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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 4 :: The War on Error
    MARSHUS --- ---
    trochu offtopic ale přece :)

    10:06 - Archeologové objevili v kryptě baziliky svatého Pavla za hradbami sarkofág. Obsahuje podle nich pozůstatky apoštola Pavla, informoval server BBC.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Investigative Reporter Breaks Israeli 9/11 Foreknowledge

    Alex Jones was joined on air this week by investigative reporter Ed Haas to discuss an important story he has broken concerning direct evidence of Israeli prior knowledge of and possible complicity in the 9/11 attacks of 2001.

    Haas details in his expose how in October 2000, approximately 11 months prior to September 11, 2001, a former Israeli Defense Force member and veteran of the Yom Kippur War overheard a conversation at the Gomel Chesed Cemetery, located in Newark, NJ., concerning the attacks and spoken in Hebrew between three men.

    “The Americans will learn what it is to live with terrorists after the planes hit the twins in September.” Hass's contact said he heard one of the men say. After 11 months of desperately attempting to alert the authorities and being systematically ignored all along the line, the contact watched in horror as the attacks unfolded exactly as he had overheard.

    Haas revealed on air that he had been asked by a reader to contact the source, who has asked to remain anonymous for fear of his own safety, as he had in depth information about prior knowledge of the attacks and no one would listen to him.

    Haas stated:

    "I approached this individual as if his story was BS, you know that's kind of how I had to approach it, is this guy might be a nutcase, let's follow through though and see if his story starts to have merit, and it did. I reached a point where I felt as though this guy has some information based on his documentation and it smells like more cover up to me."

    The source also told Haas that one of the men he overheard expressed concerns regarding whether the upcoming presidential election (November 2000) between Bush / Cheney and Gore / Lieberman could impact the plans. Another man, he believed to be the most senior of the three, replied “Don’t worry, we have people in high places and no matter who gets elected, they will take care of everything.”

    The source also reported to Haas that he overheard one of the three men say, “The Arabs are so stupid. They don’t even imagine that we are using them.”.

    Could this be a reference to the 9/11 hijackers? It certainly fits other evidence that they, or their doubles/namesakes depending on which line you take, were intimately known to US intelligence and were being used as patsies.


    The source's story suggests, as he himself believes, that the real perpetrators of 9/11 may have been a conglomeration of intelligence agencies, involving Mossad. He believes that there may even may a direct conection to the story of the Israeli spy ring and the five Israeli 'tourists' arrested on September 11th 2001 after they were seen in position on nearby rooftops before the planes hit and celebrating thereafter.

    Even Senator Graham, on the Intelligence committee after 9/11, has stated that there is evidence that suggests the attacks were funded in part at least by a sovereign government. This information has been classified. We also know that the head of Pakistani intelligence, the ISI, wired $100,000 to the lead hijacker before the event.


    PHACATS --- ---
    MATT: Nic nezamlouvam! :)) zkratka ja tam souvislost vidim! Vsechny machinace co probihali po 2.svetovy tomu nasvedcujou a nackove zkratka chteli pokracovat ve vyzkumu tak se integrovali do C.I.A a podobnejch utajenosti.. Kdo vi co maj uz tedka vsechno za veci v rukach radsi na to nemyslet... :-O
    MATT --- ---
    PETVAL: tyjo taxem byl uplne vedle, je to ten z Eura, uplne si ted vybavuju jak to woteep posilal k tim do auditka.. dik

    PHACATS: nezamlouvej ty orlice.. ;-))
    PHACATS --- ---
    MATT: Peknej mejlik! to jeste bude mazec...
    PETVAL --- ---
    MATT: nemyslis tohle?

    Konec hegemonie dolaru

    nebo tohle?
    Inflation and the FED. 92 Years Together and No End in Sigh

    nebo tohle?
    Aféra rodiny Bushů - Žernov osličí
    MATT --- ---
    NAGASAWA: co si pamatuju, tak na blisty mi to prislo moc radikalni.. ;) nejvic mi k tomu sedi ten zlutej podkald osudu, ale nedohledal sem to tam.. :-\ mozna taky toho uz vic zpoplatnili..
    mail od brachy ze statu... sem mu posilal odkaz na to video se senatorem na tema North American Union

    Ahoj Matt,

    Díky za mejl, doufám ze je s tebou vsechno ok, casto vzpomínám.

    O AU se tu moc nepíse, ani moc na televizi v novinách nic neni. Vetsina lidí
    tady jsou totálne tupý. Ale jenom trochu zvedavosti, pár programu na
    krátkých vlnách, a ruzná clánky na netu, prozradí mnoho vecí. Pripadá me ze
    se uz dlouho plánovalo AU. Mnoho událostí to potvrdí. Nová superdálnice od
    mexika do kansas city. Prodávaj se ruzný cásti americký infrstruktury do
    ciziny. Hranice se vubec nehlídaj, a poliije casto musí ilegální pustit.

    Taky si myslim ze AU je jenom kousek plánování do budoucnosti. EU je na to
    úplne stejne. Podívej co se stalo s ceskýma hranicema, a co tedkon k vám
    pustí pres hranic. To stejný se ted deje na celým svete. Ta nase válka není
    jenom pro olej a pro demokracii. Je to válka pro svetovou unifikaci. Já se
    toho nedoziju, ale ty mozná jo.

    Amerika je na tom spatne. kazdý den potrebuje pujcit 2,000,000 USD od ciziny
    (nejvíce s cíny), jenom aby mohla pokracovat v kseftu. Soukromý dluh je ted
    asi 30,000,000,000 USD (to pocítám, co lidi dluzí za auta, baráky, atd.).

    Kisinzér rek ze unifikovat celej svet je nutný, jinak dnesní civilizace jak
    jí známe zmizí. Kdo ví co se opravdu deje. Ale jak to starý cínský
    prísloví...At zijes v zajímavých casech.

    Tak já du, ceká mi práce. Budu rád az budu mít vánocní ladení za sebou. Ani
    sem letos nemel moc odpocinout. V lednu budu oficiálne nezamestnanej, a tak
    se na to docela tesím.

    Bud zdráv, a pozdravuj doma. Filip. JO, prijed k nám na návstevu. pudem na
    MATT --- ---
    PHACATS: a hele, proc ma orla ve znaku i morava a slezko?
    a nackove sou zbehli budhisti, ze maj svastiku? ;-))

    NAGASAWA: jj, to bylo neco takovyho... jen to byl clanek, normalne nekde na webu, typoval bych osud.cz, zvedavce nebo matrix, jen to nemuzu najit.. :-((

    PETVAL: tyjo puvodne sem to chtel jen proklikat, ale nakoce jsem na to vydrzel koukam od zacatku do konce a prislo mi to dobry.. ani ne moc zaujaty, vicemene fakta a dozvedel sem se i par veci co sem nevedel...

    jen by me zajimalo proc porad zanedbavaj tlak a kinetickou energii toho padajiciho kolosu, kdyz porad resej 'kde se vzalo takovy teplo na roztaveni/ohnuti tech nosniku'..
    PHACATS --- ---
    Vzdyt jo jsou to vsechno zbehli nackove kdo ted hejbe svetem... Proc ma asi C.I.A. ve znaku orla...?
    MATT --- ---
    nevzpominate si na takovej clanek, kde se autor zabejval tokem penez po WW2? bylo to cesky, ale uz se to snazim snad hodinu dohledat a nic.. :\
    JAXXE --- ---
    David Lynch Goes Public With 9/11 Questions

    Film director is disturbed by unanswered questions

    Steve Watson Infowars.net Wednesday, December 6, 2006

    Film Director and cult icon David Lynch has gone public with concerns he has over the official government story of the September 11 2001 terror attacks. Lynch has stated that he is disturbed by unanswered questions concerning the Pentagon attack, the collapse of the buildings in New York and the strange ending of flight 93 in Pennsylvania.

    Appearing on Dutch Television on VPRO's Wereldgasten, on December 3rd, Lynch discussed and played clips from Dylan Avery's groundbreaking 9/11 documentary Loose Change.

    After playing a four minute segment from the documentary Lynch stated:

    Its not so much what thy say, it's the things that make you look at what you thought you saw in a different light. And Those things for me, that bother me, is the hole in the Pentagon being too small for a plane, the lawn isn't messed up, and the government's not showing the plane hitting when many cameras photographed it.

    At the World Trade Center, three buildings came down, like demolitions, and two of them were hit by a plane, but the third one they said "do you want us to pull it?" and they pulled it and it looked just like the other two. Those things bother me.

    In Pennsylvania, the plane that went down, there was just a hole in the ground, there wasn't any wreckage,there wasn't any skid marks, there wasn't any tear in the earth, and no one has ever really found out about that.

    So every place there's questions, coming from this documentary. You don't have to believe everything in the documentary to still have questions come up... and you look back and you remember what you saw, and what you were told, and now, you have questions.

    It's just an event that has many questions and no answers.

    When asked "What about suggestions the American government was behind it?", Lynch answered:

    "That's too big for people to think about. it's too big. It's like something no one wants to think about."

    Watch the video:

    PETVAL --- ---

    More than 2000 people from all over Britain and across the world gather at London's famous Brixton Academy to witness an extraordinary event.

    David Icke weaves together more than 16 years of painstaking research and determined investigation into the Global Conspiracy and the extraordinary "sting" being perpetrated on an amnesic human race.

    Icke is the Dot Connector and he uses hundreds of illustrations to reveal the hidden story behind apparently unconnected world events.

    * How are we controlled?
    * Who are the controllers?
    * Why do they seek to control us?

    He exposes the real background to 9/11 and the bogus "war on terror", and presents an extraordinary explanation of why "reality" is only an illusion.

    It is a life-changing experience, a truly stunning, high quality production from the world's foremost "conspiracy" writer and researcher of truth.



    JAXXE --- ---
    We Are All Tortures Now!

    The U.S. Government has engaged in "Extraordinary Rendition", an unlawful practice in which numerous persons have been illegally detained and secretly flown to third countries, where they have suffered additional human rights abuses including torture and enforced disappearance.

    These prisoners have been transported through many countries with the knowledge of their governments. By permitting the U.S.to use its territory, these countries are in effect endorsing torture of the most vile nature in what the U.S. call its "war on terror".

    This video provides some evidence of the type of torture engaged in by by our allies. As citizens of the U.S. each of us is responsible for the actions of our government. We are complicit in the torture, distance from the tools used to inflict pain in no way reduces our part in these disgusting acts of barbarity.


    This video contains graphic images and audio of torture and should only be viewed by a mature audience.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Say Hello to the Goodbye Weapon

    Freedom and democracy you can feel!

    JAXXE --- ---
    Richest 2 pct own more than half the world: study

    Tue Dec 5, 2006 8:12 AM EST26

    HELSINKI (Reuters) - Two percent of adults have more than half of the world's wealth, including property and financial assets, according to a study by the U.N. development research institute published on Tuesday.

    While global income is distributed unequally, the spread of wealth is even more skewed, the study by the World Institute for Development Economics Research of the U.N. University said.

    "Wealth is heavily concentrated in North America, Europe and high income Asia-Pacific countries. People in these countries collectively hold almost 90 percent of total world wealth," the survey showed.

    The Helsinki-based institute said its study was the first global research on the topic, for which there is only limited data.

    "We've estimated that the richest 2 percent of adults own more than half of global wealth, while the bottom half own 1 percent," said institute director Anthony Shorrocks.

    He likened the situation to that where, in a group of 10 people, one person has $99, while the remaining nine share $1.


    PETVAL --- ---
    911 Mysteries Slovak Czech

    Dokument sa sústreďuje na analýzu pádu veží WTC a taktiež budovy WTC7. Prezentuje dôkazy o tom, že veže nespadli kvôli nárazu lietadiel, … all » ale ich pád bol kontrolovanou vopred pripravenou demoláciou. Je popretkávaný svedectvami ľudí. Prechádza cez analýzu oficiálneho “mýtu”, a oficiálnu verziu dáva do kontrastu s vedou. Pohľad na 9/11 nie je politický, ale z čistých, prísnych a jednoduchých zákonov fyziky. Ako je možné dosiahnuť “pancake” kolaps 110 poschodovej budovy za 10 sekúnd? A také navštivte http://911.yweb.sk … A stáhnout toto video můžete přes zdejší program Google Video Player a nebo přes http://neuf.neuf.sblog.cz/911/


    + http://911.yweb.sk/
    PHACATS --- ---
    Ciste nahodou nevite nekdo o CZ titulkach k filmu The Illuminati Vol.2 - The Antichrist Conspiracy ? dik
    GORG --- ---
    Weird 'Horns' Statue Dominates Washington Skyline
    JAXXE --- ---
    Arrested American, Europeans in 'terrorist' cell, Egypt says

    Last Updated: Monday, December 4, 2006 | 6:42 PM ET The Associated Press

    Egyptian police have arrested an American, 11 Europeans and several others from Arab countries for allegedly plotting terrorist attacks in Middle Eastern countries, including Iraq, the Interior Ministry said Monday.

    The group was part of an Islamic militant terror cell that had adopted extremist ideas and were living in Egypt under the guise of studying Arabic and Islamic studies, the ministry said in a statement.

    Along with the American, police arrested two Belgians, nine French and several others from Egypt and other Arab countries, including Tunisia and Syria, the statement said.

    The ministry did not provide names or say how many Egyptians and Arabs had been arrested.

    "Investigations have confirmed that those elements are related to some terrorist organizations abroad," the ministry said. "They were seeking to recruit others, teach them destructive beliefs, urging them for jihad, traveling to Iraq to carry out operations via other countries in the region."


    JAXXE --- ---
    Top 10: The best, worst... and craziest uses of RFID

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