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    ztracené heslo?
    KERRAYAI Art - Tvorba za pomocí umělé inteligence: Midjourney, DALL·E 2, Stable Diffusion, OpenAI
    TRZNICE --- ---
    Tenhle kvantovej skok, kdy kazdej den vznika 3 prdele tools neni udrzitelnej. Jednak se s necim ucim, abych za tejden zjistil, ze je to mrtvy uz a na reviews se taky nemuzes spolehnout, protoze je tam 10 top notch, ale ta informace plati jen tejden nebi spis min :D Ted je to takovej jadernej vybuch, nebo mozna i big bang, kdy prostorem leti mraky energie a castic a nejak se z toho zacina formovat stabilnejsi universum. Co kazdopadne vime, ze web 3.0 je uz ted pohrbenej a ze na AI vydela zase jenom korporat haha. Adobe koupili Figmu vid, takze na to se taky muzu uz vysrat :/ Jenze to bych se musel dostat k problematickymu kapitalismu, kde kumulace penez diktuje podminky trhu likvidaci konkurence jeji akvizici...

    Co ste vy za profese lidi, cim se zivite?
    QWWERTY --- ---
    TRZNICE: ja se uprime desim kombinace Adobe + AI ... hlavne kvuli tomu jakou povest ma Adobe, co se tyce kvality SW/bezpecnostnich zranitelnosti a ze nektery jejich bezpecnostni chyby se vyskytovalu neopraveny v produkci i po 20 letech, protoze se o nich nevedelo
    AODHFIN --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG: Riffusion?
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    KERRAY: prosímtě, při týhle příležitosti by mě zajímalo, jestli už nějaká AI dělá hudbu?
    DOUPLE --- ---
    TRZNICE: nechytam tu rychlost zmeny, jeste pred dvema mesicema bylo pro me AI vec na generovani "zajimavosti" - strih - dneska jsem MJ pouzil 3x v praci a usetrilo mi to hromadu casu (siluety ve vektoru, naladovka s kafem na stole jako background image, sketch sceny pro storyboard). Shutterstock a podobny knihovny uz skoro nepouzvaim...
    Podle me "prumyslovej" grafik co do tohohle vlaku nestihne naskocit, se za par let asi bude divit...
    KERRAY --- ---
    #galerie In a parallel universe, Star Trek: The Next Generation was made in India.
    TRZNICE --- ---
    Zacinam mit pocit, ze sme zili v technologivkym praveku

    TRZNICE --- ---

    TRZNICE --- ---
    Ja uz to nestiham ani cist, furt se neco deje... A taky sem starej

    OpenAI is massively expanding ChatGPT’s capabilities to let it browse the web and more - The Verge
    PHOBOS99 --- ---
    TRZNICE: háknkrojc to však kreslí jak flastenec
    TRZNICE --- ---
    TRZNICE --- ---
    ‪New launch
    Opera Browser and Opera GX just incorporate a host of AI-powered tools. The suite of new features – namely AI Prompts, plus sidebar access to ChatGPT and ChatSonic – are set to transform the browsing experience: you’ll not just experience the web, but browse with AI powers. 
    ‪You can now interact with ChatGPT from anywhere to:‬
    - Shorten or explain articles.‬
    - Generate tweets, and content.‬
    - Find relevant info based on text. ‬
    ‪The ChatSonic gives users capability to create AI-generated images. ‬
    ‪Could be big
    TRZNICE --- ---
    Praashku, malicko sem testoval boundaries a je to fertig

    TRZNICE --- ---
    People Trying to Use Facebook's Leaked AI to Improve Their Tinder Matches
    TRZNICE --- ---
    Omlouvam se, ze to je Ind nebo neco

    ChatGPT vs LLama comparison
    KERRAY --- ---
    #galerie https://www.reddit.com/r/midjourney/comments/11xxlqk/midjourney_is_perfect_for_quick_visual_novel/
    (location-name), inspired by senior environment artist, pixiv, maximalism, (so many plants), soft cute colors, detailed wide shot, Kyoto Animation Studio anime style 4 k, serene illustration --ar 16:9 --niji
    TRZNICE --- ---
    KERRAY: sem pro tebe taky neco vymyslel, abys mel radost:

    AIDS (Artificial Iintelligence Driven Stress) is a newly defined mental issue that arises from the excessive and pervasive influence of artificial intelligence (AI) in an individual's daily life. This stress disorder is characterized by anxiety, emotional exhaustion, and a sense of disconnection resulting from constant exposure to AI technologies, leading to feelings of being overwhelmed or controlled by machines. The symptoms may include fatigue, irritability, sleep disturbances, and social withdrawal. Addressing AI-Driven Stress may involve digital detox, therapy, or implementing healthy boundaries for technology use.
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