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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 4 :: The War on Error
    JAXXE --- ---
    Diebold pressured HBO to cancel the airing of this documentary just days before tomorrow's midterm elections...

    video: http://www.jonesreport.com/articles/061106_hacking_democracy.html
    JAXXE --- ---
    Prosecutors reject 87% of FBI's terror cases: report

    November 6, 2006

    WASHINGTON -- The Justice Department increasingly has refused to prosecute FBI cases targeting suspected terrorists over the past five years, according to researchers.

    The government says the findings are inaccurate and ''intellectually dishonest.''

    The report by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse at Syracuse University raises questions about the quality of the FBI's investigations.

    Prosecutors declined to bring charges in 131 of 150, or 87 percent, of international terrorist case referrals from the FBI between October 2005 and June 2006, according to the report. The study was based on the most recent data available from the Justice Department.

    That number marks the peak of steady increases from the 2001 budget year, when prosecutors rejected 33 percent of such cases from the FBI, the report said.

    ''The question must be asked: What is the FBI doing?'' the report said.

    A Justice Department spokesman noted that terrorist hoax cases that were quickly dismissed may have been included in the data.

    And some cases are referred to prosecutors to obtain subpoenas in investigations that never result in criminal charges, the spokesman said.

    He said prosecutors rejected 67 percent of FBI international terrorist cases -- not 87 percent.




    Terror suspect 'could reveal CIA secrets if given civilian attorney'


    Washington: A suspected terrorist who spent years in a secret CIA prison should not be allowed to speak to a civilian attorney, the Bush administration argues, because he could reveal the agency's closely guarded interrogation techniques.


    KERRAY --- ---
    jj, ja to sem nedavam (navzdory titulku, kterej jsem proste prevzal) jako ukazku cenzury ale jako celkove vtipnej segment ,))
    FLU --- ---
    KERRAY: ale i po zasahu cenzury je tam tech narazek vic nez dost
    JAXXE --- ---
    Také máte pocit, že média hlavního proudu účelově vytváří jinou realitu? Že jsou úmyslně zamlčovány, překrucovány a vymýšleny informace? Máte pocit, že jste manipulováni skrytou propagandou, zahlcováním nepodstatnými informacemi a vytěsňováním podstatného? Potom jste na té správné adrese. Vítejte na nové verzi Nevhodných zpráv, kde budete i nadále nalézat zajímavé informace a komentáře, hlavně ze zahraničních zdrojů, které vám pomohou se o trochu lépe orientovat v záplavě propagandy.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Nový Pearl Harbor – 11. září a vláda George Bushe – Znepokojující otázky; David Ray Griffin;

    Z anglického originálu The New Pearl Harbor přeložila Mai Havrdová Fathi; Brožovaná, 245 stran, 199 Kč, ISBN 80-7207-591-8, První vydání v nakladatelství Volvox Globator.

    David Ray Griffin, profesor filosofie a teologie na vysoké škole Claremont School of Theology, nastoluje ve své publikaci „znepokojivé otázky“ a fantasticky znějící podezření, která byla vznesena v souvislosti s tragickými událostmi 11. září 2001. Griffin upozorňuje, že tyto události provází řada nejasností, které se stávají živnou půdou „spikleneckých teorií“ podezřívajících americkou vládu z podílu na aktivní „spoluúčasti“. Podle Griffína jde o podezření natolik závažná, že je věcí veřejného zájmu důkladně prozkoumat argumenty, o něž se opírají, a buď je vyvrátit, nebo z nich vyvodit příslušné závěry, ve své knize tyto argumenty shromažďuje ze zdrojů, které považuje za hodnověrné, a nabízí osm možných závěrů, odstíněných podle stupně závažnosti. Otázku platnosti argumentů však ponechává těm, kdo mají prostředky a pověření události z 11. září adekvátním způsobem vyšetřit, ale dosud tak neučinili, totiž investigativním novinářům a voleným zástupcům veřejnosti. Kniha je napínavým svědectvím zápasu o veřejnou informovanost, který je vnímán jako zápas o podstatu americké demokracie.



    ukázka z knihy http://www.prefer-statement.wz.cz/b0057.htm
    JAXXE --- ---
    MARSHUS --- ---
    MATT --- ---
    nevzpomenete si jaxe menovala ta latka co mela roztavit ty nosniky ve WTC? jednou tu brobehlo takovy video kde s tim roztavili motor od auta asi za 5 sekund..
    JAXXE --- ---
    Upozornění pro cestující: v USA mohou být cizinci zbaveni svých základních lidských práv

    Greg Evans

    Žádný důraz není dost velký, chceme-li mluvit o tom, jak nebezpečným útokem na lidská práva je nový americký zákon „Military Commissions Act". Podle toho zákona může být každý cizinec, který navštíví USA, zadržen na neomezeně dlouho dobu bez práva na soudní proces (tedy nejen člověk, který je v USA nelegálně, ale i ten, který má turistické vízum, nebo ten, který získal povolení k trvalému pobytu). Stačí, když americká vláda usoudí, že cizinec má nějaké „spojení s terorismem", a může být zatčen a vězněn do konce života, přičemž vláda nemusí předložit žádnému soudu ani jiskru důkazu, že její obvinění je oprávněné.

    Každý cizinec (a tedy také Čech), který cestuje do USA, nebo tam již bydlí, by tedy měl být s touto situací obeznámen. Zejména jde-li o muslima nebo Čecha arabského původu – pak totiž existuje sice malá, ale reálná možnost, že bude, třeba i kvůli nějaké chybě či omylu, zatčen. Třeba se bude jmenovat stejně jako někdo, koho CIA podezírá z terorismu. Jelikož nový zákon ruší právo habeas corpus (podle kterého musí vláda vznést obvinění před soudem), bude ovšem velmi těžké, ne-li vůbec nemožné, takovou chybu napravit. A co je ještě horší – takové věci se již dějí. Organizace amerických právníků The Center for Constitutional Rights nedávno poukázalo na to, že mnoho vězňů v Guantanamu pravděpodobně nemá žádné spojení s terorismem, tito vězeni však ještě neměli, a kvůli novému zákonu možná nikdy mít nebudou, příležitost svou nevinu dokázat.

    I nemuslimský Čech evropského původu by však měl mít z nového zákona strach. Americká vláda už před soudem tvrdila, že má právo zatknout někoho, kdo poskytl malý dar charitě, jestliže tato charita (dokonce bez vědomí dotyčného dárce) předala darovanou věc např. někomu z Al Kajdy, a nový zákon toto právo potvrzuje. Navíc by si měli dávat pozor také ekologičtí aktivisté a aktivisté bojující za práva zvířat. Podle FBI patří dvě z takových skupin mezi nejnebezpečnější teroristické skupiny v USA, třebaže jejich činnost nikdy nikoho o život nepřipravila. Je pravda, že toto nebezpečí je zatím jen teoretické – dosud byli bez práva habeas corpus zatčeni pouze muslimové a Arabové. Kdyby se však např. stalo, že by americký prezident propadl paranoie (jako svého času Stalin), neexistuje zákon, který by ho mohl zastavit – teoreticky by se mohl rozhodnout zatknout všechny cizince v USA.

    Ne-občany USA, které americká vláda podle nového zákona zatkne (nebo je už zatkla), může zajímat také další bod nově přijatého zákona – tento zákon dává americké vládě právo tyto vězně mučit. Tedy je-li slovo „mučení„ používáno v tom smyslu, v jakém je používá mezinárodní zákon, a nikoli tak, jak je definováno americkou vládou. Ta totiž změnila jeho význam. Co to znamená, je dlouhý příběh a téma pro jiný článek.

    JAXXE --- ---
    S blogery jako s teroristy

    Británie a EU si hodlají došlápnout na „šíření propagandy“, čímž kopírují útok USA na internetové svobody

    PETVAL --- ---

    Name....> The Illuminati Vol.2 - The Antichrist Conspiracy 2006-XviD-DEV.avi
    Runtime....> 01:54:34
    Video Bitrate....> 726 kb/s XviD
    Audio Bitrate....> 127 kb/s MP3 VBR LAME3.90
    Fps....> 29.970
    Resolution....> 640x352 (1.82:1) [=20:11]
    Size....> 706 Mb

    PETVAL --- ---
    Diebold slams HBO Hacking Democracy documentary
    By Gavin Clarke in San Francisco → More by this author
    Published Thursday 2nd November 2006 21:29 GMT

    A campaign by Diebold to torpedo a TV documentary investigating its controversial e-voting machines looks set to backfire.

    Diebold president David Byrd and CEO Chris Albrecht this week fired off press releases http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories.pl?ACCT=104&STORY=/www/story/10-31-2006/0004463570&EDATE= and angry letters to HBO demanding the US network pull the doc, Hacking Democracy, and that it airs disclaimers before, during and after presentation this week.

    Byrd cites "egregious" errors and misrepresentations, while Albrecht alleges some kind of pinko-liberal-Hollwood conspiracy against Diebold. Hacking Democracy "is directed by the directors of VoterGate, and contains much of the same material. VoterGate was produced with special thanks to Susan Sarandon and The Streisand Foundation," he writes.

    According to reports http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/hr/content_display/news/e3iu1kJn0r6mbsE3T+LOOImOQ== , the Diebold duo have not seen Hacking Democracy, and they are also getting their documentaries mixed up.

    Confusingly, Votergate is the UK working title of Hacking Democracy. The documentary that Diebold is complaining about - the US Votergate, if you will - was produced and directed by a different bunch of people, HBO says.

    The storm comes a week before US citizens go the polls to vote in the bitter 2006 mid-term election campaign. The usual round of political debate and mud slinging has the added spice that there are unresolved questions over the reliability of machines from Dieblod to accurately count and securely record votes.

    It seems to be common practice for machines to record votes for Democrats as Republican http://www.engadget.com/2006/10/30/florida-diebold-machines-help-you-pick-the-right-candidate/ while machines have also been hacked http://www.wired.com/news/evote/0,2645,69893,00.html under tested conditions. Diebold has always maintained its machines are tested and secure.

    According to Diebold, 40 per cent of votes this November will be recorded electronically with its own machines accounting for 40 per cent of that market.

    That's enough to put the frighteners on a growing number of voters. Representatives of the NAACP http://www.naacp.org/ told the US radio broadcaster NP that the organization has counted an upsurge in people casting absentee votes, a paper- and postal-based approach that circumvents Diebold machines.

    GORG --- ---
    DAVID ICKE: The Lizards and the Jews

    Broadcaster and journalist Jon Ronson encounters one of Britain’s most infamous media figures as he continues his search to uncover the ... all » truth behind who – or what – is really controlling the world. Tonight Ronson joins David Icke on a lecture tour that takes the ex-sports broadcaster headlong into controversy as his extraordinary views dismay his detractors and inspire his audiences, providing a fascinating insight into extremists – and how the public responds to them
    GORG --- ---
    David Icke appear on British TV program Wogan in Jan 06.
    GORG --- ---
    GORG --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Former Soviet Dissident Warns For EU Dictatorship

    From the desk of Paul Belien on Mon, 2006-02-27 21:13

    Vladimir Bukovsky, the 63-year old former Soviet dissident, fears that the European Union is on its way to becoming another Soviet Union. In a speech he delivered in Brussels last week Mr Bukovsky called the EU a “monster” that must be destroyed, the sooner the better, before it develops into a fullfledged totalitarian state.


    In his speech Mr Bukovsky referred to confidential documents from secret Soviet files which he was allowed to read in 1992. These documents confirm the existence of a “conspiracy” to turn the European Union into a socialist organization.


    An interview with Vladimir Bukovsky
    Listen to it here

    Paul Belien: You were a very famous Soviet dissident and now you are drawing a parallel between the European Union and the Soviet Union. Can you explain this?

    Vladimir Bukovsky: I am referrring to structures, to certain ideologies being instilled, to the plans, the direction, the inevitable expansion, the obliteration of nations, which was the purpose of the Soviet Union. Most people do not understand this. They do not know it, but we do because we were raised in the Soviet Union where we had to study the Soviet ideology in school and at university. The ultimate purpose of the Soviet Union was to create a new historic entity, the Soviet people, all around the globe. The same is true in the EU today. They are trying to create a new people. They call this people “Europeans”, whatever that means.

    According to Communist doctrine as well as to many forms of Socialist thinking, the state, the national state, is supposed to wither away. In Russia, however, the opposite happened. Instead of withering away the Soviet state became a very powerful state, but the nationalities were obliterated. But when the time of the Soviet collapse came these suppressed feelings of national identity came bouncing back and they nearly destroyed the country. It was so frightening.

    PB: Do you think the same thing can happen when the European Union collapses?

    VB: Absolutely, you can press a spring only that much, and the human psyche is very resilient you know. You can press it, you can press it, but don’t forget it is still accumulating a power to rebound. It is like a spring and it always goes to overshoot.

    PB: But all these countries that joined the European Union did so voluntarily.

    VB: No, they did not. Look at Denmark which voted against the Maastricht treaty twice. Look at Ireland [which voted against the Nice treaty]. Look at many other countries, they are under enormous pressure. It is almost blackmail. Switzerland was forced to vote five times in a referendum. All five times they have rejected it, but who knows what will happen the sixth time, the seventh time. It is always the same thing. It is a trick for idiots. The people have to vote in referendums until the people vote the way that is wanted. Then they have to stop voting. Why stop? Let us continue voting. The European Union is what Americans would call a shotgun marriage.

    PB: What do you think young people should do about the European Union? What should they insist on, to democratize the institution or just abolish it?

    VB: I think that the European Union, like the Soviet Union, cannot be democratized. Gorbachev tried to democratize it and it blew up. This kind of structures cannot be democratized.

    PB: But we have a European Parliament which is chosen by the people.

    VB: The European Parliament is elected on the basis of proportional representation, which is not true representation. And what does it vote on? The percentage of fat in yoghurt, that kind of thing. It is ridiculous. It is given the task of the Supreme Soviet. The average MP can speak for six minutes per year in the Chamber. That is not a real parliament.


    vice: http://www.brusselsjournal.com/node/865
    JAXXE --- ---
    Baptist Convention told: Muslims 'are here to take over our country'


    Clippard reserved his strongest words for what he said he considered paramount for all Americans: the threat of Islam. "Today, Islam has a strategic plan to defeat and occupy America," he told the 1,200-strong crowd of delegates (called "messengers"), pastors and lay people, many of whom cheered his words.


    Clippard said that Muslims were hoping to take over the United States government one city at a time, and that they were starting with Detroit, where there is already a large Muslim population.

    "They are trying to establish a Muslim state inside America, and they are going to take the city of Detroit back to the 15th century and practice Sharia (or Islamic) law there."

    In an interview Tuesday, Clippard said he believed the Islamic "strategy for taking over America" was to wait until there was a Muslim majority here and then "eradicate those who don't conform to their religion."


    "Islam is more aggressive than we are" when it comes to evangelism.

    Clippard said Tuesday that his message was really about love.

    "I don't hate Islamic people," he said. "We need to love these folks, go after them and love them, one at a time. We need to crucify them with Christ."


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