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    ztracené heslo?
    SPECTRECyber.Punk: The future is already here - it's just not evenly distributed

    Kick, ban, ignore, offtopic
    Jak se po 20 000 prispevku ukazalo, tak v tomhle klubu jsou vsichni uznavani odbornici na tema co je a co neni cyberpunk. Nedoporucuji proto psat sem ani slovo punk ani slovo cyber /kyber, cp..../, protoze jinak se najde vzdycky nekdo, kdo vam rekne, ze to neni dost cyber nebo dost punk.
    S pozdravem vas milujici Overdrive

    LUKASHIVA --- --- 8.07:22 24.8.2004
    NIC JAKO CYBERPUNKER neexistuje! Podte mi to odsouhlasit at uz je klid.. :)) Kdo byl kdy cyberpunker? Case ( myslim ze spis zkrachovaly programator), Kovboj ( ten byl snad pilotem ve vysluzbe, chlastajici troska touzici se vratit na oblohu), Silencio (prtavy dite s pravdepodobne poskozenym mozkem?), Ransom Stark (bloodnet), Rick z Dreamwebu?

    Navrhuji temata pro audit:
    [Augmented Personality - paradigm change && "Kazdy den je prochazkou v databazi"] -- [Hack of reality, hack of virtuality] -- [Smart City & House] -- [CyberPunk is the state of Art - projekty, ktere nejakym zpusobem umelecky zpracovavaji nebo reaguji na CP, jsou CP] -- [Cyberpunk Geography - od SIlicon Valley az po hardwarove plaze na Tchaiwanu, middle east and Africa sillicon valley boom?] -- [Augmented Body & Brain - od LSD po benza a hydergine] -- [Completely Virtual - virtual paranoia, Internet 3.0 - matrix...] -- [Future military] -- [???]

    Navrhujte dalsi temata s tim, ze cilem je shromazdit nejen linky, ale treba i predstavy budoucnosti, touhy a predstavy, ktere se ve vas s danym tematem objevuji. Samozrejme ale davejte linky a informace o cemkoliv, co se sem hodi. Idealne muzete prispevky otagovat pomoci #keyword, v RSS se to pak lepe filtruje. [BloodNet - cyberpunková hra, imho jedna z nejlepsich] -- [DreamWeb - cyberpunkvá hra s motivy magie] -- [Cyberpunk RPG] -- [Cyberpunk, industrial a novoromantika v textech a hlavne obrazech...].... atd, atd.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    DRAGON --- ---
    OVERDRIVE: jj, hral sem to, ale neni to moc zabavny...napad skvelej, ale zacne to brzo nudit...
    OVERDRIVE: ale tohle vypada moc zajimave..
    MBR --- ---
    OVERDRIVE: to neni nejaka "xboxgameska" ale celkem legendarni japonska hra od SEGY, ktera puvodne vysla na Dreamcastu kde ve svy dobe zpusobila celkem poprask, po zkrachovani HW divize segy vysel remake pro PS2 a predloni se ji rozhodla sega vydat v tyhle HD verzi na xbox live.
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    jinak nevim presne co je RezHD, asi nejaka XBOX gameska, ale kazdopadne to ma hezky ujetou grafiku [ a ja se tam jako rozhodne nepodepsal, aby bylo jasno ;]

    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    Index of /gopher/Publications/MONDO
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    uz dlouho tu nebyl flamewar, co je to ten cyberpunk, zejo? tak ja nasel jeden hodne vhodny obrazek ';]

    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    mate radi Stephensonuv Cryptonomicon? ja jej zrovna docitam a hledam mimo jine i nejake vedlejsi zdroje, coz je u takhle komplexnich knih uzitecne:

    anglicky fulltext cryptonomiconu treba tady: http://www.4shared.com/document/0b88K5Nv/Cryptonomicon.html?s=1
    HURDA --- ---
    M0RF --- ---
    OVERDRIVE: nemyslim si, ze by to byl zrovna joke, technologie postupuje celkem rychle, napr. jiny podobny system od Phillips http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fW0BZsOcZZE
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    TRAGED: nenni to april joke?
    M0RF --- ---
    TRAGED: a co takhle rovnou Programmable Matter: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZlE4AH3enU
    TRAGED --- ---
    !!!!!! moodINQ - Programmable Tattoo System !!!!!!
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    Dotaz: kam v Praze do knihkupectvi za anglickymi knihami? shanim predevsim rekneme odbornou nebo spis popularne naucnou literaturu a predevsim novinky. Existuje neco takoveho v nasich zemich?
    Pripadne kde nakupovat na netu, aby se dalo knih koupit vic pohromade [z ranku popularne naucne] a clovek tak usetril za postovne?
    Dalsi vec, pridal by se nekdo ke me?
    Zajimaji me predevsim veci o kterych pise naural.it: tedy vyzkumy socialnich siti, vyzkumy soucasnych sitovych trendu a subkultury... vic viz: neural.it
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    ze bych konecne mohl mit i jine barvy kuze nez mam a moh je menit podle nalady? chci... jeste, ze nesjem tema normalnima kerkama pokrytej celej i kdyz ono by se to asi dalo spojit:

    Electronic Ink: LED Tattoos Implanted by Silk
    od autora Mr. Roboto
    Položka se líbila 11 uživatelům
    Sources: Wired, H+, MIT Technology Review

    A demonstration from Philips Electronics showing the possibilities of implanted LED “tattoos.” Pretty kinky, but there are already practical applications being considered.

    The Illustrated Man. Tattoos have mostly been static graphics, limited in their usefulness in communication certain info. But researchers from the University of Pennsylvania have now come up with LED tattoos that can turn your skin into a living screen. And to help get this tech inside you, the Beckman Institute at the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana have found a way to use silk to implant the circuits.

    vic tady: http://www.cyberpunkreview.com/news-as-cyberpunk/electronic-ink-led-tattoos-implanted-by-silk/
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    Muzika k downloadu, neznam, ale jmeno to ma hezke ;]

    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    DRAGON: prodaval data a kradl penize... imho realny zlodej
    DRAGON --- ---
    OVERDRIVE: 20 let za to ze ukazal na chybu v systemu, to je slusnej reward
    OVERDRIVE --- ---

    hacker mel na zahrade zakopanej milion dolaru, informoval o svem spolupachateli a pocorovali udaje milionu kreditnich a debetnich karedt v US. Hacknul treba platebni system 7-Eleven [na kazdem rohu treba v Mexico City], asi set bank. Z karet neco malo vybrali a zbytek prodavali kriminalnikum po celym svete. Hodne huste, to zni jako nejaka cyberpunkova pohadka. Spis balada, dostal 20 let.
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    necetl nekdo? nema nekdo?

    edited by Konrad Becker and Felix Stalder - Deep Search: The Politics of Search Beyond Google

    Studienverlag & Transaction Publishers, ISBN 978-3706547956, Austria, 2009, English
    The centrality of search engines in everyday lives has recently been focused on by different institutions involved in the critical analysis of Internet culture. Among them are the Institute of Network Cultures in Amsterdam, and the World-Information Institute in Vienna that organized the Deep Search conference, whose texts are collected in this book. Some crucial questions were tackled concerning the digital retrieval of information, some of the most relevant being: accessibility to information, the politics of archiving and the redefinition of knowledge. These universal issues are explored in more than a dozen contributions that try to face both the potential and the dangers in searching the enormous amount of online information, relying, at the same time on private corporations and their internal organization and filtering criteria. The (more or less) monopoly of Google is not the only concern in this situation, but just only one aspect of how we fulfill the very basic need to find out about something nowadays. These problems are not entirely new, as Robert Darnton proves through his rigorous historical research, finding different moments in the past when the information retrieval systems became important in the way they are now. "Power" is also a direct consequence of the ownership of information ranking and sorting systems. So the "reranking" idea formulated by Bernhard Rieder (the ability to independently make a different ranking) could be both pragmatic and potentially subversive. Because, as the editors say, "what cannot be found does not exist."

    QWWERTY --- ---
    QWWERTY: ... teď sem si všiml data článku, takže sry všem který to berou jako všeobecně námou věc ...
    QWWERTY --- ---

    neuronová síť vypěstovaná z potkana "hraje" F22 O_o

    sem zvědavej jak dlouho bude trvat přidělání užitečnýho interfacu k lidskýmu mozku
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    The Danish Pavilion in Expo 2010 Shanghai is a loop, a velodrom and an interactive fairytale

    BIG, 2+1 and ARUP relaunch the bike as a modern and sustainable urban alternative to the increasing car traffic in Shanghai.The pavilion’s 1500 city bikes are offered for general use to the visitors during EXPO 2010. After the World Expo, it can be moved and relocated for example in People’s Park - as a transferium for the bikes of Shanghai. The building is a loop, housing the exhibition “wellfairytales” in a linear sequence.

    Niels Lund Petersen, associate and project leader at BIG says: "The Danish pavilion should not only exhibit the Danish virtues. Through interaction, the visitors are able to actually experience some of Copenhagen’s best attractions – the city bike, the harbor bath, the nature playground and an ecological picnic”

    Both Shanghai and Copenhagen are harbor cities. But in Denmark the polluted harbor activities have been replaced by harbor parks and cultural institutions, and the water is so pure that you can swim in it. In the heart of the pavillion you find the Mermaid pool, which is filled with sea water from Copenhagen’s harbor, brought to Shanghai on a tanker.

    vic: http://www.e-architect.co.uk/shanghai/shanghai_expo_danish_pavilion.htm

    * Expo : key opportunity to enhance UK-China partnership through Arts, Education, Culture, Business, Science and Climate Change

    The Foreign and Commonwealth Office today reveals updated designs for the UK pavilion that will represent this country at Shanghai Expo 2010; its theme being 'Better City, Better Life'. Developed by one of the UK's leading creative talents - Thomas Heatherwick - the UK pavilion will provide a dramatic demonstration of creativity and innovation in the UK.

    The centrepiece of the UK's offering is the extraordinary pavilion building - a six storey high object formed from some 60,000 slender transparent rods, which will extend from the structure and quiver in the breeze. During the day, each of these 7.5m long rods will act like fibre optic filaments, drawing on daylight to illuminate the interior, thereby creating a contemplative awe-inspiring space. At night, light sources at the interior end of each rod will allow the whole structure to glow. The pavilion will sit on a landscape looking like paper that once wrapped the building and that now lies unfolded on the site. The landscape provides an open space for public events and shelter for visitors making their way into the pavilion structure.

    vic: http://www.e-architect.co.uk/shanghai/shanghai_expo_building.htm

    VLASTIS --- ---
    VYHULENY_UFO:nevim - da se rict , ze FB z toho udelal modu a tim padem davodou zalezitost

    obecne mam pocit, ze lidstvo snadneji/casteji propada modnim vlivum - presneji receno, ze jedna moda pripravuje misto pro dalsi (ano, da se rict, ze to tak bylo vzdycky) a to konkretne tak, ze nektere vlny jsou reklamou a wow efektem tlaceny jako priprava na budoucnost

    asi nejzdarilejsi mi pripada zelena vlna

    jinak aby to nevypadalo, ze jsem proti modnim vlivum - o vikendu jsem vyzkousel Wii a je to must have ;o) - mira virtualizace je zde imho uzasna
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