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    TADEASplanetarita - 'making life planetary'
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    Genetics, Genomics and breeding of tree bamboos: emerging prospects and future challenges

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    UFOs: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
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    Beneath the Surface: We May Learn More about UAP by Looking in the Ocean – The Sol Foundation

    Where national security is concerned, the current situation with maritime domain awareness is unsettling. Even though the ocean covers 71 percent of Earth’s surface, less than 25 percent of the seabed has been mapped to modern standards, and only 5 percent of the ocean volume explored—more is known about the surfaces of the moon and Mars than that of our own planet’s seafloor. The geophysical undersampling of the world’s ocean is a critical concern for maritime security, as obtaining and maintaining knowledge of threats on and under the sea remains a perpetually unfinished task. The fact that unidentified objects with unexplainable characteristics are entering US water space and the DOD is not raising a giant red flag is a sign that the government is not sharing all it knows about all-domain anomalous phenomena. An effective and complete approach to maritime security must seek to uncover the “unknown unknowns” associated with transmedium UAP and USOs.

    Yet however concerning the security implications of UAP are, the scientific ramifications are nothing short of world changing. Pilots, credible observers, and calibrated military instrumentation have recorded objects accelerating at rates and crossing the air–sea interface in ways not possible for anything made by humans, and several pieces of congressional legislation support these observations by defining UAP as transmedium vehicles. The stunning implication is that engineering, materials science, and physics beyond the state of the art are needed to produce and operate these objects. This knowledge could transform such fields as air and maritime transportation, energy generation, agriculture, communications, computing, manufacturing, space travel—virtually every imaginable economic sector—not to mention defense. Further study of UAP may lead to discoveries that make those of the scientific revolution in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries look like baby steps.
    TADEAS --- ---

    A neutral, supranational UAP research organization comprising scientists, military experts, and civil society leaders could serve as a further means to navigate and overcome national rivalries. The technocratic nature of such a body, alongside its elite composition, could help ensure that cooperation in UAP research is insulated from larger geopolitical frictions. Fur­thermore, actors within this supranational organization could consciously extend the scope of integration, pushing from straightforward UAP research into establishing comprehensive aerospace and defense safety protocols, agreements, and regulations. This extension might in­volve a range of related issues, from the improvement of global airspace monitoring systems to detect UAP and the streamlining of transnational communication channels for UAP report­ing to the global coordination of military UAP-response strategies

    Yet such a system of fluid cooperation and interdependence remains years away. To work toward it, we must begin with a civil society approach and the attainable goal of an interna­tional civil organization. Presently, there are a number of nongovernmental scientific orga­nizations and projects committed to the study of UAP—Enigma Labs, the Interdisciplinary Research Center for Extraterrestrial Studies, the Galileo Project, the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies, the Sol Foundation, and VASCO, to name just a few—as well as long-standing investigative groups, from the Mutual UFO Network and the National UFO Reporting Cen­ter in the United States to GEIPAN in Europe. However, there is not yet a truly international organization robust enough to facilitate the sharing of information across borders, the stan­dardization of methodologies for identification and categorization, and the vetting, registra­tion, and cataloging of UAP events
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    Jon Majerowski - Patrick Jackson 2 - The AI Drone Network Behind Paranormal Activity and UFOs
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    UAP: Reporting and scientific assessment in the EU. Exchange of views in the European Parliament
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    UAP in Crowded Skies: Atmospheric and Orbital Threat Reduction in an Age of Geopolitical Uncertainty – The Sol Foundation


    This paper accordingly outlines a possible reform agenda that can have significant value to national governments and publics alike, independent of verification or disclosure of what causes UAP phenomena. To some extent, this paper is also a mapping exercise to show the breadth of serious policy discourse that is possible beyond the questions of UAP existence and disclosure. Methodologically speaking, we treat UAP as a “black box”—an unknown or poorly understood entity that nonetheless produces clear effects in its environment—and hope thereby to show that the opaque character of UAP in no way precludes a national and international policy reform effort to address them.

    Policy reform should focus on the public safety and national security risks that UAP events pose in increasingly unstable aerospace and outer space control regimes. These events are of broad interest to leaders and participants in civil and military aviation, defense, scientific, and commercial outer space endeavors as well as national governments facing a tense geopolitical environment. Moreover, public safety and national security are the two areas where a lack of action on developing robust UAP policies has the most significant consequences, irrespective of UAP identity. The unpredictability of the phenomena poses a considerable flight hazard to individual aviators, and their interaction with new, disruptive technologies such as drones, commercial and military space vehicles, and hypersonic missiles creates broad risks to international order.

    The current low-trust climate of technological change and geopolitical competition, however, leaves governments poorly prepared to respond to UAP. The crowding of the skies by not only UAP but drones, surveillance balloons, and hypersonic missiles is causing existing norms and multilateral conventions to reach their limit for effective coordination and control. In near-Earth orbit and outer space, commercialization and renewed geopolitical competition combined with an endemic space junk crisis further complicate transparency and predictability. As more and more vehicles cross thresholds between territorially sovereign airspace and the commons of atmospheric and outer space, the potential for cataclysmic accidents and miscalculations caused by UAP increases. The current predicament suffers from a series of irreconcilable boundary problems under current regimes such as the 1944 Convention on International Civil Aviation and the 1967 Outer Space Treaty. While divisions between civilian and military aviation control have resulted in few catastrophic accidents, technological changes and the distribution of those technologies make a future without such events unlikely.
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    This three part pod-cast on The Club of Rome and the Limits to Growth is extraordinary. If you haven't listened to it yet, the truth about the history, evolution and opposition to these ideas is both astounding and tragic.

    The Problematique (Part 1)

    Maybe We Did Want to Save the World (Part 2)

    Where Are We Going, Really? (Part 3)
    TUHO --- ---
    Kind of related

    The Government of Things

    Materialism, a rich philosophical tradition that goes back to antiquity, is currently undergoing a renaissance. In The Government of Things, Thomas Lemke provides a comprehensive overview and critical assessment of this “new materialism”. In analyzing the work of Graham Harman, Jane Bennett, and Karen Barad, Lemke articulates what, exactly, new materialism is and how it has evolved. These insights open up new spaces for critical thought and political experimentation, overcoming the limits of anthropocentrism.

    Drawing on Michel Foucault’s concept of a “government of things”, the book also goes beyond new materialist scholarship which tends to displace political questions by ethical and aesthetic concerns. It puts forward a relational and performative account of materialities that more closely attends to the interplay of epistemological, ontological, and political issues.

    Lemke provides definitive and much-needed clarity about the fascinating potential—and limitations—of new materialism as a whole. The Government of Things revisits Foucault’s more-than-human understanding of government to capture a new constellation of power: “environmentality”. As the book demonstrates, contemporary modes of government seek to control the social, ecological, and technological conditions of life rather than directly targeting individuals and populations. The book offers an essential and much needed tool to critically examine this political shift.
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    'Aliens' have been 'monitoring' Earth's nuclear weapons for decades, claims expert - Irish Star

    There were reports of UFOs landing near the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant after the disaster to remove dangerous levels of harmful radiation from the air, as shown in a Netflix documentary.

    Investigative journalist George Knapp, who has been studying the connection between UAPs and nuclear power for over 30 years, has collected documents from the Departments of Defence and Energy after filing Freedom of Information Act requests.

    He said: "All of the nuclear facilities Alamos, Livermore, Sandia, Savannah River-all had dramatic incidents where these unknown craft appeared over the facilities and nobody knew where they were from or what they were doing there."

    He spoke to more than a dozen workers from the atomic test site in the Nevada desert, where A-bombs were detonated and tested after WWII. He says they told him UFO sightings were so regular there, staff were given the job of watching the activity.
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    UAP Reporting and Material Disposition Procedures Released - The Black Vault

    — An introductory paragraph states: “The U.S. government has observed UAP in or near the territory and/or operating areas of the United States, of its allies, and of its adversaries, and observing, identifying, and potentially mitigating UAP has become a growing priority for US policymakers, lawmakers, and warfighters. The potentially ubiquitous presence of UAP defines the national security implications of those anomalies, which range from operational hazards and threats to technological and intelligence surprise to adversaries’ strategic miscalculations. It is imperative that DoD provide UAP incident, incursion, and engagement…reporting, data, and material for the Department’s detection and mitigation of potential threats; exploitation of advanced technologies; and informing policymaker and warfighter decisions.”
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TADEAS: proto davam do zavorky ten otaznik, bo nejdriv by se musel vyresit alignment, tj mozna jak ma ten Russell**, pocitat nejak dle lidstvem projevovanych hodnot co vlastne lidstvo chce. Realita nemuze byt transparentni, protoze to nejde kognitivne zvladnout, je toho vseho moc. Vzdy nekdo musi rozhodnout, zda je ted priorita aby lidi zamerili pozornost na to, ze v Gaze ma milion lidi hlad a umrelo 13000 deti, nebo to priorita neni.

    tj bud budou ruzne dashboardy (jak ted = kazda skupina konstruuje svet jinak), anebo fakt at to cele pojme ASI, ale pak to neni demokracie ale AIkracie, bo lidi ji musi vicemene slepe verit (je to na ne moc komplexni)

    ** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_Compatible
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    YMLADRIS: je to spravnym smerem, akorat je to proste konstitutivni world-making proces, neni to interface to the world "out there", protoze neni zadne out there :)
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    Joscha pozitivně (?) imaginuje dashboard

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    The public lecture entitled ‘Will digital intelligence replace biological intelligence?’ discussed the dangers of artificial intelligence (AI) and how to ensure it does not take control of humans, and consequently, wipe out humanity. He said that the fact that digital intelligence is immortal and does not evolve should make it less susceptible to religion and wars, but ‘if a digital super-intelligence ever wanted to take control it is unlikely that we could stop it,’ he added.

    The British-Canadian computer scientist and cognitive psychologist also spoke of how AI could replace humans in the workforce and how it could be used to spread misinformation. He had previously believed that it could take AI systems up to a century to become ‘super intelligent’. He now thinks that it could happen much sooner than he had anticipated.

    Prof. Geoffrey Hinton - "Will digital intelligence replace biological intelligence?" Romanes Lecture
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    Assembly theory of evolution explained | Lee Cronin and Lex Fridman
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    Earth Holds The Key To Alien Life | Sara Walker
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    Dr. Christine Jones - Building New Topsoil Through The Liquid Carbon Pathway



    Dr. Christine Jones - Quorum Sensing In The Soil Microbiome
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    intelligence is a phenomenon of how many biodiverse inputs you can have

    Extreme Hangout COP28 | Zach Bush - Storyteller
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