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    ztracené heslo?
    SPECTRECyber.Punk: The future is already here - it's just not evenly distributed
    SAMGARR --- ---
    Treba ty Ono Sendai veci jsou dobry, jak jinak byste si predstavovali fasovane firemni tricko?
    JVMLOK --- ---
    Ale treba tahle mě svým nápadem vůbec nenudí:
    Ban Voight-Kampff Test [AA Hooded sweatshirt] | Memetic Tees
    JVMLOK --- ---
    ta mikina mela potsik zezadu, a je pravda, ze to bylo pomerne mlym fontem, zadna vyrvana extaze. ale proti gustu zadnej disputat. IMO "CUM HELE JAKEJ SEM DRSNEJ CYBERPUNKER!" se nekona protoze nezasvecenej stejne nevi kontext.
    Nimene...rozhodne nerikam ze se mi libi vsecky. ale je to pekna insúirace, hlavne s ohledem na to, ze za mikinu za 40 USD jsem platil 600 clo, takže příště si to navrhnu sám, jak je dobrým zvykem.
    QWWERTY --- ---
    TRAGED: imho "High tech, Low life" (klidně velkým přes celý záda) může mít v dnešní době i víc kontextů, než jenom cp ....
    škoda, že většina má potisk zepředu
    TRAGED --- ---
    JVMLOK: Me vadi ze to placnou pres cele tricko. Osobne chci WY, Tyrell, Zorg Corp atp, ale jen decentne "akutratne" velke logo. Aby to nebylo "CUM HELE JAKEJ SEM DRSNEJ CYBERPUNKER!", ale jen aby si pozorne oko "zasveceneho" vsimlo a ocenilo.
    JVMLOK --- ---
    a jinak nekreativní...me se libi prave tqa jednoduchost. cistej text bohate staci, a normalni clovek to nema sanci identifikovat.
    JVMLOK --- ---
    Ja si koupil mikinu Ono Sendai. Bohužel jsem ji zapoměl v tatrách asi po 14 dnech...a dost me to sere. byla fajne.
    TRAGED --- ---
    JVMLOK: IMHO jsou takova nekreativni :( , jedine ktere by za to stalo je:

    JVMLOK --- ---
    Sci-Fi, Cyberpunk, Science, Singularity and Geek T-shirts | Memetic Tees
    RADIQAL --- ---
    PROJECT ARBITER (2014) Short Film by Michael Chance

    TRAGED --- ---
    JOSE_MAT: Cili, kdo z vas? Ze by Sun? :-)
    SMETI --- ---
    JOSE_MAT: ajo lol to sem si nevsim vubec :]
    JOSE_MAT --- ---
    SMETI: nejlepší je ta poznávací značka úplně vlevo nad tim sedícím týpkem :)
    SMETI --- ---

    The concept behind Deus Ex: Universe is to create an ongoing, expanding and connected game world built across a generation of core games. It’s a commitment on our part to deliver meaningful content that expands the franchise on a regular basis and to deliver a deep conspiracy that will span several connected Deus Ex games, creating a more immersive and richer experience than ever before. Deus Ex: Universe will include PC and console games, but also additional Deus Ex games and experiences available in other media such as tablets, smartphones, books, graphic novels, etc... You might have seen the name pop up recently in the press – well this is what it’s all about.
    I’m pleased to confirm that we are already into production of the starting point for Deus Ex: Universe with a new game for PC and next-generation consoles. We’re very excited about it at the studio and I wanted to let you know that most of the team behind Deus Ex: Human Revolution is already working hard on this new game. It took us four years to learn how to create a unique Deus Ex experience with Human Revolution and it was important for me to keep this knowledge within the franchise.

    I want to leave you with a piece of concept art from our next-gen Deus Ex game that shows trans-humanism segregation, which is a backdrop to our vision for the next Deus Ex. It represents a "ghetto-city' voluntarily built in order to separate the classes. The people in this segregated class have reshaped their environment, nostalgic for their ideal of Cyber Renaissance. This dark and dystopian vision sets the tone for things to come in Deus Ex.
    For now, I hope you are excited about the future of this game that we love so much. Deus Ex is coming to next-gen, it’s early so don’t expect to hear much more from us just yet, but I wanted you to know.
    I'm very excited as a developer and gamer!
    JVMLOK --- ---
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    The sensors in the Haas-Peters class hand are several times as sensitive as those of a human hand. I can estimate within eight ounces the weight of any object I hold in it and count grains of sugar that rest on its surface. When I caress a lover's cheek I experience every texture, every slight undulation of her jaw line. I can adjust the hand's temperature, increase and decrease the pressure per square inch it exerts when grasping so that I can crush masonry or grip a soap bubble. If anything, the arm expands my experiences, which is why I'm prepared to offer substantial payment if you bring me a Haas-Peters model.

    Let's deck into the BLOODNET (Undead Version) | Page 5 | rpg codex > 12 years of whining about shit RPGs

    Browsil jsem neco jineho a narazil na tenhle muj vubec nejoblibenejsi citat z Bloodnet,... Mmchodem obcas prosvitJi na netu naky predelavky origa od Microprose,opravdu nekdy vznikla naka lepsi verze? Treba tajdle ve foru jsou videt na mape obrazky lokaci,ktery ja ve hre urco nemel... Kdyztak link na dwnld pls, da se to v DosBoxu a vrele doporucuju i dnesnim hracum ( schvalne bych si poslech recenze, pamatujete Bloodnet?)
    TONAL --- ---
    KALKALOID: To je výtečný snímek. Trampoty emzáka, co quitnul job a zmateně se snaží začlenit mezi lidi. Velice příjemné koukání i když jsem knížku nečetl....
    KALKALOID --- ---
    JOSE_MAT: Sic to sem nepatri, ale jako zase bacha. Sem ji nedavno videl na nejakym festivalku v kine v adaptaci vyborny knihy Pod kuzi, kterou vsem zde vrele doporucuju diky svy temnote a atmosfere, a nebyt tam ona, tak to asi ani nedokoukam. Nicmene knihu stejne doporucuju vic, na ten film clovek rozhodne musi mit naladu a asi taky znalost s ty knizky, i kdyz nektery momenty sou tam hodne moc. http://www.csfd.cz/film/293750-pod-kuzi/
    RIVA --- ---
    JOSE_MAT: No, kozy ma jako Major... :D
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam