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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 4 :: The War on Error
    JAXXE --- ---
    Thermite & The Case for Controlled Demolition

    Watch this all the way to the end. This video confirms that the angled cut on the H beam seen in the photo at the bottom of is the remains of a controlled demolition

    I am relinking this because government shills are trying to claim that the still photo of the angled cut is a photoshop fake. This video shows moving footage of more of these angled cuts, ruling out photoshop.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Al Qaeda Tapes: Direct Link To Military Psyops And Donald Rumsfeld

    Following the trail for five minutes leads to Pentagon

    MARSHUS --- ---
    Google přijde s internetovým "detektorem lži"

    V příštích pěti letech projde internet zásadními změnami, které mimo jiné přinesou možnost ihned si ověřit, zda se písemná sdělení nejrůznějšího druhu zakládají na pravdě. V rozhovoru s listem Financial Times to řekl šéf společnosti Google Eric Schmidt. Podle něj tak budou muset začít jinak vnímat realitu i politici.

    Schmidt řekl, že politici si budou muset uvědomit dopady on-line světa, a počítat s tím, že dokonalejší internet a jeho nové možnosti budou mít vliv i na výsledky voleb. Nový software, kterému Schmidt pracovně říká indikátor pravdy, tak bude podle Schmidta schopen odhalit pravou tvář politiků.
    GORG --- ---
    Ground Zero Cross Moving From W.T.C. Site

    Today the 9/11 cross from ground zero was positioned temporarily at St. Peter's Church in lower Manhattan.

    NEW YORK (AP) -- Workers on Thursday began removing the cross-shaped steel beams that were left standing in the rubble of the World Trade Center five years ago, and prepared to move them to a temporary home at a nearby church. The 20-foot-tall artifact was discovered in the smoking ruins two weeks after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and became a symbol for recovery workers, family and later construction crews at the site.

    It will be moved to the exterior wall of nearby St. Peter's Church during construction at the trade center site. The World Trade Center Memorial Foundation has said it plans to include the cross as part of its memorial or inside the Sept. 11 museum.

    The steel beams were once part of World Trade Center 6, one of the smaller buildings in the 16-acre complex.

    ''We are all anxious for some type of God's presence,'' said the Rev. Brian Jordan, who dedicated it.

    The World Trade Center site is being excavated to make way for construction of the planned 1,776-foot-tall Freedom Tower, museum and other office buildings.


    On the Net:

    WTC Memorial: www.buildthememorial.org

    MARSHUS --- ---
    Anarchismus mikrovlnného věku

    Porušování lidských práv se v souvislosti s RFID technologií bojí mnozí, ne všichni se ale spokojí jen s neškodnými protesty.

    Internetem obíhají návody, jak se před čipy bránit. Nejjednodušší je umístit podezřelý výrobek do mikrovlnné trouby.
    Pokud například u boty exploduje podpatek, můžete si být takřka jistí, že v ní byl čip - a už není. Provází to ale několik drobných nevýhod: jednak explozi mohl způsobit i hřebík, v každém případě už ale není ani bota...

    Přemýšlivější bojovníci za právo na soukromí přišli se zařízením zvaným zapper. Princip je prostý. Pasívní čip ke své činnosti potřebuje energii signálu čtecího zařízení: co takhle dodat mu jí tolik, až se z toho zalkne? Stačí starý kompaktní fotoaparát na film.

    Když se výstup z kondenzátoru elektronického blesku odpojí od zábleskové trubice a připojí na závity smaltovaného měděného drátu (schovaného třeba v prostoru pro film), vznikne při odpálení blesku elektromagnetický impuls, který každý pasivní RFID čip v jeho dosahu pošle na onen svět. Rozhodně to ale nezkoušejte, pokud máte kardiostimulátor...

    Obranu před zapperem si ale lze představit snadno: stačí mezi anténu a vlastní čip zabudovat jednoduchý prvek chránící proti přepětí. Je zřejmé, že začíná válka, jakou známe už ze světa počítačových virů. Tedy válka mezi destruktivními útočníky a konstruktéry nových technologií. Ostatně viry napadající RFID se už skutečně objevily.
    MARSHUS --- ---
    Velký bratr z nákupního košíku


    Blíží se čipová totalita?

    Identifikační čipy umějí i věci, které sice dělají radost sběratelům privátních informací, méně už ale běžným občanům. Z většiny zboží totiž RFID nepůjde fyzicky odstranit ani ho vypnout. Mimo jiné i proto, že by se tím ztratily některé jeho výhody - například ochrana supermarketů před zloději nebo možnost konstruovat spotřebiče, které identifikují vložené potraviny.

    Jenže pokud si například koupíte kabát, který má pod podšívkou zašitý čip, tak zůstává aktivní, i když si oděv přinesete domů a chodíte v něm. Kdykoliv se přiblížíte k nějaké čtečce, sbírá o vás údaje, aniž o tom víte.

    "Pokud ještě platíte kartou nebo se jinak identifikujete, získá obchodník údaje o tom, kdo zboží nosí," komentuje pokusy se zaváděním čipů do výrobků Levi Strauss aktivistka Katherine Albrechtová, zakladatelka spolku na ochranu soukromí CASPIAN. "Více než čtyřicet světových organizací zabývajících se lidskými právy proto žádá moratorium na čipy ve zboží, které umožňují sledovat lidi bez jejich vědomí."

    Navíc ne všechny čtečky mají dosah řádu centimetrů nebo decimetrů. V případě použití speciální výkonné antény to mohou být i desítky a stovky metrů. O takové detekci se už sledovaný nemá šanci dozvědět. Nezapomínejme také, že nepůjde o jeden kabát, ale prakticky o všechny výrobky na trhu...

    A to ještě není nic proti schopnostem aktivních RFID. Ty umějí sbírat libovolná data ze svého okolí, shromažďovat je v paměti a poté předat na poměrně velkou vzdálenost. Takové čipy mohou mohou posloužit jako nástroj pro stav, kterému se začíná říkat čipová totalita.

    Slídilové se těší

    Na špehovací schopnosti RFID už netrpělivě čeká hned několik kategorií slídilů. Těm komerčním stačí, když si zjistí třeba nákupní návyky zákazníků. A pak je tu ještě policie, tajné služby, detektivní kanceláře... A mafie!

    Zastánci nové technologie však věří, že řešení existuje. "Chceme docílit toho, aby čip po zakoupení výrobku nepřestal komunikovat s okolím, ale aby jej nešlo používat bez vědomí majitele," říká Günther Karjoch. Společně s kolegou Paulem Moskowitchem z Watson Research Center vyvinuli stříhací etiketu RFID, která je založena na jednoduché myšlence: když se zkrátí anténa, zmenší se i citlivost pasivního čipu na čtečky. Je proto na vhodných místech opatřena perforací a zákazník po zakoupení zboží část etikety prostě odtrhne. Čip tedy bude sloužit dál, jenže s tak malým dosahem, že jej nepůjde přečíst bez vědomí majitele.

    Možnosti chránit soukromí tedy existují. Pochopitelně pokud se nikdo nebude snažit výrobky opatřovat ještě dalšími skrytými RFID. Anebo zavádět metody deaktivace, které nepůjde kontrolovat.

    Některé zkušenosti naznačují, že to nelze vyloučit. Svědčí o tom případ z německém Rheinbergu u Düsseldorfu. Společnost Metro Group Future Store Initiative tam vybudovala první ukázkový supermarket založený na RFID. Nechyběly v něm ani deaktivátory, které měly čipy po zakoupení zboží vyřadit z provozu. Brzy se ale ukázalo, že tak činí přinejmenším nedostatečně, takže etikety umožňovaly další sbírání dat.

    Nicméně přednosti RFID technologie jsou takové, že se jejímu masovému nástupu nevyhneme. Je proto věcí legislativy, aby se tak nestalo na úkor lidských práv.
    KERRAY --- ---
    PETVAL --- ---
    //a kdyz uz jsme u toho

    ScatterChat is a secure instant messaging client designed for non-technical users who require secure and anonymous communications. Our typical end-users include human rights and democracy advocates operating in hostile territory. ScatterChat is also a valuable tool for anyone requiring secure communications.

    It is based upon the Gaim software, provides end-to-end encryption, integrated onion-routing with Tor, secure file transfers, and easy-to-read documentation.

    ScatterChat's security features include resiliency against partial compromise, immunity from replay attacks, and limited resistance to traffic analysis... all reinforced through a pro-actively secure design.

    PETVAL --- ---
    //cim dal mene offtopic ;)

    OperaTor - Opera + Tor + Privoxy

    OperaTor is a software bundle that can be easily installed on a portable memory (pendrive, usb stick, hard drive) to allow anonymous surfing while at an internet cafe, library etc.

    It combines the power of the Opera Browser (9.02), The Onion Router ( and Privoxy.

    JAXXE --- ---
    The Deeper Evil Behind the Detainee Bill

    'It was a dark hour indeed on Thursday when the United States Senate voted to end the constitutional republic and transform the country into a "Leader-State," giving the president and his agents the power to capture, torture and imprison forever anyone - American citizens included - whom they arbitrarily decide is an "enemy combatant."

    This also includes those who merely give "terrorism" some kind of "support," defined so vaguely that many experts say it could encompass legal advice, innocent gifts to charities or even political opposition to US government policy within its draconian strictures. All of this is bad enough - a sickening and cowardly surrender of liberty not seen in a major Western democracy since the Enabling Act passed by the German Reichstag in March 1933.'

    JAXXE --- ---
    The March to War: Naval build-up in the Persian Gulf and the Eastern Mediterranean.

    by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya

    October 1, 2006 GlobalResearch.ca

    We bring to the attention of our readers, this carefully documented review of the ongoing naval build-up and deployment of coalition forces in the Middle East.

    The article examines the geopolitics behind this military deployment and its relationship to "the Battle for Oil".

    The structure of military alliances is crucial to an understanding of these war preparations.

    The naval deployment is taking place in two distinct theaters: the Persian Gulf and the Eastern Mediterranean.


    vice: http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=NAZ20061001&articleId=3361
    PETVAL --- ---
    TANTRAMAN: mam full, kdyby nekdo chtel
    TANTRAMAN --- ---
    Who Killed the Electric Car trailer

    JAXXE --- ---
    priznani mohameda atty k 911 a jeho posledni vule, al kaida bohuzel omylem vypla zvuk... ;)

    GORG --- ---
    Republicans Pass Mandatory Child Strip Search Bill? WTF!
    GORG --- ---
    Dean On Neocon Authoritarianism
    During a July appearance on MSNBC’s Countdown with Keith Olbermann, former White House counsel to Nixon, John Dean, comes within a hair’s breadth of declaring the neocons have specifically created terrorism in order to run roughshod over our former republic. Of course, as ample documentation reveals, this is precisely what the neocons have done.

    Dean’s interview is interesting as well because he describes the neocons as dangerous authoritarians who will do anything to remain in power and aggressively foist their agenda on the nation, even if it ultimately destroys the nation.

    MARSHUS --- ---
    Are We Really So Fearful?

    By Ariel Dorfman
    Sunday, September 24, 2006; B01

    DURHAM, N.C.

    It still haunts me, the first time -- it was in Chile, in October of 1973 -- that I met someone who had been tortured. To save my life, I had sought refuge in the Argentine Embassy some weeks after the coup that had toppled the democratically elected government of Salvador Allende, a government for which I had worked. And then, suddenly, one afternoon, there he was. A large-boned man, gaunt and yet strangely flabby, with eyes like a child, eyes that could not stop blinking and a body that could not stop shivering.

    That is what stays with me -- that he was cold under the balmy afternoon sun of Santiago de Chile, trembling as though he would never be warm again, as though the electric current was still coursing through him. Still possessed, somehow still inhabited by his captors, still imprisoned in that cell in the National Stadium, his hands disobeying the orders from his brain to quell the shuddering, his body unable to forget what had been done to it just as, nearly 33 years later, I, too, cannot banish that devastated life from my memory.

    It was his image, in fact, that swirled up from the past as I pondered the current political debate in the United States about the practicality of torture. Something in me must have needed to resurrect that victim, force my fellow citizens here to spend a few minutes with the eternal iciness that had settled into that man's heart and flesh, and demand that they take a good hard look at him before anyone dare maintain that, to save lives, it might be necessary to inflict unbearable pain on a fellow human being. Perhaps the optimist in me hoped that this damaged Argentine man could, all these decades later, help shatter the perverse innocence of contemporary Americans, just as he had burst the bubble of ignorance protecting the young Chilean I used to be, someone who back then had encountered torture mainly through books and movies and newspaper reports.

    That is not, however, the only lesson that today's ruthless world can learn from that distant man condemned to shiver forever.

    All those years ago, that torture victim kept moving his lips, trying to articulate an explanation, muttering the same words over and over. "It was a mistake," he repeated, and in the next few days I pieced together his sad and foolish tale. He was an Argentine revolutionary who had fled his homeland and, as soon as he had crossed the mountains into Chile, had begun to boast about what he would do to the military there if it staged a coup, about his expertise with arms of every sort, about his colossal stash of weapons. Bluster and braggadocio -- and every word of it false.

    But how could he convince those men who were beating him, hooking his penis to electric wires and waterboarding him? How could he prove to them that he had been lying, prancing in front of his Chilean comrades, just trying to impress the ladies with his fraudulent insurgent persona?

    Of course, he couldn't. He confessed to anything and everything they wanted to drag from his hoarse, howling throat; he invented accomplices and addresses and culprits; and then, when it became apparent that all this was imaginary, he was subjected to further ordeals.

    There was no escape.

    That is the hideous predicament of the torture victim. It was always the same story, what I discovered in the ensuing years, as I became an unwilling expert on all manner of torments and degradations, my life and my writing overflowing with grief from every continent. Each of those mutilated spines and fractured lives -- Chinese, Guatemalan, Egyptian, Indonesian, Iranian, Uzbek, need I go on? -- all of them, men and women alike, surrendered the same story of essential asymmetry, where one man has all the power in the world and the other has nothing but pain, where one man can decree death at the flick of a wrist and the other can only pray that the wrist will be flicked soon.

    It is a story that our species has listened to with mounting revulsion, a horror that has led almost every nation to sign treaties over the past decades declaring these abominations as crimes against humanity, transgressions interdicted all across the earth. That is the wisdom, national and international, that has taken us thousands of years of tribulation and shame to achieve. That is the wisdom we are being asked to throw away when we formulate the question -- Does torture work? -- when we allow ourselves to ask whether we can afford to outlaw torture if we want to defeat terrorism.

    I will leave others to claim that torture, in fact, does not work, that confessions obtained under duress -- such as that extracted from the heaving body of that poor Argentine braggart in some Santiago cesspool in 1973 -- are useless. Or to contend that the United States had better not do that to anyone in our custody lest someday another nation or entity or group decides to treat our prisoners the same way.

    I find these arguments -- and there are many more -- to be irrefutable. But I cannot bring myself to use them, for fear of honoring the debate by participating in it.

    Can't the United States see that when we allow someone to be tortured by our agents, it is not only the victim and the perpetrator who are corrupted, not only the "intelligence" that is contaminated, but also everyone who looked away and said they did not know, everyone who consented tacitly to that outrage so they could sleep a little safer at night, all the citizens who did not march in the streets by the millions to demand the resignation of whoever suggested, even whispered, that torture is inevitable in our day and age, that we must embrace its darkness?

    Are we so morally sick, so deaf and dumb and blind, that we do not understand this? Are we so fearful, so in love with our own security and steeped in our own pain, that we are really willing to let people be tortured in the name of America? Have we so lost our bearings that we do not realize that each of us could be that hapless Argentine who sat under the Santiago sun, so possessed by the evil done to him that he could not stop shivering?


    Ariel Dorfman, a Chilean American writer and professor at Duke University, is author of "Death and the Maiden."
    JAXXE --- ---
    Mark Foley calling for DNA to be taken to 'protect children'

    (From people like him, presumably)


    Republican Paedophilia - a long and distinquished list

    KERRAY --- ---
    Robert Anton Wilson Needs Our Help

    By Douglas Rushkoff

    I hope people I've inspired with my work would band together to help me out in my later years if I needed it. Which is at least part of the reason why I'm sending what I can to support cosmic thinking patriarch Robert Anton Wilson, whose infirmity and depleted finances have put him in the precarious position of not being able to meet next month's rent.

    In case the name doesn't immediately ring a bell, Bob is the guy who wrote Cosmic Trigger - still the best narrative on how to enter and navigate the psycho-spiritual realm, and co-wrote the Illuminatus Trilogy, an epic work that pushes beyond conspiracy theory into conspiracy practice. Robert Anton Wilson will one day be remembered alongside such literary philosophers as Aldous Huxley and James Joyce.

    But right now, Bob is a human being in a rather painful fleshsuit, who needs our help. I refuse for the history books to say he died alone and destitute, for I want future generations to know we appreciated Robert Anton Wilson while he was alive.

    Let me add, on a personal note, that Bob is the only one of my heroes who I was not disappointed to actually meet in person. He was of tremendous support to me along my road, and I'm honored to have the opportunity to be of some support on his.

    Any donations can be made to Bob directly to the Paypal account olgaceline@gmail.com.
    You can also send a check payable to Robert Anton Wilson to
    Dennis Berry c/o Futique Trust
    P.O. Box 3561
    Santa Cruz, CA 95063.
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