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    TADEASplanetarita - 'making life planetary'
    resersovaci klubik k tematum planetarity

    planetarita jako jednotici pohled na soucasne deni na Zemi a roli lidi v nem.


    - architektura planetarniho usporadani: klima, ekosystemy, logistika
    - sociopoliticke regiony planety a jejich cesta k planetarite
    - planetarita a architektura digitalni / vypocetni infrastruktury: ukladani dat, zpracovani vypoctu a identity
    - process civilizace v kontextu planetarity
    - kosmicky vyzkum, gradace civilizace v hypercivilizaci - 'making life multiplanetary'
    - management ekosystemu v kontextu planetarity - making life 'planetary' [for the first time]
    - terapie v kontextu planetarity: individualni terapie, facilitace spolecenskych procesu, biogeoterapie
    - exoplanetarita / interplanetarita - tema jinych civilizaci na jinych planetach [ne jako spekulativni blaboleni a amaterska ufologie] ale jako principialni tema

    a tak dale.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TADEAS: to jo.
    Pod pojmem kognitivní šok si představuju, že se lidi zastaví, budou zírat a nevědět, co dál.

    A to se nestane, dokud UAP nebudou mít přímý vliv na jejich život. To jsem chtěla říct.
    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: tak planetarita je taky paradigma, rekneme dejinna epocha. to ze lidi maj vliv na ozonovou vrstvu, nebo ze lidi nemaj vliv na extra/ultraterrestrials/UAPs, jak se popasovame s timto na socialni, kognitivni, a s digitalitou hyper-kognitivni urovni, to vsechno do toho patri... ty epochy jsou nejaky deje casove v rozmerech staleti, takze siroce 'prozivana' je ta epocha v nejakym svym kulminujicim stadiu, kde se konsoliduje vyklad, pridavaji se late-adopters .]
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TADEAS: a vykazuji ty fenomeny nejakou interakci, komunikaci?

    ja to beru tak, ze např. kvantova fyzika je šok, neurovědní průkazy toho, že není svobodná vůle je šok, ale protože to s lidma "nekomunikuje" tak to lidem žádnou změnu paradigmatu nedělá. srovnala bych to s ozonovou dírou, kde lidi pár let měli naprosto hmotnou a konkrétní rakovinu kůže, tudíž se okamžitě zakázaly freony. fosil zjevně a viditelně rakovinu nezpůsobuje, takže nic. Natožpak UAP, nemá to přímý důsledky na lidské prožívání, rakovinu to nezpůsobuje ani neléčí, takže nic.
    TADEAS --- ---

    Breakthrough Listen: Deep Learning Search for Technosignatures

    Machine learning algorithms applied to Breakthrough Listen data from the Green Bank Telescope have been used to find signals of interest, while filtering out radio frequency interference, as reported in a new paper accepted for publication in Nature Astronomy. Follow-up observations did not re-detect the signals, so they do not pass the criteria required for bona fide technosignature candidates. However, the technique represents a promising new way to look for anomalies in data from our searches, while efficiently filtering out millions of signals from our own technology.

    A paper describing these results (see also shareable PDF link) has been accepted for publication in the journal Nature Astronomy and a preprint is also available.

    Will Machine Learning Help Us Find Extraterrestrial Life?

    This study re-examined data taken with the Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia as part of a Breakthrough Listen campaign that initially indicated no targets of interest. The goal was to apply new deep learning techniques to a classical search algorithm to yield faster, more accurate results. After running the new algorithm and manually re-examining the data to confirm the results, newly detected signals had several key characteristics:

    The signals were narrow band, meaning they had narrow spectral width, on the order of just a few Hz. Signals caused by natural phenomena tend to be broadband.

    - The signals had non-zero drift rates, which means the signals had a slope. Such slopes could indicate a signal’s origin had some relative acceleration with our receivers, hence not local to the radio observatory.

    - The signals appeared in ON-source observations and not in OFF-source observations. If a signal originates from a specific celestial source, it appears when we point our telescope toward the target and disappears when we look away. Human radio interference usually occurs in ON and OFF observations due to the source being close by.

    - Cherry Ng, another of Ma’s research advisors and an astronomer at both the SETI Institute and the French National Center for Scientific Research said, “These results dramatically illustrate the power of applying modern machine learning and computer vision methods to data challenges in astronomy, resulting in both new detections and higher performance. Application of these techniques at scale will be transformational for radio technosignature science.”

    While re-examinations of these new targets of interest have yet to result in re-detections of these signals, this new approach to analyzing data can enable researchers to more effectively understand the data they collect and act quickly to re-examine targets.
    TADEAS --- ---
    jako je velkej pribeh lidstva jeho pusobnost v rovine planety a s tim souvisejici klimaticka zmena, ktera ma svoji intelektualni historii, pribeh o velky informacni synteze, tak ufo/uap, extra/ultra terrestrials bude nejakej podobnej velkej pribeh, kterej zatim zdaleka neni tak jasnej a mainstreamovej jako klimaticka zmena, ale podobne to bude urcitej kognitivni šok, zmena paradigmatu. tak jako byly a jsou aktivni tendence dezinformovat ve vztahu ke klimatu, stejne, ne li vyhrocenejsi to je i v ufologii. pritom pro interplanetaritu, tesne souvisejici s planetaritou a pro pribeh lidstva je to zasadni :)

    Bombshell Documents Explain UFO Coverup
    TADEAS --- ---
    David Kipping: Alien Civilizations and Habitable Worlds | Lex Fridman Podcast #355
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    Project Titan Approved By San Marino: UFOs Set To Be Discussed At United Nations For First Time Since 1978 — Liberation Times | Reimagining Old News

    Today, the Parliament of San Marino voted in favour to participate in Project Titan, meaning San Marino will submit a proposal to the UN for the creation of a permanent office tasked with the preparation of periodic global conferences dedicated to the scientific study of UFOs, otherwise known as Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP).

    In total, 25 members voted in favour of the project whilst two abstained and two voted against.

    The proposal will now be submitted to the UN’s Secretary General before undergoing a preliminary examination and discussion. Following this, the proposal would be submitted to a vote at the General Assembly.

    If successfully passed, the United Nations would run the new office which organises periodic conferences hosted by San Marino, becoming the Geneva of global UAP studies
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    2022 On an Extensive Late Hydrologic Event in Gale Crater as Indicated by Water-Rich Fracture Halos

    Light-toned opaline silica features found throughout rocks along Curiosity rover's traverse are the exposed roots of a vast fluid event in recent Martian geologic history. Using data collected from several instruments on Curiosity rover, we find evidence that the event was short lived and was followed by consistently cold and dry Mars climate conditions. This water-rich subsurface network was shielded from modern harsh surface conditions, allowing for a potentially habitable environment on Mars in a more recent era. These light-toned features are also ideal for follow-up investigation or sample return as similar opal-rich deposits on Earth are known to preserve traces of microbial life. Additionally, the features themselves contain a considerable amount of readily released water, making them an ideal resource at the otherwise dry Martian equator.
    TADEAS --- ---
    NASA’s TESS Discovers Planetary System’s Second Earth-Size World

    Using data from NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, scientists have identified an Earth-size world, called TOI 700 e, orbiting within the habitable zone of its star – the range of distances where liquid water could occur on a planet’s surface. The world is 95% Earth’s size and likely rocky.

    Astronomers previously discovered three planets in this system, called TOI 700 b, c, and d. Planet d also orbits in the habitable zone. But scientists needed an additional year of TESS observations to discover TOI 700 e.

    “This is one of only a few systems with multiple, small, habitable-zone planets that we know of,” said Emily Gilbert, a postdoctoral fellow at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California who led the work. “That makes the TOI 700 system an exciting prospect for additional follow-up. Planet e is about 10% smaller than planet d, so the system also shows how additional TESS observations help us find smaller and smaller worlds.”

    TESS Finds System's Second Earth-Size Planet
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS: fakt skvelej rozhovor .)
    TADEAS --- ---
    skilled intervention in fluid-solid phase transitions between solid rock and flowing particulate matter. Viewing cities as constitutively geological ... TADEAS

    TUHO --- ---
    All living things depend on the conversion of substrates to energy in order to stay alive, grow and reproduce. In an analogous sense, technical systems do so as well. They metabolize certain forms of matter and energy in order to function and, through that, increasingly populate the earthly spheres, bringing with them their own extractive logic and tendency for exhaustion. Taken as a whole, this type of activity traces the industrial-scale technical metabolism that defines the technosphere’s actual extent: wherever inputs of food and fuel and the corresponding outflows of wastes and emissions manifest themselves, there is the technosphere at work.

    How can one make this system-wide catalytic reaction of technologies, ecologies and humans tangible? Which socio-political consequences do shifts in metabolic cycles have, especially if they concern environmental changes and questions of access? How can the techno-metabolic system curb its almost insatiable appetite for resources and energy? This dossier explores how technological metabolisms are built and maintain themselves as evolutionary systems that draw together technological, biological and geochemical components whether in the form of cities, human ecologies, or energy economies.

    Metabolic Systems
    TADEAS --- ---
    ‘We better watch out’: NASA boss sounds alarm on Chinese moon ambitions - POLITICO
    TADEAS --- ---
    Betül Kaçar: Origin of Life, Ancient DNA, Panspermia, and Aliens | Lex Fridman Podcast #350
    TUHO --- ---

    Was Vernadsky a precursor to the post-Second World War Holocene-Anthropocene transition? Probably not. It is true that he had already prefigured ethical issues deriving from the ecological imbalances of man’s engagement with nature in a time when ecological concerns were banished under the Stalinist regime; but Vernadsky was thus censored, deformed, or ignored until very recently. However, if on the one hand he believed that changes and accelerations in the human technical system of labor and production can cause geological phenomena of huge significance, on the other his noosphere notion seems to coincide with the fulfillment of a new morality, a new rationality, and eventually the emergence of a new humanism. This does not resemble the catastrophic tone of Crutzen’s Geology of Mankind or, more in general, the idea of the Anthropocene that constantly reminds us about the damaging effects that humankind has had on the environment since at least the thermo-industrial revolution of the mid-nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Indeed, Vernadsky’s latest writings on the noosphere seem instead more optimistic with regard to humanity’s future use of scientific and technological knowledge.

    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: .]

    Ussher deduced that the first day of creation was October 23, 4004 BC
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: versus Usher chronology

    The Ussher chronology is a 17th-century chronology of the history of the world formulated from a literal reading of the Old Testament by James Ussher, the Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland. The chronology is sometimes associated with young Earth creationism, which holds that the universe was created only a few millennia ago by God as described in the first two chapters of the biblical book of Genesis. Ussher's work fell into disrepute in the 19th century.

    Ussher chronology - Wikipedia
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