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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 4 :: The War on Error
    JAXXE --- ---
    'Israel using poison gas and depleted uranium shells in southern Lebanon'

    'Our intelligence sources in Lebanon have reported to us exclusively that Israel is now using poison gas and depleted uranium shells on towns in the south of Lebanon. Residents of the small village of Kasarshoba became violently ill, experiencing severe vomiting, after the Israelis hit the village with poison gas. In other cases, underground shelters in southern Lebanon were hit by Israeli depleted uranium shells.
    Our sources also report that the entire southern suburbs of southern Beirut, with a population of 800,000, have been totally depopulated. Israel has targeted thousands of civilian homes for destruction.

    Meanwhile, Israeli government spokespersons and Bush administration officials took to the Sunday morning talking head programs in Washington to defend Israel's barbarous actions. The networks failed to present the views of Lebanese government spokespersons. Israel's and the Bush administration's line is that Israeli attacks are "precision targeted." Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice pointedly refused to criticize Israel on ABC's This Week.

    Israeli Kadima (ex-Likud) Prime Minister Ehud Olmert joins Ariel Sharon in annals of Israeli leaders who committed war crimes in Lebanon.


    Source: http://www.waynemadsenreport.com


    Eight Canadians killed in Lebanon: Ottawa

    OTTAWA (Reuters) - Eight Canadians were killed in Lebanon on Sunday, Foreign Minister Peter MacKay said, adding that Canada was preparing to evacuate some of the tens of thousands of citizens believed to be in the country.

    "All we can say is that there are eight confirmed casualties and six who have been critically injured," he told CTV television by telephone.

    Asked whether this meant eight Canadians had died, MacKay replied: "That's the information that we have to date."

    Earlier reports from Lebanon said five Canadians with dual Canadian and Lebanese citizenship had died when Israeli aircraft destroyed a house in the south of the country.

    Around 16,000 Canadians in Lebanon have registered with the embassy there but MacKay said the real figure could be as high as 40,000. Canada has a significant population of Lebanese origin.

    MacKay said Canada -- working in conjunction with Britain and France -- was securing commercial vessels and positioning them off the coast of Lebanon to prepare for an evacuation.

    "We're calling for restraint in all sectors right now and hope to be able to have those ships in place and citizens moving out of Lebanon as quickly as possible," he said.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Let's face it, it's WWIII, Gingrich says

    By David Postman / Seattle Times chief political reporter

    Former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich says America is in World War III and President Bush should say so.

    Gingrich said in an interview Saturday that Bush should call a joint session of Congress the first week of September and talk about global military conflicts in much starker terms than have been heard from the president.

    "We need to have the militancy that says 'We're not going to lose a city, " Gingrich said.

    Gingrich said in the coming days he plans to speak out publicly and to the administration from his seat on the Defense Policy Board about the need to recognize that America is in World War III.

    He lists wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, last week's bomb attacks in India, North Korean nuclear threats, terrorist arrests and investigations in Florida, Canada and Britain, and violence in Israel and Lebanon as evidence of World War III.

    He said Bush needs to deliver a speech to Congress and "connect all the dots" for Americans.

    He said European leaders and some in the Bush administration who are urging a restrained response from Israel are falling short of what needs to be done "because they haven't crossed the bridge of realizing this is a war."

    JAXXE --- ---
    “While it is politically incorrect to say that all Muslims are terrorists, unfortunately, it’s true that all terrorists are Muslim.”

    --Dan Gillerman, Israeli Ambassador to the UN on Bill O'Reilly, July 16, 2006


    pics from Lebanon:


    PETVAL --- ---
    v prostrednim grafu je krasne videt, jak se US administrative podarilo odpoutat pozornost od skutecnych problemu:

    The Terrorism Index
    By FOREIGN POLICY & The Center For American Progress Page 1 of 1
    July/August 2006
    Is the United States winning the war on terror? Not according to more than 100 of America’s top foreign-policy hands. They see a national security apparatus in disrepair and a government that is failing to protect the public from the next attack.

    JAXXE --- ---


    Two Royal Navy ships are expected to make their way to the Middle East to be on standby for an emergency evacuation of British nationals from the Lebanon.


    Israel may launch false flag war provocation vs. Americans in Lebanon


    Twelve Egyptian sailors have been rescued and taken to al-Bassel Hospital in the Syrian coastal city of Tartous on Saturday after their ship which was in offshore Beirut in the Lebanese international waters was fired at, set ablaze by an Israeli barge that was firing at random in all directions.


    Muslim extremist admits he was spy who revealed Canada bomb plot


    Israel gave Syria 72 hours to stop Hizbullah’s activity, bring about release of kidnapped IDF troops.

    ‘Israel will not end military activity until new situation created that will prevent Syria, Iran from using terror organizations to threaten its security,’ newspaper quotes Pentagon official as saying...


    Israeli Aircraft Attack Central Beirut


    WALKIE --- ---
    "Analysts said oil could soon move above $80 a barrel if there was no imminent end to hostilities." http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/5178866.stm

    Mr Bush said that in order to bring the conflict to an end it was important to understand why it had started in the first place, "and that's because Hezbollah has been launching rocket attacks out of Lebanon into Israel and because Hezbollah captured two Israeli soldiers". http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/5182564.stm
    FRED --- ---
    FLU --- ---
    TANTRAMAN: tez se mi to tak jevi. zaminka osvobozeni 1+2 vojaku je opravdu hodne chatrna
    TANTRAMAN --- ---
    MARNEYY: nevíš kdo tahá za nitky a jaký je záměr. podle mě jde o to vyprovokovat nějaké další jako třeba Sýrii a hlavně Írán k nějaké akci. nebo na ně něco hodit.
    MARNEYY --- ---
    FLU: Uz je nevyssi cas, aby tomu Israeli dal nekdo ale vopravdu hodne pres drzku. Svine zasrany.
    FLU --- ---

    13. července 2006 7:42, aktualizováno 11:13
    Izrael vystupňoval tlak na Libanon. Letadla židovského státu během noci bombardovala desítky cílů, při útocích zemřelo 36 civilistů. Ráno letouny udeřily i na mezinárodní letiště v Bejrútu. Dopoledne Izrael zahájil námořní a vzdušnou blokádu země. Češi v Libanonu jsou v pořádku.
    PETVAL --- ---
    Předává ČR nezákonně Spojeným státům soukromé informace o českých občanech?
    tisková zpráva Iuridicum Remedium

    Český Úřad na ochranu osobních údajů vyzván k šetření předávání údajů o bankovních transakcích vládě USA
    TANTRAMAN --- ---
    vypadá to, jako že už to začlo. jde do tuhýho.
    MARSHUS --- ---
    9:16 Izrael uvalí na Libanon vzdušnou a námořní blokádu, uvedl izraelský rozhlas s odvoláním na vojenské činitele. Jde o další část vojenské operace po únosu izraelských vojáků hnutím Hizballáh.
    FRANCIMOR --- ---
    Další Izraelci zajati. Izrael mobilizuje

    Libanonské hnutí Hizballáh uneslo dva izraelské vojáky. Izrael hrozí libanonské vládě mohutnou odvetou a mobilizuje rezervy.

    uz to se to asi zacina varit...
    SUPAFLY --- ---
    neco pro zasmani: banned WV commercial http://www.thatvideosite.com/view/2551.html
    FLU --- ---

    Irán: Kým sa pravda obuje, lož obehne pol sveta.
    Jaroslav Drobný
    Asi každý čitateľ pozná slávny výrok iránskeho prezidenta Ahmandínedžáda, že „Izrael musí byť vymazaný z mapy“. No koľko čitateľov vie, že to takto vôbec nepovedal?

    Tento „kontroverzný“ výrok (vraj) predniesol iránsky prezident 26. októbra 2005 na konferencii „Svet bez sionizmu“ v Teheráne. No nič takého vtedy nepovedal. Namiesto nám známeho „Izrael musí byť vymazaný z mapy!“ totižto iránsky prezident vyhlásil, že: „Veľký Imám [Chomejní] povedal: Tento okupačný režim nad Jeruzalemom musí zmiznúť zo stránok času!“

    zajimavy clanek se spoustou odkazu...
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