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    ztracené heslo?
    FANTOMASSvět MOTO sportu | Formula 1, Dakar Rally, 24 Heures du Mans, WRC, GP2
    ROENICK --- ---
    TOM_HOST: jj videl jsem to nekdy predevcirem ve zpravach, sem to sem chtel vlastne hodit :) maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa goooooooor :)
    TOM_HOST --- ---
    umely dest ... ololol

    S Ecclestonem o umělém dešti, Bahrajnu a počtu týmů | F1sports.cz - podrobné zpravodajství ze světa F1
    TOM_HOST --- ---
    KORDA: ja si rikal co se ti na tom tak strasne libi :))
    ROENICK --- ---
    KORDA: to jo :)) ale nejsem autorem, to spis mertlas/tom_host nebo tak nekdo :)
    KORDA --- ---
    TOM_HOST: omfg, kliknul jsem na limonady. Samozrejme MCL.

    ROENICK: Limonady je naprosto epic oznaceni :]]]
    ROENICK --- ---
    zmanipulovane! :))

    ne, karku mate peknou..ted jeste aby to k necemu bylo :) limonády zas votevrou nakej tajnej pruduch a jsme vpici :)
    KOOFILTH --- ---

    New Aston Martin LMP1 race-car developed from ground up named AMR-One
    Bespoke, in-line six cylinder, direct injection, intercooled, turbocharged petrol engine
    Carbon fibre monocoque open top chassis
    Driver line up:
    007 Darren Turner (GB), Stefan Mücke (D) , TBC
    009 Adrian Fernandez (MX), Andy Meyrick (GB) and Harold Primat (CH)
    Intention to contend selected races in the Intercontinental Le Mans Cup with one car

    Gaydon 2 March 2011. Aston Martin Racing announces today its plans for the new season including the unveiling of a new ground-up developed LMP1 race car, the AMR-One, as well as confirming the driver line-up and planned race programme.

    The Gulf Oil International sponsored and liveried Aston Martin AMR-One is a new open-top LMP1 race car featuring a 2.0 litre turbocharged six cylinder direct injection petrol engine which has been developed for a new bespoke carbon fibre chassis designed and manufactured by Aston Martin Racing.

    Based on the new regulations for 2011 instigated by the Le Mans governing body; the ACO, Aston Martin Racing has chosen to change tack this year in designing an open cockpit car. In line with the new 2011 rules, the AMR-One features the new blade-fin and has a significantly down-sized engine in keeping with the championship’s efficiency focused regulations. Power is fed to the rear wheels via a six-speed transverse semi automatic pneumatic shift, Xtrac racing gearbox.

    A total of six AMR-Ones will be built, with the factory team running one car in the Intercontinental Le Mans Cup (ILMC) which includes the famous 24 Hours of Le Mans and two cars at selected events. The AMR-One is linked to Aston Martin’s ultimate design and engineering showcase; the road going One-77; both of which share similar philosophies featuring carbon fibre monocoques. Aston Martin’s in-house design team worked closely with the engineers at Aston Martin Racing to find the optimum balance between aesthetics and aerodynamics.

    Aston Martin Chief Executive, Dr. Ulrich Bez said: “Aston Martin’s heritage is deeply rooted in endurance sports car racing, so in 2011, we take the next step demonstrating that a small team using advanced design and engineering intelligence will be agile and competitive.”

    The driver line up for 2011 will consist of Darren Turner (GB) Stefan Mücke (D) and another driver yet to be announced, who will join the team piloting the 007 car. Adrian Fernandez (MX), Andy Meyrick (GB) and Harold Primat (CH) will be teaming up to drive the 009 car.

    Aston Martin Racing Chairman, David Richards said: “George and the team have been extremely busy over the winter months and they have been working day and night to produce what is not only a stunningly beautiful race car but one which will use the new ACO regulations to best effect.

    “Just like the road cars, the AMR-One has been elegantly engineered where simplicity runs throughout to produce what we expect to be a competitive and reliable endurance racer.”

    Team Principal George Howard-Chappell said: “We have chosen to run with a six cylinder turbocharged engine because we believe this offers the best potential within the petrol engine regulations. With the ACO’s commitment to effectively balance the performance of petrol and diesel Le Mans entrants – our hopes are high that we’ll see the closest racing yet in the premiere LMP1 category.

    It is expected that Aston Martin Racing will contend selected races in the Intercontinental Le Mans Cup with rounds in the United States (Petit Le Mans), Belgium (Spa), France (Le Mans), Italy (Imola), England (Silverstone) and China (TBC) and make its debut at Paul Ricard on the 1-3 April 2011.

    The AMR-One is expected to test for the first time in early March.
    JOHN_BEAK --- ---
    KORDA: Což o to, Japonci i sdílej, ale jen mezi sebou. Cizinci jsou považováni za nižší bytosti >_<
    Moc s používáním těch jejich P2P nemám, ale zkoušel jsem to vyhledat na jejich největší - WinNY - přes Google a přes vyhledávač, který mi Google našel, a bez úspěchu.
    KORDA --- ---
    TOM_HOST: japoncí holt nesdilej :)

    Do kina urcite (neverim, ze to tady multikina uvedou, max. Svetozor). Ale cim driv tim lip :)
    PAVLOS --- ---
    jak jako youtube, jak jako trackery? Snad na to pujdeme do kina nee?
    TOM_HOST --- ---
    vim o nem ale na trackrech nevim proc neni ... aspon ne pod nazvem "senna"
    TOFI --- ---
    btw. znate novy dokument "Senna" 2010 ?
    YouTube - Trailer Senna
    FREELA --- ---
    JOHN_BEAK: prašťjakuhoď :)
    JOHN_BEAK --- ---
    Ford svolá téměř 150 tisíc dodávkových vozů F-150 k opravě airbagů - E15.cz/zprávy
    Ferrari se ve skutečnosti přejmenovalo, aby si ho lidé nepletli s takovým šuntem ;)
    ROENICK --- ---
    PAVLOS: ale celkem se zvednul, v tu dobu... az zazracne... pak to bylo jasne
    PAVLOS --- ---
    ROENICK: Prosimte uz prestan rikat blaboly. McLaren nikdy zadny auto podle ukradenych planu Ferrari nepostavil.
    ROENICK --- ---
    KORDA: s nenavisti k alonsovi ok, nechapu jen proc jsi do toho zatahl ferrari

    a jedno pusteni rozhodne neovlivni sampionat tak, jako ukradeni plaun konkurence, okopirovani jeho aerodynamiky atd

    navic Petrov to v poslednim zavode pořešil :)
    KORDA --- ---
    ROENICK: Ano. Je to absolutni naruseni vysledku GP a ve finale i vysledku celyho sampionatu. Ta pokuta byla smesna.

    Jsem pro aby bylo povoleno v pravidlech, ze se muzou vydavat teamovy rozkazy. Ale dokud to bylo omezeny tak je to jasny a brutalni poruseni pravidel. Ale to uz se tu probiralo. Slo mi jen o to vyjadrit svoji neutuchajici nenavist k Alonsovi, kterej se chova jako idiot.
    TOM_HOST --- ---
    Lewis is in Germany at the tech expo CeBIT today - here he is... on Twitpic
    TOM_HOST --- ---
    PAVLOS: zbytecne ... mcl umi podvadet :))))
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