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    TADEASplanetarita - 'making life planetary'
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    elon musk reading pale blue dot: "there is nowhere else at least in the near future to where our species could migrate. this is wrong"


    Elon Musk: Pale Blue Dot and Beyond
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    Carl Sagan - Pale Blue Dot
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    Carl Sagan: Christmas Lectures 1 - The Earth as a Planet
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    What Kind of Extraterrestrial Life Should We Be Searching For? - The Atlantic

    The Case for Technosignatures: Why They May Be Abundant, Long-lived, Highly Detectable, and Unambiguous - IOPscience

    A new study, led by Jason Wright of Penn State University and to which I contributed as part of a NASA-funded technosignature-research group, has laid out the argument that astronomy is overlooking the value of technosignatures. The problem with biosignatures is that they’re forever tied to their biospheres—their planets. Biosignatures have no way to leave their biosphere of origin. And, for that matter, if all life were to disappear from Earth tomorrow, most of Earth’s biosignatures would disappear quickly too. For example, the oxygen in our atmosphere comes from the planet’s life. If that life went extinct, atmospheric oxygen would react back into rocks and disappear quickly on the scale of deep time.

    To detect a biosignature, in other words, we have to find a fully functional biosphere. But we don’t really know how long biospheres generally last. Ours has, thankfully, persisted for more than 3 billion years. But there are many ways a biosphere might die, including the loss of the planet’s atmosphere from solar winds or a really big asteroid impact. Once the biosphere goes, the biosignatures likely go with it.

    Technosignatures have no such constraint. Consider the fact that the solar system is already full of Earth’s technosignatures. More than 10 spacecraft are orbiting Mars or on its surface right now. And that’s just one planet. Hundreds of other spacecraft are out there traversing the sun’s spaceways. We have even blasted five craft entirely out of the solar system and into the interstellar domain. Every one of these machines we’ve sent into space constitutes a material technosignature—an artifact—in its own right. More important, all of the active ones are sending radio signals into space. These signals are weak, but each still constitutes a technosignature that some other species conceivably could detect.
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    Energy and matter at the origin of life | Royal Society of Biology East Midlands branch
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    pohled z "vesmiru" (30 km) pro chudsi

    Travel to Space | Space Perspective

    Passengers will soon be able to travel to space in a giant, floating balloon | Euronews
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    jadrove cykly zivota planety

    Transformer: The Deep Chemistry of Life and Death — Nick Lane

    Lane is among the vanguard of researchers asking why the Krebs cycle, the "perfect circle" at the heart of metabolism, remains so elusive more than eighty years after its discovery. Transformer is Lane's voyage, as a biochemist, to find the inner meaning of the Krebs cycle-why it is still spinning at the heart of life and death today.

    Transformer unites the story of our planet with the story of our cells-what makes us the way we are, and how it connects us to the origin of life. Enlivened by Lane's talent for distilling and humanizing complex research, Transformer is a must-listen for anyone fascinated by biology's great mysteries. Life is at root a chemical phenomenon: this is its deep logic.
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    Oxygen: The Molecule that made the World — Nick Lane

    Oxygen takes the reader on an enthralling journey, as gripping as a thriller, as it unravels the unexpected ways in which oxygen spurred the evolution of life and death. The book explains far more than the size of ancient insects: it shows how oxygen underpins the origin of biological complexity, the birth of photosynthesis, the sudden evolution of animals, the need for two sexes, the accelerated ageing of cloned animals like Dolly the sheep, and the surprisingly long lives of bats and birds.

    Drawing on this grand evolutionary canvas, Oxygen offers fresh perspectives on our own lives and deaths, explaining modern killer diseases, why we age, and what we can do about it. Advancing revelatory new ideas, following chains of evidence, the book ranges through many disciplines, from environmental sciences to molecular medicine. The result is a captivating vision of contemporary science and a humane synthesis of our place in nature. This remarkable book will redefine the way we think about the world.
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    Nick Lane: Origin of Life, Evolution, Aliens, Biology, and Consciousness | Lex Fridman Podcast #318
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    You might know that NASA plans to bring Mars samples to Earth. But you might not know that it must first build a facility like this planet has never seen: a combo BSL-4 lab / clean room, just in case Mars has alien life and that life is pathogenic.

    To Prevent a Martian Plague, NASA Needs to Build a Very Special Lab - The New York Times
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    adam frank

    "The Little Book of Aliens" begins - Big Think
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    'Man of the Hole': Last of his tribe dies in Brazil - BBC News
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    The Planet: An Emergent Matter of Spiritual Concern? | Harvard Divinity Bulletin
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    k ohni

    Fire and Hearth: A study of Aboriginal usage and European usurpation i – UWA Publishing

    James C Scott: The Domestication of Fire, Animals, Grains and.......Us

    Fire: A Brief History
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    oheň jako planetární fenomén

    The Pyrocene by Stephen J. Pyne - Paperback - University of California Press

    A provocative rethinking of how humans and fire have evolved together over time—and our responsibility to reorient this relationship before it's too late.​

    The Pyrocene tells the story of what happened when a fire-wielding species, humanity, met an especially fire-receptive time in Earth's history. Since terrestrial life first appeared, flames have flourished. Over the past two million years, however, one genus gained the ability to manipulate fire, swiftly remaking both itself and eventually the world. We developed small guts and big heads by cooking food; we climbed the food chain by cooking landscapes; and now we have become a geologic force by cooking the planet.

    Some fire uses have been direct: fire applied to convert living landscapes into hunting grounds, forage fields, farms, and pastures. Others have been indirect, through pyrotechnologies that expanded humanity's reach beyond flame's grasp. Still, preindustrial and Indigenous societies largely operated within broad ecological constraints that determined how, and when, living landscapes could be burned. These ancient relationships between humans and fire broke down when people began to burn fossil biomass—lithic landscapes—and humanity's firepower became unbounded. Fire-catalyzed climate change globalized the impacts into a new geologic epoch. The Pleistocene yielded to the Pyrocene.

    Around fires, across millennia, we have told stories that explained the world and negotiated our place within it. The Pyrocene continues that tradition, describing how we have remade the Earth and how we might recover our responsibilities as keepers of the planetary flame.
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    The Paradox of Fermi’s Paradox  - The Debrief

    Enrico Fermi once famously observed, conveying this gap between theory and observation, “Where is everybody?” This quip by the renowned physicist is now known as “the Fermi paradox.”


    I perceive a paradox as well, although it is a paradox of a different sort. I call it the “UAP paradox.” What strikes me as paradoxical is that at the same time Enrico Fermi was asking, “Where is everybody?” UAP were flying around Los Alamos like moths around a candle. More broadly: Why are so few scientists willing to consider UAP as potential alien probes when there is such extensive evidence of mysterious craft in our skies demonstrating capabilities otherwise found only in science fiction?

    Now consider the following quote from a memo sent by the Director of Security at Los Alamos National Labs to Brigadier General Joseph Carroll, the commander of the USAF Office of Special Investigations in May 1950, just a few months before Dr. Fermi’s posed his famous question, “Where is everybody?”:

    “The frequency of unexplained aerial phenomenon in the New Mexico area is such that an organized plan of reporting these observations should be undertaken….the observers of these phenomenon include scientists, Special Agents of the Office of Special Investigation, USAF and airline pilots, military pilots, Los Alamos security inspectors, military personnel and many other persons of various occupations whose reliability is not questioned … the phenomenon has continuously occurred during the last 18 months and is continuing to occur..in the vicinity of sensitive installations.”

    This memo in May of 1950 also comes on the heels of one of the most extraordinary UAP events in American history, when in March of 1950, dozens of residents of nearby Farmington, New Mexico, reported hundreds of silver metallic disks flying in formation over their town in broad daylight. In other words, hundreds of UAP were being observed by all manner of personnel in the vicinity of Los Alamos at precisely the time Dr. Fermi was professing bafflement over a perceived absence of alien life. The UAP evidence included numerous reports by trained observers, pilots, scientists, and security personnel, as well as photographs and even radar tracks and theodolite measurements.


    If alien craft or probes are monitoring earth, we should expect them to be radically different from anything we possess, baffling in both appearance and capability. In the immortal words of Arthur C. Clarke, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” To my mind, UAP data again fit the ET probe hypothesis. The most common UAP observed in the Los Alamos area in Dr. Fermi’s day were green fireballs and supersonic silver disks capable of fantastic acceleration and maneuverability despite the lack of any discernible means of propulsion. The cumulative weight of credible reports from Blue Book and other sources provides highly persuasive evidence for the existence of radical craft superior to anything created by man.


    It doesn’t help that the implications of the extraterrestrial hypothesis are deeply disturbing for most people, challenging core beliefs and causing considerable anxiety and uncertainty in the process. For some, the prospect is simply terrifying. Psychologists call such interference with normal mental processing “cognitive dissonance.” It is not surprising to find that process at work with regard to UAP. The concept of alien craft and alien beings is fine in fiction, but it is an extremely challenging concept to process or integrate into our daily lives.


    It is difficult to exaggerate the need for unprecedented international collaboration at this juncture in history. It should by now be clear to all that the existential challenges facing our species cannot be solved unilaterally. In addition to the urgent need to reduce the rapidly growing prospects of war between nuclear powers, unprecedented collaboration is also required to manage global warming, the uncontrolled rise of artificial intelligence and biological engineering, and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. It may seem far-fetched, but the discovery that we are not alone could be our best hope for radically re-framing the views of the major world powers and humanity itself. In sum, the most likely scenario – no change in their conduct but major changes in ours – may also prove to be the most optimistic
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    2014 Astropolitics and the “Exopolitics” of Unacknowledged Activities in Outer Space

    dl: https://exopolitics.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Authors-Accepted-Manuscript-March-2014.pdf

    Astropolitics” is herein defined as the political study of stars, celestial bodies, and activities in outer space. Space activities include those officially acknowledged by national space programs and military forces of different nations through official media releases. However, it is the activities that are not officially acknowledged that pose the greatest challenge to the comprehensive study of astropolitics.

    This paper examines three different categories of unacknowledged activities occurring in space. The first is unacknowledged waived “Special Access Programs” run by the U.S. military and intelligence services, and their international equivalents. The second category is corporate programs obliged to follow similar classification security protocols for conducting military/intelligence contracts. The final category involves activities related to the unidentified flying object (UFO)phenomenon and the possibility that some of these activities are guided by an extraterrestrial intelligence.

    Exopolitics” is defined as a multidisciplinary approach examining evidence of extraterrestrial life and classified military/intelligence/corporate programs possibly related to alien technologies. It is proposed that exopolitics provides a helpful set of conceptual tools that complements astropolitics in the study of outer space activities
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    Mars Is ‘Irrelevant to Us’ If Earth Is Doomed, Author of Legendary Mars Trilogy Says

    “Mars is irrelevant to us now. We should of course concentrate on maintaining the habitability of the Earth. My Mars trilogy is a good novel but not a plan for this moment. If we were to create a sustainable civilisation here on Earth, with all Earth’s creatures prospering, then and only then would Mars become even the slightest bit interesting to us,” Robinson says in an interview with Farsight. “It would be a kind of reward for our success—we could think of it in the way my novel thinks of it, as an interesting place worth exploring more. But until we have solved our problems here, Mars is just a distraction for a few escapists, and so worse than useless.”
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