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    ztracené heslo?
    SPECTRECyber.Punk: The future is already here - it's just not evenly distributed
    LUNGPA --- ---
    Kwabena Boahen: Making a computer that works like the brain http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/kwabena_boahen_on_a_computer_that_works_like_the_brain.html

    husta uvaha nekde uprostred o tom jak nam v roce 2015 v dusledku zmensovani tranzistoru prestane fungovat IT tak jako do ted protoze tranzistorama bude moct putovat pouze jeden elektro per cas a tak se cela vec kompletne zneurciti a podle predpokladu uz tak nebude fungovat otevreno 1 uzavreno 0 diky kvantove podstate jednotlivych elektronu...

    a tenhle chlapik ma celkem slusne naslaplo na to stavet mikrocipy jez pocitaji s neurcotym kodem... (trosku mi to pripomina kvantove pocitace, i kdyz o tom se v te kratke prednasce nezminuje...)
    LUNGPA --- ---
    tak co uz mate vyhlidleho sveho robota ? :D

    WowWee FemiSapien http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3w99Frd4-vA
    HOOKER --- ---
    nemate nekdo na stazeni: Road stories for the flesh-eating future
    pls posta
    REDTIME --- ---
    hlavne, ze vetsina lidi je tam urcite za parkovaci pokuty :)
    BUGSLE --- ---
    ZUBATA: tak to je kotel :)
    INFERNO_ON_LINE --- ---
    Jsem uz slysel. celkem drsne.
    ZUBATA --- ---

    musi uz jebat uplne

    CriminalSearches is a new website that lets citizens view a Google Map of their neighbourhood with all those with a criminal record who live in the area tagged on the map.

    The Neighborhood Watch feature of CriminalSearches.com allows users to quickly discover if anyone with a criminal record is living in the surrounding community.
    ZUBATA --- ---
    The Hacker Project is an online browser game placed in a distant future virtual world. You will play the role of a hacker in a tumultuous time after all governments have succumbed to the economic crisis caused by the exploitation of all natural resources combined with a terrible epidemic.

    ZUBATA --- ---

    Project Cyborg 2.0

    Prednaska Kevina Warwicka
    [prostrednictvom vlastneho implantatu predstavuje moznost komunikacie CNS2CNS a prezentuje moznost transportu neuralnych signalov z CNS prostrednictvom siete Internetu]
    ZUBATA --- ---
    Jeff Hawkins : Brain science is about to fundamentally change computing
    Treo creator Jeff Hawkins urges us to take a new look at the brain -- to see it not as a fast processor, but as a memory system that stores and plays back experiences to help us predict, intelligently, what will happen next

    raz som sa omylom dostala na jeho prednasku, fakt husty typek, odporucam pozret
    je to tiez autor knihy "on intelligence", taktiez moje odporucania :)
    LUNGPA --- ---
    hups tak nam tu v us prosel kongresem celkem slusnej bullshit chekujte svoji privaci http://www.aclu.org/safefree/nsaspying/faachallenge.html
    dejte to video tam a bude jasno!
    LUCYINTHESKY --- ---
    milej hosan...
    LUNGPA --- ---
    LUNGPA --- ---


    A US court has ruled that Google must divulge the viewing habits of every user who has ever watched any video on YouTube. The decision comes as part of Google's legal battle with Viacom over allegations of copyright infringement.
    What has the court ruled? vice na BBC: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/7488268.stm

    Court orders YouTube to give Viacom video logs http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5gFJIDFx4LzK1pGKWT0NpWgkN-6mQD91N0VDO1

    Video: Latest in Viacom-Google lawsuit raises questions http://news.cnet.com/1606-2_3-50002896.html

    Viacom Logo History http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1hfUBb8GD8

    google it follks.!!!

    ICE --- ---
    moc pekny!
    GHIVERAN --- ---
    OVERDRIVE: postav 2x, jedenkrat odeberu ;) sice se mi ruzne zelezo uz roky vali po pokoji, visi na zdech apod, ale dat si to pod sklo na stul me zatim nenapadlo :)
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    SYNAESTHESIA: to je moc peknej napad, asi zabavim nejaky stary kusy hw od nasich hardwararu a postavim si neco podobnyho taky... dik.
    konecne prestaly bejt in ty dreveny kycovity zrudnosti ala steampunk notebook. ne ze by to nebylo technicky moc hezky, ale uz me to stvalo, neni nad draty, jacky, plosnaky a hadicky...
    DRAGON --- ---
    nerdeland :)
    SYNAESTHESIA --- ---
    VANEK --- ---
    SATAI: Chceš říct, že neznáš Herzána?
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam