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    TADEASplanetarita - 'making life planetary'
    resersovaci klubik k tematum planetarity

    planetarita jako jednotici pohled na soucasne deni na Zemi a roli lidi v nem.


    - architektura planetarniho usporadani: klima, ekosystemy, logistika
    - sociopoliticke regiony planety a jejich cesta k planetarite
    - planetarita a architektura digitalni / vypocetni infrastruktury: ukladani dat, zpracovani vypoctu a identity
    - process civilizace v kontextu planetarity
    - kosmicky vyzkum, gradace civilizace v hypercivilizaci - 'making life multiplanetary'
    - management ekosystemu v kontextu planetarity - making life 'planetary' [for the first time]
    - terapie v kontextu planetarity: individualni terapie, facilitace spolecenskych procesu, biogeoterapie
    - exoplanetarita / interplanetarita - tema jinych civilizaci na jinych planetach [ne jako spekulativni blaboleni a amaterska ufologie] ale jako principialni tema

    a tak dale.
    rozbalit záhlaví
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    Garry Nolan: UFOs and Aliens | Lex Fridman Podcast #262
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    tak popojedeme :))

    Do We Share Earth With Someone Else? With Garry Nolan

    3:57 Life may have started elsewhere and came here according to some models. He gives examples of atoms of elements present here that actually originated from explosions of other stars/ meteorites etc. He states that life in the universe may be based on DNA if the theory of panspermia is correct.

    [Interesting he’s stating this because the verified CIA individual John Ramirez stated several months ago in an interview that we are related to the ETs and are a result of genetic manipulation. Elizondo (official CIA head of the UAP program, currently officially for the actual US Space Force) has indicated this also in past interviews, and this ties into his comment that from their understanding we are part of “mankinds” plural, multiple forms of humanity present either here, extratemporally (time travelers), or in the cosmos].

    7:51 The discussion of a shadow biosphere comes up within the context of a SECOND abiogenesis on planet earth. This concept indicates life originating for a second time here and forming its own biosphere. [Now, Elizondo has stated this exact concept (there’s a shadow biosphere here alongside us) in several interviews].

    8:20 Dr. Nolan states he’s seen compelling evidence that that one of his colleagues has discovered the existence of a shadow biosphere and is currently in the process of doing further studies on the topic (that will be released on an academically verified basis in the future if proven correct. He notes this will also be published if proven incorrect).

    16:00 In the Varginha Incident in Brazil the beings were observed to be carrying around a type of liquid with them as if that was part of their original living environment. (The discussion preceding it is on ammonia based lifeforms).

    19:07 The phenomenon displays at times a total indifference to us and conversely at other times a keen interest in our nuclear affairs (and our treatment of our biome). He states there may be instead many things (20:01) or one thing masking as many things as a control mechanism.

    25:00 Physical biological injury from exposure to UAPs.

    29:30 The government hiding the information may be because the technology is relatively easy to reproduce and concealment of the information is a defense mechanism to prevent usage of the tech by others. [As an aside, the Chinese have reproduced US tech, so it’s plausible they could repeat that with UAP tech reproduced by the US].

    36:20 Dr Nolan is involved in a project that will make itself known in the near future to “print out an organism”. He talks about creating self replicating probes to send out into the solar system and including synthetically coded organisms that can terraform ecosystems off-planet.

    37:38 This opens up the possibility to genetically modify humans to engage in space exploration. Tweaking human genomes to allow for living in off-planet environments. [side note: Would it be far fetched to state the humanoid ETs witnessed here are synthetically coded organisms or androids engineered to live in space?]"
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    jimmy carter

    TUHO --- ---
    No todle bych si rad pocetl .)

    Helen Czerski
    Earth is home to a huge story that is rarely told - that of our ocean. Not the fish or the dolphins, but the massive ocean engine itself: what it does, why it works, and why it matters. My next book, Blue Machine, will tell that story. Out in June: https://linktr.ee/bluemachinebook
    TUHO --- ---
    kind of related

    Émile P. Torres 🏳️‍⚧️
    Tomorrow I submit my book "Human Extinction: A History of the Science and Ethics of Annihilation." It lays out, I believe, a completely novel framework for thinking about the ethics of human extinction. I've tweeted literally nothing about this so far, but am going to start doing

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    Boersma also helped author a book called Ecomodernisme (2017) whose other contributors also formed part of the Dutch ecomodernist foundation that became RePlanet Nederland. The book’s back cover lays out the group’s credo: “There are no limits to growth. The earth can easily handle 10 billion people. Solar panels and wind turbines are a costly mistake, nuclear energy is the future. Organic farming will not feed the world, intensive farming will.”


    On RePlanet Nederland’s website they describe the future they dream of. It includes massive urbanisation – “more than 90 percent” of the world’s population living and working in “the city, compared to 50 percent in 2000. Surrounding the city are large farms full of genetically modified crops that achieve four times higher yields than at the beginning of the 21st century. Many of those farms are located in high-rise buildings clad with solar panels. In the distance you can see the cooling towers of a nuclear power plant…”

    George Monbiot teams up with Mark Lynas and the ecomodernists to Reboot Food
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    2019 From influence to inhabitation: The transformation of astrobiology in the early modern period

    This book describes how and why the early modern period witnessed the marginalisation of astrology in Western natural philosophy, and the re-adoption of the cosmological view of the existence of a plurality of worlds in the universe, allowing the possibility of extraterrestrial life. Founded in the mid-1990s, the discipline of astrobiology combines the search for extraterrestrial life with the study of terrestrial biology–especially its origins, its evolution and its presence in extreme environments.

    This book offers a history of astrobiology's attempts to understand the nature of life in a larger cosmological context. Specifically, it describes the shift of early modern cosmology from a paradigm of celestial influence to one of celestial inhabitation. Although these trends are regarded as consequences of Copernican cosmology, and hallmarks of a modern world view, they are usually addressed separately in the historical literature. Unlike others, this book takes a broad approach that examines the relationship of the two.

    From Influence to Inhabitation will benefit both historians of astrology and historians of the extraterrestrial life debate, an audience which includes researchers and advanced students studying the history and philosophy of astrobiology. It will also appeal to historians of natural philosophy, science, astronomy and theology in the early modern period.
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    2021 Two Elephants in the Room of Astrobiology

    Video and radar data, together with recent actions taken by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), the Department of Defense (DoD) and the Senate in the United States (U.S.), indicate that the U.S. government knows that unidentified ariel phenomena (UAP) and unidentified submerged objects (USOs) are real and most likely are of extraterrestrial origin. This is referred to as the extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH), which, broadly, argues that an extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI) representing an extraterrestrial civilization (ETC) is operating these objects.

    Astrobiologists should pay attention to this data and should bring their considerable scientific expertise to bear in analyzing it.

    Relatedly, astroethicists must actively oppose any attempts to use the reality of UAP, USOs, and the Intelligent Beings—most likely ETI—responsible for their operation on and around Earth—collectively, the phenomenon—as pretext to rationalize the militarization and weaponization of space. To ensure that space be maintained as a peaceful arena free of international conflict and to facilitate international, scientific cooperation in astrobiology, astroethicists actively must engage in the formulation of a space policy that is cooperative and constructive. Astrobiologists should create a robust, ethics‐based community to oppose the militarization and weaponization of space and to engage in an open‐minded manner with the reality of the phenomenon and any ETI and ETC responsible for it.
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    2021 Astrobiology: Science, Ethics, and Public Policy

    Astrobiology is an exploding discipline in which not only the natural sciences, but also the social sciences and humanities converge. Astrobiology: Science, Ethics, and Public Policy is a multidisciplinary book that presents different perspectives and points of view by its contributing specialists. Epistemological, moral and political issues arising from astrobiology, convey the complexity of challenges posed by the search for life elsewhere in the universe. We ask: if a convoy of colonists from Earth make the trip to Mars, should their genomes be edited to adapt to the Red Planet’s environment? If scientists discover a biosphere with microbial life within our solar system, will it possess intrinsic value or merely utilitarian value? If astronomers discover an intelligent civilization on an exoplanet elsewhere in the Milky Way, what would be humanity’s moral responsibility: to protect Earth from an existential threat? To treat other intelligences with dignity? To exploit through interstellar commerce? To conquer?
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    2021 Astroethics for earthlings: Our responsibility to the galactic commons

    The Astroethics of Responsibility proposed here is founded on a substructure of quandary‐responsibility ethics, supported by a theological notion of the common good plus a naturalistic justification for response and care. Within the sphere of the solar neighborhood, ten already articulated quandaries are addressed:
    (1) planetary protection;
    (2) intrinsic value of off‐Earth biospheres;
    (3) application of the Precautionary Principle;
    (4) space debris;
    (5) satellite surveillance;
    (6) weaponization of space;
    (7) scientific versus commercial space exploration;
    (8) terraforming Mars;
    (9) colonizing Mars; and
    (10) anticipating natural space threats.

    Within the sphere of the Milky Way metropolis in which the “galactic common good” becomes the astroethical norm, engagement with intelligent extraterrestrials is analyzed within three categories: (1) ETI less intelligent than Earth's Homo sapiens; (2) ETI equal in intelligence; and (3) ETI superior in intelligence. Superior ETI may come in both biological and postbiological forms. Our ethical mandate: respond with care
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    Space, Time, and Aliens | SpringerLink

    Includes more than 40 papers written by a former NASA Chief Historian

    Analyzes topics in cosmology and astronomy from an interdisciplinary lens

    Covers all ongoing, major themes in the new field of philosophy of astronomy
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    2018 Astrobiology, Discovery, and Societal Impact

    The search for life in the universe, once the stuff of science fiction, is now a robust worldwide research program with a well-defined roadmap probing both scientific and societal issues. This volume examines the humanistic aspects of astrobiology, systematically discussing the approaches, critical issues, and implications of discovering life beyond Earth. What do the concepts of life and intelligence, culture and civilization, technology and communication mean in a cosmic context? What are the theological and philosophical implications if we find life - and if we do not? Steven J. Dick argues that given recent scientific findings, the discovery of life in some form beyond Earth is likely and so we need to study the possible impacts of such a discovery and formulate policies to deal with them. The remarkable and often surprising results are presented here in a form accessible to disciplines across the sciences, social sciences, and humanities.
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    This article examines a new concept that has recently emerged from the contributions of the German
    historian Alexander C.T. Geppert, for whom a series of hetereogeneous cultural elements, but related to they
    Space Age, can be grouped into a single field of historical study, which he calls Astroculture. After reviewing the traditional links between the Space Race and ufology, the paper analyzes how the latter can be inserted into Astroculture, and the consequences that would follow.
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    TUHO: jj, preziji jen hyperdruhy ,)
    TUHO --- ---

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    A new era of space travel | DW Documentary
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    News & Features – Exoplanet Exploration: Planets Beyond our Solar System
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    Why Climate Breakdown Matters: : Why Philosophy Matters Rupert Read Bloomsbury Academic

    Rupert Read asks us to face up to the fate of the planet. This is a book for anyone who wants their philosophy to deal with reality and their climate concern to be more than a displacement activity.

    As people come together to mourn the loss of the planet, we have the opportunity to create a grounded, hopeful response. This meaningful hopefulness looks to the new communities created around climate activism. Together, our collective mourning enables us to become human in ways previously unknown.

    Rupert reads the preface of his latest book, 'WHY CLIMATE BREAKDOWN MATTERS' | Norwich UK |
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    "Slunce, zdroj vší síly,
    štědrý dárce stínů,
    vylévá svou lásku na vzrušenou hlínu.
    A když leží člověk v trávě nad cestou,
    cítí, že se země stává nevěstou,
    že má kromě svého nesmírného věna
    lásku jako Bůh a tělo jako žena..."
    (Jean Nicolas Arthur Rimbaud)

    Our Sun's Mysterious 11-Year Cycle Appears to Be Driven by Alignment of The Planets : ScienceAlert
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    2022 The Story of Humanity: Ecology & Consequence

    The Story of Humanity: Ecology & Consequence is the tale of humanity, from hominid emergence to their self-extinction.

    The Story appears to be written by alien scholars long after Earthers were gone. From its preface, The Story seems to be science fiction. It is instead history and prophesy.

    The Story is a saga of misadventure from a remarkably adaptable creature. The book chronicles how and why men wiped themselves out.

    The thematic core of the book is psychology. The Story highlights the junctures at which men had the wrong concept and so made the wrong move
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