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    TADEASplanetarita - 'making life planetary'
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    Early ancestral bottleneck could've spelled the end for modern humans

    An unexplained gap in the African/Eurasian fossil record may now be explained thanks to a team of researchers from China, Italy and the United States. Using a novel method called FitCoal (fast infinitesimal time coalescent process), the researchers were able to accurately determine demographic inferences by using modern-day human genomic sequences from 3,154 individuals. These findings indicate that early human ancestors went through a prolonged, severe bottleneck in which approximately 1,280 breeding individuals were able to sustain a population for about 117,000 years.
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    Mars may once have had an ocean with sandy beaches, radar data suggests | Astronomy | The Guardian
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    Do contemporary AI agents exemplify or reinterpret forgotten debates on the ontological and ethical functions of angelic intellects, demonic adversaries, and phantasmata (machines)? This symposium frames Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a catalyst reigniting foundational discussions about agency, ontology, epistemology, and ethics. Debates on radically externalized, affective, distributed, simulated, or emergent forms of agency agency are after all rooted in medieval scholastic inquiries into non-human intelligences. Revisiting these historical paradigms allows us to interrogate whether AI revives premodern ontologies or forces their radical reconfiguration under contemporary technological, ethical, and philosophical conditions.

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    Google DeepMind CEO: We Want To Build A Virtual Cell
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    I discovered Impossible Geometry on Google Earth
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    2025 Beyond the closed-forest paradigm: Cross-scale vegetation structure in temperate Europe before the late-Quaternary megafauna extinctions

    Beyond the Closed-Forest Paradigm: Rethinking Temperate Europe’s Natural Landscapes

    Our new study, co-authored with an international team, challenges the long-standing assumption that Europe’s temperate landscapes were uniformly covered by closed forest before human impact. Here, using state-of-the-art pollen analyses we reconstruct vegetation patterns from the Last Interglacial (~129,000–116,000 years ago) - prior to the human-driven megafauna extinction - and uncover a highly heterogeneous landscape—not the dense, continuous forests often assumed.

    Key Findings:

    ✅ Mosaic Landscapes: At a local scale (~9 km²), vegetation was a dynamic mix: 17% open areas, 21% closed forests, and 63% light woodlands (composed of disturbance-adapted plants) —far from a uniform dense forest.

    ✅ Weak Climate Correlations: Surprisingly, climate alone did not strongly predict vegetation openness, suggesting that local-scale factors and disturbances played a key role.

    ✅ Scale Matters: Local and regional vegetation patterns were only weakly correlated, highlighting the importance of fine-scale heterogeneity in understanding past ecosystems.

    ✅ The Role of Megafauna: Large herbivores likely played a key role in shaping this landscape, maintaining openness and biodiversity through grazing and browsing—a perspective with key implications for conservation, restoration, reforestation, and rewilding.

    🌍 These findings challenge the classic closed-forest paradigm and provide crucial insights for biodiversity conservation and restoration strategies today.
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    Meta plans to build world’s longest underwater subsea cable venture | Meta | The Guardian
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    Hypersonic and Ballistic Tracking Space Sensor Satellites
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    TADEAS: ten me nedeterminuje teda nijak
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    YMLADRIS: spis soucit s rodici ne
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    TADEAS: to se mi líbí (vložit do AI mateřský pud)
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    ‘Godfather of AI’ predicts it will take over the world | LBC

    You say they try to get more control as if they are already thinking devices, as if they think in a way analogous to the way we think. Is that really what you believe?

    "Yes, the best model we have of how we think is these things. There was an old model for a long time in AI where the idea was that thought was applying rules to symbolic expressions in your head and most people in AI thought it has to be like that, that's the only way it could work. There were a few crazy people who said no no it's a big neural network and it works by all these neurons interacting. It turns out that's been much better at doing reasoning than anything the symbolic AI people could produce and now it's doing reasoning using neural networks."


    We would like them to be just tools that do what we want even when they're cleverer than us but the first thing to ask is how many examples do you know of more intelligent things being controlled by much less intelligent things? There are examples of course in human societies of stupid people controlling intelligent people but that's just a small difference in intelligence. With big differences in intelligence there aren't any examples. The only one I can think of is a mother and baby and evolution put a lot of work into allowing the baby to control the mother."
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    Křemíkoví Sověti - Sen o nesmrtelnosti

    Zdá se, že zde existuje paradoxní paralela mezi futuristickým myšlením mladého Sovětského svazu a diskurzem Silicon Valley. A čím blíže se na ni díváte, tím je jasnější. Dalo by se dokonce říci, že ducha kalifornského technologického kapitalismu lze plně pochopit pouze tehdy, čtete-li ho na pozadí jeho komunistického protějšku.
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    Vzorky z planetky Bennu jsou plné životadárných sloučenin — ČT24 — Česká televize

    An evaporite sequence from ancient brine recorded in Bennu samples | Nature

    Evaporation or freezing of water-rich fluids with dilute concentrations of dissolved salts can produce brines, as observed in closed basins on Earth1 and detected by remote sensing on icy bodies in the outer Solar System2,3. The mineralogical evolution of these brines is well understood in regard to terrestrial environments4, but poorly constrained for extraterrestrial systems owing to a lack of direct sampling. Here we report the occurrence of salt minerals in samples of the asteroid (101955) Bennu returned by the OSIRIS-REx mission5. These include sodium-bearing phosphates and sodium-rich carbonates, sulfates, chlorides and fluorides formed during evaporation of a late-stage brine that existed early in the history of Bennu’s parent body. Discovery of diverse salts would not be possible without mission sample return and careful curation and storage, because these decompose with prolonged exposure to Earth’s atmosphere. Similar brines probably still occur in the interior of icy bodies Ceres and Enceladus, as indicated by spectra or measurement of sodium carbonate on the surface or in plumes2,3.
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    best since david fravor

    UFO whistleblower Jake Barber would '100% testify' under oath to Congress | Reality Check
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    Full Al Gore speech on climate change at Davos outlines economic & health impacts of global warming
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    Alien & UFO: The Critical Question Nobody's Asking - Garry Nolan | Endgame #209 (Luminaries)
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    Pleistocene Park

    The Past and Future of the Mammoth Steppe Ecosystem

    The current state of Pleistocene Park, Russia (An experiment in the restoration of megafauna in a boreal environment)
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    Colossal Biosciences raises $200M at $10.2B valuation to bring back woolly mammoths | TechCrunch

    Colossal Biosciences, the company that’s famously on a mission to bring back the woolly mammoth and two other extinct species, has raised a $200 million Series C at a $10.2 billion valuation from TWG Global, the investment company of Guggenheim Partners co-founder Mark Walter and the billionaire Thomas Tull.

    The funding comes two years after the company closed its previous round at a reported valuation of $1.5 billion.
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    2024 Pan-European atmospheric lead pollution, enhanced blood lead levels, and cognitive decline from Roman-era mining and smelting

    The detrimental effects of modern lead exposure on human health are widely recognized. Evidence from the Roman era indicates substantial lead exposure that potentially impacted human health more than 2,000 y ago. The most significant exposure for the rural, nonelite population may have been to background air pollution from silver mining and smelting that underpinned the Roman economy. Using detailed records of Roman-era lead pollution measured in Arctic ice cores and atmospheric modeling, we show that lead emissions from these activities elevated air concentrations throughout Europe. Based on modern epidemiological studies, this air pollution enhanced childhood blood lead levels (BLLs) by about 2.4 µg/dl leading to widespread cognitive decline including an estimated 2.5-to-3 point reduction in intelligence quotient
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