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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 4 :: The War on Error
    JAXXE --- ---
    Russian Admiral Says U.S. Navy Prepares Missile Strike on Iran

    Created: 15.01.2007 11:45 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 16:59 MSK, 3 hours 36 minutes ago


    U.S. Navy nuclear submarines maintaining vigil off the coast of Iran indicate that the Pentagon’s military plans include not only control over navigation in the Persian Gulf but also strikes against Iranian targets, a former commander of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, Admiral Eduard Baltin has told the Interfax news agency.

    “The presence of U.S. nuclear submarines in the Persian Gulf region means that the Pentagon has not abandoned plans for surprise strikes against nuclear targets in Iran. With this aim a group of multi-purpose submarines ready to accomplish the task is located in the area,” Admiral Baltin said.

    He made the comments after reports that a U.S. submarine collided with a Japanese tanker in the Strait of Hormuz.

    “American patience is not unlimited,” he said. “The submarine commanders go up to the periscope depth and forget about navigation rules and safety measures,” the admiral said.

    Currently there is a group of up to four submarines in the Persian Gulf area, he said. So far they only control navigation in the Persian Gulf, the Gulf of Oman, and in the Arabian Sea, he said. They might receive different orders in future: to block off the Gulf of Oman, that is the Iranian coast, and, if need be, launch missile strikes against
    ground targets in Iran, he said.


    MARSHUS --- ---
    11:16 - U baltského letoviska Heiligendamm začala stavba 12 kilometrů dlouhého plotu. Bude chránit před demonstranty červnový summit G8. Dva a půl metru vysoké hrazení přijde na 12,5 milionu eur.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Americké nálety na údajnou al-Kaidu zmasakrovaly přes 100 Somálců a množství zvířat, které pásli v krajině


    MOGADIŠU: Kmenoví starší a obyvatelé jižního Somálska ve čtvrtek řekli, že při náletech amerických a etiopských vzdušných sil na domnělé cíle Al-Kaidy přišlo o život více než 100 lidí.

    Kmenový vůdce Abdullah Ali Malabon řekl agentuře AFP, že v lokalitě Afmadow bylo nalezeno přes 100 mrtvých těl.

    „Poslali jsme do oblasti tým, aby odhadnul počet obětí a tito lidé nám potvrdili, že bylo zabito více než 100 lidí,“ řekl telefonicky agentuře. „Mnoho dalších je zraněno, ale nemáme přesná čísla,“ dodal.

    Poblíže hranic s Keňou mezi vesnicemi Afmadow a Dhobley bylo nalezeno 29 těl spálených k nepoznání. „To, co jsem viděl, bylo něco příšerného“ řekl agentuře AFP Mohamed Weli, který byl součástí týmu, který měl pohřbít těla.

    „Byli zabiti, když dohlíželi na zvířata. Viděl jsem také zvířata, většinou krávy, jak leží mrtvé ve vesnicích.“

    „Letadla bombardovala velkou plochu a džungli, kde není možné zjistit, co se stane konkrétním cílem,“ řekl starší z vesnice Dhobley pan Moalim Adan Osman. „Bombardovali kočovníky bez rozdílu.“

    Etiopie, která svou armádou podporuje somálskou přechodnou vládu oznámila, že při náletech bylo zabito jen osm „teroristů“ a dalších pět mělo být zraněno.

    „Neviděli jsme, že by zabili nějaké členy Al-Kaidy, ale zato jsme viděli množství mrtvých nevinných civilistů“, říká obyvatel Afmadow pan Guled. „Zaútočili na civilní místa a lesy, kde kočovníci drží zvířata“, dodal.

    Dirir Hussein z vesnice Bulo, která leží mezi Afmadow a Dhobely popsal svůj hrůzný příběh. „Byli jsme skutečně vyděšení, slyšeli jsme výbuchy a velké exploze v naší vesnici. Byla tma a začali jsme utíkat. Ani jsme pořádně nevěděli kam běžíme. Běžel jsem se svými třemi dětmi, ale nálety zabily mou manželku a dva další členy rodiny.“

    „Teď nemám vůbec nic,“ říká Hussein. „Ztratil jsem všechno, bombardovali mé krávy, kozy. Nevíme o žádném zločinu, kterého jsme se měli dopustit, že nás takto bombardují.“


    PETVAL --- ---
    Blair bude obviněn z válečných zločinů

    Tony Blair
    větší obrázek
    Zdroj: Reuters
    VytisknoutPoslat e-mailem

    14:00 | 12.1.2007

    ČTK, gra

    Londýn - Britská televizní stanice, která svět politické fikce už obohatila o film o zavraždění George Bushe, se chystá odvysílat podobné drama o britském premiérovi Tonym Blairovi.

    Blair zde bude vykreslen coby politický vysloužilec čelící obvinění z válečných zločinů. Na obrazovkách digitálně vysílaného kanálu More4 se film objeví 15. ledna

    PETVAL --- ---
    Mark Daniels - Enemy Image (2005)
    http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0485898/ (9.4/10)
    An examination of the how television news in the US has covered war from Vietnam to the present day.

    The invasion of Iraq was the most closely documented war ever fought. Lasting only 800 hours, it produced 20,000 hours of video, but those images were tightly controlled, producing a monolithic view of combat sanitised and controlled by the Pentagon.

    'Enemy Image' traces the ways U.S. television has covered war, starting with Vietnam in the 1960s and shows how the military has devised ever-improving means of ensuring the American public never again has the real face of combat beamed directly into their living rooms. Comparing footage of Vietnam, including rarely-seen material shot in North Vietnam, to coverage of Iraq and using extensive interviews with veteran war correspondents and news anchors, Mark Daniels demonstrates how television that once revealed the truth is now increasingly used to hide it. "

    The documentary also has interviews with the late Peter Jennings as well as with 60 minutes correspondent Morley Safer... just incredibly well done all around....

    683Mb ed2k://|file|Cutting.Edge.-.Enemy.Image.-.(Vietnam.-.Gulf.War.-.Highway.of.Death.-.Iraq.War).avi|716629062|1D0B0903A0B8F7EF2BE346F67530CF88|h=6I2ESYFSXIJR72W7EWCUNTSJRNWFGDI7|/
    PETVAL --- ---
    Conscious Revolutions - Magog 911 - Media Propaganda-NWO Documentary 1H33MIN

    This is a summary of many films and media clips that show you that 9/11 was an inside job. Footage taken from the following films:
    Control Room, Fahrenheit 911, Loose Change 911
    Manufacturing Consent, Martial Law 911: Rise of the Police State
    Phenomenon - Monopoly Men, Propaganda War - Operation Saddam
    Orwell Rolls In His Grave, Surplus - Terrorised into being Consumers
    The Capitalist Conspiracy, The Illuminati

    Bob Marley - Get up Stand up
    Kruder Dorfmeister - Useless
    LTJ Bukem - Atlantis
    Blue Scholars - Blink
    DJ Dangermouse - Bush Boys
    Paris - What Would You Do?
    Max Romeo & The Upsetters - Chase The Devil
    Damien "Jr Gong" Marley - More Justice

    VideoGoogle: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7851481282082678052&q=911

    686MB: ed2k://|file|Conscious%20Revolutions%20-%20Magog%20911%20-%20Media%20Propaganda-NWO%20Documentary.wmv|719871292|4463F8F66601DAAAA714B3108B57689C|h=TCA3Q2PDOKS4EVVTLFF5SDCBVVG7A4DJ|/
    MATT --- ---
    report dafa chata:

    tyjo vcera byl takovej konspiracni vecer na nove..

    nejdriv zpravy, tam regulerne probiraly chipy pro deti
    pak mission impossible, kde vsechno co meli jako vychytavku, tak nska bezne existuje, pak druhej dil, kdy slo o virus chripky a kdy ten zloun, chtel prodat virus a lek typkovy, za prachy co mu to prodal, tak koupil akcije a zaroven vypustil nakazenou holku tim virem, taxem si vzpomel hnedka na rummieho a 1hh5 nebo jaxe ta ptaci ch. identifikuje.. mno a hnedka potom sel nakej upriskej filmik (Královna prokletých), kdy vpodstete upiri skryte pusobej na deni vsedniho sveta a hlavne probudili upirskou matku, co pochazela ze starovekyho egypta a chtela znovu vyjit na svetlo a zavladnou lidstvu, protoze 'to je preci jen potrava'.... do toho cely plny symbolismu o predavani krve a vedomosti, ...
    jo vlastne ten upir v hlavni roly se verejne ukazal a ostani upiri ho chtely znicit.. a tu upirskou matku probudil hudbou (vibracema!)... a vlastne to vrcholilo kdy on chtel usporadat obrovskej koncer, coz mi zas evokovalo zaverecnou scenu z iluminati, kdy oni chtej udelat hromadnou obet, aby mohli 'imantizovat eschalton', a tady zas on obzivne tu velkou matku a daj se dohromady po tom co ona vysaje svyho krale, coz mi pride jako dalsi symbolika smrti tela a novyho splynuti s dusi ..
    mno proste iluminati sou upiri.. a vlastne sou to spis ty reptiliani co se zivej strachem, a jednou z historickejch podob je asi upir kdy vystrasi a pak jak emocuc vysama.. priznavam se, ze sem byl hodne zhulenej.. ;))

    co vy na to? nebo mame tu naky chatovaci auditko na podbny picovinky?
    JAXXE --- ---
    US strikes on al-Qa'ida chiefs kill nomads

    By Anne Penketh and Steve Bloomfield Published: 13 January 2007

    The herdsmen had gathered with their animals around large fires at night to ward off mosquitoes. But lit up by the flames, they became latest victims of America's war on terror.

    It was their tragedy to be misidentified in a secret operation by special forces attempting to kill three top al-Qa'ida leaders in south-ern Somalia.

    Oxfam yesterday confirmed at least 70 nomads in the Afmadow district near the border with Kenya had been killed. The nomads were bombed at night and during the day while searching for water sources. Meanwhile, the US ambassador to Kenya has acknowledged that the onslaught on Islamist fighters failed to kill any of the three prime targets wanted for their alleged role in the 1998 US embassy bombings in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam.


    PETVAL --- ---
    Peníze a banky – skrytá pravda za světovým zadlužením
    Richard Greaves

    z webu Cirkus Alien aneb forward the revolution ;)
    KERRAY --- ---
    PETVAL --- ---
    pro gandhiho byli britove taky okupanti a tyrani. preber si to jak chces, ja ti nazor nenutim..
    PETVAL --- ---
    CHARION: "Violent means will give violent freedom."
    Mahatma Gandhi
    WALKIE --- ---
    Dear friends,

    Just when we thought the war in Iraq couldn't get any worse—it has. Last night, President Bush rejected reality, spurned the American people's verdict, and announced his new policy: military escalation in Iraq.

    The newly elected United States Congress has the power to stop this madness, but it's critical to show immediate, unified opposition from the international community.

    So MoveOn is helping launch Avaaz, a new international partnership to mobilize progressive global voices. We're starting with an emergency worldwide petition to the U.S. Congress and a powerful full-page ad in "Roll Call"—the Washington DC newspaper read by every member of Congress and their staff.

    Click below to see the ad and sign the petition:


    After years of failed occupation, it's clear to everyone but George Bush that the US cannot solve this civil conflict through force. As Bush's own top military advisors and commanders in the field have said, sending tens of thousands more American troops will only fan the flames of this war.

    World opinion matters: The American people understand the US can't police the globe by itself. That's why, before the original invasion, Bush worked so hard to promote the involvement of Tony Blair and a few other select world leaders to win over reluctant members of Congress.

    Today, Bush stands completely alone—but it's our job to bring this point home in Washington. The ad in Roll Call highlights Tony Blair's decision to withdraw troops in direct opposition to Bush's proposed escalation. And the petition will help show where the global public stands.


    The Bush administration is already twisting arms and doing everything it can to push this escalation through. Congress may yet find the courage to resist—if we help them—but there's no time to lose.

    Add your name to the petition. Spread the word to your friends. The Iraq crisis is a global problem. Together we have the power, and the responsibility, to help change course.


    –Eli Pariser
    MoveOn.org Political Action
    January 11, 2006
    PETVAL --- ---
    David Icke - Was He Right?

    Channel 5 documentary from 12/26/06 which chronicles David Icke's career to present day, and asks the big question - Was he right? Anyone who is paying attention knows the answer to that.

    A very impartial and fair documentary. Thank you Channel 5 for this great piece of journalism

    MARSHUS --- ---
    imho tam šli pro tohle:
    Nejhorší noční můra Spojených států: Tahá za nitky dnešní irácké vlády Írán?

    ale nějaká další skvělá zpráva by se jistě hodila.
    PETVAL --- ---
    co myslite, budou na iranske ambasade "nalezeny" dukazy o "Iran 9/11 connection" nebo to bude spis nejaka "dirty nuke"?
    JAXXE --- ---
    The Real Agenda Of The Global Elite In Somalia

    So why are the US power elite funding sectarian warlords in Somalia and now bombing Islamist areas of the country?

    Because the control of Somalia via puppet government, just like in Iraq, is a key factor in the Neocon plan to "shrink the non-integrating gap" of the new world order, as Thomas Barnett's 'New Map' of the world has it.

    As with Iraq, the real agenda is to obtain a direct foothold in a highly strategic region. The Horn of Africa is newly oil-rich, and lies just miles from Saudi Arabia, overlooking the daily passage of large numbers of oil tankers and warships through the Red Sea.

    Not surprising then that multiple US warships and Ticonderoga-class cruisers are now stalking the coastline off Somalia and routinely sending intelligence-gathering flights over the country. The location is also prime in order to be able to instantly mobilize forces for any conflict with Iran at the drop of a hat.

    The American oil giants Conoco, Amoco, Chevron and Phillips also hold concession rights in Somalia. According to the Los Angeles Times, “corporate and scientific documents disclosed that the American companies are well positioned to pursue Somalia’s most promising potential oil reserves the moment the nation is pacified,” - i.e. kill the "Islamofascists" and install a weak and pandering government that could never control its own resources well enough to compete with the Western global elite.


    FLU --- ---
    SUPAFLY: ja vim, ona to byla spis recnicka otazka a vyraz zoufalstvi nad propagandistickou masinerii, ktera se kolem somalska rozjizdi :)
    JAXXE --- ---
    New YouTube Video - 'The True Lies of 9/11'



    These were created by Aidan Monaghan, a member of ST911.org and the creator of: http://www.explosive911analysis.com/
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