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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 4 :: The War on Error
    FLU --- ---
    tak k dnesnimu vyroci pripojim jeden maly citat... (repast z BL)

    "Ale nakonec je to vláda státu, jež určuje politiku a získat pro ni lid je lehké, ať již v demokracii nebo ve fašistické či komunistické diktatuře. Je lehké lidi přesvědčit, aby podpořili svoji vládu. Potřebujete jen jim říct, že byli napadeni a pak odsoudit pacifisty pro nedostatek vlastenectví a ohrožování země. Funguje to tak všude."

    autor? Hermann Göring...
    ANIMAMVNDI --- ---
    Nejsou to ani moc 'theorie'...

    #1 Future of Internet Debate Ignored by Media
    #2 Halliburton Charged with Selling Nuclear Technologies to Iran
    #3 Oceans of the World in Extreme Danger
    #4 Hunger and Homelessness Increasing in the US
    #5 High-Tech Genocide in Congo
    #6 Federal Whistleblower Protection in Jeopardy
    # 7 US Operatives Torture Detainees to Death in Afghanistan and Iraq
    #8 Pentagon Exempt from Freedom of Information Act
    #9 The World Bank Funds Israel-Palestine Wall
    #10 Expanded Air War in Iraq Kills More Civilians
    #11 Dangers of Genetically Modified Food Confirmed

    MARSHUS --- ---
    Do you believe any 9/11 conspiracy theories that indicate the U.S. government was involved?
    MARSHUS --- ---
    PETVAL: no vypadá že má dost :)
    PETVAL --- ---
    MARSHUS: on se boji! tyhle vacky pod ocima jsou oslabene ledviny a ty jsou emocionalnim centrem strachu ;)
    MARSHUS --- ---
    jaká krása
    KERRAY --- ---

    Eustis chief: Iraq post-war plan muzzled
    Army Brig. Gen. Mark Scheid, an early planner of the war, tells about challenges of invasion and rebuilding.

    September 8, 2006
    FORT EUSTIS -- Months before the United States invaded Iraq in 2003, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld forbade military strategists from developing plans for securing a post-war Iraq, the retiring commander of the Army Transportation Corps said Thursday.

    In fact, said Brig. Gen. Mark Scheid, Rumsfeld said "he would fire the next person" who talked about the need for a post-war plan.

    Rumsfeld did replace Gen. Eric Shinseki, the Army chief of staff in 2003, after Shinseki told Congress that hundreds of thousands of troops would be needed to secure post-war Iraq.

    Scheid, who is also the commander of Fort Eustis in Newport News, made his comments in an interview with the Daily Press. He retires in about three weeks.

    Scheid doesn't go so far as calling for Rumsfeld to resign. He's listened as other retired generals have done so.

    "Everybody has a right to their opinion," he said. "But what good did it do?"

    Scheid's comments are further confirmation of the version of events reported in "Cobra II: The Inside Story of the Invasion and Occupation of Iraq," the book by New York Times reporter Michael R. Gordon and retired Marine Corps Lt. Gen. Bernard E. Trainor.

    In 2001, Scheid was a colonel with the Central Command, the unit that oversees U.S. military operations in the Mideast.

    On Sept. 10, 2001, he was selected to be the chief of logistics war plans.

    On Sept. 11, 2001, he said, "life just went to hell."

    That day, Gen. Tommy Franks, the commander of Central Command, told his planners, including Scheid, to "get ready to go to war."

    A day or two later, Rumsfeld was "telling us we were going to war in Afghanistan and to start building the war plan. We were going to go fast.

    "Then, just as we were barely into Afghanistan ... Rumsfeld came and told us to get ready for Iraq."

    Scheid said he remembers everyone thinking, "My gosh, we're in the middle of Afghanistan, how can we possibly be doing two at one time? How can we pull this off? It's just going to be too much."

    Planning was kept very hush-hush in those early days.

    "There was only a handful of people, maybe five or six, that were involved with that plan because it had to be kept very, very quiet."

    There was already an offensive plan in place for Iraq, Scheid said. And in the beginning, the planners were just expanding on it.

    "Whether we were going to execute it, we had no idea," Scheid said.

    Eventually other military agencies - like the transportation and Army materiel commands - had to get involved.

    They couldn't just "keep planning this in the dark," Scheid said.

    Planning continued to be a challenge.

    "The secretary of defense continued to push on us ... that everything we write in our plan has to be the idea that we are going to go in, we're going to take out the regime, and then we're going to leave," Scheid said. "We won't stay."

    Scheid said the planners continued to try "to write what was called Phase 4," or the piece of the plan that included post-invasion operations like occupation.

    Even if the troops didn't stay, "at least we have to plan for it," Scheid said.

    "I remember the secretary of defense saying that he would fire the next person that said that," Scheid said. "We would not do planning for Phase 4 operations, which would require all those additional troops that people talk about today.

    "He said we will not do that because the American public will not back us if they think we are going over there for a long war."

    Why did Rumsfeld think that? Scheid doesn't know.

    "But think back to those times. We had done Bosnia. We said we were going into Bosnia and stop the fighting and come right out. And we stayed."

    Was Rumsfeld right or wrong?

    Scheid said he doesn't know that either.

    "In his own mind he thought we could go in and fight and take out the regime and come out. But a lot of us planners were having a real hard time with it because we were also thinking we can't do this. Once you tear up a country you have to stay and rebuild it. It was very challenging."

    Even if the people who laid out the initial war plans had fleshed out post-invasion missions, the fighting and insurgent attacks going on today would have been hard to predict, Scheid said.

    "We really thought that after the collapse of the regime we were going to do all these humanitarian type things," he said. "We thought this would go pretty fast and we'd be able to get out of there. We really didn't anticipate them to continue to fight the way they did or come back the way they are.

    "Now we're going more toward a civil war. We didn't see that coming."

    While Scheid, a soldier since 1977, spoke candidly about the days leading up to the invasion of Iraq, he remains concerned about the American public's view of the troops.

    He's bothered by the nationwide divide over the war and fearful that patriotism among citizens will continue to decline.

    "We're really hurting right now," he said.

    Daily Press researcher Tracy Sorensen contributed to this report.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Robert M. Bowman was the Director of Advanced Space Programs Development for the U.S. Air Force in the Ford and Carter administrations, and is a former United States Air Force Lieutenant Colonel with 101 combat missions. He holds a Ph.D. in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering from the California Institute of Technology.

    When a man with these credentials says 9/11 was an inside job, LISTEN TO HIM.

    video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6X_r4DppWk
    JAXXE --- ---
    Larry “Lucky Larry” Silverstein

    lifeforce@rockymountains.net / Date Published: 2006-09-06

    You’ve got to be lucky to make $4 Billion killing on a 6-month investment of $124 Million

    Larry Silverstein is the New York property tycoon who purchased the entire WTC complex just 6 months prior to the 9/11 attacks. That was the first time in its 33-year history the complex had EVER changed ownership.

    Mr. Silverstein’s first order of business as the new owner was to change the company responsible for the security of the complex. The new security company he hired was Securacom (now Stratasec). George W. Bush's brother, Marvin Bush, was on its board of directors, and Marvin’s cousin, Wirt Walker III, was its CEO. According to public records, not only did Securacom provide electronic security for the World Trade Center, it also covered Dulles International Airport and United Airlines — two key players in the 9/11 attacks.

    The company was backed by an investment firm, the Kuwait-American Corp., also linked for many years to the Bush family. KuwAm has been linked to the Bush family financially since the Gulf War. One of its principals and a member of the Kuwaiti royal family, Mishal Yousef Saud al Sabah, served on the board of Stratesec.

    Now, consider: The members of a small cabal owned the WTC complex, controlled its electronic security, and also controlled the security not only for one of the airlines whose aircraft were hijacked on 9/11, but the airport from which they originated.

    Another little “coincidence” -- Mr. Silversten, who made a down-payment of $124 million on this $3.2 billion complex, promptly insured it for $7 Billion. Not only that, he covered the complex against “terrorist attacks”.

    Following the attacks, Silverstein filed TWO insurance claims for the maximum amount of the policy ($7B), based on the two -- in Silverstein's view -- separate attacks. The insurance company, Swiss Re, paid Mr. Silverstein $4.6 Billion — a princely return on a relatively paltry investment of $124 million.


    JAXXE --- ---
    False Flag Operations: Declassified Military Documents Show How US Government Planned Terrorist Attacks Against its Own Citizens

    MARSHUS --- ---
    PETVAL: o by stálo za návštěvu jen z principu - zajímalo by mě, co se tam bude vyskytovat za živly :)
    WIPER --- ---
    Česká vojenská rozvědka přiznává, že Al-Kajda měla sloužit proti Rusům

    Teroristická organizace al-Káida, která byla založena jako odbojová skupina proti sovětské okupaci Afghánistánu, se postupně stala inspirací pro další teroristické skupiny. Al-Káida se přizpůsobila změnám vyvolaným celosvětovým bojem proti terorismu a implementovala některá zásadní opatření.

    Tento nenápadný odstavec se neskrývá v některé z početných publikací, jejichž autory obviňují oponenti z šíření konspiračních teorií, ale ve výroční zprávě české vojenské rozvědky za rok 2005. Ne že by to nikdo z věci znalých nevěděl. Ne že by si o tom necvrlikali vrabci po dejvických střechách. Ale nikdo z oficiálních zdrojů členských zemí NATO to nikdy takto natvrdo neřekl. To by přece nikdo Američanům nemohl udělat...
    MARSHUS --- ---
    Všude se najdou zrádci, i mezi americkými profesory

    To, co jste zveřejnili v dnešních Britských listech o 11. září, je ubohost. Všude se najdou zrádci, i mezi americkými profesory, ale to neznamená, že takovým padouchům je třeba poskytovat prostor, byť zprostředkovaně. Tento typ takzvané otevřenosti považuji za nejhorší bulvár.

    Žijete ve vyspělé části světa a podkopáváte jeho základy, protože nahráváte jeho nepřátelům, míní Miroslav Valvoda z Prahy 6.
    PETVAL --- ---
    KOSTKA (07.09.06 15:25:18)

    Rozpory v událostech z 11. září

    75 amerických univerzitních profesorů tvrdí, že útoky z 11. září zosnovala sama americká vláda
    JAXXE --- ---
    Mind The Gap

    MI5 whistleblower David Shayler presents new evidence to demand London bombings enquiry. A very detailed and well evidenced documentary ... all » which sets out to challenge and ends up totally destroying the official government account of the London bombings.

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