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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 4 :: The War on Error
    JAXXE --- ---
    Landmark Tower Implosion, Fort Worth, Texas

    Looks kinda like how WTC-7 came down, doesn't it?

    MTO --- ---
    Lula tvrdí, že má Fidel Castro rakovinu
    Kubánský diktátor se asi nevrátí do úřadu, protože nádor v jeho břiše je maligní

    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Four short clips of things Americans never see on TV

    PETVAL --- ---
    Against Leviathan: Government Power and a Free Society
    Robert Higgs

    A wonderful book, a great education!, December 20, 2005
    Reviewer: Karen U. Kwiatkowski (Mt Jackson, VA) - See all my reviews

    "I believe that it is better to tell the truth than to lie. I believe that it is better to be free than to be a slave. And I believe that it is better to know than be ignorant."

    ~ H. L. Mencken (Living Philosophies, 1931)

    H. L. Mencken would have delighted in Robert Higgs's crisp and razor-sharp assessment of America's political evolution, Against Leviathan: Government Power and a Free Society. The American body politic in the early 21st century seems somewhat inexplicable to many classical liberals, traditional conservatives, libertarians and others who appreciate the famous Marxist inquiry (Groucho, not Karl) of "Who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes?" Higgs, in forty concise chapters focusing on what has really happened in our historical, political and economic evolution as a Republic, ensures not only that we "know" and are no longer ignorant, but hints that Americans may also someday recognize that it is better to be free than to be a slave to the idea of the necessity of a centralized nation-state.

    How did America migrate so far from the ideas of the founders, who believed government was a necessary evil to be constantly watched for signs of insincerity and encroachment? How did we change from a people who saw American presidents as presentable representatives abroad and models of moderation in all things governmental, into a people who worship activists from Wilson to Roosevelt to Nixon to Clinton and George W. Bush - each in their own way a national embarrassment abroad and utterly Bacchanalian in all things related to the state?

    Higgs explains why this is so, by showing us the historical facts, the rich and widely available evidence of a growing and ravenous state, addicted to an all-it-can-eat diet of American national wealth, productivity and citizens, and the actions of the three prolific cooks in the kitchen - the judiciary, the legislature, and the executive. Whether the cooks are just doing their jobs, or are actually co-dependent with the chief customer and its insatiability, will be a question answered in one way by modern Republicans and Democrats, and another by the rest of the country. That the state has eaten extremely well in the last century will be denied by neither group.

    In a particularly helpful way, Higgs explains how our Constitution exists in three realities - the literal paper document, the body of judicial evaluation and rulings accumulated over decades about what it meant to say, and the most important reality - Charles Beard's idea of a living Constitution, "...what living men and women think it is, recognize as such, carry into action, and obey." In this last incarnation we find hope that it really can be the citizens in a republic who govern. Sadly, the hope Higgs offers in Against Leviathan must be gleaned along the model of the Straussians through the esoteric approach, using a kind of anarcho-libertarian inspired gnosis.

    For those of us who have apprehended American history from television and public school texts, Against Leviathan explains political actions beginning the early 20th century in a way that makes real sense and is historically accurate. Specifically, Higgs analyzes various mythologies against econometric data not available or ignored when these story-lines were initially put forth. In particular the idea that World War II got us out of the depression, something I grew up believing without question, is firmly debunked on the basis of hard cold fact. As the irreverent Mencken and Jesus of Nazareth both understood, knowing the truth is remarkably liberating.

    The past prepares the way for the future, and it cannot be otherwise. Woodrow Wilson, with a friendly legislature and judiciary, transformed his own electoral pledge to "keep us out of the war" into the classic tease practiced by all centralized states, where "no means yes." The federal government did not go from outlays of less than 2% of the gross national product in 1914 to the modern level of well over 20% without creative approaches towards confiscation and the elimination of citizen resistance, without a "crisis constitution" taking precedence over a "normal constitution." The massive conscription called by Wilson worked hand in hand with the Espionage Act of 1917, and its notorious Sedition Act amendment, to deliver bodies to the state while silencing complaints. Wilson's dedicated work paved the way legally and intellectually for the New Deal, in both spirit and detail of the governmental excesses, and further paved the way for an American command economy between 1941 and the end of World War II. This militarized society and emerging centralized state led, in turn, predictably and irreversibly into the quasi-corporatist government we both fostered and endured as Americans throughout the Cold War. Today we witness an even more perfect progeny, the never-ending War on Terror.

    After their passage and implementation, the 1917 Espionage Act and the 1918 Sedition Act were challenged in the courts as violating the first amendment, among other things. Both were subsequently upheld by the Supreme Court, although they were repealed in 1921, several years after WWI ended. Higgs points out that the Supreme Court has upheld most of emergency powers assumed by the state in post-hoc reviews, and he explains why in a way that is both disturbing and depressing. In part, reversing things like Roosevelt's confiscation of privately held gold stock and invalidation of all public and private contractual language mentioning gold as a form of payment would have not only embarrassed the federal government, but completely shattered its finances, its authority and its credibility. In other words, had the Supreme Court acted to preserve the amendments to the Constitution that once protected life, liberty, and property, it would have brought down the government completely and chaotically. That several principled and stubborn justices at times came close to doing just that is heartwarming.

    Robert Higgs covers a lot of ground in this comprehensive book. A relaxed reading is warranted by all Americans, whether they come to the book embracing the idea an activist state and feeling it is worth the cost, or loathing it as a moral and financial abomination. My favorite sections are those that address the political economy of the Leviathan; Higgs educates, entertains and enrages all at once. But there are at least three topics that are blazingly important to all of us as we consider present day-to-day challenges in our lives and for our families. In this election year, Americans are concerned about health care, crime and national security, and Against Leviathan enlightens on the state's interest in and influence on all three issues.

    The Food and Drug Administration seems a benign example of the Leviathan holding our individual interests foremost. Yet Higgs clearly shows how the FDA not only inhibits and warps scientific research and consumer choice, but is killing people daily with crimes of both commission and omission. Higgs carefully analyzes, with the help of FDA scientists and administrators themselves, the risk analysis conducted prior to every decision of the FDA, decisions that seem to place the needs of politicians and lobbyists as well as scientists and pharmaceutical CEOs over those of actual people who need to purchase drugs and get complete information about their health and their choices. This chapter is entitled in part "A Billy Club Is Not a Substitute for Eyeglasses" indicating that the FDA's law enforcement agenda has superceded its better health agenda. Frankly, after reading this chapter it is not clear to me that the FDA would understand the metaphor, after decades of steeping in its own brand of moral superiority and bureaucratic infallibility.

    In terms of crime and keeping Americans safe, Higgs relates the rise in public security spending with a threefold rise in private security employment and an astronomical rise in the incarceration rate of Americans and prison construction. Clearly, spending more for public safety from crime isn't working out as planned, although the prison industry emerges as one of the new micro-corporatist entities that provide depth and character to American-style corporatism. Higgs points out that while the private sector has rushed to fill the public safety void left by government policing, government spending in this area grows, unabated by a lack of effectiveness. In a discussion of the military industrial congressional complex elsewhere, Higgs points out how "no failure goes unrewarded" and discusses how industries affixed to various federal teats actually define government requirements instead of responding to them. It appears this condition extends beyond the MICC and into domestic law enforcement and public safety.

    In terms of national security, the Leviathan on steroids we have witnessed in our crisis constitution's one thousand days since 9-11 tells its own story. Higgs, in defining the nature of government growth and the state's natural-born tendency to infringe upon individual rights of speech, action and property, takes a bit of the mystery out of the Patriot Acts, the Department of Homeland Security, and a bloated federal budget that unguently merges the military state with the police state to make everyone feel better. It was all so predictable, and a unique value of Against Leviathan is its clarification and analysis of how and why government grows, not just that it does.

    A weakness in the book may be that while its title suggests we could have a foothold against our Leviathan government, the contents are not as optimistic. Is the black market and a growth in contempt for law a means of rebellion against state controls and restrictions? Sort of, Higgs says, but not really, as these two are mutually dependent. The super-productive peasant gardens in vast barren state collectives in the old Soviet Union worked well in part because the state run collectives were owned by everyone, meaning owned by no one. Thus collective resources of time, effort and supplies were free to be used on individual plots. The mystery was symbiosis. Once the artificial resource flow made possible by collectives was eliminated, the super-productive peasant gardens were likewise changed irrevocably, and we no longer hear of them. What about incremental change? Higgs points out that the Third Way is more of the same, succumbing to the false god of central planning even while lamenting it. Perhaps a major crisis so massive the state would be unable to surmount it could crash the system and relieve us from the Leviathan. Even this is viewed as unlikely, because of the remarkable stability of state interests netted with other interests, whether business or values based. America quasi-corporatism is not fascism, because each industry is not a single actor able to negotiate wholly with the state, or to completely act with the state to pursue this aim or that. Our corporatism is far more fluid and multifaceted, but the Leviathan's very widespread usefulness to all important political actors and factions makes it remarkably difficult to unseat it or even put it in a lurch. Only the individual is left out of the Leviathan equation, and most of us don't recognize that crucial reality.

    We have been acculturated and miseducated to accept patronizing massive central power and call it a Republic. The benevolence, magnificence and necessity of the nation-state has been preached every day from Washington for the past one hundred years. Robert Higgs aims to correct this dangerous circumstance, and baptize us all with truth. He has succeeded in Against Leviathan. One only wishes that Higgs' next book will be entitled "Leaving Leviathan: The End of the Affair."

    October 20, 2004
    GORG --- ---
    From the July 2006 Idaho Observer:

    Chemtrails:GAO report admits "chaff"
    MTO --- ---
    acoz takhle: http://www.reflex.cz/Clanek24528.html

    te pani bych to veril, kdyz tam zila...
    JAXXE --- ---
    Lobbying for Armageddon

    By Sarah Posner, AlterNet. Posted August 3, 2006.

    Some influential evangelical leaders are lobbying for an attack on Iran. But it's not about geopolitics -- it's about bringing about the End Times.

    In a perfect world, a reporter at last week's press conference with George Bush and Tony Blair would have asked Bush, in the presence of his principal European ally, if he believes the European Union is the Antichrist.

    Although it sounds like the kind of Pat Robertson lunacy that makes even the wingnuts run for the nearest exit, it's a question Bush should be forced to answer. Bush and other leading Republicans have lined up behind a growing movement of Christian Zionists for whom a European Antichrist figures prominently in an end-times scenario. So they should be forced to explain to the rest of us why they're courting the votes of people who believe our allies are evil incarnate. Could it be that the central requirement for their breathlessly anticipated Armageddon -- that the United States confront Iran -- happens to dovetail so nicely with the neoconservative war agenda?

    At the center of it all is Pastor John Hagee, a popular televangelist who leads the 18,000-member Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas. While Hagee has long prophesized about the end times, he ratcheted up his rhetoric this year with the publication of his book, "Jerusalem Countdown," in which he argues that a confrontation with Iran is a necessary precondition for Armageddon and the Second Coming of Christ. In the best-selling book, Hagee insists that the United States must join Israel in a preemptive military strike against Iran to fulfill God's plan for both Israel and the West.


    JAXXE --- ---
    AMERICA: Freedom To Fascism. Aaron Russo Interview

    MATT --- ---
    MARNEYY: je otazka kdy se to zlomilo... rika se, ze kdyz vladla hipicka generace, tak usa byla fakt svobodnou zemi..
    JAXXE --- ---
    Milióny detí v EÚ sa budú musieť podrobiť odobraniu odtlačkov prstov

    Podľa nového nariadenia EÚ, ktoré zatiaľ držia v tajnosti, budú deťom, možno už od veku šiestich rokov, povinne odoberať odtlačky prstov. Odtlačky budú skladovať v databáze, do ktorej budú mať prístup aj iné svetové krajiny.

    Tento výhľad zalarmoval skupiny občianskych slobôd, ktoré sa obávajú, že toto podstatne zmení vzťah štátu a detí a že to napokon môže viesť u mladistvých k mylným obvineniam z nespáchaných zločinov.

    Podľa zákona, ktorý teraz vypracúva za zatvorenými dverami výbor "Článku 6" Európskej komisie, v ktorom má zastúpenie všetkých 25 členských krajín EÚ, deti sa budú musieť najneskôr do júna 2009 dostaviť k odoberaniu odtlačkov, aby mohli dostať pas EÚ.

    Účelom odoberania odtlačkov prstov a iných biometrických údajov je preventívne predchádzať falšovaniu pasov a takisto sa tým splnia požiadavky Spojených štátov v súvislosti s udeľovaním víz. ...


    Jamie Doward, Observer
    JAXXE --- ---
    Selektívna organizácia Memri

    Už nejaký čas dostávam malé darčeky od štedrého inštitútu v Spojených štátoch. Sú to kvalitné preklady z arabských novín, ktoré inštitút posiela mailom každých pár dní, úplne zadarmo.

    Tieto emaily chodia tiež politikom, akademikom ako aj množstvu iných novinárov. Správy, ktoré obsahujú sú zvyčajne zaujímavé. Kedykoľvek dostanem mail od inštitútu , niekoľké moji kolegovia z Guardianu ho dostanú tiež a prepošlú mi ho, občas priložia poznámku, že ak mám záujem, mohol by som príbeh skontrolovať a napísať o ňom viac. Ak takáto poznámka príde od vysoko postaveného kolegu, zanechá vo mne pocit, že by som o tom skutočne napísať mal. Jeden taký príklad je z minulého týždňa, kde v preloženom článku od inštitútu stálo, že Sadám nechával vojenským dezertérom odrezať uši.

    Organizácia, ktorá tieto preklady posiela sa nazýva Middle EAST Media Research Institute (Memri), má sídlo vo Washingtone a nedávno otvorila kancelárie v Londýne, Berlíne a Jeruzaleme.
    Jej práca je dotovaná z daní amerických poplatníkov, pretože ide o „nezávislú, nestrannú a neziskovú“ organizáciu, ktorá na základe amerického zákona má štatút „tax deductible.“ (možnosť odpočtu z daní). Jej cieľom je podľa jej stránky prepojiť jazykový most Blízkeho východu so západom – kde len málo ľudí hovorí arabštinou...“

    Napriek týmto veľkolepým prehláseniam, je tu niekoľko vecí, ktoré sa sám seba vždy pýtam, keď zablúdim na ich stránku. Prvá je tá, že ide o záhadnú organizáciu. Webová stránka neposkytuje žiadne mená, kontakty, dokonca ani adresu kancelárie. Príčinou tohto utajenia je podľa bývalého pracovníka, aby „samovražedný útočník nevošiel priamo dnu v pondelok ráno.“ Zdalo sa mi to ako zbytočne tvrdé opatrenie na organizáciu, ktorá si kladie za cieľ „jazykové premostenie Blízkeho východu so Západom.“

    Druhá vec, ktorá ma zarazila, je že príbehy, ktoré Memri vybral na preklad sú písané podľa rovnakej šablóny: buď zobrazujú charakter Arabov v zlom svetle alebo nejakým spôsobom robia agendu Izraelu. V tomto presvedčení nie som sám.

    Ibrahim Hooper z Výboru pre americko-islamské vzťahy povedal novinám Washington Times: „Zámer Memri je nájsť najhoršie možné citáty a články z moslimského sveta a čo najviac ich rozšíriť.“
    Memri samozrejme tvrdí, že chce povzbudiť umiernenosť tým, že zvýrazní prípady netolerancie a extrémizmu. Ak to je pravda, potom by podobné články mali byť publikované aj v hebrejských médiách. Napriek tomu, že Memri tvrdí, že poskytuje aj preklady z hebrejských médií, nepamätám sa, žeby som nejaké dostal. Dôkazy zo stránky Memri spochybňujú aj ich proklamovanú nestrannosť. Okrem podpory liberálnej demokracie, občianskej spoločnosti a slobodného trhu, inštitút zdôrazňuje tiež „pokračujúcu dôležitosť sionizmu pre židovský národ a štát Izrael.“

    Toto stránka tvrdila, avšak slovo „sionizmus“ bolo už vymazané. Pôvodnú stránku však je možné nájsť v internetových archívoch.

    Dôvod na utajenosť Memri sa stane jasnejším keď sa pozrieme na ľudí, ktorí sú za ňou. Spoluzakladateľ a prezident Memri je Izraelčan Yigal Carmon.
    Pán Carmon strávil 22 rokov v izraelskej vojenskej rozviedke a neskôr slúžil ako poradca v otázkach terorizmu dvom izraelským premiérom – Jitzákovi Šamírovi a Rabínovi.
    Ak sa pozrieme do internetových archívov na mená ďalších spolupracovníkov Memri, nájdeme tam ďalších šesť mien, z ktorých traja podľa stránky slúžili v izraelskej špionážnej službe.

    Zo zvyšných troch slúžil jeden v izraelskej armáde, jeden má akademické pozadie a posledný šiesty je bývalý komik.
    Ďalším spoluzakladateľom je Meyraw Wurmser, ktorý je zároveň riaditeľom Centra pre Blízky východ Inštitútu Hudson v Indianapolise. Do správnej rady Inštitútu Hudson sa nedávno pripojil aj Richard Perle. Pani Wurmserová je autorkou akademickej správy nazvanej Môže Izrael prežiť post-sionizmus? , v ktorej tvrdí, že ľavicoví izraelskí intelektuáli predstavujú pre štát Izrael „viac ako prechodné nebezpečenstvo“, pretože podkopávajú jeho vôľu na sebaobranu.

    Pokiaľ viem doposiaľ nikto nespochybnil presnosť prekladov z Memri. Email, ktorý sme dostali minulý týždeň o odrezávaní uší Sadámom Husajnom bol vyňatý z dlhšieho článku v arabských novinách al-Hayat od Adil-a Awadh-a, ktorý tvrdí, že má o tom informácie z prvej ruky.

    Bol to ten typ správy, ktorú západné médiá radi preberajú bez toho, aby ju skontrolovali, najmä v súčasnej atmosfére vojny. Možno je pravdivá, avšak volá po troche obozretnosti. Pán Awadh nie je práve nezávislým novinárom. Je členom Iraqi National Accord, čo je exilová skupina, ktorú podporovali Spojené štáty, čo ani al-Hayat, ani Memri nespomenuli.

    Toho roku sa Memri podarili dva vynikajúce propagandistické kúsky proti Saudskej Arábii. Prvý bol preklad článku z novín al-Riyadh, kde novinár písal, že židia používajú krv kresťanov a moslimov v čase svojho sviatku Purim. Memri tvrdil, že noviny sú vládne (v skutočnosti sú súkromné), čím dával najavo, že článok bol akýmsi spôsobom oficiálne schválený.
    Šéfredaktor novín sa vyjadril, že článok nevidel, pretože v tom čase bol v zahraničí, okamžite sa však ospravedlnil a novinára vyhodil, škoda však spôsobená bola.

    Ďalší prípad – Memri preložil báseň, ktorú opísal ako „chválenie samovražedných útočníkov“. Či toto bol skutočný odkaz básne je otázkou jej interpretácie. Ďaleko pravdepodobnejšie to mohlo byť odsúdenie politickej neefektívnosti arabských vodcov. Vysvetlenie v podaní Memri však prebrali všetky západné médiá.

    Tieto incidenty by sa nemali posudzovať izolovane. Sú súčasťou budovania prípadu proti západu a jeho presviedčania, aby arabský svet posudzoval ako nepriateľa a nie ako spojenca.
    Je to kampaň, ktorú americkí neokonzervatívci a izraelská vláda pretláča už dlho. Každý, kto číta pravidelne arabskú tlač vie, že Memri účelovo vyťahuje veci, ktoré sa hodia ich agende a nereprezentujú obsah novín ako celku.
    Nebezpečenstvo spočíva v tom, že mnohí senátori, kongresmani a „tvorcovia verejnej mienky“, ktorí nečítajú arabskú tlač, avšak dostávajú emaily od Memri, majú pocit, že tieto extrémne príklady predstavujú stanovisko arabských vlád.

    Pán Carmon je dychtivý ich v tomto podporiť. V apríli vo Washingtone, vo svedectve pre Kongresový výbor medzinárodných vzťahov okrem iného vypovedal, že „Kontrolované médiá arabských vlád prenášajú nenávisť voči západu, najmä Spojeným štátom americkým. Pred 11. septembrom bolo pravidelne možné nájsť články, ktoré volali po teroristických útokoch proti Spojeným štátom.“

    Bohužiaľ na základe podobného povrchného generalizovania je dnes tvorená zahraničná politika Spojených štátov.


    JAXXE --- ---
    A list of UN Resolutions against "Israel"

    Here is a list of UN resolutions that Israel has not complied. As far as I know they have ignored every single resolution. But the situation is far worse than would at first appear, it involves the serious distortion of the official Security Council record by the profligate use by the United States of its veto power. (See Table)

    JAXXE --- ---
    Recent articles in corporate media examine deception and lying by the Department of Defense relative to the attacks of September 11th 2001. They shed light on an effective cover-up by the 9/11 Commission in its refusal to bring Government deception to the American people by way of their discredited 9/11 Report. Links to these articles follow as do 11 questions which these revelations and NORAD tapes beg to be asked and which must be answered:


    The real and problematic confusion and fog is one which is seemingly preventing the corporate media from grappling with any of the following pressing questions which have been advanced for years by the 9/11 families, advocates and independent researchers.

    Here are* Eleven Questions* that the corporate media have thus far refused to raise or attempt to answer in their examination of the NORAD tapes and related issues:

    1. *Who was responsible for scheduling multiple war games and terror exercises involving aircraft for Sept. 11th

    2. Who moved "Global Guardian" normally scheduled for October to September?

    3. Who designed the war games to involve 'hijackings'?

    4. Who planned and scheduled the movement of Airforce aircraft north to Canada, Alaska and Greenland?

    5. Who planned the terror exercise at the NSA involving an evacuation in response to threat from the air?

    6. Who was "hands-on" responsible for coordinating all the war games the morning of September 11th?

    7. Who would have been responsible for turning off the war games to enable a timely real world response to the attacks?

    8. How were as many as 21 false radar blips or possible targets (per Jane Garvey) inserted into FAA radar screens?

    9. Who was responsible for the identification of ghost flight 11 which allegedly continued to fly south past Manhattan and which may have caused NORAD's Langley intercept jets to vector North toward NYC rather than D.C.? * *

    10. Why was there no reference to the pattern of 9/11 Commission cover-up including that of Able Danger as revealed by Capt. Scott Philpott?


    * 11. The bottom line question that corporate media refuse to answer and which the 9/11 Commission ignored is who, specifically, would have been responsible for creating the circumstances that led to the confusion or fog the morning of 9/11 and who should have immediately ceased any and all war gaming activity and deceptive radar data?

    To begin to answer these questions journalists intent on getting answers to questions long asked by the families and others should visit:

    *Center for Cooperative Research: Essay -- "U.S. Military Exercises up to 9/11"* http://www.cooperativeresearch.org/timeline.jsp?timelin... eline&before_9/11=militaryExercises

    *Randi Rhodes interview with Complete 9/11 Timeline author, Paul Thompson on Air America* http://www.911podcasts.com/files/audio/RandiRhodes_Paul... 206.mp3

    Enough with excusing those responsible by pointing to 'confusion' or 'fog'. The real and dangerous 'fog' here is that which prevents journalists from doing their jobs and asking and answering the hard questions about 9/11 including those posed above and those surrounding the growing evidence for controlled demolition of the World Trade Center towers and WTC #7.


    STANDARD DISCLAIMER FROM UQ.ORG: UnansweredQuestions.org does not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the above article. We present this in the interests of research -for the relevant information we believe it contains. We hope that the reader finds in it inspiration to work with us further, in helping to build bridges between our various investigative communities, towards a greater, common understanding of the unanswered questions which now lie before us.


    The Scoop website is at http://www.scoop.co.nz /
    This Story is at http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL0608/S00053.htm
    MARNEYY --- ---
    BEEJBI: No pokud bychom se na to divali ciste takto, tak se nelze ubranit dojmu, ze Havel nedokazal prekrocit svuj stin a pres svoji casto proklamovanou moudrost a podporu humanismu a demokracie nedokaze videt pravy stav americke spolecnosti. Nevim co je smutnejsi.
    BEEJBI --- ---
    viete, nesmiete zabudnut na to, ze Havlov vztah k USA sa vyprofiloval hlavne tym, ze bol za komousov disident a vtedy sa vsetci disidenti upjali na USA a zapad vseobecne, tazko potom ockavat, ze sa takto hlboko zakoreneny vztah zmeni, uz vobec by som ho za to nejak neodsudzoval (aj ked to nikto z vas nerobi)
    MARNEYY --- ---
    CHARION: Souhlasim. Staci sledovat, kdo ma jake nazory na mezinarodni udalosti a je z toho celkem jasne videt, kdo je s kym kamarad a do jake skupiny patri. Havel je svym nekritickym obdivem k USA typickej priklad.
    FLU --- ---
    CHARION: neminim polemizovat o tom, jestli je havel zidozednar ci ne, ale kamos s Albrightovou, Clintonem, Bushem, Riceovou je asi kazdy vyznamnejsi zapadni statnik, ktery byl behem 90. let 8 let ve funkci. samo o sobe to o nicem nevypovida
    FLU --- ---

    Komise pro vyšetřování 11. září 2001 se cítí úmyslně podvedena Pentagonem
    Michal Brož

    S blížícím se pátým výročím událostí z 11. září 2001 a předvolební kampaní do amerického senátu nabírající před podzimním finišem nové obrátky přichází zdá se opět další zásadní rána do oficiální verze této tragédie.
    MARNEYY --- ---
    FLU: No na tom skutecne neni zadny spiknuti, podle mne by zavreli kazdyho, kdo by ozralej vykrikoval, ze zidi muzou za vsechny valky sveta... ale IMHO to je prave ten tragickej obraz doby. Kdyz budu rvat, ze za vsechny valky sveta muzou krestani, pripadne rusove nebo kdokoliv jinej, tak se nikdo ani neohlidne.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam