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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    KUKIDE --- ---
    Jay Rockefeller New World Order - YouTube
    FAEKAL --- ---
    Kdo ukradl americký sen?

    Kdy a jak ovládly korporace americkou politiku, kulturu a ekonomiku. Jak došlo ke zotročení amerického národa. Proč se americký sen o svobodné společnosti a o svobodě pracovat na svém vlastním štěstí proměnil na noční můru totalitního státu.

    Zlodějna - Kdo ukradl americký sen? - YouTube

    KUKIDE --- ---
    tak pozadí okolo socha fall

    Backgrounder on Sorcha Faal | The 2012 Scenario
    KUKIDE --- ---
    Is RT's Abby Martin A Shill? Unbelievable Sandy Hook Deniers Series (Episode #1) - YouTube
    KUKIDE --- ---
    dám to i sem:
    The Sixth Extinction - Episode #1 - Arctic Apocalypse - Full Episode - YouTube

    KUKIDE --- ---
    “Today, we know that traces of TNT were found on the wreckage of the TU-154 plane … but from confirming traces of TNT to suggesting an assassination is a long way,” commented Justice Minister Jarosław Gowin.

    KUKIDE --- ---
    Terminal X: Retired official claims Israeli military's biowarfare division working on genetically-modified 'hybrid animals'
    KUKIDE --- ---
    KUKIDE --- ---

    kdyby jste hledali peníze tak tady určitě nějaké mají... :)
    Top Russian TV Station Exposes Financial Tyranny (Pics, Video) | All About 2012
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---
    Congress outraged by the secrecy behind Obama's drone war — RT
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---

    Tony Blair zamlada
    KUKIDE --- ---
    KUKIDE --- ---
    HESPELER: jsem rád že občas z toho co sleduju taky něco někdo má

    jj škatulky na to je to dobrý...
    PETVAL --- ---
    Deutsche Bank fungovala jako středobod obří skupiny podvodníků s povolenkami | byznys.ihned.cz - Zpravodajství
    JAXXE --- ---
    Secret Meeting in London: Plotting to Wage War on Syria without UN Authorization
    Britain’s “Duplicity, treachery and infidelity.”

    By Felicity Arbuthnot Global Research, December 11, 2012

    Somewhere between being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and the consolidating farce of the presentation in Oslo yesterday, recipients were plotting another freedom and democracy bringing “humanitarian intervention”, illegal regime change and the destruction of a country in order to save it.

    Remember Libya was “not going to be another Iraq” disaster, “lessons have been learned”? Libya’s ruined towns and social structure of course, chillingly resemble Iraq. Now, it is Syria’s turn, but Syria will “not be another Libya”, yes mistakes were made, but lessons have yet again been learned.

    Today’s (London) Independent cover story reports the: “plan for (the) international coalition to provide air and naval support, plus military training for the opposition”, commenting that :“Western intervention is now deemed necessary as civil war has reached ‘tipping point’ “
    and of course: “Britain, France and US agree ‘no boots on the ground.’ “

    This is the outcome of a secret meeting in London recently, hosted by Sir David Richards, who heads Britain’s armed forces. Participants in the scheming were: “the military chiefs of France, Turkey, Jordan, Qatar, the UAE and” (surprise) “a three star American General.” The paper records: “Strategy was discussed at length”, with other UK government Ministries “and their counterparts in allied states” also holding meetings – read plotting another overthrow of massive illegality, of a sovereign leader and government.


    The action, as Iraq, is planned to go ahead without UN authorization, since that would in near certainty be blocked by China and Russia on the Security Council.

    One multi-million dollar question remains, will Russia and China sit quietly on the sidelines and allow another bloodbath and overthrow, having been so comprehensively duped over Libya?


    Secret Meeting in London: Plotting to Wage War on Syria without UN Authorization | Global Research
    JAXXE --- ---
    Israel suspected over Iran nuclear programme inquiry leaks

    Western officials believe Israel may have leaked information from IAEA investigation in bid to raise global pressure on Tehran

    Julian Borger, The Guardian, Monday 10 December 2012 20.47 GMT

    Israel is suspected of carrying out a series of leaks implicating Iran in nuclear weapons experiments in an attempt to raise international pressure on Tehran and halt its programme.

    Western diplomats believe the leaks may have backfired, compromising a UN-sanctioned investigation into Iran's past nuclear activities and current aspirations.

    The latest leak, published by the Associated Press (AP), purported to be an Iranian diagram showing the physics of a nuclear blast, but scientists quickly pointed out an elementary mistake that cast doubt on its significance and authenticity. An article in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists declared: "This diagram does nothing more than indicate either slipshod analysis or an amateurish hoax."


    The leaked diagram raised questions about an investigation being carried out by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspectors after it emerged that it formed part of a file of intelligence on alleged Iranian nuclear weapons work held by the agency.

    The IAEA's publication of a summary of the file in November 2011 helped trigger a new round of punitive EU and US sanctions.


    An "intelligence summary" provided to AP with the graph appeared to go out of its way to implicate two men in nuclear weapons testing who had been targeted for assassination two years ago. One of them, Majid Shahriari, was killed on his way to work in Tehran in November 2010 after a motorcyclist fixed a bomb to the door of his car. The other, Fereydoun Abbasi-Davani, was wounded in a near identical attack the same day.

    A book published earlier this year by veteran Israeli and American writers on intelligence, called Spies Against Armageddon, said the attacks were carried out by an assassination unit known as Kidon, or Bayonet – part of the Mossad.


    Israel suspected over Iran nuclear programme inquiry leaks | World news | The Guardian
    HESPELER --- ---
    KUKIDE: OH FUCK! This completeledy rustled all my remaining jimmies! Thanks a lot!

    PETVAL --- ---
    //o alternativach peneznich systemu
    Táňa Fischerová: Čím a proč nás krmí

    O knize Vzpoura přichází
    Nestává se příliš často, že by knihy blízké anarchismu myšlenkově i jazykově konkurovaly akademickému psaní neomarxistů, kteří až na výjimky typu Noama Chomského nebo Davida Graebera mají takřka monopol na kritiku neoliberalismu. Nyní v češtině vyšla kniha, jež se této optice úspěšně vzpírá.

    Průlomový okamžik: ve Švýcarsku připravují referendum o základním nepodmíněném příjmu!
    Základní příjem je neokeynesiánská metoda, jež podobna Rooseveltovu plánu nalézá východisko z krize v dostání peněz dolů, ke spodním vrstvám obyvatelstva, ovšem s bonusem navíc - sází nikoliv na plánované hospodářství, nýbrž na seberealizační potenciál obyvatelstva, jemuž je ponecháno na vůli, jak naloží s výhodami plynoucími z odstranění rizik samostatně se rozhodující existence. S touto teorií přišel Belgičan Van Parijs, u nás byla jeho kniha přeložena a okomentována akademikem Markem Hrubcem spolu s jeho kolegou, Marek se tímto zabývá dále, jakož i značné množství kroužků a hnutí, iniciativ a organizací, jako je os Danubka, jejíž aktivista minulý týden ohlásil:
    PETVAL --- ---
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