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    TADEASplanetarita - 'making life planetary'
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    Planetary Defense – Scientific and Technology Background | Proceedings of the ASIL Annual Meeting | Cambridge Core

    Near-Earth Objects: There are many objects in space that come close to earth's orbit. The velocities of asteroids or other near-earth objects (NEOs) that the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and other in the international community are examining are about seventeen kilometers a second—the energy releases are equivalent to the detonation of a nuclear weapon. NEOs that are of concern, “potentially hazardous objects,” are ones where their orbits bring them into five million miles of Earth's orbit. NASA and other observatories around the world are constantly scanning the skies for potentially hazardous “near-Earth objects,” and thousands have already been found. At the start of 2019, the number of discovered near-Earth asteroids totaled more than 19,000. An average of thirty new discoveries are added each week. NASA estimates that at least 17,000 big near-Earth asteroids have yet to be discovered.
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    UFOs & Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites
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    valecna aplikace jaderna technologie nako misto stretu s mimoplanetarnim

    Former Air Force chief claims he once saw UFO firing at nuke missiles launched from secret base

    Dr. Jacobs continued: “We could see the bottom three stages of that rocket filling the frame from 160 miles away.”

    “It was amazing, the clarity was beautiful and we watched it go through all three stages of powered flight.”

    “The nose cone opened up and radar chaff, aluminum foil, spread out.

    “We were testing to see if we could launch a nuclear warhead into orbit, slightly above the nuclear chaff, so the Russians would aim their anti-missile missiles at the chaff, and our little warhead would fly over and obliterate Moscow.

    “That was the game we were playing. Horrifying to think about it in retrospect.”

    But suddenly, from in the frame, he claimed they saw an object following the test missile, which was traveling at 8,000mph.

    The UFO was said to have homed in and fired four beams at the warhead.

    Dr. Jacobs said: “Then it flew out of the frame the same way it had come in. At that point, the warhead tumbled out of space.”

    “The light came on and Major Mansmann and the two guys in grey suits looked at me, and the major said ‘were you guys screwing around up there (at camera site) I said ‘no sir’.

    “And he said ‘what was that?’ and I said it looks to me like we have a UFO.”
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    nuklearni valka jako planetarni udalost

    Nuclear Winter War Carl Sagan
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    RADIQAL: co bys chtel od epochy bio-geo-psychedelicke :) ... aneb ktera marginalni subkultura pohne s planetarni dysregulaci?
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    TADEAS: To zni az fanaticky. Děsivé vyhlídky, demokraticky CTA a obligatni odkaz na “psychologii přijetí mojí pravdy”.
    líbivé cíle řízlé apokalyptickými motivy, kdo z fandů cyber-eko-bio-punku by to nežral.
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    TADEAS: pokud kazda technologie ma nad sebou nejaky management, tj. management je oznacebi oro tu systemickou regulacni uroven, pak "prisoners of our technologies" je uvaha jdouci sejdrem. jsme prisoners of our role, pricemz tou roli je v rovine planety souhra roli civilizator-hyperpredator, civilizace je vyvoj&management technologii, hyperpredace je management (planetarniho) ekosystemu. management je vyraz pro systemickou regulaci a v teto vrstve je problem - regulace technologii&ekosystemu. aneb stav planety je momentalbe vyrazem stavu nasi schopnosti systemove regulace
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    TADEAS: neni to ale "controlled by human technologies, ale by human management&technologies, pricemz rozliseni je klicove, pokud se zohlednuje dimenze ekosystemu
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    clovek nechtenym regulatorem planetarniho systemu - okno prilezitosti je kratke

    Roger Hallam

    By the 2030’s this civilisation will be gone, in the sense that regimes in the tropics will have collapsed, and those in warm and cold temperate zones will have become either right wing or left wing state socialist enterprises.

    This state socialism has nothing to do with politics – it is what happens in societies facing existential breakdown.

    Carbon rationing and then rationing of everything else is inevitable. Functional regimes will be putting all their surplus resources into geo engineering. Disfunctional ones will be collapsing into various cults of nihilism and thus disintegration.

    If there is a future, it will now be post-nature. That is a future where the whole geo-physical system is controlled by human technologies – just as happened with agriculture systems over the past half century. We are prisoners of our technologies.
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    Benjamin Bratton - Remarks on Planetary Sapience
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    Za novou planetární politiku – A2larm
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    2021 Energy and Human Ambitions on a Finite Planet

    Where is humanity going? How realistic is a future of fusion and space colonies? What constraints are imposed by physics, by resource availability, and by human psychology? Are default expectations grounded in reality?

    This textbook, written for a general-education audience, aims to address these questions without either the hype or the indifference typical of many books. The message throughout is that humanity faces a broad sweep of foundational problems as we inevitably transition away from fossil fuels and confront planetary limits in a host of unprecedented ways—a shift whose scale and probable rapidity offers little historical guidance.

    Salvaging a decent future requires keen awareness, quantitative assessment, deliberate preventive action, and—above all—recognition that prevailing assumptions about human identity and destiny have been cruelly misshapen by the profoundly unsustainable trajectory of the last 150 years. The goal is to shake off unfounded and unexamined expectations, while elucidating the relevant physics and encouraging greater facility in quantitative reasoning.

    After addressing limits to growth, population dynamics, uncooperative space environments, and the current fossil underpinnings of modern civilization, various sources of alternative energy are considered in detail— assessing how they stack up against each other, and which show the greatest potential. Following this is an exploration of systemic human impediments to effective and timely responses, capped by guidelines for individual adaptations resulting in reduced energy and material demands on the planet’s groaning capacity. Appendices provide refreshers on math and chemistry, as well as supplementary material of potential interest relating to cosmology, electric transportation, and an evolutionary perspective on humanity’s place in nature.
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    The Whole History of the Earth and Life 【Finished Edition】

    This is a documentary which portrays the birth of the solar system, the birth of the Earth, and the emergence and evolution of life on Earth depicted through latest research activities.

    Executive producer: prof. Shigenori Maruyama.

    Supported by Hadean Bioscience Project.

    1. The Origin of the Earth. 00:00
     4.567 billion years ago : The formation of the Solar System.
     4.56 billion years:ago : The formation of the Earth.
     4.55 billion years ago : Giant impact.
    2. Initiation of Plate Tectonics. 02:53 【Partially revised】
     4.37-4.20 billion years ago : The formation of the atmosphere and ocean.
     4.37-4.20 billion years ago : The initiation plate tectonics.
    3. Birth of Proto-life. 07:08
     4.10(4.20?) billion years ago : The birth of first proto-life.
    4. The Initial Stage of Life. 11:04
     4.37-4.20 billion years ago : The loss of the primordial continent and the generation of a strong geomagnetic field.
     4.20 billion years ago : The emergence of sun-powered life.
     4.10 billion tears ago : Mass extinction.
    5. Second Stage of Evolution of Life. 16:46
     2.90 billion years ago : The emergence of photosynthetic life.
     2.70 billion years ago : Mantle overturn.
    6. Third Stage of the Evolution of Life. 20:46
     2.30 billion years ago : Mass extinction by snowball Earth.
     2.10 billion years ago : From prokaryotes to eukaryotes.
    7: The Dawn of the Cambrian Explosion. 25:19
     1.90-0.80 billion tears ago : The Formation of a Supercontinent.
     700-600 million years ago : The Sturtian Glaciation
     700-600 million years ago : The Leaking Earth.
    8: The Cambrian Explosion. 31:08
     640 million years ago : The Origin of Multicellular Life. The Marinoan Glaciation.
     580 million years ago : Appearance of Ediacaran Fauna. The Gaskiers Glaciation.
     550 million years ago : Evolution Responds to Environmental Changes
     540 million years ago : The First Cambrian Organisms
    9: The Paleozoic Era. 37:18
     600 million years ago : Expanding Habitats.
     540 million years ago : The Co-evolution of Planets and Insects
     550-540 million years ago : The Evolution of Vertebrates
     260-250 million years ago : The Largest Mass extinction of the Phanerozoic Eon. Collision with a Dark nebula
    10: From the Mesozoic to the birth of human beings. 43:34
     Dispersion and amalgamation of continents, and the evolution of life.
     The birth of primates.
     66 million years ago : Dinosaur extinction.
    11: The Humanozoic eon : the appearance of human beings and civilization. 50:38
     Evolution into primates.
     The birth of human beings, the fourth animal category : the Humanozoic eon.
     10000 years ago : The Agricultural Revolution.
     5000 years ago : The Urban Revolution.
     2400 years ago : The Religious Revolution.
     300 years ago : The Industrial Revolution.
     The Information Revolution.
    12: Future of the Earth. 58:05
     Challenges for Human society.
     Future of Human society.
     Future of the Earth.
     200 million years later : Formation of the supercontinent.
     400 million years later : Extinction of the C4 plants.
     1 billion years later : Cessation of plate tectonics.
     1.5 billion years later : Disappearance of the ocean.
     4.5 billion years later : Collision between the Milky Way Galaxy and the Andromeda Galaxy.
     8 billion years later : Annihilation of the Earth.
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    UFO sightings explained | Robin Hanson and Lex Fridman
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    2018 A planetary turn for the social sciences? - Bronislaw Szerszynski

    there were also hints of another potential transformation of the social sciences, one which I want to call the planetary turn. While sharing some themes with the global turn, this nascent turn is strikingly different in its approach and implications. Above all, whereas the global turn was mainly about saying that the social sciences needed to respond to the growing interconnectedness of social processes across the surface of the planet, the planetary turn involves the recognition that the bounding of the social was always already problematic, and on another, more comprehensive front: that between human society as a semiotic, meaningful phenomenon on the one hand and the physical processes of the Earth on the other. It thus involves the rejection of what had been a key assumption of sociology since its foundation, human exemptionalism, an assumption which had already been problematized in the 1970s by the subdiscipline of environmental sociology


    the foundational task of any planetary turn must be the interdisciplinary task ofinvestigating the planet as a category of being in its own right, and the ways in which this conditions social existence in fundamental ways. This involves moving beyond the way that the figure of ‘the planet’ has figured in globalisation discourses, where the focus has been on a narrow range of characteristics of the Earth such as unity, boundedness, fragility and interconnectedness. Instead, we need a more complex account of ‘planetary being’ which is at once more general and more tightly specified. John’s use of complexity, emergence and non-Newtonian time in books from Sociology Beyond Societies (2000) onwards was a great starting point, but we need to draw in more detail from the Earth sciences.


    a planetary social science would be volumetric, concerned with relations not just on the surface of the Earth but also within and across all the different entangled volumes of the planet from its core out to its near space environment. As social scientists are increasingly arguing, we need to develop a 3D imaginary for the social sciences. John’s work gave some pointers for how to do this, by going up into the atmosphere in his book with Cwerner and Kesselring on Aeromobilities (2009) and down into geological strata in Societies Beyond Oil. But this volumetric approach needs to be developed more systematically, through a deeper engagement with the significance of the Earth’s stratification into different layers and compartments – core, mantle, crust, biosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, magnetosphere – with different properties and stabilised on different timescales. A planetary turn would also be concerned with the distinctive topological relations and thereby modes of existence and relatedness that are made possible by this stratification. Strata are often in asymmetrical relations of dependency with each other, and the surfaces and boundariesbetween different strata and compartments occasion radically different kinds of phenomena. The sub-aerial surface that was left largely reified and unproblematised in sociology’s global turn starts to look different and far more interesting when we first zoom out to investigate the diverse forms of complex order that can be generated in and between other zones of the extended body of the Earth, and only then zoom back in to the ‘critical zone’ or ‘boundary layer’ of mixing between earth and sky that we ourselves inhabit


    a planetary social science would also have to engage with the interplanetary. One aspect of this concerns interplanetary mobilities – the study of the multiple ways in which the stories of individual planets can become intertwined through the exchange of entities and materials of different kinds. Here the critical social sciences can help avoid the unreflective projection of ‘globalisation’ narratives of imperialism and neoliberalism onto an extra-terrestrial canvas. But another aspect of the interplanetary, at least as important, is the comparative. The deepening understanding of our own solar system and the continuing discovery of diverse exoplanets orbiting other stars can help us to construct a far more expansive theoretical ‘phase space’ for planetary development, one that can accommodate diverse possible developmental trajectories of planets. For the social sciences this is an opportunity to counter the dominant geocentric ‘observer bias’ that takes the specific story of the Earth to be the template for any planet that might develop complex organised matter. Drawing on empirical astronomy, but also the more speculative practices of astrobiology and science fiction, a planetary social science can explore how the complex forms of matter, meaning and motion that we associate with society might have emerged through very different developmental processes and take profoundly different forms


    In What is the future? (2016), John Urry rejected two common approaches to the future: one that focuses on individual rationality and agency, and another that sees the future as more or less determined by fixed structures. Instead, he insisted on the need to regard social futures as the product of self-organising complex adaptive systems, which pass through phase transitions and thereby behave in non-linear ways. This insight applies a fortiori to planetary futures. The Earth regarded in the way I have sketched above – as planet, as volumetric, as differential and as geohistorical – is one whose future cannot be known in advance. However, at the same time, these dimensions of the planetary turn can help us to discern the possibilities latent within our own time, and perhaps better steer towards more desirable futures for our own, precious home planet.
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    Multi-Planetary Worlds: Mobilities of the Space Age — the UWA Profiles and Research Repository

    As advances in techno-science propel a range of objects and ideas, data and images and affects and capital beyond the globe, their proliferation progressively entangles human societies with their planetary outside. The mobilities of the space age accelerate and magnify the prospective reach of our futures in the making. Opening up opportunities for multi-planetary projections of the species, they steadily protract the horizon of our common world. This chapter captures an array of mobilities enlivening our multi-planetary arena, exploring the ways in which their material and social effects condition the unfolding of our shared futures on and off the Earth.

    Library Genesis: Carlos López Galviz (editor), Emily Spiers (editor) - Routledge Handbook of Social Futures
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    2022 The Moving Walkway is Ending: A Speculative Essay on Climate-Driven Species Mobility and Planetary Politics

    The article examines this less considered element of the current and future mobile planet, in search of framings that can better help us grapple with the transformations underway. It first presents some general global projections of species mobilities and presents some of the key issues raised around intersection of human and nonhuman mobility. It then turns to two elemental forces—fire and ice—whose power is increasingly visible in contemporary planetary politics. Both elements call for a consideration of deeper time horizons, alongside the immediate emergencies that these forces also bring about. The final section turns to think about the ethics, time scales, and differential politics of a fully mobile planet—one that is mobile from geological forces to earthly elements, from nonhuman species to human lives and cultures, drawing on recent work on earth mobility and speculative kinetic ethics.
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    2020 Transplanetary Ecologies: A New Chapter in Social Studies of Outer Space?

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    2021 Exchanging Fire: A Planetary History of the Explosion

    The invention of near-instantaneous combustion – the fiery explosion – is an event in both in planetary and human history. While the concoction of a volatile mix of carbon, sulfur and nitrates by alchemists in 9th century China paved the way for firearms and gunpowder empires, ultra-highspeed deflagration is also arguably the first entirely new form of combustion on Earth since fire emerged in the Silurian Period some 410 million years ago. What does it mean, I ask, that the explosion is at once instrumental in the global rise of Western powers and a planetary event that exceeds the practices, strategies and imaginaries that organize its deployment? In this chapter I explore two related paradoxes of explosive firepower. The first is that the relatively rapid technological transfer of the firearm from China to Europe is at once a source of profound trauma for the ‘modernizing’ European subject and a key component in the triumphalist narrative of Western global expansion. The second is that the application of explosives in extractive industries both plays an important role in advancing the understanding of the geological strata – and hence the deep history of the Earth, and is of pivotal importance in transforming Earth systems and rock fabrics to such an extent that the very legibility of the Earth and is compromised. Extending the idea of planetary social thought (Clark and Szerszynski 2021), the chapter brings these paradoxes together as a way to reimagine Western colonization as a pyrogeographical process: at once a variation played on firepower of the Earth and an instrument of a specific world-shaping structural violence.
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    2022 Planetary ethnography: A primer

    Many people and communities have engaged and encountered the planetary long before Sputnik 1 reached Earth orbitto become the first human-made object to cross the Kármán line. For centuries, looking up at the sky has served as an important way to navigate people’s location, both on Earth (Kursh and Kreps 1974)and within the Universe(Hamacher and Banks 2019). Indigenous communities recount their experience of centuries of encounters in space (Bawaka Country et al. 2020) and their cosmic connections to space (Young 1987). And extra-terrestrial planetary rendezvous on Earth are reportedby people and communities across the globe (Battaglia 2006; Saethre 2007).

    In planetary ethnography, we want to trace people’s engagements with outer space that challenge dominant conceptions within scientificdiscourses. We hope that this approach will help usbring out the tensions, ambiguities and pluralities of the planetary. As Spivak puts it, “planet-thought”needs to include a historical reckoning where we continuously educate ourselves and embrace interrogations into the meanings of “outer”and “inner space” (Spivak 2015).
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