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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 4 :: The War on Error
    KERRAY --- ---
    No, kazdopadne, odkaz na to video [ KERRAY @ world conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 4 ] jsem sem nedaval proto, abychom se zabyvali emisemi CO2, ale proto, ze mne zaujalo, jak se v podobnych kauzach prave ten mainstreamovy nazor tvori. Ze ti stejni vedci, kteri tvrdili, ze spojitost mezi kourenim cigaret a rakovinou plic je nejasna, pricemz jejich vyzkumy byly pres par klicek placene tabakovymi koncerny, dnes tvrdi, ze spojitost mezi lidskou cinnosti a oteplovanim je prinejlepsim neprokazana. A diky tomu, ze se malokdo pidi po hlubsich informacich, lidem staci ze "vedci" nebo "odbornici" neco rekli (a par novinaru to po sobe prevzalo a preinterpretovalo), muzou tihleti "vedci" (pry vetsinou lide z jinych oboru, od kterych na dane tema neproslo peer-reviewed magaziny ani pismenko) svymi nazory pusobit na mainstream. Zvou se navzajem na konference, cituji navzajem svoje clanky... a kdyz jim nekdo prinese pod nos dukazy, a zepta se jich co to jako ma znamenat, tak budou prohlasovat, ze "to neni jejich business" (ten chlapik v tom videu je doopravdy ukazkovy exemplar :)
    MARNEYY --- ---
    CAIDEL: Aniz bych se chtel zastavat tady, kriminalniho zivla Chariona, tak jsem nedavno slysel velmi zajimavou hypotezu o tom, ze nase vypousteni splodin do ovzdusi je jistou prirozenou kompenzaci toho, ze prakticky zcela vymizeli obrovske prirodni pozary. Tim, ze takove pozary byvaly driv zcela bezne, se podle odborniku uvolnovalo do ovzdusi obrovske mnozstvi popilku, co2 atd... Uvadim to jenom jako zajimavej nazor. IMHO si taky myslim, ze omezovat exhalace je potreba, minimalne kvuli "cistote" ovzdusi.
    JAXXE --- ---
    The War on Shampoo

    "More propaganda than plot". Liquid bomb scare was a Home Office sponsored hoax

    by Craig Murray Global Research, December 18, 2006

    Google "Rashid Rauf - mastermind". On the first page of results you will find CBS, the BBC, the Times, Guardian and Mail all describing Rauf last summer, on security service or police briefing, as the "Mastermind" behind the "Liquid terror bomb plot". So the fact that a Pakistani court has found there is no evidence of terrorism against him cannot be lightly dismissed by the cheerleaders of the plot story.

    Rashid Rauf still faces other charges, including forgery, and what is touted as possession of explosives, although what he actually possessed was hydrogen peroxide, which is not explosive. As hydrogen peroxide is readily obtainable without limitation from any chemist or hardware store in the UK, why you would source it in Pakistan to blow up jets in Britain was never very convincing. The Pakistani court perhaps felt so too.

    Rashid Rauf has much to answer. He is still wanted in the UK over the murder of his uncle some years ago - a crime which, like the alleged forgery, had no apparent terrorist link. None of which adds to the credibility of the evidence he allegedly gave the Pakistani intelligence services about the liquid bomb plot in the UK.

    A second and simultaneous development is even more compelling evidence that this massive scare was, as I said at the time, "More propaganda than plot". Thames Valley police have given up after five months scouring the woods near High Wycombe where the bomb materials were allegedly hidden. They told the Home Office on 12 December that they would only continue if the government were prepared to meet the costs; they wished to get back to devoting their resources to real crimes, like armed robbery and burglary.

    Remember this was a plot described by the authorities as "Mass murder on an unimaginable scale" and "Bigger than 9/11". There have been instances in the UK of hundreds of police officers deployed for years to find an individual murderer. If the police really believed they were dealing with an effort at "Mass murder on an unimaginable scale", would they be calling off the search after five months? No.

    Which brings us to the lies that have been told - one of which concerns this search. An anonymous police source tipped off the media early on that they had discovered a "Suitcase" containing "bomb-making materials". This has recently been described to me by a security service source as "A lot of rubbish from someone's garage dumped in the woods". You could indeed cannibalise bits of old wire, clocks and car parts to form part of a bomb - perhaps you could enclose it in the old suitcase. But have they found stuff that is exclusively concerned with causing explosions, like detonators, explosives or those famous liquid chemicals? No, they haven't found any.


    Five British newspapers had to pay damages to a Birmingham man they accused, on security service briefing, of being part of the plot. Only the Guardian had the grace to publish the fact and print a retraction.

    A final fact to ponder. Despite naming him as the "mastermind" behind somethng "bigger than 9/11", the British government made no attempt to extradite Rashid Rauf on charges of terrorism.


    PETVAL --- ---
    "The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists." J. Edgar Hoover

    JAXXE --- ---
    CHARION: dekujeme za psychologicky rozbor osobnosti ;) radsi to nebudu komentovat, mysli si co chces, mne je to fuk... kazdopadne proti tvemu bidne argumentovanemu tvrzeni, ze tobe pripada neco zrejme, je tu nekolik tisic clanku, casto z mainstream medii, nejen z ickeho webu...

    jeste pripomenu motto klubu:

    vse, co tu je, muze byt pravda, nebo uplna kravina. ukaze cas. klub slouzi spise jako sberna "oficialnich" i "neoficialnich" informaci. zaver necht si udela kazdy sam... diky za pochopeni. osobni utoky nejsou vitany

    co se FEDu tyce, koukni se na ten novy film "america - from freedom to fascism" nebo se treba podivej do obycejne wikipedie:

    The Federal Reserve System (also the Federal Reserve; informally The Fed) is the central banking system of the United States.

    The Federal Reserve System is a quasi-governmental banking system composed of (1) a presidentially-appointed Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System in Washington, D.C.; (2) the Federal Open Market Committee; (3) 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks located in major cities throughout the nation; and (4) numerous private member banks, which own varying amounts of stock in the regional Federal Reserve Banks.

    JAXXE --- ---
    McVeigh Video Destroys OKC Bombing Official Story

    Shows McVeigh was in military receiving instruction in "explosives and demolition" over a year after official story says he was discharged, whistleblower harassed for years while unknowingly in possession of bombshell tape

    Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones Prison Planet Friday, December 18, 2006

    A video that shows Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh at a U.S. military base that specializes in explosives and demolition training over a year after he supposedly left the army puts the official story of the April 19 1995 federal building bombing under serious doubt and mandates a re-opening of an investigation into the terror attack that killed 168 people.



    BIO23 --- ---
    CHARION: jojojo,taky jem už na takovéto názory narazil a symptomy paranoidní schizofrenie byly vždy načas umlčeny...
    to s těma finančníma rezervama je samozřejmě trochu jinak,ale fakt je,že někdy už mám konspiračních teorií pokrk a rád se nechávám zviklat (patří tam měkké i?) skeptiky :o)))
    BEEJBI --- ---
    no co sa tyka globalneho oteplovania, to by bolo na dlho...ale hned aj keby emisie CO2 nemali vplyv, je urcite rozumne vypustat vsetko mozne svinstvo do ovzdusia? uz len z toho dovodu, ze to potom vsetci dychame? nemalo by sa to obmedzit uz len preto, ze je to proste znecistovanie bez ohladu na to, ci to sposobuje oteplovanie alebo nie?

    btw Charion, tu vlastne nikdy nikto netvrdil, ze toto vsetko je 100% pravda...kazdy si to moze prebrat jak chce...
    PETVAL --- ---
    CHARION: nikdo nevlastni federalni rezervy

    doporucuji ti doplnit si vzdelani
    CAIDEL --- ---
    CHARION: Hele, kachna to není. Jak říkáš, je to "přírodní proces" (tak to nemůže být zároveň kachna), nicméně není to čistě přírodní proces... lidstvo tomu taky může drobet pomoct... Na tom se většina klimatologů shoduje. Myslíš, že tuny svinstev všemožného druhu (nejen CO2) co vypouštíme do atmosféry nemají vůbec žádný vliv? (což je alternativní hypotéza k: mají vliv).

    BTW: A že je efekt globálního oteplování zároveň bržděn globálním stmíváním, což už je čistě lidská záležitost, to je zas jiná věc...
    SUPAFLY --- ---
    pueblo: servisni funkce? :)) je jich spousta co se daji spustit po siti :)
    Charion: o co ti jde?
    KERRAY --- ---
    "vykazujete symptomy paranoidni schizofrenie" :)))
    KERRAY --- ---

    CBC documentary on Global Warming Deniers: The Denial Machine

    If the misinformation being flung around by the Global Warming Deniers sounds similar to the denials about the cancer risks from smoking, it's no co-incidence. The same gang of PR firms and scientists-for-hire are now shilling for the fossil fuel industry, trying to "refute" the validity of global warming...
    PUEBLO --- ---
    MARSHUS: doted jsem slysel ze bez vyndane baterky te dokazou lokalizovat...

    to odposlouchavani je ale mazec...imho pudou odposlechnout jen novejsi typy mobilu kteri maji v sobe Javu nebo Symbian OS...stare nepregramujes bez kabelu nebo vymeny SIM
    MARSHUS --- ---
    PETVAL: he, jeden bývalej obchodní "partner" si vytahoval baterku z mobilu už před cca 5-ti lety a nemyslím, že by byl pouze paranoidní. Policie to možná neumí, ale tajný služby s tím nemají žádnej problém.
    PETVAL --- ---
    FBI vie odpočúvať vypnutý mobil. Naša polícia asi nie

    Aj vaši známi občas pri dôverných rozhovoroch demonštratívne vyberajú z mobilného telefónu batériu, aby „nemohli byť na diaľku odpočúvaní“? Odteraz bude oveľa zložitejšie vysmiať sa im.

    Sudca v Spojených štátoch minulý týždeň rozhodol, že ak FBI na diaľku odpočúva človeka cez mikrofón jeho mobilného telefónu, ide o legálnu techniku a možno ju nasadiť kedykoľvek, ak majú vyšetrovatelia od súdu povolenie na tradičné odpočúvanie. Rozhodnutie je prvým oficiálnym potvrdením, že takéto odpočúvanie je vôbec technicky možné, a to dokonca aj vtedy, ak je telefón vypnutý. Doteraz sa takáto možnosť považovala zväčša za výmysel fanúšikov konšpiračných teórií a mobilní operátori i polícia možnosť takéhoto odpočúvania popierali.
    Aj vypnutý telefón
    V rozhodnutí súdu sa neuvádza, ako presne odpočúvanie na diaľku prebiehalo, podľa expertov však existujú dve možnosti. Prvou by teoreticky mohlo byť pripevnenie špeciálnej ploštice na mobilný telefón obetí. To však väčšina expertov považuje za málo pravdepodobné: dostať sa priamo k telefónom mafiánov by nebolo jednoduché, batérie ploštice by nevydržali tak dlho, ako podľa súdu prebiehalo odpočúvanie, navyše podľa dokumentov mohli agenti odpočúvať ľudí v blízkosti mobilov „kdekoľvek na území Spojených štátov“, čo by nezodpovedalo krátkemu dosahu vysielačov bežných ploštíc.

    Pravdepodobnejšou možnosťou je, že agenti cez sieť mobilného operátora do telefónov nainštalovali miniatúrny program, ktorý by dokázal spustiť prenos signálu z mikrofónu mobilu tak, aby to jeho majiteľ nespozoroval.

    Expert na kontrašpionáž James Atkinson pre server Cnet.com uviedol, že na takýto prienik do telefónu sú náchylné najmä prístroje od Samsungu a tiež napríklad Motorola Razr. „Možno sa k nim pripojiť na diaľku a možno z nich prenášať audio nepretržite,“ uviedol Atkinson.

    Vypnúť mobilný telefón nie je proti takémuto monitorovaniu dostatočná ochrana, keďže ani vypnuté telefóny nie sú zväčša úplne odpojené od dodávky energie, napríklad preto, aby sa dokázali automaticky zapnúť v stanovený čas, na ktorý si ich majiteľ nastavil budík. Sudca Kaplan výslovne potvrdil, že možno odpočúvať aj vypnuté telefóny, jedinou obranou je preto mobil úplne odpojiť od zdroja energie vybratím batérie.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Guantanamo Detainees To Be Held Even Without Evidence

    BY CON COUGHLIN - The Daily Telegraph December 15, 2006

    WASHINGTON — The hard core of detainees held at America's Guantanamo Bay detention camp will be held indefinitely even if there is insufficient evidence to bring them to trial, a senior Bush administration official said.

    Of the 435 detainees being held at Guantanamo, only 10 have so far been charged with terrorism-related offenses. A further 14 detainees — the so-called high value detainees such as the alleged mastermind of the September 11 attacks, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed — are also expected to face trial now that the U.S. Congress has passed the Military Commission Act, which will finally enable America to commence trials of Guantanamo detainees next year.

    But of the remainder, an estimated 200 detainees face being held indefinitely at Guantanamo because they are deemed a threat to international security even though there is insufficient evidence to bring them before a military commission.

    John Bellinger, the legal adviser at the U.S. State Department who is responsible for defending Guantanamo's legal status, said the hard core of the detainees will continue to be held indefinitely either because they are considered a security threat or because there is nowhere to send them if the military authorities at Guantanamo decide to release them.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Republican Senator John McCain has introduced legislation that would fine blogs up to $300,000 for offensive statements, photos and videos posted by visitors on comment boards, effectively nixing the open exchange of ideas on the Internet, providing a lethal injection for unrestrained opinion, and acting as the latest attack tool to chill freedom of speech on the world wide web.

    McCain's proposal, called the "Stop the Online Exploitation of Our Children Act," encourages informants to shop website owners to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, who then pass the information on to the relevant police authorities.

    Comment boards for specific articles are extremely popular and also notoriously hard to moderate. Popular articles often receive comments that run into the thousands over the course of time. In many cases, individuals hostile to the writer's argument deliberately leave obscene comments and images simply to sully the reputation of the website owners. Therefore under the terms of this bill, right-wing extremists from a website like Free Republic could effectively terminate a liberal leaning website like Raw Story by the act of posting a single photograph of a naked child. This precedent could be the kiss of death for blogs as we know them and its reverberations would negatively impact the entire Internet.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Egypt Releases Name Of American - Grey Warren - Arrested In Terror Investigation

    December 14, 2006 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - The Egyptian government has released the name of the American - Grey Warren, from Ohio - who was arrested and is being held incommunicado along with a French national in connection with a terror investigation possibly involving the Muslim Brotherhood.

    As we reported in a December 11 PipeLineNews.org piece Belgian Terror Suspects Released After Being Deported By Egypt In late November, the Egyptian government announced the dismantling of a terrorist network and deported two Belgians, and 8 French nationals who were "recruiting volunteers for Jihad."

    The alleged terror activity was taking place at Al-Azhar University, outside of Cairo. The university is the command center for the Muslim Brotherhood, an outlawed Islamist terror organization.

    Al-Azhar University is also in the news today Egypt Moves Against Muslim Brotherhood, Arresting Its Financier, Mohammed Khayrat el-Shater In Cairo as the Egyptian government takes steps to quell the increasing militancy of the banned organization.

    In a statement the Egyptian Foreign Ministry said of the alleged plotters, "They were seeking to recruit others, teach them destructive beliefs, urging them toward jihad, and traveling to Iraq to carry out operations via other countries in the region."

    MATT --- ---
    Ona oficiálně proklamované verze ochrany křesťanských poutníků do Svaté Země byla zřejmou zástěrkou. Ve skutečnosti tu šlo o to, aby pokrevní linie Merovingians znovu získala chrámové poklady a posvátná místa (velmi silná prostorová energoinformační pole) pro své budoucí plány. Současně s tím byl záměr kompletně zrekonstruovat původní Chrám Šalamounův a tím zřejmě obnovit aktivitu jedné z mnoha starověkých energetických multidimenzionálních bran. Je zřejmé, že linii výše uvedených královských rodin se dědili unikátní vědomosti z nichž mnohé mohly mít své kořeny až ve staré Atlantidě. Při výstavbě tohoto chrámu dle proroctví Ezechiela měly být použity ohromující vědomosti a za použití evokace utajovaných sil. Právě zde má svůj filozofický i energetický původ Zednářství a právě s tím vším souvisí i vznik tzv. templářského Řádu.

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