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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 4 :: The War on Error
    MARSHUS --- ---
    GORG --- ---
    Which Travelers Have 'Hostile Intent'?
    Biometric Device May Have the Answer

    The method isn't intended to catch specific lies, says Shabtai Shoval, chief executive of Suspect Detection Systems, the start-up business behind the technology dubbed Cogito. "What we are looking for are patterns of behavior that indicate something all terrorists have: the fear of being caught," he says.

    The people-based program -- called Screening Passengers by Observation Technique, or SPOT -- began undergoing tests at Boston's Logan Airport after 9/11 and has expanded to about a dozen airports. Trained teams watch travelers in security lines and elsewhere. They look for obvious things like someone wearing a heavy coat on a hot day, but also for subtle signs like vocal timbre, gestures and tiny facial movements that indicate someone is trying to disguise an emotion.

    TSA officers observe passengers while consulting a list of more than 30 questionable behaviors, each of which has a numerical score. If someone scores high enough, an officer approaches the person and asks a few questions.

    "All you know is there's an emotion being concealed. You have to find out why the emotion is occurring," says Paul Ekman, a San Francisco psychologist who pioneered work on facial expressions and is informally advising the TSA. "You can find out very quickly."

    The Israeli-developed system combines questions and biometric measurements to determine if a passenger should undergo screening by security officials.

    GORG --- ---
    UK made arrests on Washington pressure: Plane attack was not imminent: official
    PETVAL --- ---
    RFID: Tracking everything, everywhere
    by Katherine Albrecht

    Part1 350MB ed2k://|file|RFID.-.Tracking.Everything,.Everywhere.Part.1.of.2.(Katherine.Albrecht).(2004).avi|367372680|9B91034CF91DEFDF14890C3DD278CCA8|/
    Part2 367MB ed2k://|file|RFID.-.The.Battleground.Part.2.of.2.(Katherine.Albrecht).(2005).avi|385739798|5FABBB7C675E45905C32D7AA82B0658C|/

    This is Katherine Albrecht's shocking 2-part video lecture series RFID - Tracking Everything, Everywhere (2004) and RFID - The Battleground (2005) where this world's leading expert on consumer privacy exposes the plans of global corporations to plant small tracking chips inside each and everyone of their products, even secretly if they have to - and that will soon include human beings. Albrecht is able to take this complex topic and make it very easy to understand, whether you are 8 or 80 and most importantly she explains the privacy implications for all people if RFID technology is implimented unimpeded. These 2 lectures are absolutely excellent in waking people up to an obscure and very serious subject. Find out how an orwellian world is already here, lurking in shopping centres and is soon to hit the streets and sadly our homes. The topics discussed in this fascinating video lecures here may be crucial to understand the not so pleasant future where not only consumer products but consumers themselves will be treated like cattle. Both parts each cca 70 min long. A must see for everyone.

    About the author:
    Katherine Albrecht is widely recongnized as one of the world's leading experts on consumer privacy. She has testified before the Federal Trade Commission, the California state legislature, the European Commission, and the Federal Reserve Bank on the consumer implications of RFID technology, and given over a thousand television, radio and print interviews to news outlets all over the world. Her efforts have been featured on CNN, NPR, The CBS Evening News, Business Week, and the London Times, to name just a few. Executive Technology Magazine recently called Katherine "perhaps the nation's most outspoken privacy advocate" and Wired magazine calls her the "Erin Brockovich" of RFID. A recent quote in the Montreal Gazette compared Katherine's consumer work to that of Ralph Nader. Ms. Albrecht leads the grassroots consumer resistance to supermarket loyalty cards and RFID chip implantation.

    MARSHUS --- ---
    Spojené státy spolupracovaly s Izraelem na plánech útoků na Hizballáh

    Americká vláda úzce spolupracovala s Izraelem při plánování útoků na libanonský Hizballáh. Americké špičky byly toho názoru, že bombardování velitelství a odpalovacích zařízení Hizballáhu, z nichž mnohé jsou skryty pod zemí, vyřeší aktuální bezpečnostní obavy Izraele a zároveň budou předehrou eventuálních amerických útoků na íránské jaderné objekty. Ve svém novém čísle to napsal časopis The New Yorker.

    Autor článku Seymour M. Hersh s odvoláním na blízkovýchodní experty uvedl, že Izrael měl plán útočit na Hizballáh už před 12. červencem.

    Právě tehdy konflikt začal, když Hizballáh na hranici zabil osm izraelských vojáků a dva unesl. Izraelci se prý se svými plány svěřili Washingtonu, který měl dobrý důvod zamýšlenou izraelskou kampaň podpořit.

    Vojenské akci proti Íránu mělo předcházet zničení vojenských kapacit Hizballáhu, aby tento šíitský spojenec Íránu nemohl za eventuální útoky proti íránským cílům provést odvetné akce proti Izraeli.
    Hersh citoval také jednoho poradce americké vlády. Podle něj konzultovali Izraelci ve Washingtonu začátek bombardování Hizballáhu už před únosem vojáků.

    Chtěli získat povolení k zahájení akce a také představu, jak daleko může Izrael v kampani zajít. Tento zdroj však vyloučil, že Izrael nastražil léčku, do níž Hizballáh únosem spadl.

    "V Bílém domě zavládl pocit, že se Izrael k akci odhodlá dříve nebo později. Izraelci nám řekli, že to bude levná válka, která přinese mnoho výhod," řekl zdroj.

    Proč být proti? Mohli bychom ze vzduchu bombardovat bunkry, tunely a rakety. Bude to pro Írán výstraha, uváděli prý Izraelci.

    Podle izraelských finančních zdrojů bude stát kampaň v Libanonu 5,1 miliardy dolarů (112 miliard korun), včetně odškodnění soukromých osob a podniků.

    Dalším důvodem, proč bylo v zájmu Bílého domu podpořit boje na jihu Libanonu, byla šance posílit vliv Bejrútu na libanonském jihu, který tradičně ovládá Hizballáh.

    Mluvčí Pentagonu však popřel, že Izraelci dali Spojeným státům vědět předem o zamýšlené kampani. USA o jejich plánech údajně nevěděli ani po 12. červenci.

    Hirsh ale citoval nejmenovaného vysokého bývalého představitele amerických tajných služeb, podle něhož americké letectvo zahájilo konzultace s izraelským partnerem.
    Bílý dům totiž letectvo nutí připravit válečný plán rozhodujícího útoku na íránská jaderná zařízení.

    "Pro naše letectvo je velkou neznámou, jak úspěšně zasáhnout nesnadno dostupné cíle v Íránu. Všichni vědí, že íránští inženýři Hizballáhu radí, jak budovat tunely a podzemní vojenská zařízení. A kdo je nejbližším spojencem amerického letectva? Není to Kongo, ale Izrael," řekl tento zdroj.

    Náměstek minulého amerického ministra zahraničí Richard Armitage, který v minulosti Hizballáh označil za teroristickou skupinu skupiny A, však po zkušenosti, již nyní učinil Izrael v Libanonu, radí k opatrnosti vůči Íránu.

    "Jestliže nejsilnější vojenská velmoc oblasti nedokáže zpacifikovat čtyřmilionový Libanon, je třeba postupovat opatrně v případě strategicky vybaveného sedmdesátimilionového Íránu. Jediné, čeho se v Libanonu zatím dosáhlo, je sjednotit tamní obyvatelstvo proti Izraeli," řekl.
    PETVAL --- ---
    JAXXE: lezi mi uz par mesicu na disku, pokud mate nekdo zajem

    FLU --- ---
    JAXXE: k tomu bych jenom poznamenal, ze puvodne ten clanek vysel v novina Moskevskij komsomolec, coz je neco podobneho jako Halo noviny. takze bych to videl na totalni blabol, ale uvidime 22. ;)
    MARSHUS --- ---
    Skutečným problémem je Írán

    LN Ve válce zahynulo více než 1000 civilistů, zničena byla libanonská infrastruktura. Může to poškodit image Izraele ve světě?

    Myslím, že dnešní svět je rozdělený: na ty, kteří vidí pouze tyto oběti a ničení, a na ty, kteří vidí skutečný problém. Tím je Írán. Hizballáh je jeho kartou v Libanonu a je to jen jedno z chapadel íránské chobotnice. Ta se snaží vyvolat nestabilitu v Libanonu, Saúdské Arábii, Jemenu, Kuvajtu i Iráku. V Libanonu uspěli, protože jde o stát menšin s vládou, která proti tomu nemůže nic udělat. Zejména když byla pod syrskou okupací. Izrael zde bojuje ne proti Libanonu, ale proti Íránu. Mohl zabít miliony Libanonců, nejen tisíc. Ty oběti jsou způsobeny většinou tím, že se bojovníci Hizballáhu skrývají v obytných čtvrtích.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Nuclear war starting in 10 days?


    Front page / Hotspots and Incidents / Conflicts 11.08.2006

    Such was the conclusion reached in the U.S. Russian generals and political scientists disagree only about its exact starting date.

    Our world is on the brink of another world war. It will originate August 22nd in the Middle East. The prediction was presented not by Vagna or Nostradamus but by an American political scientist Bernard Lewis in the acclaimed publication of Wall Street Journal. He is a man with close ties to the Bush administration as well as to the non-conservatives pushing for the radical solution of the “Iranian Threat.”

    Lewis believes it will be precisely Teheran who will unleash the ultimate conflict by attacking Israel. Why August 22nd? Perhaps simply because Washington has set a deadline for the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and has demanded a complete wrap up of the nuclear program by that day. It is obvious that Teheran has no intention to comply. Curiously, this year the night of August 22nd happens to be night Muslims will celebrate the journey of their prophet Mohammed to Jerusalem and his ascension into heaven. According to Lewis the followers of Mohammed have a perfect opportunity to enrich their celebration by throwing an attack on Israel. An immediate retaliation will follow.

    “Such a scenario does not seem too unrealistic to me,” comments Sergey Markov, a Russian political scientist, “These days anything is possible in the Middle East. People living there are crazy and they constantly keep playing with fire. Their situation has gone out of control and is ready to explode any minute. In fact, the new world war is already going in that place.”


    The pulling of the trigger leading to the tragic chain of events has been done. Syria and Iran will be pulled into the war right after Lebanon. Israeli and American attacks on Iran will lead to the interruption of oil exports into Europe and China. Their economies will suffer. In the conclusion there will be chaos all across Asia.

    The detonation device for the new apocalypse has been set off by Americans, obviously. They believe that they have the power and the authority to regulate the world’s chaos. But the U.S. cannot even gain control over its own minor chaos in Latin America. Let us only hope that Russia will remain neutral throughout this universal nightmare.



    FLU --- ---
    Terorismus podle MacGyvera
    Štěpán Kotrba


    Zakládám hnutí "Do povětří s lahví v ruce a s úsměvem na rtech". Anebo by museli být při nástupu do letadla všichni ožralí, což by přirozeně vyřadilo pravověrné muslimy z letecké přepravy a islámský terorismus by byl v civilním letectví paralyzován, nebo by se muselo jednat o franchising... Ať jdou někam. Kdyby počkali aspoň týden po těch prosraných Liebermanových primárkách, tak by jim to věřil kromě Ándora Šándora ještě můj malej Ládik, ale takhle?!

    Cynicky výsměšná SMS jednoho z přátel, naznačující příliš mnoho silných slov a příliš mnoho silných souvislostí neprovedených atentátů dvacetiletých britských mladíků pákistánského původu s aktivními operacemi PSYOPS americké administrativy, mne přivedla k opětnému studiu. Americká vláda si před časem najala špičkovou komunikační agenturu, aby přesvědčila svět o odůvodněnosti boje proti terorismu a zlotřilosti islamistů. Aby Evropané nebrali americký boj jen jako válku o ropu. Aby milovali US Army. No tak, už je to tady. V Evropě. Už máme důvod. Bát se.

    Podnětem k malému průzkumu anorganické i organické chemie nitrátů a peroxidů byla nejen SMS z pátku 11. srpna, ale ve stejný den vyšlý článek "experta" na výbušniny pod šifrou (rm) v deníku Právo. Ten tvrdil na základě vyčteniny z amerického magazínu Jane's, že, se teroristé opět pokusili o propašování triaceton triperoxidu (TATP) na palubu letadla. Proč by to ale, proboha, dělali takhle složitě?
    JAXXE --- ---
    New Rulers of the World

    A documentary film by John Pilger

    'Global economy' is a modern Orwellian term. On the surface, it is instant financial trading, mobile phones, McDonald's, Starbucks, holidays booked on the net. Beneath this gloss, it is the globalisation of poverty, a world where most human beings never make a phone call and live on less than two dollars a day, where 6,000 children die every day from diarrhea because most have no access to clean water.

    Posted 08/12/06 Runtime 60 Minutes

    OMRI --- ---
    Lebanon as a reversal for American attack on Iran

    President Bush and Vice-President Dick Cheney were convinced, current and former intelligence and diplomatic officials told me, that a successful Israeli Air Force bombing campaign against Hezbollah’s heavily fortified underground-missile and command-and-control complexes in Lebanon could ease Israel’s security concerns and also serve as a prelude to a potential American preëmptive attack to destroy Iran’s nuclear installations, some of which are also buried deep underground.

    GORG --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Terror Plot Mirrors Bojinka: Run By US Government Agent

    Associated Press reports that the dastardly new terror plot is a re-hash of Operation Bojinka - a 1995 plot to blow up 10 Western airliners simultaneously. What they don't report is that its ringleader - Ramzi Youssef - was protected by the US government in 1992.

    JAXXE --- ---
    The Anglo-American empire’s “next 9-11” will set up final war; “foiled” UK terror plot a propaganda dry run

    Larry Chin | August 12 2006

    The August 10 report of a spectacular foiled UK-based super-terror plot, an alleged Operation Bojinka variation, has sparked an unprecedented round of 9/11-style fear and panic mongering throughout the world. This is a new attempt, at the highest levels of the Bush and Blair administrations, in concert with Pakistan’s ISI and Israel, to fabricate the justification for an escalation in the “war on terrorism” across the Middle East.

    This escalation will include an attack on Iran and Syria as early as October, and with even greater geostrategic violence to follow.

    Proof that Bush administration planning the next 9/11

    Dick Cheney recently declared: “The enemy that struck on 9/11 is fractured and weakened, yet still lethal, still determined to hit us again.” That is a concise description of Cheney’s own administration, and its intentions. And he knows it.

    It is a known fact that the Bush administration, itching for a wider war, has been planning to set up a “second 9/11” to establish the pretext to justify a multi-front war stretching from Africa across Middle East, and across the Eurasian continent that the Anglo-American empire seeks to control:

    The Pentagon's "Second 9/11"

    It is now known that Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld (among others) have been overtly planning “another attack [blamed on 'terrorists' and/or Iran] that could create both a justification and an opportunity that is lacking today to retaliate against some known targets.” The Bush administration has already prepared the operation, as well as the criminal lies and propaganda to go with it.

    There is a good reason why Bush and Blair have spent so much time together lately.

    Recent rhetoric from the Bush administration’s criminal leadership (Bush, Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld) has clearly attempted to tie Hezbollah, Hamas, Iraqi resistance, Afghan fighters, and other “Islamic fascists” with “Al-Qaeda.” The mass public has willingly accepted this and other ongoing “war on terrorism” deceptions.

    These detailed plans by the Bush administration, in place for over the past year, with instructions given to its military-intelligence agencies, await the official go-ahead. Undoubtedly, the “next 9/11” will be blamed on “Islamic fascists,” and either directly carried out by manipulated intelligence assets, or deliberately provoked by atrocities now being committed in the Middle East and Iraq. But, just as it was on 9/11, the fascists at the highest levels in Washington, London and Islamabad (and Tel Aviv) will be the ones responsible for whatever happens next.

    Manufactured blowback is not blowback. Guided covert operations are manufactured terrorism, not “terrorism.”


    The tipping point is now

    Five years have gone by since the manufactured crisis of 9/11. Now, the Anglo-American empire needs a “new 9/11” or a perceived threat capable of deceiving the mass public into supporting the next planned geostrategic horror.

    Check the calendar, and think like a Bush administration criminal. The five-year anniversary of 9/11 is only a few weeks away. The Bush administration wants to attack Iran and Syria by October. Israel is going into Lebanon, but cannot expand beyond southern Lebanon, cannot attack Syria and Iran without Anglo-American help. A US election (or “selection”) in November, likely to hand some degree of political power back to neoliberals (Democrats), gives the Bush-Cheney neocons a three-month window to attempt their super-violent end run. Peak Oil and Gas, increasing shortage, is making itself felt in earnest with the disruptions of US oil supplies from Prudhoe Bay, crisis reports from remaining oil fields (Saudi Arabia), defiance from Venezuela, etc. Desperation fuels the likelihood of increasing brute force and violence, led by the Bush administration.

    This is a moment of elite criminal consensus, and unprecedented danger.

    This is a perfect storm.

    Prepare yourselves.


    JAXXE --- ---

    Revelations concerning the origins and connections of the alleged liquid bomb terror plot to Pakistan and the 7/7 bombings in London provide a strong indication that the operation, known for months yet deliberately timed for public release, was a synthetic ruse concocted by the Bush/Blair cabal to re-package the flagging war on terror.

    Media reports in the days following the alert cite Pakistan's ISI as having identified Rashid Rauf as, "the link between the plot's planners and British-based Muslims who were allegedly preparing to carry out attacks on transatlantic flights."

    According to former NSA official Wayne Madsen, the Lashkar-e-Toiba terror group, to which Rashid Rauf is affiliated, is wholly operated and funded by the Pakistani ISI.


    vice: http://www.propagandamatrix.com/articles/august2006/130806liquidbomb.htm
    LOOKASH_II --- ---

    11:14-11:17 a.m. — Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold carry bombs into the school and plant them in the cafeteria.

    11:17 a.m. — The cafeteria bomb, set to go off at this time, fails.

    11:19 a.m. — With a shout of "Go! Go!" Klebold and Harris start shooting from the top of the stairs leading into the west side of the school.

    11:21 a.m. — Report comes in to Jefferson County dispatch of an explosion in a field at Elmhurst Drive and Wadsworth Boulevard. The bomb was placed there by Harris and Klebold in the hope it would divert authorities there and away from the school.

    11:23 a.m. — The first 911 call comes into sheriff's dispatch from the school.

    11:24 a.m. — School resource officer Neal Gardner responds to a report of trouble and later trades gunshots with Harris.

    11:25 a.m. — First police car pulls up to school, driven by Jefferson County sheriff's Deputy Scott Taborsky. He is followed on foot by officer Paul Smoker.

    11:27 a.m. — A pipe bomb goes off in the cafeteria, scattering students and sending smoke billowing through the room.

    11:27 a.m. — Harris and Klebold enter the library.

    11:30 a.m. — Officers block access to Columbine campus.

    11:34 a.m. — The gunmen fire the last shot that kills a victim.

    11:36 a.m. — Harris and Klebold leave the library.

    11:44 a.m. — Harris and Klebold go to the cafeteria and shoot at their large bombs but fail to set them off.

    11:45 a.m. — Harris stops momentarily in the cafeteria to take a sip from a left-behind drink in a Styrofoam cup. They later leave the cafeteria and go to the administration area.

    11:46 a.m. — Ten police officers put together a makeshift SWAT team and, using a firetruck as cover, attempt to enter the school.

    11:47 a.m. — Another pipe bomb goes off in the cafeteria.

    11:56 a.m. — Harris and Klebold, still carrying guns, re-enter the cafeteria.

    Noon — Harris and Klebold leave the cafeteria and later return to the library, where they commit suicide.

    12:06 p.m. — A second makeshift SWAT team enters the school.

    2:38 p.m. — Patrick Ireland slides head-first through the second-story window of the library and is caught by two Lakewood SWAT officers standing on the roof of an armored truck.

    4 p.m. — Sheriff's spokesman Steve Davis announces the two gunmen have been found dead of apparent suicide.

    4:45 p.m. — Sheriff John Stone arrives at Leawood Elementary School to advise parents that no other survivors remain in school.

    GORG --- ---
    Authorities release one airline terror suspect
    23 suspects in custody, 5 remain at large

    (London-WABC, August 11, 2006) - We have learned that one of the suspects arrested by British authorities in the airline terror plot has just been released. Scotland Yard has not given any further details on which suspect or why they were let go.

    ATOMINATOR --- ---
    Nevim, kam to hodit. Tak treba sem jako takovou audiovizualni vsuvku :)

    SUPAFLY --- ---
    a ja uplne cuze:
    V USA zatčeni tři muži za nákup 80 mobilů s předplaceným kreditem
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam