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    TADEASplanetarita - 'making life planetary'
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    epesní konference

    Thinking Outer Space: Philosophy, Astroculture and the Histories of Planetarity
    NYU Berlin, 19–21 July 2023

    Thinking Outer Space

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    NASA UFO panel says stigma, lack of data are problems when studying 'unidentified aerial phenomena' | CBC News

    NASA said the focus of Wednesday's four-hour public session at the agency's headquarters in Washington was to hold "final deliberations" before the team publishes a report, which Spergel said was planned for release by late July.

    The team has "several months of work ahead of them," said Dan Evans, a senior research official at NASA's science unit, adding that panel members had been subjected to online abuse and harassment since they began their work.


    this suggests a significant negative stigma associated with reporting or even researching such phenomenon. That said, by encouraging military aviators to disclose anomalies that they've seen or detected, the Department of Defence is receiving many more reports."


    "I think the fact that NASA has called us together here as a panel to look into this, that NASA is hosting a public meeting, that we've heard, clearly stated, we're here to be transparent — I think that's the first step in trying to really normalize the study of UAPs," Toner said.

    Panel officials on Wednesday, having relied on unclassified data sensors, indicated they have run into much of the same obstacles as their Pentagon counterparts in studying unidentified objects.

    "The current data collection efforts about UAPs are unsystematic and fragmented across various agencies, often using instruments uncalibrated for scientific data collection," Spergel said.


    The parallel NASA and Pentagon efforts, both undertaken with some semblance of public scrutiny, highlight a turning point for the government after decades spent deflecting, debunking and discrediting sightings of unidentified flying objects — long associated with notions of flying saucers and aliens — dating back to the 1940s.
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    How private companies are aiming for the stars | DW Documentary
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    'Sistine Chapel of the ancients' rock art discovered in remote Amazon forest | Archaeology | The Guardian

    One of the world’s largest collections of prehistoric rock art has been discovered in the Amazonian rainforest.

    Hailed as “the Sistine Chapel of the ancients”, archaeologists have found tens of thousands of paintings of animals and humans created up to 12,500 years ago across cliff faces that stretch across nearly eight miles in Colombia.

    Their date is based partly on their depictions of now-extinct ice age animals, such as the mastodon, a prehistoric relative of the elephant that hasn’t roamed South America for at least 12,000 years. There are also images of the palaeolama, an extinct camelid, as well as giant sloths and ice age horses.
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    Seeking Extraterrestrial Artifacts In The Pacific Ocean | by Avi Loeb | Jun, 2023 | Medium

    An Anomalous Wire Made of Manganese and Platinum in the Pacific Ocean Site of the First Interstellar Meteor | by Avi Loeb | Jun, 2023 | Medium

    We Have Discovered Spherules from the Path of the First Recognized Interstellar Meteor, IM1 | by Avi Loeb | Jun, 2023 | Medium

    I ran up the stairs and saw the image of a spherule, 0.3 millimeter in size, looking like a metallic pearl on the background of volcanic ash. It felt like finding an ant in the kitchen. When you find one, you know that there must be many more. Indeed, I could find many more metallic spheres in the same microscope image.

    I congratulated the team for the discovery and urged Ryan to immediately place the spherule in the X-ray Fluorescence analyzer to get its composition. We found a composition of mostly iron with some magnesium and titanium but no nickel. This composition is anomalous compared to human-made alloys, known asteroids and familiar astrophysical sources
    TADEAS --- ---
    A Log of Our Exponential History. Our cosmic history went through periods… | by Avi Loeb | May, 2023 | Medium

    Our cosmic history went through periods of exponential acceleration in complexity. It is therefore appropriate to summarize it through 10 milestones separated by a factor of ten in time from each other:

    Five years ago, GPT-1 was introduced by OpenAI. It contained 117 million parameters. Today, GPT-4 has a million times more parameters.
    Fifty years ago, the final mission of NASA’s Apollo program, Apollo 17, had humans setting foot on the Moon.

    Fifty years ago, the final mission of NASA’s Apollo program, Apollo 17, had humans setting foot on the Moon.

    Five hundred year ago, Nicolaus Copernicus proposed that planets orbit the Sun, and that the Earth is not at the center of the Universe but rather a planet which, besides orbiting the Sun annually, also spins daily on its axis.

    Five thousand years ago, human history was recorded for the first time through the Sumerian cuneiform tablet.

    About fifty thousand years ago, three waves of Homo sapiens left Africa, migrated to Europe and replaced the indigenous Neanderthals, based on archaeological evidence.

    The genetic ancestry of Neanderthals dates to another factor of ten back in time. According to a new paper in Nature magazine, the Neanderthals originated 600,000 years ago from a small group of humans that budded off from an African community, labeled Stem1. The Neanderthals expanded across Europe and Asia.

    About five million years ago, the last split between the human and the chimpanzee–bonobo lineages took place. This split distinguished humans with only 23 pairs of chromosomes, compared to 24 for apes. The subsequent diversification of Hominins left only one surviving species, Homo sapiens.

    Ten times farther back in time, at around 66 million years ago, a ten-kilometer asteroid hit the Earth and extinguished 70–80% of all terrestrial species. Besides the non-avian dinosaurs, the event triggered the loss of all flying reptiles, most marine reptiles, more than half of land plants and insects, and hosts of other terrestrial and marine organisms. At face value, this was a devastating blow to the diversity of life on our planet. But we must keep in mind the blossoming culminating in GPT-4 after this catastrophe. If a catastrophe does not kill complexity altogether, it could make its eventual growth more impressive.

    Ten times farther back, half a billion years ago, Earth went through the Cambrian explosion of species, when all major animal phyla started appearing based on fossil records. Before the Cambrian diversification, most terrestrial organisms were composed of individual cells or small multicellular organisms. The accelerated diversification resulted in the complex animals we see today.

    About five billion years ago, the Sun formed out of the gravitational collapse of a local cloud of molecular gas. The planets, including the Earth, formed out of the debris disk left around the new star.
    Fifty billion years ago, the Universe did not exist. What preceded the Big Bang is unknown.
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    Through the Great Filter: a Spacetime Search for UAP(UFOs) - with Robin Hanson | Merged Podcast EP 9
    TUHO --- ---
    Benjamin Bratton

    See you in London.
    After Alignment:

    Orienting Synthetic Intelligence Beyond Human Reflection
    Lecture by Benjamin Bratton, Antikythera Director
    Wednesday June 28th 6pm
    Central Saint Martins Platform Theatre, Kings Cross
    RSVP required: https://bit.ly/3N1JPkp
    The emergence of machine intelligence must be steered toward planetary sapience in the service of viable long term futures. However, instead of strong alignment with “human values” and superficial anthropocentrism, the steerage of AI means treating these with nuanced suspicion.
    Synthetic intelligence refers to the wider field of artificially-composed intelligent systems that do and do not correspond to Humanism’s traditions, but which can complement and combine with human cognition, intuition, creativity, abstraction and discovery. Inevitably, both are forever altered by these diverse amalgamations.
    Benjamin Bratton, director of Antikythera, author of The Stack: On Software and Sovereignty and Professor of Philosophy of Technology at University of California San Diego, will share work from the program’s design studio and will discuss shifts from AGI to artificial generic intelligence, the agency of recursive simulations, the decentering of personal data, the emergence of cognitive infrastructures, intelligence as an evolutionary scaffold, the limitations of mainstream AI ethics, and why a planetary model of synthetic intelligence must drive its geopolitical project.
    A reception in the CSM Platform Bar will follow the lecture.
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    Consequences of twenty-first-century policy for multi-millennial climate and sea-level change | Nature Climate Change

    Here, we argue that the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, a period during which the overwhelming majority of human-caused carbon emissions are likely to occur, need to be placed into a long-term context that includes the past 20 millennia, when the last Ice Age ended and human civilization developed, and the next ten millennia, over which time the projected impacts of anthropogenic climate change will grow and persist. This long-term perspective illustrates that policy decisions made in the next few years to decades will have profound impacts on global climate, ecosystems and human societies — not just for this century, but for the next ten millennia and beyond
    YEETKA --- ---
    RADIQAL: jj, mně přijde, že kdo chce být v obraze stejně mluví a čte anglicky, pak není problém si dávat DR..
    ale jo, možná to je něco co by mělo být na archetypalu :)
    RADIQAL --- ---
    YEETKA: Tenhle je vopravdu dobrej. Trochu mi v běhu času zapomíná, že ty poslední 4 díly s “changing the register” jsu uplně genialně revoluční. A marně tápu po českym překladu…
    YEETKA --- ---
    další (pro mě kulervoucí, meh) díl TH s weylerem, spoluzakladatelem greenpeace..
    docela dobrý ponor do některých vrstev planetarity..

    Rex Weyler | Team Human
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    Climate Science as Counterculture | Liinc em Revista

    This article investigates climate science as a cultural object. By pursuing the “logic of its aporias”, it is shown that climate science emerged at the confluence of the objective development of the means of production (constituting a “planetary general intellect”) and the countercultural movement of the 60s, which put ecology at its center, but was broader than mere “environmentalism”. This resulted in the emergence of new forms of sensibility and a qualitative transformation of the natural sciences, which recognized the autonomy and complexity of nature. The constitution of climate science is reconstructed by taking the IGBP’s Amsterdam Declaration as historical archive, and by discussing biographical aspects of representative scientists, in mediation with their work and their world-historical context. Yet, the limits of climate science are those of counterculture. Climate science and its institutions preserve aspects of the previous mechanistic science as well as remaining traces of commodity fetishism.
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    TADEAS: we humans have driven half of all mammal species extinct already on the planet, now it's too late for the other species to say, "oh those humans, they are smarter than us, they are cutting down our rainforest, we should do something about it. they should have thought about that earlier, before they lost control to us. now is our chance to get this right
    TADEAS --- ---
    12:10 so we're building these aliens minds that we're then gonna have to share the planet with

    Max Tegmark interview: Six months to save humanity from AI? | DW Business Special
    TUHO --- ---
    In this short response we engage with four generous and stimulating commentaries on our Planetary Social Thought (2021). We endorse Cecilia Åsberg’s suggestion that the boundary between the environmental humanities and social sciences is dissolving – but also call for more inventive relations between these disciplines and the natural sciences. We discuss László Cseke’s account of the rise of factory-farmed ‘broiler’ chickens as a reversal of many of the achievements of the Earth over the last half-billion years. We agree with Franklin Ginn’s suggestion that vegetality is a crucial vector of planetary self-exploration and invention – and one that can give us clues as to what life might become on other worlds. We reflect on Simon Dalby’s observations about the lack of reference to planetary governance in the book, suggesting that we need a way of thinking the politics of the earth that goes beyond conflict and agonism – in Åsberg’s words, that we need to learn not just to survive but to thrive.

    Thinking through the Earth - Research Portal | Lancaster University

    a taky
    Planetary Social Thought: The Anthropocene Challenge to the Social Sciences | Wiley
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    ESA launches JUICE to find out if Jupiter's moons can sustain life | DW News
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    digitalni vrstva sveta jako planetarni fenomen, digitalni (aka "umele") inteligence jako projev rozvoje teto vrstvy sveta (ci pouze vrstvy civilizace?)

    k tematu od juliana assange nez byl pred nekolika lety odstrizen od komunikace

    Enrico Fermi was out walking amongst us out in Los Alamos with some of his physicist buddies and he looked up at the stars and said: where is everyone. [...] His question is very deep - it's that there don't appear to be any. And by appear I mean there are no physical signs that we can detect, in terms of what happens to stars, the energy seems to be constantly boiling off being wasted into space, we don't hear radio signals, we don't see anything of civilized life.

    And yet in the last 10 years [...] planetary astrophysics has shown that there's tens of thousands of extrasolar planets that we have actually detected on an individual basis. And from that you can assemble the probabilities of there being Earth-approximating planets. And there's hundreds of millions, maybe billions just in this galaxy. So the question then becomes: Well, where is the civilized life? Why don't we see it? Why don't we see any signs of it anywhere?

    The answer to that could be that the reasons we don't see signs of civilized life with the increasingly powerful measurement apparatus is because life simply doesn't evolve, life itself. That's why we don't see civilized life. There's something very rare about the earth and the means of life here evolved. But when we look at the Earth and when we look at extrasolar planets, we don't see any reason why that should be true. In fact we we see organic amino acids in space dust and asteroids and so on, and we know that asteroids cross-pollinate. For example there's asteroids here from Mars, bits of Earth have gone to Mars etc., when we get hit by an asteroid and stuff flies off etc. So there's quite a lot of reason to believe that the basic building blocks of life have spread widely, so my view, and I think it's the the only view you can take so far until more data comes in, is that there's something very unstable about civilization.

    There's something very unstable about technologically advanced civilization that means it doesn't go on for long, and I think the answer to that is the very rapid competition, if you like the light speed competition that occurs when you wire up the world to itself. And that very rapid competition can have two fates. Number one, it can produce very robust artificial intelligences that are then coupled with their States. You can see that panning out in the United States and China as they each shore up. [...] Those two forces are going to take essentially all the market and the rapid competition between them with the backing and support of the states behind them. The exacerbation of the commercial competition through geopolitical competition will lead to an uncontrollable desire for growth in artificial intelligence capacity, leading to a very severe conflict or statification. You can follow these trajectories in different ways, it takes too long to describe.

    So I think that's our biggest threat - it is geopolitical competition removing what otherwise might be sensible human controls on the development of artificial intelligence. That geopolitical competition are harnessed by and is itself harnessing the largest artificial intelligence companies to ratchet up a process which human beings can no longer control. Not in the sense of there being killer robots, although of course Google is now putting its AI in drones and so on, so yeah, there are killer robots. Not in this classic dystopian sense, but rather in a way that comes from understanding how human institutions behave, which is institutions that are built on competition and growing their size and dominating markets etc., [and that] take any advantage they get and will continue to ratchet up in competition and everything that they produce has that DNA in it. And that's where we're headed, and that's a severe threat to human beings in general and all businesses. But perhaps the answer to that threat is people understand computer security, offensive computer security in particular, trying to work out what to do about it.


    "The future of humanity is the struggle between humans that control machines and machines that control humans.

    While the internet has brought about a revolution in our ability to educate each other, the consequent democratic explosion has shaken existing establishments to their core. Burgeoning digital super states such as Google, Facebook and their Chinese equivalents, who are integrated with the existing order, have moved to reestablish discourse control. This is not simply a corrective action. Undetectable mass social influence powered by artificial intelligence is an existential threat to humanity.

    While still in its infancy, the geometric nature of this trend is clear. The phenomenon differs from traditional attempts to shape culture and politics by operating at a scale, speed, and increasingly at a subtlety, that appears highly likely to eclipse human counter-measures.

    Nuclear war, climate change or global pandemics are existential threats that we can work through with discussion and thought. Discourse is humanity’s immune system for existential threats. Diseases that infect the immune system are usually fatal. In this case, at a planetary scale."

    - J. Assange

    Julian Assange last Interview before Communications Cut at Ecuadorian Embassy - London
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    VOYTEX --- ---
    Would building a Dyson sphere be worth it? We ran the numbers. | Ars Technica

    (mmch fun fact k Dysonovi, byl HC popirac antropo klima zmeny...)
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