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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 4 :: The War on Error
    JAXXE --- ---
    Lebanon's Army captures Israeli Mossad 'Terrorist Ring'

    Wednesday, 14 June, 2006 @ 1:05 PM

    Beirut- The Lebanese army has said it had captured members of a terrorist network allegedly working for the Israeli Mossad and that a suspect confessed to his role in assassinating Hezbollah and Palestinian

    Last Saturday, the army said it had arrested Mahmoud Rafeh, a 59-year-old Lebanese citizen and retired police officer, for a May 26 car bombing that killed Mahmoud Majzoub, a senior Islamic Jihad official, and his brother in front of their home in the southern city of Sidon. Rafeh "had links to Israeli intelligence," a statement said.

    1- Lebanese army picture of -Mahmoud Rafeh.jpgOn Tuesday, the army said that Rafeh ( L) had confessed to his role in killing the Majzoub brothers, and to other operations ... including bombings that killed two Hezbollah officials; Ali Hassan Dib in 1999 and Ali Saleh in 2003 and the 2002 killing of Jihad Jibril, the son of Ahmed Jibril, leader of the radical Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC), which based in Syria with bases in Lebanon.

    Rafeh was part of a "terror network working for the Israeli Mossad," and its members took "training courses in and outside Israel," the statement said.

    Investigators found Israeli computers, cameras, ammunition, military uniforms and forged identity cards in ring members' hideouts ( shown below), it added.

    The ring smuggled the booby-trapped door of the Mercedes car that killed the Majzoub brothers from Israel, the army said.

    An investigation was underway to arrest remaining collaborators, it concluded.

    As Safir newspaper said a manhunt is currently underway to catch another suspect whom it identified as Hussein Khattab, a Palestinian official in the PFLP-GC. Lebanese police and the security apparatus of the PFLP-GC had believed he was involved in Jibril's murder but he was later cleared of the crime, the paper said.

    An Nahar newspaper reported that Rafeh had been working for the Mossad since 1994. It said the army found in his house forged Lebanese papers that female Mossad agents used to enter the country as the alleged wives of the ring members.

    Israeli intelligence agents stayed at the flat Rafeh had rented in Sidon near the residence of the Majzoub brothers to monitor their movements, the paper said.

    Six ring members have already been arrested and another two are believed to have fled to Israel, An Nahar added.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Seeking Iran Intelligence, U.S. Tries Google

    Internet Search Yields Names Cited in U.N. Draft Resolution

    By Dafna Linzer Washington Post Staff Writer Monday, December 11, 2006;

    When the State Department recently asked the CIA for names of Iranians who could be sanctioned for their involvement in a clandestine nuclear weapons program, the agency refused, citing a large workload and a desire to protect its sources and tradecraft.

    Frustrated, the State Department assigned a junior Foreign Service officer to find the names another way -- by using Google. Those with the most hits under search terms such as "Iran and nuclear," three officials said, became targets for international rebuke Friday when a sanctions resolution circulated at the United Nations.


    None of the 12 Iranians that the State Department eventually singled out for potential bans on international travel and business dealings is believed by the CIA to be directly connected to Iran's most suspicious nuclear activities.

    "There is nothing that proves involvement in a clandestine weapons program, and there is very little out there at all that even connects people to a clandestine weapons program," said one official familiar with the intelligence on Iran.


    JAXXE --- ---
    U.S. dollar facing imminent collapse ?

    Even as the stock market is hitting new record highs almost every day, the Federal Reserve and Treasury Department are quietly coordinating a devaluation of the dollar that the Bush administration hopes will be a slow decline rather than a dollar collapse.



    Here we see the dark side of the Federal Reserve Note. All fiat currencies are only as good as the issuing government. I have a collection here of paper money that has become totally worthless because the issuing government borrowed itself broke. I also have a Roman silver denarius, which even though Rome is long gone, still has the original worth because the coin itself was an object of value.

    The US Government in 1913 turned over the authority to print notes and coin money to a private bank, then borrowed from that bank at interest and shackled YOU to that debt. Ever since then, the worth of the money you own is not under your control, but under the bank's. That means no matter how hard you work to save, how much you sacrifice to try to build something for the future, the government and that private bank can take it all away with the stroke of a pen.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Swiss Spy in a War of Words

    An ex-informant who became a Muslim says his handlers wanted him to frame an Islamic scholar. Officials say he's on a personal vendetta.


    Wolfgang Bohringer, the German pilot who was one of Mohamed Atta’s closest associates in Florida as well as the subject of an FBI terror alert in the South Pacific, was apprehended two weeks ago and taken into custody, but then was almost immediately released after he told authorities responsible for his capture that he works for the CIA.

    The drama began to unfold a year ago when Wolfgang Bohringer sailed a 47-foot yacht called “The Argos” to tiny Fanning Island in the scattered South Pacific archipelago of Kiribati, a former British colony and today one of the world's smallest nations.

    “U.S. authorities raised an alarm over the plan by the German pilot — linked to the Sept. 11 terror attacks — to build a flying school in the remote South Pacific island nation,” stated an AP report picked up by the New York Times-owned International Herald Tribune.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Torture Inc. America’s Brutal Prisons

    December 11th, 2006

    Did you think Abu Ghraib was bad? Take a look at what goes on in prisons inside America…

    JAXXE --- ---
    WTC witnesses to explosions

    Loads of real people (not actors!) say they saw, heard and felt explosions

    PETVAL --- ---
    zatim jsem videl asi hodinu a pul prvniho dilu, je to hodne one man show a zatim tam nic moc noveho pro me nebylo, zatim si jen pripravuje pudu... ma to pres 7 hodin...
    JAXXE --- ---
    Next battleground will be a familiar one, Israelis say
    In Golan Heights, tensions with Syria are on the increase


    MI officer: Syria preparing its army for war with Israel

    JAXXE --- ---
    Christmas terror attack 'highly likely'

    By Matthew Moore, Sunday Telegraph Last Updated: 1:37am GMT 11/12/2006

    An attempted terrorist attack in Britain over the Christmas period is "highly likely", the Home Secretary said today.

    John Reid said that around 30 conspiracies were under preparation, and the current threat level was "very high indeed".

    He told GMTV Sunday that he did not think it an attack was inevitable, but that "the terrorists only have to get through once, as they did on July 7, for us to see the terrible carnage that it causes".

    "Our security services have to be successful on every occasion to prevent that happening," he said.

    "I try to walk the tightrope between being truthful and honest about the threat to the public but, on the other hand, to say we are doing everything possible to combat it and to try to keep our lifestyle as near as possible to the British way of life."

    The Home Secretary added that he thought the battle against Islamic terrorism was likely to last longer than a generation.


    JAXXE --- ---
    A generation is all they need

    One day we will all happily be implanted with microchips, and our every move will be monitored.

    MARSHUS --- ---
    Lebanese leader blocks UN court

    Mr Lahoud has accused Israel of killing Mr Hariri
    MATT --- ---
    Former Soviet Dissident Warns For EU Dictatorship

    In his speech Mr Bukovsky referred to confidential documents from secret Soviet files which he was allowed to read in 1992. These documents confirm the existence of a “conspiracy” to turn the European Union into a socialist organization. I attended the meeting and taped the speech. A transcript, as well as the audio fragment (approx. 15 minutes) can be found below.
    MATT --- ---
    Iran Replaces Dollar with Euro in Most Oil Dealings
    December 6th, 2006

    Via: Mher News:

    Iran has started replacing dollar with euro in majority of its crude oil exchanges in the last several months, an informed source with Iran’s Oil Ministry said here on Tuesday.

    Oil Ministry has taken the policy to substitute dollar with euro, and begun to implement it for most of its oil dealings, the source who spoke on the condition of anonymity told the Mehr News Agency.

    “This can maintain the real value of Iranian oil,” he added.

    The majority of Iran crude’s customers are Asian and European states, the source noted.

    Iran is the number two oil producing member of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). It also stands second behind Russia in terms of gas reserves in the world.

    Tehran: 19:01 , 2006/12/05

    Iran replaces dollar with euro in most oil dealings
    TEHRAN, Dec. 5 (MNA) — Iran has started replacing dollar with euro in majority of its crude oil exchanges in the last several months, an informed source with Iran’s Oil Ministry said here on Tuesday.

    Oil Ministry has taken the policy to substitute dollar with euro, and begun to implement it for most of its oil dealings, the source who spoke on the condition of anonymity told the Mehr News Agency.

    “This can maintain the real value of Iranian oil,” he added.

    The majority of Iran crude’s customers are Asian and European states, the source noted.

    Iran is the number two oil producing member of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). It also stands second behind Russia in terms of gas reserves in the world.

    MATT --- ---
    trocha hudby na odlechceni

    unofficial Depeche Mode video..

    The Arab League - Death Star
    JAXXE --- ---
    Rare TV NEWS report about WTC bombing FBI Foreknowledge

    MATT --- ---
    Vášnivý advokát impéria
    49/2006 Autor: Tereza Spencerová

    Sál, který pronajala americká Rada pro zahraniční otázky, praskal ve švech. Niall Ferguson ten večer hájil okupaci Iráku jako počátek světového impéria USA. Těžko si představit chvíli, kdy by washingtonská vládní elita byla více natěšená. Byl květen 2004, v médiích se objevily první zvěsti o mučení vězňů v trestnici Abú Ghrajb a samotná válka se začala jevit jako počátek noční můry.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Stíny Bushova rodinného klanu


    Příběh o ropě

    Tvrdit, že USA obsadily Irák kvůli ropě, se u nás nenosí. Místo toho se moudře mlelo o zbraních hromadného ničení, pak o demokratizaci a teď se raději jen mlčí. Výsledek? Irák zbraně neměl, demokracii nemá a za pár dní nebude mít ani tu ropu.


    MARSHUS --- ---
    KERRAY: o tom ti na bbc nenapíšou. ale rozhodně, jestli se má objevit antikrist a jestli je církev bestie, tak pavel se bude hodit .)
    KERRAY --- ---
    MARSHUS: A je to ještírek?
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam