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    ztracené heslo?
    KAMAHLProkremelská propaganda, dezinformace a manipulace
    V tomto auditku se zaměřujeme na dokumentování a odhalování prokremelské propagandy všeho druhu. Vítány jsou relevantní zprávy z důvěryhodných médií, screenshoty ze sociálních sítí nebo i osobní zkušenosti a postřehy a diskuse k nim.

    U příspěvků dokumentujících propagandu musí být zřetelné, že se jedná o dokumentaci propagandy a pokud možno kdo a jak ji šíří. Snažme se, aby nemohlo dojít k záměně propagandy, za naše vlastní postoje. Můžete použít hashtag #propaganda. Příspěvky dokumentující propagandu můžete pro ostatní udělat zajímavější doplněním nějakých vysvětlujícím komentářů.

    ZAKÁZÁNO je zde ale vyjadřování názorů, které lze interpretovat jako schvalující k putinovskému režimu nebo relativizující jeho zločinnost. Není zde na místě ani diskuse o propagandě jiných typů.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    QWWERTY --- ---
    KOCOURR: kamarad ruska, ktery uz 2 roky jede chcimirskou linku ... staci vzit wiki, viz
    Jeffrey Sachs - Wikipedia
    said ... Finland's moves to join NATO would undermine a negotiated peace:
    co-signed an open letter calling for a "ceasefire" in the war, questioning Western countries' continuing military support for Ukraine
    appeared twice on one of the top-rated shows funded by the Russian government, hosted by Vladimir Solovyov
    has suggested that the U.S. was responsible for the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipeline

    tzn. bych tipl, ze ho RU bud plati, maji na neho kompromitujici materialy, nebo ma (opodstaneny) strach z novicoku
    PRAASHEK --- ---
    //tady komplet přepis toho projevu dyžtak:

    Remarks by President Biden Urging Congress to Pass His National Security Supplemental Request, Including Funding to Support Ukraine | The White House
    PRAASHEK --- ---
    If Putin takes Ukraine, he won’t stop there. It’s important to see the long run here. He’s going to keep going. He’s made that pretty clear. If Putin attacks a NATO Ally — if he keeps going and then he attacks a NATO Ally — well, we’ve committed as a NATO member that we’d defend every inch of NATO territory. Then we’ll have something that we don’t seek and that we don’t have today: American troops fighting Russian troops — American troops fighting Russian troops if he moves into other parts of NATO.
    PUDIL --- ---
    Vypujceno z 3 svetove. Jestli tohle je fakt urceno pro evropske publikum, tak nekdo asi hodne snupal.

    EKG --- ---
    Jedna pakaz.

    YOU ARE BEING MANIPULATED by the Russian Opposition - Ukraine War Talking Points
    PRAASHEK --- ---
    když si člověk rozklikne u těch nabízených témat "learn more", tak je to velmi povedené a nakonec tam je i to jídlo! :))

    Today on CrossTalk News, Edward Szall and Lauren Witzke delve into the conspiracy to trick Christians into taking the new Novavax Covid 19 shot. The developers claim it "has no connection to the blood of murdered children", but neglect to detail it's key ingredient: Moth spike proteins and graphene oxide! It also causes heart attacks. The team also investigates a potential explanation for the decade long destruction of Ukraine. Was it all a plot to eliminate the people of the land and clear the way for the creation of technofeudalist smart cities.Buy high quality freeze dried food through Heavens Harvest, use promo code “Shortage” to get 10% off
    FARFELOO --- ---
    Meta disables Russian propaganda network targeting Europe

    Meta disables Russian propaganda network targeting Europe | AP News
    KAMAHL --- ---
    Nějaké další vyhrožovačky

    "we need to scale up our strikes against critical infrastructure in such a way that one region after the next, one district after another, Ukraine is plunged into darkness... By December, 20 million residents of Ukraine should flee"

    Russian State Media Threatens Scorched Earth Response to Bitter Losses in Ukraine
    QWWERTY --- ---
    podzemni biolaboratore preply z covidu na mutanty

    Russia Says It’s Losing Because Ukraine Has Experimental Mutant Troops Created in Secret Biolabs
    LENNOX --- ---
    tady je vyborna analyza bellingcatu ohledne podpory valky ze strany ruskych konspiracnich kanalu. dost mi to pomohlo se celkove zorientovat, protoze na jednom mezinarodnim discordu, kde se pohybuju, nemala skupina lidi tvrdi s vaznou tvari tvrdi, ze valka na ukrajine neni jak vypada, ze je to dilo "globalistu" a bud skryte nebo otevrene fandi putinovi.

    Russia’s QAnon Followers Can’t Make Up Their Minds About Ukraine - bellingcat
    PUDIL --- ---
    Hmm vypada to na pekny mishmas titulku a dodatecnych fotek.
    Haaretz - Ukraine designates National Holiday .... v originale je fotka uplne jina, jen titulek zustal.

    MTO --- ---
    Reverend prays for victims of war in Ukraine's Borodyanka

    - jasnej fake od the sun. tu nasivku v 1:21 tam dofotosopovali
    GORG --- ---
    SADSOUL: Ale co je tam konkrétně propaganda? Zdroj je WP


    Já osobně nevím, co je pravda. Fascinuje mě sebejistota mnoha lidí, že jsou si sebou tolik jisti. Kritické myšlení nebo volný sběr informací a tvrzení je dáván na roven zradě. Kamarádi po facebookách přejou smrt lidem, co něco zpochybňují.
    MATT --- ---
    trosku skodolibe podotku, ze vam to tu s tema komentarema nejak skomira. se asi nechtelo nikomu, co? ono tu jejich propagandu smysluplne vysvetlit vyzaduje docela dost znalosti a prace
    aspon se priznejte, kdo mi dal ban do 3. svetovy?

    jinak nesu nahled do ruske duse:

    Sitrep & The many futures of Ukraine by Russians With Attitude

    "rusove nedbaji na to, co si o nich svet mysli, ale vzdycky dostanou, co si zamanou. zato ukrajinci jsou jako romantici na speedu, postavy, co maji xp jen v charisma, ale zadnou silu".
    JONY --- ---
    Typický "rusák západní" vyrostl ještě v Rusku, ale přestěhoval se do USA, zde žije pohodlný život, přednáší na univerzitě o tom, jak je Západ zkažený a v Rusku jsou ty ryzí a duchovní hodnoty. Přestěhovat zpět ho ale ani nenapadne.

    Vladimir Golstein

    Aktuální ukázka propagandy o Mariupolu - ruské město, které trpí nikoliv od obklíčení ruskou armádou, ale díky teroru, co ve městě zavedl Azov.

    Below is the post from my friend, Ajay Goyal. A great entrepreneur, who's been doing a lot of business in Ukraine, and hopes to return there, once the war is over.
    Ajay talks about the tragedy of Mariupol, controlled not by the regular Ukrainian army, but by vicious and notorious nationalist battalion, Azov, the ISIS of Ukraine. One of their commanders delivers a speech, in which he claims that it is high time to kill all Russians in the back for what they are doing. Never mind, that for eight years, Azov has been already killing Russian speakers in the back in Donbass region. These are the people who lock civilians in Mariupol, and don't let them through humanitarian corridors. These are the people, whom FB now allows -- as a special favor to their noble racist cause - to call for murder of Russian soldiers. Obviously, that's a new community standard in FB. No calls for violence is allowed except against Russians. O tempora, o mores!
    Ajay Goyal:
    I respect moral certitude of those who are against war, any war. God Bless the pacifist Buddhist monks. I am one of you.
    Those who live in the real world and are intelligent enough to formulate questions and ask them can't have such certitude about anything, let aside a war. And I live in the real world, too.
    In the real world, we have to ask questions.
    Here is an audio of a "heroic Ukrainian commander, defending the city of Mariupol." Except that he is not a Commander of the Ukrainian armed forces. He is a commander of a Nazi militia named Azov. He is in control of the city of Mariupol. Mariupol is a Russian ethnic city in Donbass.
    This begs a question - or more than a few questions.
    Why is a Nazi militia in control of a Russian city of Donbass region? What have these Nazis been doing there in Donbass for 8 years? Where are they from? Who do they answer to? Who has been arming them ? Have they been taking orders from the Commander in Chief of Ukraine army Volodymyr Zelensky , a Jew? What do they think of him? Why is he not allowing Russian residents of the city to leave through the humanitarian corridor?
    And why, in this 21st century, in Europe, a Nazi militia is armed like SS and operates as if it were 1941 on the eastern front?
    If you ask these questions, your certitude about this war will disappear.
    Facts: Who founded Azov?
    The unit was led by Andriy Biletsky.
    In 2010, Biletsky said Ukraine’s national purpose was to “lead the white races of the world in a final crusade … against Semite-led Untermenschen [inferior races]”.
    Biletsky was elected to parliament in 2014.
    The 42-year-old is nicknamed Bely Vozd – or White Ruler – by his supporters. He established the far-right National Corps party in October 2016, whose core base is veterans of Azov.
    These guys follow in the footsteps of SS Galicia.
    MATT --- ---
    US mercenary company looking for people to fight in Ukraine from $1-2K per day (reports)

    A private military contractor in the US is seeking “highly trained” candidates to provide security services in Ukraine during Russia’s special military operation.

    A job post reads that successful candidates will “conduct part-time, covert extraction/evacuation operations of individuals and families throughout the countryside.”

    Ukraine’s president announced around 16,000 foreign mercenaries are expected to arrive in the country. Local media reports some have already landed.

    MATT --- ---
    naky starsi
    The unprecedented stream of #fakenews on what is happening in #Ukraine is designed to stir emotions & shut down one's rational thinking.

    A group of experts & journalists have joined forces and are using expertise & common sense to debunk the most egregious ones.

    Make sure to check their website (available in English, Spanish, French and Chinese) for a different viewpoint, an alternative to the mainstream media narrative.

    Fighting fakes with facts.
    👉 https://waronfakes.com

    MATT --- ---
    Russian MoD claims Kiev attacked humanitarian corridors & set new demands just hours before talks

    Ukraine reportedly demanded the evacuation of multiple settlements in Kiev and Kharkov regions, where the Russian Defense Min. says residents face no threat and don't want to leave. The MoD says Kiev has lost control - accusing it of having a lawless parallel govt - and asking to evacuate areas held by its own battalions.

    The Russian side said it made no genuine attempt to use the humanitarian corridors, with 172 shelling attacks on the 3 safe passages declared by Russian forces - with threats apparently made to those attempting to use them.

    Read the Russian MoD statement in full here: https://t.me/mod_russia_en/51
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