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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    KUKIDE --- ---
    Secrets of the Federal Reserve Eustace Mullins 192 pages - Secrets of the Federal Reserve Eustace Mullins 192 pages.pdf - Minus
    KUKIDE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    David Icke: "Stuff Your Foreclosure, We Ain't Moving!" - YouTube
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Dvě družice typu Misty, vypuštěné v roce 1990 a 1999, dokonce mizí občas z dráhy, takže protivníci nevědí, o co se tato tělesa právě zajímají. Spekuluje se, že třetí Misty by měla startovat letos. Zatím přišly tyto družice na takřka 12 miliard dolarů. Jednu dobu probleskovaly zprávy, že program neviditelných družic USA zrušily, ale to mohl být zastírací manévr. Čím novější technika se používá, tím víc se její existence utajuje.
    Zdroj: http://technet.idnes.cz/pacner-spioni-nad-bajkonurem-dip-/tec_vesmir.aspx?c=A120820_132307_tec_vesmir_mla
    KUKIDE --- ---
    Colorádská televize o 9/11, skočte na druhou minutu a vyhnete se reklamě
    Video: 9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out | Watch Colorado Public Television Presents Online | Colorado Public Television / KBDI 12 Video
    JAXXE --- ---
    Julian Assange has called for the U.S. to stop its witch hunt against whistleblowers and also thanked Ecuador for granting him political asylum. He made his long-awaited statement on the balcony of the Latin American country's London embassy surrounded by British police, who were ready to sweep him into custody if he set foot outside the building. RT's Laura Smith is outside that embassy in London.

    Assange Standoff: Hands off Ecuador! - YouTube
    JAXXE --- ---
    Lord Rothschild takes £130m bet against the euro

    Lord Rothschild has taken a near-£130m bet against the euro as fears continue to grow that the single currency will break up.

    Chairman of RIT Capital Partners, Lord Jacob Rothschild arrives for a reception, hosted by Britain's Prince Charles, at Clarence House in London for the delegates of the Global Investment Conference

    By James Quinn 9:55PM BST 18 Aug 2012

    The member of the banking dynasty has taken the position through RIT Capital Partners, the £1.9bn investment trust of which he is executive chairman.

    The fact that the former investment banker, a senior member of the Rothschild family, has taken such a view will be seen as a further negative for the currency.

    The latest omen follows news in The Daily Telegraph late last week that the government of Finland is already preparing for the euro’s break-up.

    RIT, which Lord Rothschild has led since 1988, had a -7pc net short position in terms of principal currency exposures on the euro at the end of July, up from -3pc at the end of January. Given a net asset value of £1.836bn at the end of July, the position is worth £128m.

    Sources close to RIT suggested that the position was not a dogmatic negative view on the euro as a currency, but rather a realistic approach on a currency that remains relatively weak.
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    It is not the first time Lord Rothschild has used currency positions as a form of hedge. RIT significantly increased its exposure in sterling after the currency’s decline in 2008, but then scaled back on both the sterling and the euro, anticipating the ensuing recessions in both regions.

    Some 53pc of RIT’s assets were in US dollars at the end of July, in part a reflection of its deal to buy a 37pc stake in Rockefeller Financial Services at the end of May.

    Lord Rothschild is not alone in seeing value in shorting – or selling down – the euro. At a conference organised by business news channel CNBC in July, Mary Callahan Erdoes, head of JPMorgan Asset Management, said “shorting the euro” when asked for her single best investment idea.

    In June, George Soros – the billionaire investor best known in the UK for helping to force sterling out of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism in 1992 by betting against the British currency – said that European leaders at that point had a “three-month window” to save the euro.

    Lord Rothschild takes £130m bet against the euro - Telegraph
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    The James Holmes Conspiracy (2012 Full Documentary) - YouTube
    KUKIDE --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: ho vyhodil okýnkem přeci...
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Bernie Kerik Says Hijacker's Passport Was Found 3-4 Blocks From WTC - YouTube

    Komisař Newyorské policie Bernard Kerik CBS oznámil, že pas “jednoho z únosců” byl nalezen 3 nebo 4 bloky dál od trosek zhroucené WTC. Později bylo oznámeno, že byl pas v zachovalém stavu a dokázal přežít explozivní teploty, které spálily “černé skříňky” Boeingů 767 American Airlines a roztavily ocel ve WTC. Později bylo také oznámeno, že pas patřil jednomu z únosců, Satamu al-Suqamimu a byl nalezen “chodcem.”
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    Where Is the Proof that UN Soldiers are Actively Operating on American Soil? Oh, Right Here...
    CONTINUITY --- ---
    MTO: hlavní hrdina je Davidovi Ickeovi docela podobnej ;-D

    Viděla jsem včera, nejlepší ! :)

    Takže They Live taky moc doporučuju.

    Taková podobná syrová pravda, jak v Krásná Zelená (La Belle Verte tuším).
    To, jak znázornili pravdu za sděleníma kolem nás, mně dostalo, jednoduchý a dokonalý:


    A vůbec, snad všechny dialogy.
    Třeba to, že jsme v zásadě chovnej dobytek.
    Nebo že všechny ty sračky, co si vypouštíme do atmosféry, jsou pro někoho jinýho žádoucí potravou.

    Jediný, co neberu úplně, jsou ti zakuklení aliens mezi náma. Kdo ví. To je něco, co jsem ještě na vlastní oči neviděla (zatímco hodně z toho ostatního ano). Vždycky jsem viděla jen lidi, některý z nich hodně pokřivený nebo bez duše, ale samý lidi.

    Na druhou stranu, tomu, že se mocní kamarádí s nějakejma partičkama skutečnejch alienů, a dostávají od nich hračky, tomu věřím.
    PETVAL --- ---
    Ex CIA agent explains how to delete the elite! - YouTube

    ma tam dobre napady i zajimave vyroky, napr

    "I am spy saying spying doesn't work. It costs you 1.2 bilion dollars a week to produce president's weekly intelligence report to a guy who can't read."

    "NSA is a 1950's mindset with 1970's technologies."

    "I do believe in secret societies although, you know, given a choice between conspiracy and incompetence I generally go with incomptence. The Bilderberg group - I just saw a list of who attended last time and it's almost a list of nobodies who want to be somebodies combined with somebodies on their way down. I am not that impressed. These people think they're the movers and the shakers, they're only the movers & the shakers as long as you let them be."

    "I spent 18 years trying to help secret goverment organizations get in touch with unclassified information."

    a dalsi...
    PETVAL --- ---
    Skandál LIBOR: New York začíná kvůli podvodům vyšetřovat sedm obřích světových bank
    Skandál LIBOR se rozšiřuje - zatím je v něm potrestaná jen britská banka Barclays. Americká prokuratura nyní začala vyšetřovat Citigroup, Deutsche Bank, JPMorgan Chase, HSBC, Royal Bank of Scotland a UBS.
    Skandál LIBOR: New York začíná kvůli podvodům vyšetřovat sedm obřích světových bank | byznys.ihned.cz - Zpravodajství
    KUKIDE --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: třeba jako portugalsko
    The Portuguese Run Out Of Gold To Sell | ZeroHedge
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Miroslav Kalousek varoval, že země, která ztratí přístup na finanční trhy, přestává být svobodná a stává se rukojmím "těch ošklivých imperialistů z Wall Streetu".
    "Oni vám to pak nadiktujou. A můžete akorát tak sklapnout kramfleky," prohlásil.
    GORG --- ---
    Administration won’t release bin Laden records - Army News | News from Afghanistan & Iraq - Army Times

    Citing the law, The Associated Press asked for files about the raid in more than 20 separate requests, mostly submitted the day after bin Laden’s death. The Pentagon told AP this month it could not locate any photographs or video taken during the raid or showing bin Laden’s body. It also said it could not find any images of bin Laden’s body on the Navy aircraft carrier where the al-Qaida leader’s body was taken.

    The Pentagon said it could not find any death certificate, autopsy report or results of DNA identification tests for bin Laden, or any pre-raid materials discussing how the government planned to dispose of bin Laden’s body if he were killed.
    It said it searched files at the Pentagon, U.S. Special Operations Command in Tampa, Fla., and the Navy command in San Diego that controls the aircraft carrier Carl Vinson, used in the mission.


    In the hours and days after bin Laden’s death, the White House provided conflicting versions of events, falsely saying that bin Laden was armed and even firing at the SEALs, misidentifying which of bin Laden’s sons was killed, and incorrectly saying bin Laden’s wife died in the shootout. President Obama’s press secretary attributed the errors to the “fog of combat.”


    The Pentagon is refusing even to confirm or deny the existence of helicopter maintenance logs and reports about the performance of military gear used in the raid
    JAXXE --- ---
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