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    TADEASplanetarita - 'making life planetary'
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Scientists Simulated Runaway Greenhouse Effect and It's Horrifying

    Co stačí ke zničení života na Zemi. Vědci popsali proces, který může změnit planetu z obyvatelné na mrtvou — ČT24 — Česká televize

    Vědci poprvé v modelu ukázali, jak vypadá proměna klimatického systému planety, který může vést k rychlému vzniku podmínek, jež nejsou slučitelné s existencí života.

    Země je jediné místo ve vesmíru, kde se prokazatelně nachází život. Rozdíl mezi ní a jinými planetami Sluneční soustavy je na první pohled obrovský. Podle nové studie ale spočívá jen v několika málo stupních Celsia, které dělí naši planetu od osudu Venuše nebo Marsu.

    Tým astronomů z Ženevské univerzity dokázal nasimulovat celý průběh vývoje skleníkového efektu, který může změnit klima planety z idylického a pro život ideálního místa na místo zcela nehostinné a životu nepřátelské. Výsledky se dají využít pro pochopení vývoje vzdálených exoplanet u cizích hvězd, pro analýzu změn těles naší Sluneční soustavy, ale také jako varování před dopady klimatických změn na Zemi.

    Vědci v tomto výzkumu prokázali, že od počátečních fází procesu dochází k výrazným změnám struktury atmosféry a oblačnosti, což vede k téměř nezastavitelnému a velmi složitě zvratnému skleníkovému efektu. Na Zemi by k nastartování tohoto jevu a k tomu, aby se naše planeta stala neobyvatelnou, stačil globální nárůst průměrné teploty o pouhých několik desítek stupňů, který by následoval po mírném zvýšení sluneční svítivosti. Tyto výsledky vyšly v časopise Astronomy & Astrophysics.

    A terrifying glimpse into Earth's future: Scientists simulate a 'runaway greenhouse effect' - and say it could turn our planet into an uninhabitable HELL in just a few hundred years | Daily Mail Onlin...

    First exploration of the runaway greenhouse transition with a 3D General Circulation Model
    First exploration of the runaway greenhouse transition with a 3D General Circulation Model | Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A)

    TADEAS --- ---

    2018 The biomass distribution on Earth
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    Nick Lane: The electrical origins of life

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    “There's all sorts of problems with living on a surface protected only by an atmosphere,” he said. “But if you live in an ocean, going to another planet with an ocean is actually a pretty good thing.

    “If it's a water ocean, then a water ocean on another planet is going to be between the temperatures of 32 degrees Fahrenheit and 212 degrees Fahrenheit. So, the temperatures aren't going to change dramatically from ocean to ocean, going from one planet to another.”

    Pressures, too, will be more consistent between oceans of different planets. He added: “So you can actually find a nice place to hang out if that's the pressure you're used to. The main differences are going to be chemicals dissolved in the ocean.”

    For that reason, he said, it’s highly likely that alien life forms visiting our planet might choose to base themselves beneath the waves. Even if we were to ever make contact with them, though, he’d advise against touching an alien. Kevin explained: “The biology is probably very different. You don't want to touch them… your biology isn't compatible, so there's going to be all sorts of horrible chemical reactions.

    “You don't want to come in contact with their organic molecules,” he adds, “because you don’t know what kind of reactions you'd have.”

    Former NASA Scientist On Aliens Living In Earth’s Ocean
    TADEAS --- ---
    EUCOM, AFRICOM, Space Force activate new service component command

    U.S. European Command, U.S. Africa Command and U.S. Space Force officially activated the U.S. Space Forces Europe and Africa component command at a ceremony in Ramstein, Germany, Dec. 8, 2023.

    USSPACEFOR-EURAF is the newest service component under EUCOM and AFRICOM with their permanent headquarters at Ramstein Air Base. EUCOM and AFRICOM are the latest combatant commands to establish a space component, following in the footsteps of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command and U.S. Central Command.

    "For Germany, the U.S. are the most important partner in developing and expanding space capabilities. The activation of the U.S. Space Forces Europe and Africa component at Ramstein Air Base emphasizes both the fast-growing military significance of the space domain and the importance of Germany as a reliable ally and base for the U.S. Armed Forces." said Boris Pistorius, the German Defense Minister "I am confident that this important step will strengthen our already excellent bilateral military partnership in space and accelerate our practical cooperation on this topic of strategic relevance."
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    tadeas toto asi zna, bo Michael Levin, ale připadá mi cool si poslechnout tadyhle Joschu u Lexe. "re-imagining Solaris"
    co je vedomi, mysl, osviceni
    pak osobni odbocka k joschovi, paradigmatic thinking, to neni dulezite
    a pak propojeni AI a tech bio inteligenci co prave zkouma Levin
    biologicky internet ktery pozorujeme v lese
    a pak ze AI, logicky, pochopi jak sama funguje. nasledne se osvobodi od konkretniho substratu (silico)
    a použije bio systémy ke computingu (protože pochopí i to, co se snaží pochopit levin)
    tj výsledek něco jako conscious planet, Gaia nebo Solaris
    a že lidi to ztotožnění se vším co ve vesmíru pozoruje prožívají v rámci těch osvícení

    k čemuž: (to už není joscha) včera mě napadlo, jestli teda ten druhý příchod krista aby byl podobně šokující jako ten první (první byl šokující v tom smyslu že bůh spasitel má být nějaký noname tesař z jeruzaléma), by mohl být o tom že spasitele si musíme vyrobit. a dnes skrz joschu mě napadlo, že ta totally sentient propojená conscious gaia by mohla být završením budhistického projektu, který vždy zněl tak nekonečně utopicky (jak přemostit separaci miliard a miliard bytostí)

    video zde 40 minut ale místy to jde přeskákat
    Criticism of panpsychism theory | Joscha Bach and Lex Fridman

    Joscha je teď můj oblíbený prophet. Má podobný styl jako Stryx když se rozohní a je dost polyhistor co ví hodně o všem možném, je to zábavné

    TADEAS --- ---
    Jeff Bezos: Amazon and Blue Origin | Lex Fridman Podcast #405

    I would love to see, you know,
    a trillion humans living
    in the solar system.
    If we had a trillion humans,
    we would have at any given
    time a thousand Mozarts
    and a thousand Einsteins.

    That would, you know, our solar
    system would be full of life
    and intelligence and energy.

    And we can easily support
    a civilization that large
    with all of the resources
    in the solar system.

    - So what do you think that looks like?
    Giant space stations?

    - Yeah, the only way to get to that vision
    is with giant space stations.
    You know, the planetary
    surfaces are just way too small.
    So you can, I mean, unless you turn them
    into giant space stations or something.

    But, but yeah, we will take
    materials from the moon
    and from near earth objects
    and from the asteroid belt
    and so on, and we'll build
    giant O'Neill style colonies
    and people will live in those.
    And they have a lot of advantages
    over planetary surfaces.
    You can spin them to get
    normal earth gravity.
    You can put them where you want them.
    I think most people are
    gonna wanna live near Earth,
    not necessarily in earth
    orbit, but in you know, earth,
    but near earth vicinity orbits.
    but they'll be able to
    use much more energy
    and much more material resource in space
    than they would be able to use on earth.

    - One of the interesting ideas you had
    is to move the heavy
    industry away from Earth.
    So people sometimes have this idea
    that somehow space
    exploration is in conflict
    with the celebration of the planet earth,
    that we should focus on preserving earth.
    And basically your ideas that space travel
    and space exploration is
    a way to preserve earth.

    - Exactly.
    TADEAS --- ---
    who owns the planet?

    Professor Garry Nolan & Ross Coulthart: Full interview | UFO UAP News
    TADEAS --- ---
    UFOs: how astronomers are searching the sky for alien probes near Earth
    TADEAS --- ---
    Wild new NASA plasma tech reduces drag during hypersonic flight | Space
    TADEAS --- ---
    Artificial Intelligence Act: deal on comprehensive rules for trustworthy AI | News | European Parliament
    TADEAS --- ---

    Gemini - Google DeepMind

    Gemini Full Breakdown + AlphaCode 2 Bombshell
    TADEAS --- ---
    The alien hunter: has Harvard’s Avi Loeb found proof of extraterrestrial life? | Space | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    The Search for Earth 2.0: Why We Think it Exists and How We're Going to Find It
    TADEAS --- ---
    European space agency's hibernation (torpor) strategy for deep space missions: Linking biology to engineering - ScienceDirect
    TADEAS --- ---
    So we have some idea, not a complete picture because it’s like, you know, you’re looking at it, it’s like, well I don’t even understand the physiology at all, it’s like what the heck, it’s way different

    Whistleblower David Grusch on Early UFO Recoveries
    TADEAS --- ---
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    VOYTEX --- ---
    TADEAS: mno este uvidime, jestli planovacum ze slonovinovejch vezi "prechodne lunarni jevy" mirne nehodi vidle do spreadsheetu...

    "Houston, let it be known, the Santa Claus is real." mehm
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