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    JSAUX - Vyrobce dilu pro Steam Deck prodava prislusenstvi:
    - Sekce: https://jsaux.com/collections/steam-deck-accessories
    - Cestovni krabicka: https://jsaux.com/products/omnicase-pro
    - Skladiste na Slovensku a podporuji Zasilkovnu.
    SteamDeck pouziva GameScope a nabizi moznosti unikatni pro Linux a Steam Deck
    - Omezeni spotreby pomaha u her, kde chovani CPU neni dobre pro napajeni z baterie.
    - Omezeni poctu snimku pomaha u her, kde vykon Steam Deck nestaci pro stabilnich 60Hz
    - Moznost zmenit skalovani obrazu na FSR 1.0. Toto pomaha u her co nepodporuji pomer stran 16:10, 16:9 nebo konkretni rozliseni obrazovky.

    Podrobny popis najdete zde:
    The SDHQ Performance Settings Encyclopedia - Steam Deck HQ
    Dalsi DB her a jejich nastaveni
    Odkaz: https://steamdeckhq.com/game-settings/
    - pokud si nejste jisti zda je problem u vas
    - doporucene nastaveni pro hru
    Plex client:
    1. Desktop mode
    2. Discover
    3. Install Plex HTPC
    4. Open Steam
    5. Add non-steam app
    6. Select from the list, confirm and close Steam client
    7. Switch to Gaming mode, launch and log-in using plex.tv/link

    DLNA, Offline storage - VLC
    - Stejne jako Plex
    GOG, Epic: Heroic Game Launcher
    1. Desktop mode
    2. Discover
    3. Install Heroic Games Launcher
    4. Open Steam
    5. Add non-steam app
    6. Select from the list, confirm and launch
    7. Log-in and set-up install directory to appropriate SD Card folder: /run/media/deck/Long-GUID/Heroic (Do not use mmcblck)
    8. Close Steam client
    9. Switch to Gaming mode.

    Adding the installed game:
    1. Select the game and add it to Steam.
    2. Remove it from Steam
    3. Add it to Steam.
    4. Restart Steam Deck or switch back and forth to desktop mode.
    5. Game will now appear in Steam with cover art.

    Stores work from the launcher and you can get your free EPIC games.
    - Official thread
    - SteamOS Developer engaging with the public.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam