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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 4 :: The War on Error
    KERRAY --- ---

    CBC documentary on Global Warming Deniers: The Denial Machine

    If the misinformation being flung around by the Global Warming Deniers sounds similar to the denials about the cancer risks from smoking, it's no co-incidence. The same gang of PR firms and scientists-for-hire are now shilling for the fossil fuel industry, trying to "refute" the validity of global warming...
    PUEBLO --- ---
    MARSHUS: doted jsem slysel ze bez vyndane baterky te dokazou lokalizovat...

    to odposlouchavani je ale mazec...imho pudou odposlechnout jen novejsi typy mobilu kteri maji v sobe Javu nebo Symbian OS...stare nepregramujes bez kabelu nebo vymeny SIM
    MARSHUS --- ---
    PETVAL: he, jeden bývalej obchodní "partner" si vytahoval baterku z mobilu už před cca 5-ti lety a nemyslím, že by byl pouze paranoidní. Policie to možná neumí, ale tajný služby s tím nemají žádnej problém.
    PETVAL --- ---
    FBI vie odpočúvať vypnutý mobil. Naša polícia asi nie

    Aj vaši známi občas pri dôverných rozhovoroch demonštratívne vyberajú z mobilného telefónu batériu, aby „nemohli byť na diaľku odpočúvaní“? Odteraz bude oveľa zložitejšie vysmiať sa im.

    Sudca v Spojených štátoch minulý týždeň rozhodol, že ak FBI na diaľku odpočúva človeka cez mikrofón jeho mobilného telefónu, ide o legálnu techniku a možno ju nasadiť kedykoľvek, ak majú vyšetrovatelia od súdu povolenie na tradičné odpočúvanie. Rozhodnutie je prvým oficiálnym potvrdením, že takéto odpočúvanie je vôbec technicky možné, a to dokonca aj vtedy, ak je telefón vypnutý. Doteraz sa takáto možnosť považovala zväčša za výmysel fanúšikov konšpiračných teórií a mobilní operátori i polícia možnosť takéhoto odpočúvania popierali.
    Aj vypnutý telefón
    V rozhodnutí súdu sa neuvádza, ako presne odpočúvanie na diaľku prebiehalo, podľa expertov však existujú dve možnosti. Prvou by teoreticky mohlo byť pripevnenie špeciálnej ploštice na mobilný telefón obetí. To však väčšina expertov považuje za málo pravdepodobné: dostať sa priamo k telefónom mafiánov by nebolo jednoduché, batérie ploštice by nevydržali tak dlho, ako podľa súdu prebiehalo odpočúvanie, navyše podľa dokumentov mohli agenti odpočúvať ľudí v blízkosti mobilov „kdekoľvek na území Spojených štátov“, čo by nezodpovedalo krátkemu dosahu vysielačov bežných ploštíc.

    Pravdepodobnejšou možnosťou je, že agenti cez sieť mobilného operátora do telefónov nainštalovali miniatúrny program, ktorý by dokázal spustiť prenos signálu z mikrofónu mobilu tak, aby to jeho majiteľ nespozoroval.

    Expert na kontrašpionáž James Atkinson pre server Cnet.com uviedol, že na takýto prienik do telefónu sú náchylné najmä prístroje od Samsungu a tiež napríklad Motorola Razr. „Možno sa k nim pripojiť na diaľku a možno z nich prenášať audio nepretržite,“ uviedol Atkinson.

    Vypnúť mobilný telefón nie je proti takémuto monitorovaniu dostatočná ochrana, keďže ani vypnuté telefóny nie sú zväčša úplne odpojené od dodávky energie, napríklad preto, aby sa dokázali automaticky zapnúť v stanovený čas, na ktorý si ich majiteľ nastavil budík. Sudca Kaplan výslovne potvrdil, že možno odpočúvať aj vypnuté telefóny, jedinou obranou je preto mobil úplne odpojiť od zdroja energie vybratím batérie.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Guantanamo Detainees To Be Held Even Without Evidence

    BY CON COUGHLIN - The Daily Telegraph December 15, 2006

    WASHINGTON — The hard core of detainees held at America's Guantanamo Bay detention camp will be held indefinitely even if there is insufficient evidence to bring them to trial, a senior Bush administration official said.

    Of the 435 detainees being held at Guantanamo, only 10 have so far been charged with terrorism-related offenses. A further 14 detainees — the so-called high value detainees such as the alleged mastermind of the September 11 attacks, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed — are also expected to face trial now that the U.S. Congress has passed the Military Commission Act, which will finally enable America to commence trials of Guantanamo detainees next year.

    But of the remainder, an estimated 200 detainees face being held indefinitely at Guantanamo because they are deemed a threat to international security even though there is insufficient evidence to bring them before a military commission.

    John Bellinger, the legal adviser at the U.S. State Department who is responsible for defending Guantanamo's legal status, said the hard core of the detainees will continue to be held indefinitely either because they are considered a security threat or because there is nowhere to send them if the military authorities at Guantanamo decide to release them.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Republican Senator John McCain has introduced legislation that would fine blogs up to $300,000 for offensive statements, photos and videos posted by visitors on comment boards, effectively nixing the open exchange of ideas on the Internet, providing a lethal injection for unrestrained opinion, and acting as the latest attack tool to chill freedom of speech on the world wide web.

    McCain's proposal, called the "Stop the Online Exploitation of Our Children Act," encourages informants to shop website owners to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, who then pass the information on to the relevant police authorities.

    Comment boards for specific articles are extremely popular and also notoriously hard to moderate. Popular articles often receive comments that run into the thousands over the course of time. In many cases, individuals hostile to the writer's argument deliberately leave obscene comments and images simply to sully the reputation of the website owners. Therefore under the terms of this bill, right-wing extremists from a website like Free Republic could effectively terminate a liberal leaning website like Raw Story by the act of posting a single photograph of a naked child. This precedent could be the kiss of death for blogs as we know them and its reverberations would negatively impact the entire Internet.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Egypt Releases Name Of American - Grey Warren - Arrested In Terror Investigation

    December 14, 2006 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - The Egyptian government has released the name of the American - Grey Warren, from Ohio - who was arrested and is being held incommunicado along with a French national in connection with a terror investigation possibly involving the Muslim Brotherhood.

    As we reported in a December 11 PipeLineNews.org piece Belgian Terror Suspects Released After Being Deported By Egypt In late November, the Egyptian government announced the dismantling of a terrorist network and deported two Belgians, and 8 French nationals who were "recruiting volunteers for Jihad."

    The alleged terror activity was taking place at Al-Azhar University, outside of Cairo. The university is the command center for the Muslim Brotherhood, an outlawed Islamist terror organization.

    Al-Azhar University is also in the news today Egypt Moves Against Muslim Brotherhood, Arresting Its Financier, Mohammed Khayrat el-Shater In Cairo as the Egyptian government takes steps to quell the increasing militancy of the banned organization.

    In a statement the Egyptian Foreign Ministry said of the alleged plotters, "They were seeking to recruit others, teach them destructive beliefs, urging them toward jihad, and traveling to Iraq to carry out operations via other countries in the region."

    MATT --- ---
    Ona oficiálně proklamované verze ochrany křesťanských poutníků do Svaté Země byla zřejmou zástěrkou. Ve skutečnosti tu šlo o to, aby pokrevní linie Merovingians znovu získala chrámové poklady a posvátná místa (velmi silná prostorová energoinformační pole) pro své budoucí plány. Současně s tím byl záměr kompletně zrekonstruovat původní Chrám Šalamounův a tím zřejmě obnovit aktivitu jedné z mnoha starověkých energetických multidimenzionálních bran. Je zřejmé, že linii výše uvedených královských rodin se dědili unikátní vědomosti z nichž mnohé mohly mít své kořeny až ve staré Atlantidě. Při výstavbě tohoto chrámu dle proroctví Ezechiela měly být použity ohromující vědomosti a za použití evokace utajovaných sil. Právě zde má svůj filozofický i energetický původ Zednářství a právě s tím vším souvisí i vznik tzv. templářského Řádu.

    nekde z matrixu...
    JAXXE --- ---
    Why Was This Russian Pilot Allowed To Fly Up To And Right By The WTC AFTER It Was Under Attack On 9/11?

    Amazing New Pictures Raise Questions


    Boston Air Traffic Controller Says 9/11 An Inside Job

    A former Boston Center air traffic controller has gone public on his assertion that 9/11 was an inside job and that Donald Rumsfeld and the Pentagon tracked three of the four flights from the point of their hijacking to hitting their targets.


    Israeli 9/11 Hijacker Believed Planes Were Being Landed By Remote Control

    JAXXE --- ---
    Former federal terrorism investigators say a piece of luggage hastily checked in at the Portland, Maine, airport by a World Trade Center hijacker on the morning of Sept. 11 provided the Rosetta stone enabling FBI agents to swiftly unravel the mystery of who carried out the suicide attacks and what motivated them.

    A mix-up in Boston prevented the luggage from connecting with the plane that hijackers crashed into the north tower of the trade center. Seized by FBI agents at Boston's Logan Airport, investigators said, it contained Arab-language papers revealing the identities of all 19 hijackers involved in the four hijackings, as well as information on their plans, backgrounds and motives.

    The luggage saga represents what the former federal authorities describe as an untold story of 9/11 -- offering explanations for questions long unanswered about the investigation of the tragedy, such as how authorities were able to identify the hijackers so soon after the attacks.


    JAXXE --- ---
    UK 'plot' terror charge dropped

    The alleged plot prompted a massive security clampdown

    A Pakistani judge has ruled there is not enough evidence to try a key suspect in an alleged airline bomb plot on terrorism charges.

    He has moved the case of Rashid Rauf, a Briton, from an anti-terrorism court to a regular court, where he faces lesser charges such as forgery.

    Pakistan has presented Mr Rauf as one of the ringleaders behind the alleged plan to blow up flights out of London.

    The British authorities say they foiled it with Pakistan's help in August.

    They say proceedings against suspects arrested in Britain will go ahead.

    The arrest of Rashid Rauf in Pakistan triggered arrests in the United Kingdom of a number of suspects allegedly plotting to blow up transatlantic flights.

    The Pakistani authorities described him as a key figure.

    But an anti-terrorism court in Rawalpindi found no evidence that he had been involved in terrorist activities or that he belonged to a terrorist organisation.


    PETVAL --- ---
    tak jsem vcera dodival Ickeho Freedom of Fascism. 2. dil je o 9/11 a 7/7, pro pravidelne ctenare tohoto klubu nic zasadniho, ale 3. dil stoji za shlednuti, doporucuju. uz je to temer 100% reptile free a tak k tomu nemusi mit vyhrady ani lide s odporem k "Astarem" Bendou zprofanovane symbolice. hodne tam hovori o tom, proc je mikrocipovana populace svatym gralem iluminatu.

    a Icke se zlepsuje i fyzicky, uz nema ty obludne ledvinove kruhy, co mel jeste tak rok dva zpatky, uz se prestal bat a uziva si to :))
    JAXXE --- ---
    History will not treat us kindly

    By Tim Andersen 12/11/06 "Information Clearing House"

    Most Americans are hiding. We are like the good Germans of 1933 who knew an authoritarian regime was consolidating its power, but thought we could avoid personal consequences if we kept quiet. We remained silent as enemies of the State were rounded up, and everyones' liberties curtailed. It did not happen all at once. It was a process of conditioning.

    The TSA cops at US airports were initially intended to create the perception of eminent threat: America under attack by evildoers! That perception has largely given way to weary travelers offended by the intrusive and slow inspections. I don’t fly that often, but last weekend at the airport it was clear TSA had adopted a new tact. Now they are the authoritarians. While we were trapped in the winding queue they yelled at us to listen up and follow their precise instructions. All liquids and gels (toothpaste!) must be in quantities of 3.4 ounces, or less, grouped together in a single, clear one liter bag. The yelling cop invited us to show our displeasure to any passenger who did not follow instructions, and held up the line. As I was inspected, the TSA cop took my shaving cream from the bag. The tube read 3.6 oz. She asked me what the maximum allowable size was. I told her that’s the only size it came in. She said she would allow it through this time only.

    Who could have imagined ten years ago that Congress would permit the Bush regime to eliminate habeas corpus? Our founders understood this was the bedrock fundamental principle of a free people. No political opponents could be rounded up and jailed by a tyrant. No one could presume to be above the law. Yet there was hardly a peep from blasé American consumers. The mainstream press reassured us that good Americans had nothing to worry about.

    Many people refuse to recognize the corruption and evil of our government, because the thought is simply intolerable. It undermines their fundamental beliefs and trust, and makes most of what occupies their days utterly trivial. The “solution” for these people is to tune-out any potentially upsetting epiphany. They welcome reassuring propaganda that reinforces our noble purposes in the Middle East and elsewhere. They do not care to investigate personally, or even listen to, the evidence of our considerable crimes.

    So, it’s strange to realize we have no real representation in Congress or control over America’s future. Millions of Americans see the ship of state headed straight for an iceberg, and despite our protests the course will not change. It’s a classic nightmare.

    History will not treat us kindly. We will be remembered as the Americans who insulated themselves from reality and remained self-absorbed, concerned with their own personal comfort and privilege while our government wrecked havoc on the world and destroyed our own culture. It will not be difficult for future generations to understand what happened and the sequence of events. The evidence is abundantly clear. The only question will be why Americans didn’t rise up and save themselves.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Terrorists characters mock people who don't believe the official story of 9/11. The Bosnian terrorist, Ilija Korjenic (Henry Lubatti) shares an intimate moment with fellow terrorist, Mina (Thelka Reuten). For a few moments, they sarcastically repeat familiar 9/11 conspiracy theories.

    The clip begins mastermind Farik (Oded Fuhr) facing torture by his American interrogators.

    JAXXE --- ---
    False Flag Terror Of The New World Order

    Methods used to facilitate staged attacks

    Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet Tuesday, December 12, 2006

    The fact that states, intelligence and security agencies engage in false flag staged terror to further political agendas is documented throughout history, but it's too naive to simply characterize every act as an "inside job." Different methods are utilized to facilitate attacks using three different basic templates.

    1) Unwitting Dupes

    In this case, role players are used to test "security responses" by being told they are part of an exercise for a dummy terrorist attack, an operation that will help the state prevent similar attacks in future. The controllers tell the unwitting dupes that no harm will come to them and that their help will be greatly rewarded.

    - London Bombings

    The 7/7 bombings are a prime example of the unwitting dupes method. Mohammed Siddique Khan, the alleged ringleader of the 7/7 London bombings, was working for British intelligence agency MI5 as an informant at the time of the attacks. Family and friends described the accused bombers as friendly, westernized and having no interest in politics. Metropolitan police career experts in criminal psychology concluded that the bombers' behavior clearly indicated they did not know they were about to die. In an impossible coincidence, the attack paralleled a security drill that targeted the exact same locations at the exact same time. This is a clear example of where unwitting dupes were told that the operation was a security test and yet were strapped with real bombs and a real attack took place.

    2) Provocateurs & Patsies

    This is by far the most used method. In this case, radicals with past ties to terrorist groups are hired as informants to infiltrate mainly Islamic political groups and encourage them to carry out acts of terror. In almost every case, the materials required to carry out the attack are directly provided by intelligence agencies or via the hired provocateur. Agent provocateurs also take the guise of undercover government agents, who radicalize otherwise harmless groups over a long period of time and provide financial and material support and safe passage for the group to carry out the attack.

    - 1993 WTC Bombing

    The first World Trade Center bombing was provocateured by the government. In 1993 the FBI planted their informant, Emad A. Salem, within a radical Arab group in New York led by Ramzi Yousef. Salem was ordered to encourage the group to carry out a bombing targeting the World Trade Center's twin towers. Under the illusion that the project was a sting operation, Salem asked the FBI for harmless dummy explosives which he would use to assemble the bomb and then pass on to the group. At this point the FBI cut Salem out of the loop and provided the group with real explosives, leading to the attack on February 26 that killed six and injured over a thousand. The FBI's failure to prevent the bombing was reported on by the New York Times in October 1993.

    3) Complete Complicity

    Acts of complete complicity, where the state controls and dictates the attack every step of the way, are only used for major bellwether terrorist atrocities with clearly defined and planned outcomes. Pre-arranged patsies are set-up to take the fall for the attack, but they play very little or no role whatsoever in actually carrying out the attack. 9/11 is the obvious example, but another major case where this method was first used dates back to the 1950's.

    - Bombing Campaign Against Mossadegh's Iran

    Kermit Roosevelt admitted on NPR radio that in 1953 the CIA and British intelligence carried out a wave of bombings and shootings in Iran to overthrow the democratically elected Premier following Mossadegh's declaration that he would nationalize foreign oil holdings. He then went on to brag about how they subsequently blamed the bombings on Mossadegh himself. The CIA's own account of the overthrow, reported on by the New York Times in April 2000, states that the agency "directed a campaign of bombings" as part of the coup d’état.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Lebanon's Army captures Israeli Mossad 'Terrorist Ring'

    Wednesday, 14 June, 2006 @ 1:05 PM

    Beirut- The Lebanese army has said it had captured members of a terrorist network allegedly working for the Israeli Mossad and that a suspect confessed to his role in assassinating Hezbollah and Palestinian

    Last Saturday, the army said it had arrested Mahmoud Rafeh, a 59-year-old Lebanese citizen and retired police officer, for a May 26 car bombing that killed Mahmoud Majzoub, a senior Islamic Jihad official, and his brother in front of their home in the southern city of Sidon. Rafeh "had links to Israeli intelligence," a statement said.

    1- Lebanese army picture of -Mahmoud Rafeh.jpgOn Tuesday, the army said that Rafeh ( L) had confessed to his role in killing the Majzoub brothers, and to other operations ... including bombings that killed two Hezbollah officials; Ali Hassan Dib in 1999 and Ali Saleh in 2003 and the 2002 killing of Jihad Jibril, the son of Ahmed Jibril, leader of the radical Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC), which based in Syria with bases in Lebanon.

    Rafeh was part of a "terror network working for the Israeli Mossad," and its members took "training courses in and outside Israel," the statement said.

    Investigators found Israeli computers, cameras, ammunition, military uniforms and forged identity cards in ring members' hideouts ( shown below), it added.

    The ring smuggled the booby-trapped door of the Mercedes car that killed the Majzoub brothers from Israel, the army said.

    An investigation was underway to arrest remaining collaborators, it concluded.

    As Safir newspaper said a manhunt is currently underway to catch another suspect whom it identified as Hussein Khattab, a Palestinian official in the PFLP-GC. Lebanese police and the security apparatus of the PFLP-GC had believed he was involved in Jibril's murder but he was later cleared of the crime, the paper said.

    An Nahar newspaper reported that Rafeh had been working for the Mossad since 1994. It said the army found in his house forged Lebanese papers that female Mossad agents used to enter the country as the alleged wives of the ring members.

    Israeli intelligence agents stayed at the flat Rafeh had rented in Sidon near the residence of the Majzoub brothers to monitor their movements, the paper said.

    Six ring members have already been arrested and another two are believed to have fled to Israel, An Nahar added.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Seeking Iran Intelligence, U.S. Tries Google

    Internet Search Yields Names Cited in U.N. Draft Resolution

    By Dafna Linzer Washington Post Staff Writer Monday, December 11, 2006;

    When the State Department recently asked the CIA for names of Iranians who could be sanctioned for their involvement in a clandestine nuclear weapons program, the agency refused, citing a large workload and a desire to protect its sources and tradecraft.

    Frustrated, the State Department assigned a junior Foreign Service officer to find the names another way -- by using Google. Those with the most hits under search terms such as "Iran and nuclear," three officials said, became targets for international rebuke Friday when a sanctions resolution circulated at the United Nations.


    None of the 12 Iranians that the State Department eventually singled out for potential bans on international travel and business dealings is believed by the CIA to be directly connected to Iran's most suspicious nuclear activities.

    "There is nothing that proves involvement in a clandestine weapons program, and there is very little out there at all that even connects people to a clandestine weapons program," said one official familiar with the intelligence on Iran.


    JAXXE --- ---
    U.S. dollar facing imminent collapse ?

    Even as the stock market is hitting new record highs almost every day, the Federal Reserve and Treasury Department are quietly coordinating a devaluation of the dollar that the Bush administration hopes will be a slow decline rather than a dollar collapse.



    Here we see the dark side of the Federal Reserve Note. All fiat currencies are only as good as the issuing government. I have a collection here of paper money that has become totally worthless because the issuing government borrowed itself broke. I also have a Roman silver denarius, which even though Rome is long gone, still has the original worth because the coin itself was an object of value.

    The US Government in 1913 turned over the authority to print notes and coin money to a private bank, then borrowed from that bank at interest and shackled YOU to that debt. Ever since then, the worth of the money you own is not under your control, but under the bank's. That means no matter how hard you work to save, how much you sacrifice to try to build something for the future, the government and that private bank can take it all away with the stroke of a pen.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Swiss Spy in a War of Words

    An ex-informant who became a Muslim says his handlers wanted him to frame an Islamic scholar. Officials say he's on a personal vendetta.


    Wolfgang Bohringer, the German pilot who was one of Mohamed Atta’s closest associates in Florida as well as the subject of an FBI terror alert in the South Pacific, was apprehended two weeks ago and taken into custody, but then was almost immediately released after he told authorities responsible for his capture that he works for the CIA.

    The drama began to unfold a year ago when Wolfgang Bohringer sailed a 47-foot yacht called “The Argos” to tiny Fanning Island in the scattered South Pacific archipelago of Kiribati, a former British colony and today one of the world's smallest nations.

    “U.S. authorities raised an alarm over the plan by the German pilot — linked to the Sept. 11 terror attacks — to build a flying school in the remote South Pacific island nation,” stated an AP report picked up by the New York Times-owned International Herald Tribune.


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