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    ztracené heslo?
    KERRAYAI Art - Tvorba za pomocí umělé inteligence: Midjourney, DALL·E 2, Stable Diffusion, OpenAI
    KERRAY --- ---
    Transform Your Selfie into a Stunning AI Avatar with Stable Diffusion - Better than Lensa for Free
    NAVARA --- ---
    BUBBLE: Dobrý způsob, jak posbírat fotografie :)
    BUBBLE --- ---
    Have I Been Trained?

    This site tells you if photos of you were used to train the AI

    This site tells you if photos of you were used to train the AI • TechCrunch
    YMLADRIS --- ---

    práva umělců - vaše intuice?

    17 hlasy od 17 respondentů

    DOUPLE --- ---
    DOUPLE --- ---
    uf, okej. #článek #kampaň

    We are not anti-tech and we know this technology is here to stay one way or another but there are more ethical ways that these models can co-exist with visual artists. This is what we will be proposing these future models look like:

    • Ensure that all AI/ML models that specializes in visual works, audio works, film works, likenesses, etc. utilizes public domain content or legally purchased photo stock sets. This could potentially mean current companies shift, even destroy their current models, to the public domain.
    • Urgently remove all artist’s work from data sets and latent spaces, via algorithmic disgorgement. Immediately shift plans to public domain models, so Opt-in becomes the standard.
    • Opt-in programs for artists to offer payment (upfront sums and royalties) every time an artist’s work is utilized for a generation, including training data, deep learning, final image, final product, etc. AI companies offer true removal of their data within AI/ML models just in case licensing contracts are breached.
    • AI Companies pay all affected artists a sum per generation. This is to compensate/back pay artists for utilizing their works and names without permission, for as long as the company has been for profit.

    BIMBAS --- ---
    Dall-e je taky celkem zajimava vec, libi se mi ze se tam da dotvaret za behu

    KERRAY --- ---
    BIMBAS: v první řadě si dej /settings a zapni v. 4, nebo používej --v 4

    a ne, dotvářet v MJ nejde, ale jde vložit link na obrázek do dalšího promptu, a použije se jako základ
    BIMBAS --- ---
    mam rovnou dotaz, krome upscalu a variant nevim/neumim jak s tim pracovat dal. Jde ten obrazek nejak dotvařet dál ?
    BIMBAS --- ---
    BIMBAS --- ---
    Ahoj vespolek :) Tahle technologie me fakt baví. První zkoušim Midjourney a docela v tom plavu. Prvni tvorba, mel jsem chut na neco jako Sleepy Hollow

    KERRAY --- ---
    Riffusion Demo - a Hugging Face Space by anzorq
    NAGASAWA --- ---
    TOXICMAN: Midjourney
    NAGASAWA --- ---
    Dneska jsem se v Midjourney vyřádil u japonských Bosozoku moto gangů z 70's

    TOXICMAN --- ---
    DRAGON: hustý! tohle tvoří jaká AI?
    DRAGON --- ---
    MAGUMI: jako že jí nejde dát informaci že člověk má pět prstů na končetinách? Zajímavé..
    KERRAY --- ---
    MAGUMI --- ---
    DRAGON: Ja myslim, ze ji to nevysvetluji pomoci nejakych pevných pravidel, ale tim, ze ji predkladaji vic příkladů, ze kterych se muze ucit, pripadne pomoci nejakych hodnoceni vystupu ladi, jak moc vystup odpovida ocekavani.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam