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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 4 :: The War on Error
    OMRI --- ---
    Second 9/11?

    'Airlines terror plot' disrupted
    All airports have been put under the restrictions
    A plot to blow up planes in flight from the UK to the US and commit "mass murder on an unimaginable scale" has been disrupted, Scotland Yard has said.

    PETVAL --- ---
    (15:25:21) f.: there is a graffiti in tel aviv saying
    (15:25:37) f.: Sharon wake up Olmert is in a Coma
    FLU --- ---
    Anti-terror critics just don't get it, says Reid

    · Politicians, judges and media 'put security at risk'
    · Home secretary hints at more legislation to come

    Alan Travis, home affairs editor
    Thursday August 10, 2006
    The Guardian


    jen podotykam, ze vystoupeni Reida se odehralo vcera a dneska uz zatykaji teroristy. chlapik si to umi sakra dobre nacasovat ;)
    JAXXE --- ---
    par jich pustili na kauci a par jich je stale ve vazbe, ale "publication ban prevents reporting of court testimony" takze se jen dozvime, ze je bud pustili anebo odsoudili...


    nejvetsi terorista ze skupinky byl statni agent...

    Terror informant may have 'set everything up,' lawyer says

    Did RCMP's mole observe or influence alleged terrorists' activities?

    FLU --- ---
    JAXXE: mimochodem, nejake zpravy o tom, jak to dopadlo s temi kanadskymi islamisticky teroristy? nejak se po tom slehla zem
    JAXXE --- ---
    Conspiracy Theories: What Is The Bilderberg Group?

    Darren Taylor -- SooNews.ca -- Sunday, August 6, 2006, 8:45PM

    It is secretive and consists of the world’s most financially and politically powerful people. It is the Bilderberg Group. Just what are they up to?

    The members meet at least once a year at the most expensive hotels, and their meetings are behind closed doors, unlike the annual G8 Summits, which are little more than photo opportunities for the political leaders of the world’s top eight industrialized nations.

    Its members include U.S. President George Bush, British Prime Minister Tony Blair, former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, retired banker David Rockefeller and others.

    The Bilderberg Group can trace its roots to Joseph Retinger, a Polish-born, British-based political advisor, who, among many others of his mindset, believed that world affairs should be controlled by one world government, one world currency and one world leader.

    After discussing his ideas with Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands in 1952, world leaders met at the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeek, in the Netherlands, in 1954. The group has kept the name “Bilderberg” and has met at least once a year, in expensive hotels around the world.


    In 1955, the Bilderberg Group called for a unified Europe. The Bilderberg Group was not the first to envision such an entity (Winston Churchill called for a “United States of Europe” to keep the Soviet-controlled Eastern Bloc in check during the early Cold War years). But not long after the Bilderberg call for European unification (a year and a half, in fact) the European Common Market was born. That Common Market has grown into the ever-more-powerful, ever-expanding European Union which we know today. Some European Union leaders have, in fact, called for the EU membership to expand to well over 100 countries, and to eventually divide the entire world into 10 Free Trade zones (our NAFTA zone being one of them), with a European-based One World Government calling the shots.

    The Bilderbergers, The Illuminati and those advocating a “New World Order” (like former U.S. President George Bush, father of current President George W. Bush) are all free traders. Start dismantling economic barriers, which has happened in the EU and NAFTA nations, and you therefore start destroying national identities—and sovereignty.
    Free trade, it can be argued, is a bloodless way of conquering the globe and paving the way for a New World Order, or One World Government, something which Joseph Retinger dreamed of.

    Just another conspiracy theory?

    One thing is certain.

    When the world’s most powerful people meet amid such tight security and utter secrecy, when their meetings are not allowed to be covered by the media, and when their bodyguards’ authority overrides that of the police of the countries that host their meetings—something odd, perhaps something very sinister--is going on.



    JAXXE --- ---

    Meet David Rockefeller, of Standard Oil, Chase Manhattan and the Council on Foreign Relations, which is one of the main headquarters of the conspiracy for world government. Random House published his Memoirs in 2002. I paid no attention to it. What would he reveal? He certainly would not incriminate himself, I thought. I was wrong. On page 405 of the paperback edition, David Rockefeller says this:

    "For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."



    Of course, there was nothing to fear. Despite his professed suspicion of the Trilateral Commission, Reagan had installed George H.W. Bush as Vice President, which led directly to the horror we are suffering from now. Reagan had promised to abolish both the noxious Department of Education and the Department of Energy. Safely elected, Reagan threw his phony promises into the toilet.

    Rockefeller continues: ". . . It is going to endanger the new world order which we have based on the alliance between Wall Street and Washington. . . . . Now radical conservatives are attempting to destroy all that in seeking first and foremost to serve the national interests of the United States."

    JAXXE --- ---
    Policisté usilovně pátrají po tom, kdo apokalypsu zinscenoval. Vše směřuje k teroristovi bin Ládinovi. Prezident Bush v projevu zdůraznil, že USA nebudou dělat rozdíly mezi teroristy a zeměmi, které jim poskytly zázemí.

    Afgánské ortodoxní islámské vládní hnutí Taliban se ale od útoků distancovalo a tvrdí, že terorista Bin Ládin za útokem nestojí. Podle BBC ale jeden z předních mluvčích afghánského vládního hnutí Taliban, jeho zástupce v Pákistánu Abdul Salam Zaíf, řekl že jeho lidé budou zvažovat bin Ládinovo vydání.

    Pákistánské noviny citují teroristu bin Ladina, který odmítl zodpovědnost za útok na USA. "Za ty útoky může nějaká americká skupina. Já s tím nemám nic společného," řekl podle talibanských zdrojů.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Útok na letadlo nevyšel, Británie jde po teroristech

    Útočníci chtěli zničit letadlo společnosti British Airways

    10. srpna 2006 7:17

    Britská policie zabránila na londýnském letišti teroristickému útoku. Zatkla asi dvě desítky lidí. Teroristé chtěli odpálit nálože propašované na palubu letadla v příručních zavazadlech. Britská vláda okamžitě zakázala cestujícím jakákoliv příruční zavazadla na všech letech z Británie.

    Cílem útoku teroristů měl být let z Británie do Spojených států. Jejich plán zhatila několikaměsíční operace Scotland Yardu. V noci na dnešek bylo v Londýně zatčeno 18 lidí, uvádí BBC.

    Na všech letištích ve Spojeném království byla podle BBC a CNN zpřísněna bezpečnostní opatření. Všechny letecké spoje kvůli tomu během dne velmi pravděpodobně naberou velká zpoždění.

    Britská zpravodajská služba MI5 zvýšila bezpečnostní opatření v zemi na nejvyšší možnou úroveň. Platí stupeň číslo pět, což znamená, že se v zemi očekává bezprostřední teroristický útok.

    Britská vláda nařídila všem leteckým společnostem v zemi, aby cestujícím zakázaly brát na palubu letadla jakákoliv příruční zavazadla.

    "Společnost British Airways podle nařízení britské vlády oznamuje cestujícím, že si s sebou na palubu jakéhokoliv letadla ze všech britských letišť nesmějí brát žádné příruční zavazadlo," uvádí se v prohlášení aerolinek.

    Kontrolují se i brýle
    Cestující si nebudou smět vzít ani žádné přístroje na baterie, například notebooky nebo mobilní telefon.

    Do letadla jsou dovoleny jen ty opravdu nejnutnější věci - například pas, peníze, léky nebo jídlo pro děti. Vše musí být v průhledném plastovém obalu.

    Policisté na letištích v Londýně podle cestujících kontrolují i obaly na brýle.

    Všichni cestující se musejí podrobit osobní prohlídce a své boty musejí nechat projet rentgenem. A ti, kteří směřují do Spojených států, absolvují další přísnou prohlídku v prostoru před nastoupením do letadla.

    Hrozba teroristického útoku se v Británii opakuje po 13 měsících, které uplynuly od výbuchů v londýnském metru a autobuse. Sebevražední útočníci loni 7. července zabili odpálením čtyř náloží 52 lidí


    PETVAL --- ---
    CHARION: Zkus toto [ PETVAL @ 2012 ] Ale nezapomen na "what the thinker thinks the prover proves" ;)
    JAXXE --- ---
    jo jeste je tam vlastne jeden izraelec:

    Daniel Lewin, named in FAA shooting memo, was officer in elite unit of Jewish state's military

    [ JAXXE @ world conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2 ]
    [ JAXXE @ world conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2 ]
    FLU --- ---
    JAXXE: splacat dohromady 9/11, sifru mistra leonarda, milosevice a popirace holokaustu... to je opravdu ukazka fundovane novinariny. vzdycky si rikam, ze uroven mlade fronty uz snad nemuze jit niz, ale jde to ;)
    JAXXE --- ---
    GYD: to neni u idnes zadna novinka bohuzel...

    tohle ja taky dobre ;)

    "Konspirační teorie nejsou samy o sobě nic nového. Zejména evropské dějiny znají dopad chytlavých zdechlin pravdy, třeba o židovském spiknutí s cílem finančně vysát svět."

    mozna by si pan redaktor mel precist Northwoods dokumenty a PNAC

    jinak ja si nemuzu pomoct, ale opravdu tu vidim jen jednoho izraelce a ten dokonce nebyl ve WTC ale na palube letadla...


    a co se zijicich unoscu tyce, je zajimave ze zamenili nejen jmena ale i fotografie...

    MARSHUS --- ---
    Jsou jako popírači holokaustu
    Agentura AP podotýká, že potíž je jinde. Málokterý expert se chce pouštět s lidmi, jako je Jones, do křížku, protože je tím legitimizuje - je to prý podobné těžké jako najít fundované historiky ochotné debatovat s popírači holokaustu.
    GYD --- ---
    JAXXE: zajimavy, jak je ten titulek manipulacni
    JAXXE --- ---
    Bloody night in Beirut as Israel intensifies aerial bombardment

    IDF warns UN troops will be attacked if they repair bridges


    Israel also threatened to attack UN peacekeepers if they attempted to repair bomb-damaged bridges in southern Lebanon. UN officials contacted the Israeli army to inform them that a team of Chinese military engineers attached to the UN force in Lebanon intended to repair the bridge on the Beirut to Tyre road to enable the transport of humanitarian supplies.

    According to the UN, Israeli officials said the engineers would become a target if they attempted to repair the bridge.

    Senior UN officials reacted angrily to the destruction of a temporary causeway over the Litani river overnight. "We must be able to have movement throughout the country to deliver supplies. At this point we can't do that," said David Shearer, the humanitarian coordinator for Lebanon. "The deliberate targeting of civilian infrastructure is a violation of international law."

    International aid groups have blamed Israel for not providing security guarantees, thereby paralysing the delivery of aid to the south. Even when aid reaches Tyre, convoys have to apply on a case by case basis for permission to take it out to the villages. Most applications are refused.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Bigger, dafter, creepier - Gordon Brown's ID scheme rescue plan

    Get the shops to pay for it, and catch villains for us...

    By John Lettice / Published Monday 7th August 2006 12:23 GMT

    Analysis 'Sources' close to Chancellor Gordon Brown are floating plans to finish off ID cards entirely in the UK - although that isn't quite how they're putting it. Instead, the advance men for the Prime Minister in waiting are offering a nightmare pitch that harnesses the private sector to implement a total surveillance system while raking in revenue for the Government.

    Most of the components of what's being run up the flagpole now have already been suggested by mad wonks, with reference to the Home Office ID project. Future generations of cashpoints and point of sale equipment, they've told us, could cater for biometrics and ID cards, and the widespread use of ID checks in association with financial transactions would combat identity fraud (or credit card theft, as we used to call it before we needed to fiddle the identity fraud figures). People would find themselves (happily, not grudgingly, in this deranged scenario) using their ID card several times a day, and all of those lovely ID checks of the National Identity Register would provide the Government with revenue, and detailed records of everybody's financial transactions and whereabouts.
    Click here to find out more!

    For example, right back at the start in the consultation document for the entitlement cards scheme (remember that?) we were told: "Existing cards such as loyalty cards issued by retailers could use the entitlement card, saving the cost of producing and distributing cards. Organisations might also be able to make use of cards for internal purposes for example access control to their premises or computer systems."


    JAXXE --- ---
    Presbyterian Church publishes 9/11 conspiracy theory
    Malaysia Sun
    Tuesday 8th August, 2006

    The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)'s publishing arm has released a book that says President Bush organized New York's Sept. 11 attacks.

    The decision by the 160-year-old Westminster John Knox Press, the trade and academic publishing imprint of the Presbyterian Publishing Corp., to attribute the attacks on the World Trade Center brings into the U.S. religious mainstream a conspiracy theory long held by the world's jihadists.

    In 'Christian Faith and the Truth behind 9/11: A Call to Reflection and Action,' author David Ray Griffin calls the United States the world's 'chief embodiment of demonic power, says he initially scoffed at 9/11 conspiracy theories.

    But after investigating he concluded that the Twin Towers were brought down by controlled demolition, military personnel were given stand-down orders not to intercept hijacked flights and the 9/11 Commission, ostensibly created to uncover the truth behind the events of 9/11, 'simply ignored evidence' that the administration was involved in the attacks.

    Griffin further asserts that such events such as that of 9/11 are part of a long history of 'false-flag attacks,' attacks orchestrated by governments against their own people to garner popular support for military action.

    Griffin is a professor at California's Claremont School of Theology and Claremont Graduate University, and a codirector of the Center for Process Studies.

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