeon and best selling author shares her experience as a cancer survivor who cured herself naturally. She recovered from severe advanced cancer using natural methods. In the process of her research, she discovered that there are known causes for virtually every disease, and this information is NEVER taught to doctors in medical school. In this video Dr. Day reveals the causes for the diseases listed below as well as many others, and gives astonishing answers on how to get well-without drugs!

    Food as Medicine.avi 2005 3h 2parts:
    part1 349Mb: ed2k://|file|Food.as.Medicine.1.of.2.(Jerry.Brunetti).(2005).avi|366958592|B0FC80E3B3CC468C62625FBA40A40B67|/
    part2 349Mb: ed2k://|file|Food.as.Medicine.2.of.2.(Jerry.Brunetti).(2005).avi|366655488|721B7A39A6227BEF611593218B450009|/
    This is Jerry Brunetti's highly informative video lecture Food as Medicine (2005) where he lays out his experience with terminal cancer which he successfully overcame with eating healthy and different food than he used to eat until then. In 1999 he was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and given 6 months to live. He did not submit to chemotherapy, but rather, developed his own unique dietary approach to enhance his immune system. Jerry shares his personal experiences and provides his recipe for healthy living. You will learn about the crucial importance of minerals, which foods to choose for your best health requirements and what to avoid. After viewing this fascinating lecture you'll realize the remarkable value of food in building good foundations, and providing buffers, to keep your body healthy. 3h long. A must see for everyone.

    Food as Medicine features:
    -The power of pigments
    -Make your plate a rainbow.
    -Protection from cruciferous vegetables.
    -The good oils.
    -Fabulous fermentation.
    -Eggs-The ultimate food.
    -Butter vs. Margarine-The power of raw milk.
    -What major minerals do-Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Phosphorous and Sulfur.
    -The trace mineral catalysts-Copper, Manganese, Zinc, Boron and Iron.
    -The forgotten five-Iodine, Molybdenum, Cobalt, Selenium and Chromium.

    DNA - Pirates of the Sacred Spiral.avi, 2005, 677MB
    Based on the latest science, this monumental book considers both uses and abuses of DNA – “The Sacred Spiral.” Stunning evidence compiled herein proves DNA is nature's bioaccoustic and electromagnetic (that is, “spiritual”) energy receiver, signal transformer, and quantum sound and light transmitter. In other words, the bioenergetics of genetics precipitates life. These scientific revelations bring expanded spiritual meaning to life, physical embodiment, and even evolution. Yet, leading genetic industrialists prefer to keep these uplifting and freeing truths secret. The infamous untrustworthy “Human Genome Pirates” operate covertly, controlling genetic patents, spin-off technologies, and public information dissemination. With the world's most powerful banking and pharmaceutical cartel behind them, they now control civilization's destiny. The greatest risk of manipulation and threatened extinction is at hand. As humanity teeters on the brink of unprecedented DNA-mediated, spiritual ascendance or complete enslavement if not extinction, argues award winning author and public health expert, Dr. Leonard Horowitz, this riveting prose provides critical direction for humanity's physical and spiritual salvation.

    Freddy Silva - Stairways to Heaven - the Practical Magic of Sacred Space.avi 54min 572MB
    Over the course of six thousand years our ancestors built impressive temples to last into our time.
    Sacred spaces that connect with subtle levels of consciousness.

    Theirs was a spiritual technology for speaking with the gods. And they left us the instructions.

    Stairways To Heaven:
    The Practical Magic Of Sacred Space.
    A breathtaking documentary exploring those unique places on Earth where the veil between worlds is thinnest.

    ** DVD converted to a 54:08 720 x 480 DivX 224kbps mp3 file to promote the research of Freddy Silva - if you enjoyed this video please support him; For a limited time you can purchase both Freddy Silva's bestselling book Secrets In The Fields and his DVD 'Stairways To Heaven' only through the author's web site. Just $32 plus $3 s&h. A saving of $6.
    Visit this page for the special offer! http://www.lovely.clara.net/specialoffer.html **

    Written, directed and produced by Freddy Silva, best-selling author of Secrets In The Fields. 200-ton rocks are hauled across vast distances to build colossal monuments. Gothic cathedrals are secretly encoded with information by Knights Templars. Stone circles that emit magnetic fields and ultrasonics. Mysterious crop circles that microscopically alter plants, water and soil. What secret technology lies behind these sacred spaces? And for what purpose?

    This exhilarating documentary leads you through the spiritual technology of the ancients, and how its application in sacred spaces, temples, and Gothic cathedrals has influenced humanity’s states of awareness for millennia.

    With breathtaking sites filmed across the British Isles, you will be led on a 8000-year journey into a practical magic whose principles are alive – a legacy for our times, when all systems of understanding, structure and environment lie in a state of transformation and upheaval.
    You will also discover how, with the appearance of crop circles, this ancient information is once again coming to light – information that is imprinting all living things on Earth.
    Including the human body.
    ** For more information please visit The Crop Circular: http://www.lovely.clara.net/ **

    CBC The Nature Of Things - Corporate Agriculture.avi 2003 44min 352MB

    Corporate Agriculture: The Hollow Men, examines the growth of corporate factory agriculture – an industry that generates severe environmental, social and cultural problems. There is a growing backlash against a form of agriculture that many believe is unsustainable.

    CBC The Nature Of Things - Alternative Agriculture.avi 2003 44min 347MB
    Alternative Agriculture: Food For Life, looks at alternatives to factory farming and the growing demand for nature-based or organic foods. Animals, grains, fruits and vegetables are raised to thrive in a natural environment – the antithesis of factory farming. Increasingly, consumers are looking for food produced without the use of chemicals, pesticides, hormones or antibiotics. Even though organic food is more expensive to produce, shoppers are willing to pay the added cost. They believe that by buying factory food, they are supporting a socially and environmentally destructive form of agriculture.

    The extinction of family farms has become a lightning rod issue for environmental activist and lawyer Robert Kennedy Jr., who believes, “Thomas Jefferson’s view of American democracy was rooted in tens of thousands of yeoman farms. People who had a stake in our country, who controlled the land…these vital commodities… see (corporate farming) as the final nail in the coffin of that vision. And our landscapes are now being occupied by a few pirate multinational corporations who care nothing about our country or its losses.”

    Earthlings 2005.avi 1h35min 776MB
    EARTHLINGS is a feature length documentary about humanity's absolute dependence on animals (for pets, food, clothing, entertainment, and scientific research) but also illustrates our complete disrespect for these so-called "non-human providers." The film is narrated by Academy Award nominee Joaquin Phoenix (GLADIATOR) and features music by the critically acclaimed platinum artist Moby.

    With an in-depth study into pet stores, puppy mills and animals shelters, as well as factory farms, the leather and fur trades, sports and entertainment industries, and finally the medical and scientific profession, EARTHLINGS uses hidden cameras and never before seen footage to chronicle the day-to-day practices of some of the largest industries in the world, all of which rely entirely on animals for profit. Powerful, informative and thought-provoking, EARTHLINGS is by far the most comprehensive documentary ever produced on the correlation between nature, animals, and human economic interests. There are many worthy animal rights films available, but this one transcends the setting. EARTHLINGS cries to be seen. Highly recommended!

    EARTHLINGS has taken five years to produce. What began as a series of Public Service Announcements on spaying and neutering pets, evolved into a feature-length film on every major animal-related issue. Writer/Director Shaun Monson began the process by shooting footage at animal shelters in South Central L.A., Long Beach and North Hollywood. The PSAs were soon completed as his interest moved to other problem areas, like food and scientific research. In time, he accumulated a small library of material from several animal welfare organizations, and started editing. The process was a slow one. As footage gradually came in, Joaquin's narration was recorded (in stages), and a soundtrack was added. Along with all of Moby's music, some original pieces were also written for the film. In 2005, EARTHLINGS premiered at the Artivist Film Festival, (where it won Best Documentary Feature), followed by the Boston International Film Festival, (where it won the Best Content Award), and most recently at the San Diego Film Festival, (where it won Best Documentary Film, as well as the Humanitarian Award to Joaquin Phoenix for his work on the film).
    Watch on VideoGoogle.com http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3251419433163515470/

    Refusing To Be Silent 10min38sec 116MB
    Download Torrent From indytorrents.org Quote:
    The animal rights activists known as the SHAC 7 are about to be tried as terrorists for the crime of speaking. They join animal rights and environmental activists across the country, who are being swept up in a government witch hunt intended to silence effective activists. The government's efforts are not going to work. Because animal rights activists refuse to be silent.

    Atenco: Breaking the Siege 2006 47min
    AVI 297MB at salonchingon.com http://salonchingon.com/movies/atenco_cerco.xvid.avi
    torrent http://indytorrents.org/torrents/Atenco%20-%20Romper%20el%20Cerco.xvid.avi.torrent?info_hash=31c1caa42253f80e0a0d32c9cd6033b817d6cd68/
    Synopsis (from the Canal 6 de Julio website):

    This video analyzes the events in San Salvador Atenco during the first days of May, 2006 and denounces the violation of the civilian population’s human rights by state and federal police forces. The documentary deconstructs the mass media’s operating methods, which were responsible for creating a climate of fear and an information blockade on the events in San Salvador Atenco, in the midst of an especially delicate situation: the 2006 process of presidential succession in Mexico.

    NOTE: While an English-language version has not yet been released (but will be posted here as well as soon as it becomes available), the images in this 47-minute documentary speak for themselves. Much of the violence in Atenco was captured by television cameras, but few outside of Mexico have seen this footage. The filmmakers present not only the in-the-street shots of police savagely beating “anything that moved,” but also clips of the commercial news anchors flagrantly calling out for more repression of the popular movement from the state. Combined with Canal 6 de Julio and Promedios’ own work investigating the scene in Atenco and interviewing many of the townspeople, this is a powerful document of a turning point in Mexican history.


    Pickaxe - The Story of the Cascadia Free State, 1999, 1h35min 703MB
    This excellent documentary takes us into another world; the world of rogue loggers and firefighters turned eco-warriors. This documentary is on par with Manufacturing Consent, Waco: The Rules of Engagement, and Breaking the Spell: The Anarchists, Eugene, and the WTO Here is the summary from the promotion: "An arsonist burns 9000 acres of protected old-growth public forest in Oregon that can not be logged unless it burns. To stop the proposed "salvage" logging of this incredible ancient forest, citizens are moved to blockade a road and keep the government out. After facing down a bulldozer and the State Police, the fort now known as the gateway to the Cascadia Free State becomes the focus for a developing community dedicated to protecting ancient forests throughout the mountains of Oregon.

    The film shows confrontations with disgruntled loggers, mass arrests and a 75 day hunger strike. Back at Warner Creek activists build teepees and remain a living blockade on the logging road through the winter and ten feet of snow. Political pressure begins to shift and the White House promises a deal but not before Federal Agents come to bust the camp and destroy the fort. The story resolves with incredible footage of a mass jail break-in and unconditional victory for the forest. This inspiring documentary is two years in the making, and crafted from footage shot by more than two dozen people involved in the struggle to save Warner Creek. Principal photography and direction are by guerilla videographer Tim Lewis, award winner at WorldFest in 1998. Codirector/producer Tim Ream was involved in the action on and off the screen. Running Time: 95 minutes"

    Bruce Lipton - Nature, Nurture - The Biology of Conscious Parenting.avi, 2h, 698MB
    Nature, Nurture and Human Development
    Abstract: The role of nature-nurture must be reconsidered in light of the Human Genome Project's surprising results. Conventional biology emphasizes that human expression is controlled by genes, and is under the influence of nature. Since 95% of the population possess "fit" genes, dysfunctions in this population are attributable to environmental influences (nurture). Nurture experiences, initiated in utero, provide for "learned perceptions." Along with genetic instincts, these perceptions constitute the life-shaping subconscious mind. The conscious mind, which functions around age six, operates independently of the subconscious. Conscious mind can observe and criticize behavioral tapes, yet can not "force" a change in subconscious.

    Who Controls the Children?.avi 267MB

    Transformational Education - Preparing Our Children for Global Citizenship (Michael Chapman).avi 254MB

    Tranquility Bay - WWASP Behaviour Modification Camps (Guantanamo for kids), 2005, 1h, 359MB
    This is the shocking video documentary Tranquility Bay - WWASP Behaviour Modification Camps (2005) which exposes the private reform-school industry for wayward American teens and the unhappy parents who are increasingly speaking out about the tyrannical practices in these institutions which claim they will turn "problematic" kids into "perfect" ones and will do whatever it takes to reach that goal. The use of food deprivaion, isolation, guard sadism and everykind of other abuse including rape has all been occuring during the years as various camp survivors have finnally spoke out - all with good intentions offcourse to change the "wrong" behaviour of kids. It is a growing industry and affluent parents pay up to $25,000 a year in school fees to get back "perfect" kids who would love and respect them since they were obviously unable to motivate them to do so. Exotic school names like Tranquility Bay and Paradise Cove and beachside locations in countries like Jamaica, Fiji and Western Samoa suggest that troubled-teen students will find an idyllic and understanding academic paradise where they can reform. Instead the pupils behind the schools' barbed wire fences have been subjected to abuse and half of the schools have been forced to close. Tranquility Bay looks at The World Wide Association of Specialty Programs (WWASP) as the leading provider of behaviour modification programs for American teens. At the helm of a company which earns $95 million per year is Robert Browning Lichfield, a Utah resident and Mormon, who has built his fortune through the numerous WWASP programs that are located throughout the world. He is in charge of a virtual empire of schools where complaints of physical and sexual abuse are allegedly ignored by American authorities. The school's popularity feeds on the strong level of concern that parents have for their delinquent children. Parents attend seminars where they are led to believe that their children can be changed for the better and then sign contracts with WWASP which specify it is allowed to use pepper spray, electronic disablers, mace, mechanical restraints and handcuffs to enforce good behaviour. The contract also states that the organisation is not liable for any harm the child should suffer while in its care. There are also allegations that the schools lack a comprehensive academic curriculum, operate without a license from the education ministry and offer student qualifications that aren't officially recognised in America. At WWASP, punishments are of a physical nature and designed to inflict extreme pain on the receiver. Misbehaviour such as talking at inappropriate moments is punished by relegation to the "dog cage" - a small boxed area where a student is forced to lie face-down for hours, days or months, in extreme heat conditions. One female student was subjected to this punishment for 18 months. Foreign authorities have been sufficiently concerned with the activities of the schools to shut down establishments in Western Samoa, Costa Rica, Mexico and the Czech Republic. In total, six out of twelve WWASP schools have closed amidst allegations of child abuse. An increasing number of parents who are shocked at the physical and emotional scars borne by their returning children have started to speak out against WWASP, under the threat of lawsuits. The film follows the progress of a defamation suit that WWASP brought against single mother, Sue Scheff, who set up a website detailing her objections to the way her son was treated in Tranquility Bay, Jamaica. The program claims that the profitability of WWASP goes a long way to explaining why American authorities have not mounted investigations into its activities. An examination of personal finances of school executives, such as Robert Browning Lichfield, indicates that they are amongst the biggest donors to the Republican Party and gave over $1 million in political donations in 2002-2004 and also fund the missionary work of the Mormon movement. Find out what some desperate parents are willing to do to change the supposed "problematic" behaviour of their children and the devastating outcome which results from various behaviour modification programs which turn their kids into mindless zombies and mentally cripple them for life. 60 min. A must see for everyone.

    The Human Behavior Experiments.avi 43min26sec 350MB
    ed2k://|file|the.human.behavior.experiments.dsr.xvid-tbs.avi|367167488|87D340117C3564EE82EB1C09CD7E50BF|h=M7LVZQKPEYJ43XLUEWGSODCWYQ3GKT26|/ Quote:
    "Documentary that explores persistent
    questions about why humans commit unethical
    acts under certain social conditions."

    Documentarian Alex Gibney (ENRON: THE SMARTEST GUYS IN THE ROOM) revisits three famous behavioral studies to explore some perennial questions about why human beings commit unethical acts under particular social conditions. Reconsidered are Stanley Milgram’s obedience to authority experiments, in which subjects willingly inflicted pain on another person; Philip Zimbardo’s alarming prisoner and guard role-playing study; and Columbia University’s 1969 experiments which illuminated how being in a group can cause a diffusion of moral responsibility.

    Rog - Smo zacasni / We are temporary.ogg, 2006, 164MB
    Rog - Smo zacasni / We are temporary is a documentary made by the temporary users of the factory Rog premises about its occupation.

    Saturday 25th of March 2006 marked the start of the initiative to open the abandoned bicycle factory Rog for temporary use, with the intent to carry out non-profit, non-established activities on its premises. It is not a classic occupation of space, but a temporary alteration of its purposes. The 7000 square meter large factory - owned by the City of Ljubljana (MOL) - has already been left to decay for 15 years. As long as MOL doesn't develop and begin implementing a clear strategy to solve the problem of these empty premises, we self-initiatively wish to open it to all individuals and groups engaged in the non-profit sector, for the realization of independent production of cultural and social content.
    Rog - Smo zacasni / We are temporary is a documentary made by the temporary users of the factory Rog premises.
    Slovenian with English subtitles

    Who Killed John O'Neill, 1h40min
    Dutch Subtitles Quote:
    One Actor, One Room, Seven Characters: 9/11.

    Traumatized by the September 11th attacks, one man struggles to dismantle official history, at the expense of his sanity and even his life. Grappling with multiple realities - and multiple personalities - he must retreat into his mind in pursuit of the truth. In a fictional film about non-fictional events, there is a place where belief and faith will blind you, where nothing is sacred, and to get there all you have to do is ask:

    "Who Killed John O'Neill?"
    a dead art film by ty rauber and ryan thurston
    Download MP4 601Mb At Wkjo.com (Other formats and sizes available)
    Watch At Google: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3781113200636275190/

    She Who Remembers Archive #7 - Grandfather Semu Huaute 1993/1994.mp3 1h15min 21Mb
    ed2k://|file|Semu%20Huaute%20-%20Chumash%20Indians%20of%20CA.mp3|22695662|8600DFDDE8E76A14EDF2D58A18D593BC|h=IXB2MVZBQUWDHJQD5G43MX3UMNQSVY5Q|/ Quote:
    This talk was broadcast by KPFK 90.7 fm Los Angeles

    Recorded by JRI in 1993 or 94.
    Encoded to MP3 by JRI in August of 2002 for She Who Remembers

    In loving memory of Genie Brittingham Erstad (She Who Remembers)

    She Who Remembers was a respected political activist, public speaker, hemp activist, friend, radio talk show host, radio show producer, and talk show archiver for Pacifica Network radio station 90.7 KPFK Los Angeles. Genie collected many talks from KPFK and other stations, and she recorded and produced many others to be aired on KPFK, and still others that are just now seeing the light of day. These hard core underground audio archives were also distributed by herself on cassette under the name She Who Remembers for over 12 years.

    In September 2001, after the WTC attack, and realizing the failing health of She Who Remembers was more immediate than I had thought, I realized that I could no longer, in good conscience, continue to sit on this suppressed information. I had to get these archives out to the general public. I knew there had to be a better/faster way to distribute them than on audio cassettes. It was at that time I started one of the largest projects of my life. On Sept. 22nd 2001, I began encoding the hundreds of hours of She Who Remembers audio cassette archives to MP3 for distribution on the Internet, and on compilation CDs and now, DVD as well.

    The very best of the best. These Archives will teach you the hidden truth surrounding our politicians, and the secret government known as the New World Order. You will also learn about Bio-Warfare, Vaccinations, Heath, Nutrition and Diet, Mind Control, History, Political Science, Ethno-Botany, Industrial Hemp and Medical Marijuana and the War on (Some) Drugs, Ancient Civilizations & Anthropology, Astro-theology, Entheo-Botany, Entheo-Mycology, Symbology, Mythology, Alchemy, and their relationship through the 'Macrocosm & Microcosm' with Shamanism uncovering hidden sun worship in most modern religions. An amazing and mind blowing collection of material that you'll be discussing and sharing with those you know for the rest of your life.

    There is over 500 hours worth of audio on the 12 CDs.
    A couple of sessions available for downlad at http://www.thehemperor.net/nontesters/thehemperor/archives.html

    Angels & Demons Revealed.avi 2005 1h6min 689MB
    This documentary takes its inspiration from Dan Brown's novel ANGELS & DEMONS. ANGELS AND DEMONS REVEALED purports to uncover the truth about the shadowy Illuminati, a secret organization that acts behind the scenes of global politics in an effort to control the world. Reportedly, one of the Illuminati's first steps will be to eliminate the Vatican for purposes of revenge and because of the power wielded by the church. Hosted by Patrick Macnee (TV's THE AVENGERS), ANGELS & DEMONS REVEALED explains what the Illuminati is and shows evidence of its plot to dominate the planet.

    Freedom Downtime.avi 2001 2h 541MB
    Extra Footage.avi 699MB

    Of course, the film is very opinionated in the first place, but as a documentary it shows how Mitnick was made victim of a public mud slinging campaign, how hackers (geeks!) were thrown into prison with violent maniacs, how prison authorities and the justice system abused them.

    The film is a bit Michael Mooreish in style, quite entertaining if you know anything about the world of computers and does highlight some important facts, such as that many of the crimes Mitnick was accused of in the press were never proven, that the people who destroyed his reputation had never even met him and were in it simply for the money.

    Exotic Weapons of Mass Control parts3 (Bob Fletcher).avi:
    part1 472Mb: ed2k://|file|Exotic.Weapons.of.Mass.Control.part.1.of.3.(Bob.Fletcher).avi|494980574|1D16EADD10C9A3FB4CFED053C09EDE26|/
    part2 429Mb: ed2k://|file|Exotic.Weapons.of.Mass.Control.part.2.of.3.(Bob.Fletcher).avi|450527848|886D3FE15BD8A7A64E17347A888C596E|/
    part3 170Mb: ed2k://|file|Exotic.Weapons.of.Mass.Control.part.3.of.3.(Bob.Fletcher).avi|178468078|4BDC927D431B7842FCAE89CBF153BDC0|/

    War on Drugs - Prison Industrial Complex in USA (1999).avi 217MB:

    Pharaoh's Army 17min43sec 195Mb:
    torrent http://indytorrents.org/torrents/vftr-pharaohsarmy-1.5m-xvid.avi.torrent?info_hash=83dd51224046cf476aab3488f770b03340265c8c/
    A scathing look at the role of the police on the street, and particularly the use of so-called "less lethal" weapons, in the service of the global class war. It's not your imagination, there is an escalating pattern of violence against the peoples of the world, and at last the war has come home. Here in the streets of America, we are now living under occupation. This video uses footage both old and new, from the streets of Portland, Sacramento, Miami, New York, Boston, and elseware to explore the underlying patterns of oppression.

    "Pharaoh's Army" Video Online
    author: vdo

    A scathing look at the role of the police on the street, and particularly the use of so-called "less lethal" weapons, in the service of the global class war. It's not your imagination, there is an escalating pattern of violence against the peoples of the world, and at last the war has come home. Here in the streets of America, we are now living under occupation. This video uses footage both old and new, from the streets of Portland, Sacramento, Miami, New York, Boston, and elseware to explore the underlying patterns of oppression. "Less lethal" weapons are marketed to the public under the guise of reducing violence. But in fact, they are making possible an unprecidented escalation in the use of violent force against unarmed civilians, including state-sponsored torture and terrorism. This is part of a global strategy for silencing the growing voices of dissent in a world going over the edge. The unending wars of imperialism raging in the streets of Baghdad and Kandahar, Palestine and Cochabamba, and across the globe, would not be possible without the support of the friendly cop on the beat in downtown USA.

    This video portrays the use of so-called "less lethal" weapons in the service of the global class war. It explodes the myth that these weapons are about "less violence," and demonstrates how this new arsenal is really about escalating violence to unprecidented levels. If you've been in the streets over the past few years, you have seen what I mean. Ozzie and Harriet never even dreamed that the streets might one day be filled with black-armored thugs in darth vader gear, that cops would be riding around on tanks, and that unarmed people would be tortured in the streets of America while the corporate media cheered. But that's where we are, and this video proves it. Portland's finest are given a starring role, alongside the fascist forces of Boston, Sacramento, New York, and Miami, to name but a few.
    torrent http://indytorrents.org/torrents/vftr-pharaohsarmy-1.5m-xvid.avi.torrent?info_hash=83dd51224046cf476aab3488f770b03340265c8c/
    ANIMAMVNDI --- ---
    June 2006

    Steven E. Jones from Brigham Young University who previously proposed that Thermite was most likely responsible for the collapse of WTC (http://www.physics.byu.edu/research/energy/htm7.html ) has received an 'unofficial' (non-government) sample from the WTC site. After the preliminary analysis the material contains Iron, Sulfur, Manganese, and Potassium. The presence of these is significant evidence which supports the theory that thermite was used to destroy the buildings.
    FRANCIMOR --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Verizon Launches Child Locator Service

    By Ed Oswald, BetaNews
    June 12, 2006, 1:49 PM

    Verizon on Monday introduced a new service aimed at parents who wish to keep track of where their children are through their cell phones. Additionally, the service will give children a way to easily contact their parents.

    The "Chaperone" service would be provided in conjunction with the kid-friendly LG Migo, a cell phone designed for easy operation by even the youngest users. The system uses GPS capabilities built into the phone in order to track a child's position.

    The parent would be able to see where the phone is located from a map on the Verizon Web site. Additionally, parents can download a cell phone-based application that would perform similar functions, Verizon said.

    The service will also allow for over-the-air programming of the phone's calling buttons, as well as customizing other settings including language and disabling or enabling of the emergency calling button.

    Another feature, called Child Zone, provides a service for parents where they would be alerted when the Migo phone leaves a predetermined area. The service would send a text message to the parent's Verizon phone.

    "[Chaperone] gives parents an added tool for keeping in contact with their children," Verizon product development director Lee Daniels said in a statement. "If the unexpected happens, a child carrying a Chaperone-enabled Migo phone will be able to quickly get in touch with parents or another responsible adult - and even emergency personnel - who can help."

    The service requires the LG Migo phone and a Verizon Wireless Family Share plan. The locator service by itself would be $9.99 USD per line, and $19.99 USD per line when the Child Zone service is added. The LG Migo costs $49.99 USD with a two-year service agreement.


    JAXXE --- ---
    North Korea to launch Taepodong-2 missile to hit US territory next week


    In August of 1998 North Korea launched a missile that crossed over the Japanese Isles. Japan urgently asked the USA for support in the creation and the deployment of the air defense system. Washington particularly promised to invest about one billion dollars in the project to modernize the sea-based Standard-3 anti-missile system.



    WRH comment: The comment about the Standard-3 being able to hit missiles is an important admission, because this is a violation of the terms of the ABM treaty. Even more important, this admission has a direct bearing on the shoot-down of TWA 800, as the government initially denied it was testing an anti-missile system at sea that day, principally because it was a violation of the treaty.
    MARNEYY --- ---
    MARNEYY --- ---
    MARSHUS: Kurva nepodcenuj to! Vis z ceho ty zasrany muslimove ty pasy delaji? Urcite z kuze malych zidu. A urcite je udelali nehorlavy a neznicitelny jenom proto, aby az zhebnou, nasrali vsechny americany. To mas jako, ze kdyz spachas na Guantanamu suicide, tak to je pochopitelne stejny, jako kdybys vystrelil rizenou strelu na USS Ronald Reagan.
    FRED --- ---
    dyt jo ;)
    MARSHUS --- ---
    FRED: proč ne? když může vypadnout pas z letadla co narazí do mrakodrapu...
    FRED --- ---
    Našli jsme Zarkávího poklad, tvrdí USA
    V tom dome rozsvihanym po naletu??
    JAXXE --- ---
    Terror suspects 'tortured,' lawyers say

    Jun. 12, 2006. 07:36 PM / CANADIAN PRESS

    Tiny solitary cells under constant illumination, a mere 20 minutes of fresh air daily, and beatings at the hands of guards are indicative of the "torture" endured by some of the 17 people accused of plotting terrorist attacks in Canada, lawyers for the group said Monday.

    The allegations of "cruel and unusual punishment" came as the court imposed a blanket publication ban on the legal proceedings, preventing the public from learning of any further evidence in a case of stunning allegations that has captured headlines around the world.

    The treatment of the suspects, accused of plotting a number of terrorist strikes in Ontario that allegedly included bombings and taking senior politicians hostage, "constitutes torture," lawyer Rocco Galati said outside the court.

    "That torture includes being kept in a room that's lit 24 hours a day, being woken up every half-hour, being beaten by the guards, on and on and on," said Galati, who represents Ahmad Mustafa Ghany, a 21-year-old health sciences graduate of McMaster University.


    BILLY_STYX --- ---
    29,06,06 20h30 , Wakata
    projection of the movie Road to Guatanamo
    potom, live set + dj
    dubtronics ambiant expe ,idm ,

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    Abu Musab al-Zarqawi: Dead Again

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    The fax that reveals the US is flying terror suspects to Europe’s secret jails

    SPECIAL REPORT: By Neil Mackay, Investigations Editor

    THE intercepted top-secret fax contained information that Amer ica never wanted the world to know – that the US was holding war-on-terror captives at clandestine “black site” prisons in eastern Europe.

    The fax, datelined November 10, 2005, 8.24pm, was sent by the Egyptian foreign minister, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, in Cairo, to his ambassador in London. It revealed that the US had detained at least 23 Iraqi and Afghani captives at a military base called Mihail Kogalniceanu in Romania, and added that similar secret prisons were also to be found in Poland, Ukraine, Kosovo, Macedonia and Bulgaria.

    The discovery of the fax seriously undermines the US’s denial that it has ever used secret detention facilities, breaching international law. It also adds to the pressure for the release of information on “extraordinary renditions”. These rendition flights see kidnapped terror suspects taken by the CIA to countries where torture is common, such as Uzbekistan. British intelligence has supported this practice and UK airports, particulary Prestwick, have given CIA jets logistical support.

    The Council of Europe last week published the results of its long-running investigation into rendition and found that 14 European countries, including Britain, had colluded with the CIA. It also suggested that secret prisons were operating in eastern Europe, but did not have conclusive proof.

    The fax, intercepted by Swiss intelligence, indicates that Egypt has such proof. It is headed: “The Egyptians have access to sources which confirm the existence of American secret prisons”.

    Its shocking contents would never have been uncovered if it hadn’t been for a conscientious surveillance officer with the Swiss secret service, stationed at an eavesdropping centre in Zimmerwald, south of Berne. On November 16, six days after the fax was first sent via satellite from Cairo to London, the officer intercepted it using the Onyx eavesdropping system. The officer marked their personal coded identifier, “wbm”, on the page and put the information down in a COMINT SAT report. The intercepted fax was given the reference number S160018TER00000115.

    The report noted: “The [Egyptian] embassy got the information from its own sources that 23 Iraqi and American citizens have actually been interrogated at the military base Mihail Kogalniceanu close to the [Romanian] city of Constanza at the Black Sea. Similar interrogation centres exist in Ukraine, Kosovo, Macedonia and Bulgaria.”

    The fax also referred to “prisoners being transported with American military planes from the base Salt Pit in Kabul to the Polish base Szymany and to the Romanian base on September 21 and 22, 2005.” It then went on to say: “In contradiction to all quoted facts, the Romanians deny the existence of the prisons that are used to interrogate members of al-Qaeda.”

    The activities of one secret CIA rendition jet do indicate that captives have been dropped off in Romania. The plane, N313P, a Boeing 737, landed in Timisoara on January 25, 2004 just before midnight after flying from Kabul. It stayed on the runway for just over an hour and then flew on to Palma, Mallorca, where a CIA rendition team stayed in a hotel under fake identities.

    Dick Marty, the Swiss senator who led the Council of Europe investigations into renditions, said in his report: “Having eliminated other explanations – including that of a simple logistics flight, as the trip is a part of a well-established renditions circuit – the most likely hypothesis is that the purpose of this flight was to transport one or several detainees from Kabul to Romania.”

    Rendition jet N313P also travelled from Tashkent, Uzbekistan, to Kabul on September 21, 2003. On September 22, it flew from Kabul to Szymany, a Polish defence ministry airfield. Close by is the Stare Kiejkuty base used by Polish intelligence. CIA jet N313P stayed only 64 minutes before flying to Romania.

    “It is possible,” says Marty, “that several detainees may have been transported together on the flight out of Kabul, with some being left in Poland and some being left in Romania.” After leaving Romania, the plane landed in Morocco, where “rendered” captives have been tortured with the knowledge of both British and American intelligence.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Ve věznici na Guantanamo zemřeli tři vězni

    V táboře Delta v zálivu Guantanamo na Kubě zemřeli v sobotu tři vězni. Byli nalezeni ve svých klecích oběšeni. Zdá se, že akce byla plánovaná, a že jde o sebevraždu.

    Bachaři přivolali zdravotní službu, ale už bylo pozdě.

    V táboře je dosud zadržováno 460 muklů bez obvinění, bez vynesení trestu, bez naděje na propuštění a bez právního statutu člověka.

    Na bráně tábora je nápis "Honour bound to defend freedom". Nevím, jestli jsem to správně pochopil, ale snad to znamená "Čest zavazuje bránit svobodu". Hm. To zní podobně jako "Arbeit macht frei". Ostatně, je to ze stejné dílny, od stejných autorů a na stejném typu zařízení.



    Guantanamo suicides a 'PR move'

    The US says the detainees had other means of protest

    A top US official has described the suicides of three detainees at the US base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, as a "good PR move to draw attention".

    Colleen Graffy told the BBC the deaths were part of a strategy and "a tactic to further the jihadi cause", but taking their own lives was unnecessary.




    Guantanamo suicides 'acts of war'

    A watchtower at the US base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
    These are the first suicides at the base, despite dozens of attempts
    The suicides of three detainees at the US base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, amount to acts of war, the US military says.

    The camp commander said the two Saudis and a Yemeni were "committed" and had killed themselves in "an act of asymmetric warfare waged against us".

    Lawyers said the men who hanged themselves had been driven by despair.


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