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    ztracené heslo?
    TADEASplanetarita - 'making life planetary'
    resersovaci klubik k tematum planetarity

    planetarita jako jednotici pohled na soucasne deni na Zemi a roli lidi v nem.


    - architektura planetarniho usporadani: klima, ekosystemy, logistika
    - sociopoliticke regiony planety a jejich cesta k planetarite
    - planetarita a architektura digitalni / vypocetni infrastruktury: ukladani dat, zpracovani vypoctu a identity
    - process civilizace v kontextu planetarity
    - kosmicky vyzkum, gradace civilizace v hypercivilizaci - 'making life multiplanetary'
    - management ekosystemu v kontextu planetarity - making life 'planetary' [for the first time]
    - terapie v kontextu planetarity: individualni terapie, facilitace spolecenskych procesu, biogeoterapie
    - exoplanetarita / interplanetarita - tema jinych civilizaci na jinych planetach [ne jako spekulativni blaboleni a amaterska ufologie] ale jako principialni tema

    a tak dale.
    rozbalit záhlaví
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    Alien civilizations from level 1 to level 7. We are only at level 0.72
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    hypercivilizace, kardashev scale, planetarita

    Backcasting Kardashev One — Strelka Mag

    Narratives of “degrowth” or “sustainability” suggest that human civilization will need to use less energy in the future. But what if instead, the trend is heading in exactly the opposite direction, on a trajectory of ever-increasing energy use?

    At some point, we would enter the near-fantastical levels of energy usage envisaged by the Kardashev scale—a theoretical means of classifying civilizations proposed by the Soviet astrophysicist in 1964 as part of the search for extraterrestrial intelligence.

    Given that we have not found any evidence of such extraterrestrials, we propose repurposing the Kardashev scale to assess what planetary civilization means here on Earth.

    In that context, we ask: Where are we on the scale, and what does that say about our level of advancement? What might be the thermodynamic and civilizational consequences of advancement on the Kardashev scale? What is the scope of our agency as we head towards many possible futures, and what might those futures look like? And finally, working backwards from them, what might we learn about inhabitation of Earth during our current anthropogenic crisis of energy metabolism?
    TADEAS --- ---
    2014 Seeing Like a Planet and the Regulatory Challenges of Governing Climate Change Policy in Emerging Economies

    To effectively address the condition of planetarity, we must move beyond the high modernist conceit of "seeing like a state" and instead embrace "seeing like a planet"
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    The Historian and the Planet (Christophe Bonneuil)
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    Conversations — Planetary Conversations
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    Planetarity: On Human Futures (w/ Adam Robbert and Jesse Estrin)
    YEETKA --- ---
    ještě jednou Robin (jsem do ní fakt zamilovaná) a přednáška o tom jak vědecky zkoumat native způsob zacházení s půdou, rostlinami..
    The Teachings of Plants: Finding Common Ground Between Traditional and Scientific Knowledge
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    SLL_QUY --- ---

    cela serie clanku +- na tema planetarity

    For Planetary Governance — Strelka Mag
    YEETKA --- ---
    plants and animals are our relatives.. we have to be here for them at the end as they were here for us at the beginning..

    pozor obsah je extrémně dojemný..

    ROBIN WALL KIMMERER on Indigenous Knowledge for Earth Healing — FOR THE WILD
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    planetarni perspektiva

    Carl Sagan testifying before Congress in 1985 on climate change
    GOJATLA --- ---
    Can a planet have a mind of its own?

    Right now, our civilization is what the researchers call an "immature technosphere," a conglomeration of human-generated systems and technology that directly affects the planet but is not self-maintaining. For instance, the majority of our energy usage involves consuming fossil fuels that degrade Earth's oceans and atmosphere. The technology and energy we consume to survive are destroying our home planet, which will, in turn, destroy our species.

    To survive as a species, then, we need to collectively work in the best interest of the planet.

    But, Frank says, "we don't yet have the ability to communally respond in the best interests of the planet. There is intelligence on Earth, but there isn't planetary intelligence."

    "The million-dollar question is figuring out what planetary intelligence looks like and means for us in practice because we don't know how to move to a mature technosphere yet."

    "We're saying the only technological civilizations we may ever see—the ones we should expect to see—are the ones that didn't kill themselves, meaning they must have reached the stage of a true planetary intelligence,"
    GOJATLA --- ---
    Daniel Schmachtenberger “Bend Not Break Part 1: Energy Blindness” | The Great Simplification #05

    "We are turning billions of barrels of ancient sunlight into microliters of dopamine and calling that an economic success".
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Planetary economics
    A book advocating for change, Planetary Economics provides a new perspective on how policy-makers and academics can overcome the most fundamental problems and environmental challenges. It brings together the fields of energy, environment, innovation, behavioural economics and macroeconomics, to outline the future agenda for climate policy. The book was accompanied by a series of lectures and workshops bringing together key actors.

    TUHO --- ---
    //reference na planetary economics v zaveru .]

    How does carbon pricing affect macroeconomic balance and ultimately CO2 emission? What about electric vehicles that are now being promoted by the Biden administration?
    Economists’ standard advice for controlling global warming is to impose a high price on emitting CO2, which is said to discourage carbon-intensive activities and induce carbon-saving technical change. In a recent review of the New Deal, William Janeway (2021) draws a distinction between efficient and effective policies. He comes close to economist-speak by describing efficiency as a low-cost means for moving toward a desired goal. Whether an efficient intervention will be effective in reaching the goal is another question altogether. In the short- to medium-run, raising carbon prices within a politically acceptable range may be efficient at inducing macroeconomically small changes in the structure of the economy and level of emission. But the move will not be effective, because the changes will remain small for at least three reasons.

    Institute for New Economic Thinking
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    Jeremy Lent: současné paradigma kapitalismu, že příroda i společnost funguje na základě sobectví jednotlivců je omyl.
    The Future of Meaning - with Jeremy Lent
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    Toby Ord odhaduje šanci, že klimatická změna způsobí běhěm dalších 100 let vyhynutí lidstva, na cca 1/6.
    The Future of Existence - With Toby Ord
    KERRAY --- ---
    The International Flag of Planet Earth (IFOPE)
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    Nová studie popisuje, jak odpadky, které pokrývají přibližně 1, 5 milionu kilometrů čtverečných, osídlili živočichové a rostliny, kteří se normálně vyskytují na pobřeží. Mezi tyto vetřelce patří krabi, asijské sasanky, mořští červi, hvězdice a houby. Skutečnost, že se jim daří tisíce kilometrů od jejich obvyklých stanovišť, vyvrátila dlouhotrvající předpoklad, že otevřený oceán je v podstatě neprůchodná mořská poušť.

    „Otevřený oceán byl dlouho považován za fyzickou a biologickou bariéru pro šíření většiny pobřežních mořských druhů. Zdá se, že tomu tak již není, protože v současnosti existují vhodná stanoviště v otevřeném oceánu. Pobřežní organismy mohou přežívat na moři po mnoho let a rozmnožovat se, což vede k vytvoření soběstačných pobřežních společenství na volném oceánu,“ uvedli vědci v časopise Nature Communications.

    Tichomořská odpadková skvrna se stala novým ekosystémem. Kolonizují ji zvířata i rostliny — ČT24 — Česká televize
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    Neco o "zelene infrastrukture" ve stredni Evrope

    Green infrastructure is a strategically planned network that broadens traditional biodiversity conservation methods to also encompass the concept of ecosystem services (ES). This study aims to identify the network of green infrastructure in Central Europe. An analysis of ecological connectivity is based on ES supply quantified for CORINE land cover classes. Corridors between core areas, which are represented by Natura 2000 sites, are based on the capacity of ecosystems to supply maintenance and regulating ES. The delineated network of corridors of green infrastructure covers approximately 15% of the landscape of Central Europe that provides high levels of various ES. Ecological corridors create linkages between Natura 2000 sites and support the migration and dispersal of species. Central Europe is an important transitional region where coordinated improvement of ecological connectivity is fundamental. Moreover, promotion of the green infrastructure network and full implementation of the EU Birds and Habitats Directives are targets of two important documents at the European level, the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030 and the EU Strategy on Green Infrastructure. View Full-Text

    Land | Free Full-Text | The Network of Green Infrastructure Based on Ecosystem Services Supply in Central Europe
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    myšlení půdního / myšlení suchozemského

    Open Call: Soils as Sites of Emergency and Transformation, NESS Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden. Abstract deadline 15 Dec! – The Posthumanities Hub

    The Covid-19 pandemic is seen by some as the latest warning against the intensity of intervention of human worlds into non-human processes and spaces. This latest emergency unfolds, however, against the background of the long and accelerating process of human-induced, global planetary and ecosystem change variously debated as the Anthropocene, the Capitalocene, or the Plantationcene.

    The most lasting, the most fundamental, and the least address aspect of this ‘slow emergency’ and ongoing transformation relates to soils. When (rarely) discussed in the public sphere, soils are framed as an object of concern, and their degrading state is seen as a cause for alarm (as exemplified e.g. by the creation of the EU Mission for Soil Health and Food). In the Nordic context, soil emergencies are particularly noticeable as global heating-related changes in soil functions and states are having sudden and profound effects on lives, livelihoods, and land-use and inhabitation futures.

    Such emergency framings which underpin policy and expert concern around soil change can, however, lack historical and ontological reflexivity around the desired human-soil relations. Beyond this emergency framing, soils are also a site of and a source of transformation. Both historically and today, soils are active participants in the making of human societies and of ecologies. Whereas loss of soils has been linked with societal collapse, reciprocal relations of care can transform societies and ecosystems. Moreover, in contemporary thinking in political and social theory (e.g. Bruno Latour’s Down to Earth, Donna Haraway’s thinking on composting), arts (e.g. the Humus economicus project), and in debates about sustainable farming (e.g. regenerative agriculture), relations with soils are a source of inspiration for new models of human-environmental interaction and for conceptualising more-than-human health. This new wave of ‘thinking with soils’ works across disciplinary boundaries to reconceptualise people, environments, and their interactions by acknowledging and interrogating human entanglement with soils.
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