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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    _K5_ --- ---
    AYOW: nechce se mi věřit, že by se Karel Gott, kterého si pamatuji ze socialistické televize jako člověka, který uměl zpívat, ale neuměl mluvit, takto rozpovídal.

    Pokud ale platí, že níže odkázaný článek vyšel 2001-06-21, pak je to pro mě relevantní zdroj a tedy klobouk dolů (Karel je kritizován, za to co řekl):
    Britské listy
    JAXXE --- ---
    Exclusive: Prosecutors, regulators close to making Libor arrests

    (Reuters) - Prosecutors and European regulators are close to arresting individual traders and charging them with colluding to manipulate global benchmark interest rates, according to people familiar with a sweeping investigation into the rigging scandal.

    Federal prosecutors in Washington, D.C., have recently contacted lawyers representing some of the suspects to notify them that criminal charges and arrests could be imminent, said two of those sources, who asked not to be identified because the investigation is ongoing.

    Defense lawyers, some of whom represent suspects, said prosecutors have indicated they plan to begin making arrests and filing criminal charges in the next few weeks. In long-running financial investigations it is not uncommon for prosecutors to contact defense lawyers before filing charges to offer suspects a chance to cooperate or take a plea, these lawyers said.

    The prospect of charges and arrests means prosecutors are getting a fuller picture of how traders at major banks allegedly sought to influence the London Interbank Offered Rate, or Libor, and other global rates that underpin hundreds of trillions of dollars in assets. The criminal charges would come alongside efforts by regulators to five major banks, and could show that the alleged activity was not rampant at the lenders.


    Beyond regulatory penalties and criminal charges, banks face a growing number of civil lawsuits from cities, companies and financial institutions claiming they were harmed by rate manipulation.


    Exclusive: Prosecutors, regulators close to making Libor arrests| Reuters
    LOVE_DALI --- ---
    AYOW: Tak Karel už naznačoval dost hned po revoluci..
    JAXXE --- ---
    Shooter James Holmes and DARPA Weird Science

    Kurt Nimmo Infowars.com July 24, 2012

    Appearing on the Alex Jones Show today, investigative journalist Wayne Madsen said accused shooter James Holmes had a number of links to U.S. government-funded research centers, including the Defense Advance Research Projects Agency, or DARPA.

    James Holmes was one of six recipients of a National Institutes of Health Neuroscience Training Grant at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus in Denver, Madsen writes for the Wayne Madsen Report.

    “The Anschutz Medical Campus is on the recently de-commisioned site of the U.S. Army’s Fitzsimons Army Medical Center and is named after Philip Anschutz, the billionaire Christian fundamentalist oil and railroad tycoon who also owns The Examiner newspaper chain and website and the neo-conservative Weekly Standard,” Madsen explains. “The Anschutz Medical Campus was built by a $91 million grant from the Anschutz Foundation.”

    Holmes also worked as a research assistant intern at the Salk Institute at the University of California at San Diego in La Jolla. The Salk Institute teamed up with DARPA, Columbia University, University of California at San Francisco, University of Wisconsin at Madison, Wake Forest University, and the candy bar company Mars “to prevent fatigue in combat troops through the enhanced use of epicatechina, a blood flow-increasing and blood vessel-dilating anti-oxidant flavanol found in cocoa and, particularly, in dark chocolate,” according to Madsen’s research.

    The DARPA program was part of the military’s “Peak Soldier Performance Program,” which involved engineering brain-machine interfaces for battlefield use and other bionic projects.

    In addition, James Holmes’ father, Dr. Robert Holmes, worked for San Diego-based HNC Software, Inc., a company that worked with DARPA to develop “cortronic neural networks” that enable machines to translate aural and visual stimuli and simulate human thinking.

    The Holmes family appears to have deep connections to the military-industrial complex. Lt. Col. Robert Holmes, the grandfather of James Holmes, was a graduate Turkish language graduates of the Army Language School, later the Defense Language Institute, in Monterey, California (the same military installation, incidentally, where alleged 9/11 hijacker Saeed Alghamdi trained).


    » Shooter James Holmes and DARPA Weird Science Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
    JAXXE --- ---
    Propaganda Alert: Iran in “Open War” with Israel – Syria Chemical Weapons a Threat to Israel

    Posted on July 24, 2012 by David2

    Nunez Report President Shimon Peres on Monday condemned Syrian government statements that it would deploy chemical weapons in the event of a foreign invasion, and said Israel would do whatever it takes to eliminate the threat these weapons pose to the Jewish state.

    “Use of chemical weapons is internationally forbidden,” he said in a CNN interview with Elise Labott. “We shall not remain indifferent and tell them, ‘Do what you want.’”

    Asked how far Israel was prepared to go to prevent Syrian chemical weapons from being used or transferred to terrorist organizations, Israel’s octogenarian leader replied, “Until it will stop being a danger.”

    Peres and Labott also discussed the issue of the rising violence in Syria and the growing number of refugees fleeing the conflict. According to the Local Coordination Committees at least 130 Syrians were killed on Sunday, and the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights claimed that over1,200 were killed in the last week.

    Regarding a potential influx of refugees to Israel, Peres said that any forceful attempts by Syrians to cross Israel’s border would be met with force. Attempt to cross the border peacefully but illegally, he said, would be stopped with civilian means, “the way any country defended [sic] her border.”

    Until now, he added, no Syrians fleeing from President Bashar Assad’s forces had requested asylum, “and I don’t anticipate that anyone will.”

    Asked about the Burgas attack in which five Israelis were killed and dozens more were injured, Peres reiterated Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s accusation that Iran and Hezbollah stood behind the suspected suicide bombing. He asserted that there was enough hard evidence to implicate Iran and its proxy Hezbollah in the terrorist attack.

    “It’s an open war of Iran against Israel” and more attacks are being planned against Israeli targets, Peres said.


    Propaganda Alert: Iran in “Open War” with Israel – Syria Chemical Weapons a Threat to Israel | _
    JAXXE --- ---
    Britain could be dragged into Syria conflict to prevent bloodshed spreading to neighbouring countries, says former Army commander

    Analysts say 300,000-strong force would be needed for full-scale intervention
    Military chiefs in London are already drawing up plans for deployment
    The regime has reportedly used air power against its people for the first time

    By Ian Drury PUBLISHED: 23:27 GMT, 24 July 2012 | UPDATED: 00:24 GMT, 25 July 2012

    Military option: Colonel Richard Kemp has warned that Britain risks being sucked into military action in Syria to prevent bloodshed spreading

    Britain risks being sucked into military action in Syria to prevent bloodshed spreading, a former Army commander has warned.

    Colonel Richard Kemp, who led UK forces in Afghanistan, said the escalating civil war made it increasingly likely that the West would be forced to step in.

    But defence analysts warned that a force of at least 300,000 troops would be needed to carry out a full-scale intervention.

    Even then, this would face fierce resistance. At least 75,000 would be needed to secure Syria’s chemical weapons stockpiles.

    Although the weapons are thought to be safe, earlier this week the Assad regime said it would use them in the event of any invasion by foreign forces.

    Military chiefs in London are already drawing up contingency plans in case the UK decides to deploy troops to the volatile region.

    Former SAS soldiers are helping to train rebel fighters in Syria in military tactics from weapon handling, leadership and the use of communications systems to tackle Basher al-Assad’s brutal regime.

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/...ticle-2178526/Britain-dragged-Syria-conflict-prevent-bloodshed-spreading-neighbouring-countries-says-Army-commander.html
    MTO --- ---
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Evropská unie je obviňována, že se snaží prosadit zadními vrátky kontroverzní dohodu, která by donutila poskytovatele internetových služeb předat vládám osobní údaje všech osob, podezřívaných z porušování autorských práv na internetu.

    Z prozrazených dokumentů vyplývá, že nejkontroverznější části dohody ACTA, kterou v minulých dnech drtivou většinou odmítl Evropský parlament, jsou také součástí obchodní dohody mezi EU a Kanadou, nazvané CETA. A jednání o této dohodě je v konečné etapě.

    Experti varují, že stoupenci této dohody - mezi nimiž je i Evropská komise - se snaží přimět europoslance, aby schválili nejkontroverznější ustanovení, která jsou součástí kanadsko-evropské smlouvy s tím, že je pak nebudou moci odmítnout v rámci smlouvy ACTA, až je schválí v této dohodě s Kanadou.

    více zde:

    JAXXE --- ---
    The Great Revealing: US Marshals Expose Biggest Scandal in History

    The Department of Justice -- home of the US Marshals -- has now blown the lid off of the biggest financial scandal in human history... after a highly covert three-year investigation.

    The LIBOR scandal has started the Great Revealing of Financial Tyranny. Mass arrests must begin with mass charges, and mass court cases -- and that has now arrived. Disclosure of many great hidden truths will follow.


    Every person on Earth is increasingly aware that our world is ruled by corrupt forces -- to an almost Biblical degree.

    The astonishing events that have unfolded since June 27, 2012 have made that much more obvious -- even for those who have been in the greatest denial.

    This process has been fascinating to watch -- not to mention remarkably rewarding.

    After many years of hard work to expose the truth, we are finally seeing results -- on a worldwide level. The knowledge will spread much, much more with each passing day.

    In this new investigation, I will do my best to provide you with a blow-by-blow compendium of what has actually happened.

    Furthermore, we are now seeing a precise fulfillment of the justice we've been promising on this site since at least last November.

    Critical information was leaked to us from highly classified insider sources, working for the good of humanity. Current events have proven that their plan is still very much in effect.



    The Great Revealing has not yet become the one thing everyone is talking about.

    The arrests and resignations have only just begun -- and the mainstream Western media is equally as culpable as those controlling the financial system.

    After all, it's the same people.

    This is one of many popular notions that are proven in Financial Tyranny. It is no longer a "conspiracy theory."



    Indeed, the world just found out that all the biggest banks are in bed together.

    They are all implicated in a vast conspiracy to lie to the public, and create artificial investor confidence that benefits no one but themselves.

    Mass criminal charges are already being prepared -- by labor unions, local banks, local governments, state governments and federal governments -- as a result of this move by the Department of Justice.

    All the evidence is now freely available, as we will see -- and the story is nearly moving faster than we can keep up with at this point, with new developments on a day-by-day basis.



    Last September, an incredible scientific paper was released that proved, irrefutably, that the world is being controlled by a vastly interconnected cabal.

    It is rather ironic that these scientists are based in Switzerland -- the world capital of secretive, off-the-books banking.



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    Podle agentury Reuters to řekl jeho advokát. Mluvčí Vatikánu Federico Lombardi zároveň oznámil, že Paolo Gabriele může opustit preventivní vazbu a může být umístěn do domácího vězení.

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    Passage to Ecuador: Chomsky, Assange, sham justice, sham democracies | London Progressive Journal
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    TEHERÁN - Bývalý generál obávaných íránských Revolučních gard promluvil. V dopise adresovaném opozičnímu aktivistovi označil vládní tvrzení o mírové povaze íránského jaderného programu za naprosté lži.

    "Inspektoři Mezinárodní agentury pro atomovou energii jsou naivní, jestli věří tomu, že íránská jaderná zařízení, na zemi i pod zemí, mají mírový charakter. Chameneího slova o míru jsou čistá lež. Aby Írán mohl čelit tlaku mezinárodního společenství posílá na čínské a ruské bankovní účty miliardy dolarů. Rusko a Čína pak islámskou republiku podporují při vyjednáváních," stojí v dopise, který opoziční aktivista Muhammad Núrizád vyvěsil na svých webových stánkách. Z bezpečnostních důvodů je podepsán jen iniciálami.
    Núrizád v telefonickém rozhovoru pro list The Guardian uvedl, že se nejedná o první takový dopis z pera vysoce postaveného důstojníka vlivné jednotky, který četl.

    Mírové jádro? Naprosté lži! Íránský generál promluvil | Zprávy ze světa | www.lidovky.cz
    PETVAL --- ---
    RT had a very interesting interview with former NSA official turned whistleblower Thomas A. Drake, who said, 'Security has effectively become the State religion; you don't question it. And if you question it, then your loyalty is questioned.' 'Speaking truth of power is very dangerous in today's world,' he added. The interviewer pointed out that investigative journalists are labeled as 'terrorist helpers' for trying to reveal the truth, to which Drake said the government's take is 'you go after the messenger because the last thing you want to do is deal with the message.'"

    HOPE 9: Whistleblower Binney says the NSA has dossiers on nearly every US citizen

    NSA Whistleblower Drake: You're automatically suspicious until proven otherwise

    video prednaska:
    NSA whistleblower Bill Binney at #HOPE9
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    MTO --- ---
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