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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 4 :: The War on Error
    FLU --- ---
    MARNEYY: nevidčel bych za tim zadne spiknuti. mel gibson je imho hlupak
    JAXXE --- ---
    MARSHUS --- ---
    poslední zpráva na bbc o gibsonovi..

    Gibson admits anti-Jewish remarks

    "There is no excuse, nor should there be any tolerance, for anyone who thinks or expresses any kind of anti-Semitic remark," he said in a statement.


    Influential talent agent Ari Emanuel has called for the movie community to boycott his future projects.

    "At a time of escalating tensions in the world, the entertainment industry cannot idly stand by and allow Mel Gibson to get away with such tragically inflammatory statements," he wrote on the Huffington Post weblog.
    MARNEYY --- ---
    SUPAFLY: Treba to par lidi konecne trkne, ze takhle uz proste ne.
    SUPAFLY --- ---
    Mel Gibson Arrested on Terrorism Charges

    The famous Australian-American actor, director and producer has been arrested at his residence today on terrorism charges. The details are still coming in at this time.
    JAXXE --- ---
    9/11 Live: The NORAD Tapes

    How did the U.S. Air Force respond on 9/11? Could it have shot down United 93, as conspiracy theorists claim? Obtaining 30 hours of never-before-released tapes from the control room of NORAD's Northeast headquarters, the author reconstructs the chaotic military history of that day—and the Pentagon's apparent attempt to cover it up. VF.com exclusive: Hear excerpts from the September 11 NORAD tapes. Click PLAY after each transcript to listen

    BEEJBI --- ---
    TOPICZ: no prave, osobne si myslim, ze pre spolocnost nie je nic horsie nez propaganda a infotainment...aj ked ludia nie su uplne blbi, tieto metody su tak sofistikovane, ze zasiahnu fakt kazdeho :( uz si ani nebudu uvedomovat, ze sa deje nieco co by sa nemalo diat, koniec z koncov z velkej miery uz si to neuvedomuju ani teraz :( a cesta z toho von nevedie, nie je kam utiect a nie je mozne odrezat sa od vsetkych komunikacnych kanalov bez toho, aby clovek spolocensky uplne nezakrnel
    TOPICZ --- ---
    BEEJBI: infotainment..
    BEEJBI --- ---
    toto je huste:

    Bushove tlačovky budú pripomínať šou

    Hovorca amerického prezidenta Georgea Busha, konzervatívny novinár Tony Snow, je v úrade iba tri mesiace a už sa rozhodol v Bielom dome zavádzať novinky. Nepáči sa mu, ako vyzerajú jeho a aj prezidentove brífingy.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Tony Blair's gissa-job trip, partying with the super rich in America

    By JONATHAN OLIVER and CAROLINE GRAHAM , Mail on Sunday 22:00pm 29th July 2006

    The sign over the door says 999 Green Street, Penthouse 1.

    But the $5million apartment with its sweeping vista of San Francisco Bay where Tony Blair wast feted by America's wealthiest, is quite simply the most exclusive job centre in town.

    The Prime Minister flew into California amid claims he was using a taxpayer-funded trip to tout for lucrative retirement berths on the boards of American conglomerates. If so, he had certainly come to the right place.

    He began his five-day West Coast tour with a glitzy cocktail party attended by America's richest men.

    The soiree was arranged by society hostess Charlotte Shultz, whose husband George has advised the last three US Presidents.


    Among the 90 present were stockbroker Chuck Schwab and Phil Bronstein, Sharon Stone's media tycoon ex-husband. There were also executives from US corporate giants such as Chevron oil, internet search engine Yahoo and Wells Fargo bank.


    Indeed, Mr Shultz, 85, retains an enviable reputation as one of California's best-connected men. His paid business interests include the banking giant JP Morgan, international stockbrokers Charles Schwab and management consultants Accenture.

    Most controversially, he is the former president and director of Bechtel, the construction conglomerate which has been accused of having undue influence in Downing Street.

    The San Francisco-based company has helped devise Mr Blair's new nuclear power strategy - but despite its inside knowledge it has itself recently been given the go-ahead to bid for potentially lucrative radioactive waste clean-up projects.

    Bechtel also has ambitions to build the 2012 London Olympic village and the Crossrail rail project linking East and West London.


    He is also a senior figure at Bohemian Grove, the secretive club of the US political and business elite which, by chance, is holding its annual gathering outside the city this weekend.

    There was speculation that Mr Blair might even have been a guest at the male-only event, following in the footsteps of John Major and Prince Philip.


    Transport spokesman Chris Grayling urged him to provide the Commons with an urgent statement detailing exactly whom he was due to meet during the visit.

    He said: "The trouble with the position that Mr Blair has now got himself into is that even if he is doing something perfectly properly, the suspicion always remains there is a hidden agenda.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Lebanon: Victim of the Global Democratic Revolution
    - by Paul David Collins ©, July 20th, 2006

    TrotskyitesWho's to blame for the current crisis in the Middle East? Point the accusatory finger at the neoconservatives and their concept of a global democratic revolution. The neoconservatives are a faction of the elite that are essentially running the Bush Administration. They are Trotskyites who have blended their leftist philosophy with Leo Straussian fascist additives and technocratic concepts to form what can be described as a new Jacobinism.


    JAXXE --- ---
    "This is a moment to seize. The kaleidoscope has been shaken, the pieces are in flux, soon they will settle again. Before they do, let us re-order this world around us."

    Tony Blair, Tuesday, 2 October, 2001
    MARSHUS --- ---
    Blair: Boj s terorismem potřebuje „celkovou změnu“

    Britský premiér Tony Blair se během návštěvy USA v Los Angeles vyslovil pro "celkovou změnu" způsobu boje proti terorismu. Podmínkou této změny je prý pokrok v řešení situace v Libanonu. Západní svět by měl také získat spojenectví umírněných.

    "Jakmile toho bude dosaženo (řešení nynějšího blízkovýchodního konfliktu), musíme přistoupit k celkové obnově naší strategie, jak porazit ty, kteří nás ohrožují," řekl Blair americké Radě pro zahraniční záležitosti.

    Musí být kladen větší důraz na diplomatické a humanitární metody, dodal.

    "Abychom porazili terorismus, potřebujeme spojenectví umírněných. To umožní zrod jiné budoucnosti, v níž se muslimové, židé a křesťané, země bohaté i rozvojové budou moci vyvíjet k míru a harmonii mezi sebou navzájem," řekl Blair.

    Upozornil, že "bez nového přístupu k chudobě, klimatickým změnám, uvolnění světového obchodu a k řešení situace na Blízkém východě nevyhrajeme". "A toto je boj, který musíme vyhrát," podotkl.

    Jeho mluvčí pak před novináři zdůraznil, že premiérova slova nepředstavují přiznání, že selhala dosavadní Blairova politika v Iráku, kde Británie plně podporovala americký postup.
    MTO --- ---
    ONDREX: tyjoooo to me vubec nenapadlo. ale v miami uz slavej:)
    ONDREX --- ---
    .. taky si myslíte, že Fidel už je mrtvej ? :)
    JAXXE --- ---
    Agentura Associated Press vydala 12. července zprávu, že ve středu byli v jižním Libanonu zajati dva izraelští vojáci.

    Zprávu převzaly stanice ABC, CBC (tam už to není), Boston Herald.

    V 5.41 redaktor AP Joseph Panossian napsal, že vojáci byli chyceni v jižním Libanonu.

    V 7.09 se objevila oprava. Nyní bylo v článku napsáno: "V průběhu bojůvek chytila Hizballáh dva izraelské vojáky poblíž hranic mezi Libanonem a Izraelem." Všimněte si, nenapsali na čí straně.

    V 16.13 tentýž redaktor změnil text potřetí. Nyní tam bylo uvedeno: "Bojovníci Hizballáh překročili hranice do Izraele a chytili dva izraelské vojáky."

    Tak, teď už je to jasné, ne? Z profesionálních diverzantů, pracujících na cizím území, se rázem staly oběti.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Alex Jones at American Scholars Symposium

    C-Span (CSPAN) covered this American Scholars Symposium on 911 in Los Angeles. The 9/11 story presented to us by the mainstream media was a ... all » bit shady I thought, so this video really helped to

    clear some of it up for me. I downloaded this film from prisonplanet.tv and have been granted access to show it to you here by Alex Jones. Please watch this and feel free to show it to others. -ken solar see also: http://KenSolar.com/dyk keywords: September 11th, 2001, charlie sheen, infowars, steven jones, robert bowman, james fetzer, webster griffin tarpley, william rodriguez, loose change, dylan avery, truth, day 2, second day, 2nd day...

    JAXXE --- ---
    David Icke Newsletter, July 16th 2006





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