Tsarnaev Wife Skull and Bones, CIA Family Connections
Katherine Russell has CIA pedigree in the family, but we are not sure yet whether she comes from the original Russell line. Coincidentally, the name Russell plays a central role in American secret societies and many believe that they preside over one of the most influential legacies in American history.
21st Century Wire May 7, 2013
As more insights into the life and death of dead Boston Bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev continues to unfold, based on the available evidence – it’s becoming more and more obvious that he was either an FBI and/or CIA informant (or both), who was chosen to be set up as a fall guy, or patsy for the Boston Bombings. In this instance, he would also have needed a “handler” – someone who could help to steer and influence his day-to-day decision making. That person could be someone was very close to him. This leak appeared on Brasscheck TV’s Facebook page a few days ago:
“CONFIRMED: Katherine Russell (alleged bomber’s wife) is granddaughter of Richard Warren Russell, Skull and Bones member and entrepreneur in the energy industry.
Russell’s obituary lists Warren King Russell II as son – and that’s Katherine’s emergency room doctor father.
That means wife had family spook connections as well as husband Tamerlan (Uncle Rusla). And both had fast, dramatic and uncharacteristic conversions to a perverted form of Islam favored by the gangster family that runs Saudi Arabia and works hand in hand with our spooks.
What does a massive coincidence like this mean?
You tell me. All I can do is report the stuff no one else seems to be able to get around to. (Nice in-depth front page article today Washington Post on the “mystery” of Tamerlan that breathes a hint of none of this.)
Katherine reportedly wanted to join the Peace Corps. Maybe she actually joined the agency the Peace Corps is a cover for…”
Uncle Ruslan: The ‘man in the middle’
Aside from the already documented evidence of the FBI interfacing with the elder Tamerlan Tsarnaev over a 5 year span, we have also placed him at a CIA front NGO conference in Russia, as well as highlighted how incredibly well-connected his now famous Uncle Ruslan Tsarni (his name was changed from Tsarnaev to ‘Tsarni” at some point in the past) is with his ties to some major geopolitical strategic oil ventures in Kazakstan and Central Asia, as well as organised crime figures in the former Soviet countries and the historical CIA-trojan horse organisation known as USAID.
Incredibly, just last September 2012, the Kremlin requested the U.S. close its USAID office in Moscow, with Putin claiming that the NGO was being used to create various opposition group in Russia and being used by Washington to try and unseat him from power. Much has been made of the Tsarnaevs’ loose “Chechen ethnic roots”, a long favoured jihadist hot button for Washington DC and Saudi Arabia in their bid to antagonise Russia.
Regarding the crucial issue of Kazakhstan oil and the CPC & BTC Oil pipelines – all of which Ruslan Tsarni has been a key player in organising, author John Laughland explains, “the leading group which pleads the Chechen cause is the American Committee for Peace in Chechnya (ACPC). The list of the self-styled ‘distinguished Americans’ who are its members is a roll call of the most prominent neoconservatives who so enthusiastically support the ‘war on terror.’
“They include Richard Perle, the notorious Pentagon adviser; Elliott Abrams of Iran-Contra fame; Kenneth Adelman, the former US ambassador to the UN who egged on the invasion of Iraq by predicting it would be ‘a cakewalk’; Midge Decter, biographer of Donald Rumsfeld and a director of the rightwing Heritage Foundation; Frank Gaffney of the militarist Centre for Security Policy; Bruce Jackson, former US military intelligence officer and one-time vice-president of Lockheed Martin, now president of the US Committee on Nato; Michael Ledeen of the American Enterprise Institute, a former admirer of Italian fascism and now a leading proponent of regime change in Iran; and R. James Woolsey, the former CIA director who is one of the leading cheerleaders behind George Bush’s plans to re-model the Muslim world along pro-US lines.”
Tsarnaev Wife Skull and Bones, CIA Family Connections - | Intellihub.com